#whch i cannot go do bc i sort of have a job
ffuturefoundation · 6 years
life is weird at the moment. I know i have been very absent and there are posts i want to make, but a lot has been going on.
so i finished the internship last week, and the owner was being super weird (and a total asshole), but in the end he ended up saying that he wanted to hire me for a while but on løntilskud (which means that he gets a massive discount from the government, and it still counts as if i am unemployed and i continue losing the time i have left where i am allowed to receive unemployment benefits... which sucks... but the wage is higher and i do love going to work)
anyway i found out about that possibility and what it would mean friday afternoon and i asked for some time to think about it, and when i called him monday morning to let him know that i was taking the offer, and that i was going to be talking about it with people from the unemployment office about it (bc they have to set it up so i can get the discount), and that i was hoping to start the next week. 
And the guy was being fucking weird again. He is just really rude, and kind of kept on almost threatening me, with saying that he would find someone else if i can’t start fast enough. which is ridiculous in general? beyond the simple fact that a week’s notice before starting a new job is totally reasonable from my side, how is he even expecting to find someone who could have started quicker? 
i mean honestly in this imaginary scenario, where is he going to find someone who can start with less than a week’s notice and that he can get a huge discount on? i mean that already seems v implausible. Add to that finding someone who has a lot of experience with this type of work in general, who is familiar with this specific store, who works in different departments (like i do cleaning up the storage area, the vegetables and fruits, cash register and general filling up of products (and most people only do one area. i am definitely the only one who does all of them)), and also not to sound full of myself, but i am fucking amazing at grocery store work so he should consider himself really lucky to have. 
on that note, i forgot how much i loved grocery store work. I love it so much. it is just fun, and there is so much stuff to do all day, and honestly i am really considering right now to look into those student/trainee programs that several grocery store chains have. Where they educate you, and it basically is something you have to do if you ever want to get a leading position or smth like that (which i do already have some experience with, and i wasn’t amazing at it at the time, but i have grown a lot as a person, and i’m sure i’d be good at it now. plus it is an excuse to really work with everything)
i did ask him if i can also learn how to do the fast-food/bakery department, so let’s hope i can do that! (i have no experience with the meat area, and i am not that enthusiastic about learning that. but at the same time i absolutely do want to be able to do everything so, if i ever get the opportunity to learn then i’d go for it.) but that is just things to look into for the future.
Anyway things finally got settled with the job yesterday, so i am able to start next monday (i did everything i could do by tuesday afternoon, the rest was all depended on shit the owner needed to do/information he needed to provide before it could be approved... anyway i hate him)
I also have family that is visiting this week, which is v strange and stressful, but also sort of good. It is all very complicated. The plan was to get the problems solved with the financial aid office, my bank and the unemployment office, but all the problems are still there (not for a lack of trying though). There probably is finally a solution to the problem with the bank, they have to cancel my card (which wasn’t possible right now, bc i am renting a car), so i have to come in and do that on thursday (the plan was monday, but i have to go to work, and on thursday they are open a little longer so it should be possible).
I also got contacted by my old boss from the webshop and he has some translation work for me again, so guess i am going to be doing that next week as well! (i can’t do it this weekend, but i also know that it is important that it is done as quickly as possible, and unlike with my boss from the grocery store, i actually really like this one and i want to make sure i get it done asap because that will be helpful for him (but i also know that he would be super understanding if i told him that i don’t have time for it next week. he might not be happy about it, but he would definitely understand and not be mad at me about it. so basically to sum up, he is a nice person so i don’t mind having a long week))
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