#when i was 19 i went on a work field trip to a coffee. business. whatever. my point is they had beans there.
bugmistake · 6 months
yknow whats so crazy. oftentimes.. people will help you if you just tell them you dont know what youre doing. and you dont actually have to bullshit ALL the time
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ingenves · 5 years
     ok its ya girl back at it, same deal ! if u wanna plot just HMU or LIKE THIS and i’ll come to you ! wes is my father & u can peep his pinterest board HERE !
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     ⌈ chris pine, cismale, he/him ⌋ hey, is it WESLEY BIGELOW that you’re looking for? you know, the THIRTY-SIX year old CARPENTER. typically i see them hanging around GRISTOL DOCKS so you could try there! i hear they’ve been in living in PRINCETOWN for THIRTY-SIX YEARS. gristol wouldn’t be the same without them, right? anyway, whenever i see them they make me think of waking up before dawn, an old rowboat sitting in still water & a kitchen full of fresh produce.
tw: car accident & illness 
this mans has lived in town his entire life!!! his parents, william and rose bigelow owned a historic farm . willy & rose were high school sweethearts, a shotgun wedding joining them together after rose ended up pregnant with their first child at the age of 19. while rose’s parents were furious with their daughter for being so reckless, william’s father was more than happy to offer them a place to stay and lend a hand taking care of the baby that would soon be on the way.
despite the circumstances, wes was never treated as an accident or a mistake. he grew up in his grandpa’s farmhouse with a loving family. the bigelow family followed some pretty traditional gender roles. wes’ dad and his grandpa would wake at the crack of dawn and work out in the field until sunset while his mother hung around the house to take care of him, doing laundry, making dinner, taking him to the park, everything.
from a young age he was encouraged to help out on the farm but being the mama’s boy he was, he was far more eager to help his mom out with the cooking and the laundry. he was close with his grandfather as well, the two always working on little projects together like building a tree house, birdhouses, his own bee house………………….a lot of houses
but wes was never rly close with his father. william wasn’t much of an emotional or talkative guy, usually just sitting there in stern silence and working the day away. a bit of a scary guy despite not ever doing anything scary?? he’s just an ominous guy that doesn’t rly seem impressed by anything so wes never rly knew where he stood u know.
the one time wes ever really felt close to his father was when they would take little weekend fishing trips together, even though they didn’t really speak. just the fact that william took his time to teach wes how to do everything and didn’t get mad or frustrated when he lost a lure or let a fish go by accident was enough to like…..send the message. that was his way of showing his love u know.
the second bigelow child was welcomed when wes was a kid and while at first he was jealous that his new baby sister was getting all the attention, having a baby around the house was kind of fun. she’d make funny faces and funny noises and he grew to love her pretty quickly. he used to always say that his baby sister was the best thing that happened to him. when she got older, he taught her how to make mud pies and how to play pranks on grandpa who was a rly good sport, all things considered.
car accident & death tw !! the winter of ‘94 would prove to be the worst winter of wes’ entire life. on the way back home to pick up a christmas tree from a nearby farm, the family’s old pick up hit a patch of black ice and ended up flipped into a ditch. it was a bad wreck. luckily his grandpa and sister were safe at home during the time of the crash, but wes and his parents weren’t so lucky, his mother being the unluckiest of the bunch. they were stranded in the middle of the road for two hours before anyone showed up for help and by the time they arrived, it was too late for rose, who got the worst of the injuries. doa at the hospital while wes and his dad walked away with mostly minor injuries. that year, there was no christmas tree and no presents. christmas dinner was replaced with takeout and no one said a word.
illness & death tw !! not long after rose passed away, grandpa bigelow got some bad news. lung cancer that no one really saw coming. just a few months after the diagnosis they were having another funeral for another member of the bigelow clan.
it was a tough year, but they got through it. wes did his job to step up and do all the things his dad couldn’t do; all the things his mother taught him. he expected all of it to make his dad more closed off but it had the reverse effect and for the first time in his entire life, wes and his father had heart to heart conversations.
jump forward to high school and things finally felt like they were back to normal. william wasn’t dating yet but he wasn’t being all that anti-social, either.
