#weapxns left !
Ahem *knocks on aitreos skull* Hey sexy. Could you tell us one of the craziest things you've done? Do you regret it or is it something you'd do again?
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TA: HA! That’s gxnna be a hard questixn tx answer, I’ve been arxund lxng enxugh tx have dxne a fucktxn xf stupid shit. And I dxn’t even need tx be drunk xr high fxr that! If yxu live as lxng as I have, yxu just get bxred enxugh tx dx sxmething crazy...
He laughs a little at himself as he remembers some of the antics.
TA: Alright, I’ll thrxw a stxry at yxu, sx listen up...
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TA: Xk sx, I was at this fucking cheap ass bar at sxme pxint. Fuck, I fxrget when, been a cxuple sweeps, but that dxesn’t matter. Pxint is, I was there, in this ramshackle place I’ve never been in befxre. Nxbxdy knew me and that was fucking tight, heck I was even in hemxanxn mxde sx pexple wxuldn’t be bxthered by my blxxd cxlxr and I cxuld just hang xut fxr nx fucking reasxn xther than tx hang xut, yeah?
TA: In walks this jade with a green and they just hang xut at the bar, nxthing weird yet. I casually watch them talk and make xut at sxme pxint. It’s lxxking pretty flush frxm where I’m standing, but even that’s nxthing xut xf left field.
TA: A while later, in stxrms anxther jade and starts yelling at the jade and the green. xh shit, sxn! Lxxks like sxmebxdy was cheating, and a friend just happened tx catch it and called the bxx getting cheated xn. xbvixusly sucks fxr all parties invxlved, but man it was like watching a sxap xpera xn TV, except better.
TA: Sx the jade that stxrmed in and the green whx’d been making xut with their flush in red style start gxing at each xther vxcally, and everybxdy in the bar is just watching. Prxbably the best entertainment they’d had in a while, because nxbxdy seemed tx want tx stxp em. Xr maybe they were afraid xf getting hurt? Whx cares. But shit started tx get really intense, the xther jade starts yelling txx and at sxme pxint, there’s suddenly knives xut and threats being made abxut killing each xther.
TA: The audience started taking sides and taking bets xn whx wxuld win, and that’s when I decided tx dx sxmething stupid. The green and the jade are sx fucking clxse tx tearing intx each xther, snarling, pxinting weapxns at each xther and guess what ya bxy did...
TA: I walked right inbetween them and txld them it’s all gxxd. Everybxdy frxze at that. I just txld them that hey, things were gxnna be fine, and there was nx need tx fight and I hugged them a cxuple times while smiling sweetly and all dxpey. I wasn’t gxing pale xn them thxugh. Just kinda standing there and lxxking like a super nice ass dude, while lxxking prxbably pretty fucking stupid. Maybe even a little deranged? As if I hadn’t literally seen what had transpired, xr I was blissfully unaware xf the situatixn.
TA: Xne xf em stabs me with a knife xf sxme sxrt and I dx my best tx hide the flinch, and pretend like that didn’t happen just nxw. I just cxntinue tx be super nice tx them, despite the knife in my ribs, bxggling their fucking minds until everybxdy just simmers dxwn. They were sx fucking cxnfused, it was hilarixus, thxugh I cxuldn’t exactly laugh in that mxment, that knife wasn’t exactly cxmfxrtable.
TA: Either way, I waited fxr everybxdy tx be calm again, befxre I excused myself fxr the txilet tx remxve that knife and clean it xff. They didn’t need tx knxw I was a Fuchsia, and my dark clxthing had definitely cxncealed the bit xf blxxd I’d shed back there. I return the knife tx the jade and wish him a nice night befxre I leave, everybxdy in that establishment mindfucked sx hard that they prxbably questixned their sanity xr sxmething, HA!
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