wes discovered quickly he was the kind of person that other people liked and he was quite popular??? he made good grades, played football, dating the coolest girl in school (in his own opinion ofc), everything kind of fell into place for him in high school
and then after high school he…………didn’t rly know what to do asdj;fdksgfkdlj he never went to college and decided work around town doing odd jobs and saving some money so he could go off and travel and live his life as a young person craving adventure.
he was gone for abt a year or so before coming back home & he’s just been here ever since, doin his thing
started working with a family friend in his shop, doing what he loved and building things n working with his hands u know and hasn’t stopped doing what he loves ever since
he owns his own shop now & builds custom furniture 
the….personality section has Arrived
he’s quite the Charming guy but he talks WAY too much
definitely the kind of guy who will just…..talk about himself non-stop without even realizing it ?? he needs to get his Ego in check even after all these years smh
buT he’s very good at making conversation and is rly a friendly guy!!!! will talk and joke with anyone just because……why not ?? it makes his day when ppl talk to him so he will talk to u even if u dont feel the same way
highkey the kind of person to start up a random conversation w a stranger in the grocery story just because
lowkey uncomfortable with feelings and still isn’t super great at expressing emotions and his thoughts but ya boi is trying his best
but he’s rly good at picking up on signals. he can’t express his own emotions but he’s like….pretty in tune with other ppl
a very platonically affectionate guy. loves hugging his buddies and telling them how much he loves & appreciates them
and now for the lil extra tidbits
he’s got two dogs. a german shepherd named mulder & a pomeranian named scully sfddgfhgfg and he strategically uses his dogs to flirt w ladies when they’re out on a walk LMAO
he’s got a 6 year old daughter named aspen with a woman he is no longer dating ( im prob gna put this as a wc on the main so if u want this....hmu???? ) but they are still v close and spend a lot of time together & he loves aspen more than anything :’)
he’s very much a Dad. dad jokes all the time. endless shitty puns for everyonE
the man loves a turtleneck. he can’t keep his hands off a good ass sweater u know ??
he loves to cook and is v good at it, since he’s been cooking his entire life. he is the self-proclaimed kind of bbq and honestly???? he’s always throwing lil bbq parties & they are a hit :/  u know he be winning contests w his grilling bro
obviously.........a handyman. the house he lives in now, he built himself after tearing down the old on.  he built himself a nice big deck and everything so he can have a nice place to host bbqs and everyone will come compliment him on hard work and enjoy his fantastic recipes
he runs his own business building & selling furniture!!!! need a shelf installed??? give him a call. dog chewed up ur table leg??? give him a call. house burned down???? give him a call he’ll build u a new one.
what’s better than this ??????????? guys bein dudes
he rly likes going to the movies. lowkey loves disney but pretends he only cares bc his daughter likes it but……….u know he knows the words to every song
tragically heterosexual ://///////
he loves strong coffee & he loves beer & occasionally he loves a good book & a nice game of chess
did i mention he is such a dad bc………..he is such a dad
someone hold his rough sandpaper ass hands
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thegiftofcolors · 5 years
21 Questions
I was tagged by @returnedhorror.  I rarely tagged in these things and they’re fun. 
Rules: Answer 21 questions about yourself and then tag people you want to get to know better. (Make a new post, don’t reblog)
1- Nicknames: Leah, Princess Leia, Aleee-YUHHhhhhhhhh, biiiittchhh (lovingly said by my bff)
2- Zodiac: Capricorn 
3- Last Movie I saw: Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse. The animation was AMAZING.  
4- Last Thing I Googled: “UPS Hours”- Cause I’m sending a care package to a friend in chicago. Apparently UPS isn’t open on sundays. #lame 
5- Favorite Musicians: Metric, Taco Cat, Screaming Females, Vundabar, Best Coast, Wavves, Tame Impala, The Presidents of the United States of America, Sleater-Kinney, Ella Fitzgerald, Bobby Darin, and Metallica. 
6- Song Stuck In My Head: Help I’m Alive, Metric
7- Other Blogs: 
[Honestly forgot these both exist.... its my old art..... Website Plug hereeeee >>>>>>>>>> www.nightowlart.net<<<<<<<<<<]
8- Do I Get Asks: L O L .... good joke
9- Followers: 500 somethin??? Most of them are probably porn bots that weren’t sifted out by the tumblr purge.
10- Following: 50? 60? Who knows how many. Definitely not me. 
11- Amount Of Sleep: Some. Currently sleeping in my childhood bed, which is uncomfortable as all hell. So.... some. (I dream of my queen size bed as I sleep on the 20 yr old twin mattress) 
12- Lucky Number: 37
13- Dream Job: Working with both artists and scientists. There is a LOT of overlap with terms/vocabulary that have vastly different meanings depending on if you’re talking to stem or art peeps. I wanna be that communication bridge between the two groups. Plus when you work with/in the STEM field you have way more interesting problems. (This is why I’m getting my second degree in Mechanical Engineering) 
14- Dream Trip: I wanna go EVERYWHERE. 1st on the list is travel across the US. and go to every state. Then Europe, then africa, asia, and so on. 
15- Favorite Food: Anything with noodles; Ramen, Pad Thai, Spaghetti. 
16- Play Any Instruments?: I can do some weird things with my voice? Does that count? ...Eh screw it, I’m counting that. 
17- Favorite Song: I can do it by band. I can’t name just one song, so here are my fave 5. 
Metric- Black Sheep
The Internet - Tacocat
American Pie - Don McLean
Feeling Ok - Best Coast
Hello Dolly - Bobby Darin 
18- Random Fact: My dad wanted to say “Al” and have both my brother (Alex) and I respond. Which is why my name is Alea. WELP that didn’t pan out because I called my brother Aggie as a toddler and my bro calls me Leah. Only my bro responds to Al. 
19- Describe Yourself in Aesthetic: 
Mix of: Lazy college student in sweatpants/yogapants, to punk, to “she clearly works in an artisanal coffee shop making Lattes”, to alternative kid who loves vans. Basically I wear a ton of jeans, t-shirts, and hoodies (both pullover and zip up. Gotta have some variety.) 
If you’re talking about living space, it’s more like band posters, pamphlets, flyers, business cards, and tools hanging up on my walls. Modern geometric grey quilts, and pillows chillin on the bed. Then add a comfy chair filled with clothes I don’t want to put away, and art supplies scattered across my desk. 
Also this is only has 19 questions??? Lol Idk why it says 21. So here are 2 more. The people I tag don’t have to do these. 
20- What work do you do now?: Coffee shop and freelance graphic designer. I’m also in school for my second bachelor's. 
21- Hobby?: Collecting weird ass plants. I have so many I have a plant tower now...
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(Also the tub that the trash cans are in is just one of those under the bed storage containers with a layer of diatomaceous earth. I kept getting ants no matter how often I took out the trash and honestly ants are the worst. So I created this setup.  I lovingly refer to it as the DEATH MOAT. Come at me bugs. I dare you.) (In case you were wondering, or whatever....)
If you want to know more about me, send me some asks!
I’m tagging @100yrsold cause you my bff, and idk I wanna see if you’re gonna put down what I think you gonna put down.
@koltonswong, you reblog a ton of of the things I post. (Also I hope you’re having fun in the scientific illustration field.) 
 @traveling0lady you also reblog a ton of the things I do. (I’m also like 90% sure we went to art school together, and I hope you’re doing well!) 
@returnedhorror thanks for the tag. This was fun to fill out
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sarahbellotti · 3 years
Tanzania: Zanzibar
After a sack lunch in the outdoor waiting area and delicious ginger beer, the same pilots took us from Arusha to Zanzibar. I slept much of the flight. 
We had been told we could only bring 15 kg (just over 33 lbs.) so I wore my heaviest things to lighten my backpack. Disembarking in Zanzibar was a sweaty experience. There were what seemed like droves of tourists waiting around the derelict airport.
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Our driver, Amor, picked us up in the crowded parking lot and drove us to a COVID-19 testing center. His boss met us at the gate and welcomed us, saying he was available at all hours for whatever we needed. He then told Ben not to get in any fights, which must be commonplace for some wazungu (plural muzungu). Beyond the gate, there were clusters of muzungu tourists, the majority of whom did not wear masks or distance themselves from others. We could overhear people saying their friends had tested positive, yelling that they had been ripped off, etc. The tenseness was as thick as the humidity in the air. 
While there, Ben sent this comical text message to a friend: “The best part was when I went over to the 2nd of like 5 administrative check-ins... and this [public health official] with her mask on her chin took some additional information, which included inquiring of my profession. When I said ‘diplomat’ she went on this long diatribe in Swahili to the driver who had taken [us] there, which I later found out meant I would get special treatment due to my elevated status. Said special treatment included being led to sit under a tent with plastic chairs that was approximately 10° C (50° F) hotter than the area the [others] were in under the trees. We waited there while the swabbers took their lunch break... at each subsequent station I would hear a lot of Swahili with the word ‘diplomat’ thrown in. The subsequent benefits afforded to me were equally unimpressive.”
The woman who took our professions down told me I looked like a cop with my face shield. I thought when she heard diplomat she wanted to have us offed but it turned out we were ushered through the different stations relatively quickly and left before most of the others who had gotten there before we had. As Amor would say (again, and again, and again): polé polé, hakuna matata.  
After leaving the testing center, we drove south to Kizimkazi. We stayed at the lush, tropically serene Kizikula for three nights. We relaxed, ate delicious fresh fruit and seafood, swam in the gorgeous pool, and watched nightly thunderstorms over the water and mainland 40 km (25 miles) across from us. We explored the property on a jog, walks, and climbing through a rocky tunnel to wade and float in the salty Menai Bay in front of our hotel. Our suite features an adjacent rooftop terrace where we enjoyed yoga with a view.
On our amblings, we purchased some Stoney ginger beer, inquired about taxis and tours to local attractions, and caught some soccer game action up the road on a dirt field with a view of the bay. 
Monday we found a man, Ibrahim, by the water who said he had a taxi. We said we wanted to go on a spice tour and asked about pricing. He gave the lowest price we’d been offered and was ready to go that afternoon, the only time we were available. He asked us to step inside his office to discuss. He walked us a few meters/yards away and opened a compartment of his motorbike — an impressive office indeed. He pulled out a laminated booklet with photos and misspelled tourist attractions. We told him to pick us up at 2 p.m. 
Ibrahim drove us to Kizimbani, where the government does agricultural research. Our guide, Ali, met us along a dirt road and walked us past ramshackle houses and gardens, pointing out how different spices grow. It was actually really beautiful and interesting in addition to being quite humorous. We saw and smelled peppercorn, vanilla, cardamom, turmeric, cinnamon, dill, clove, curry leaves, chili, nutmeg, and more. When Ali and his assistant showed us ginger, he said it was helpful for polygamist Muslim Zanzabaris since they needed a lot of power for their multiple wives. Chickens roamed around; Ali said because of what they eat, they didn’t need any seasoning when cooked as they were already spiced chickens. At the end of the tour, he led us to a stall with packaged spices for sale. We picked out some to purchase. I asked for more vanilla extract, which someone ran to get from elsewhere. There was a pavilion of men sitting around nearby and I couldn’t help but notice a lot of commotion. Eventually I saw a little bald man filling a large plastic bowl with water from a jerrycan putting the vanilla bottles in it. I waltzed over to investigate. They were trying to sell us store bought fake vanilla, without a trace of vanilla in it, trying to wash away the labels, in English and Arabic, so I would think they were authentic. I caught them red handed and we lessened our order but still got nice vanilla beans, nutmeg with their mace, cloves, star anise, and more.
Tuesday we checked out and got picked up by Amor. He drove us through Zanzibar City to Stone Town so we could explore and shop. We made our way to the Zanzibar Curio Shop, well reviewed on Trip Advisor and by Lonely Planet. We looked through three stories of antique treasures and were taken to a nearby warehouse and a separate workshop to see more. While we didn’t spring for an ornate antique Zanzibar chest, we did wind up with a small vintage piece and a large decorative Malawian cane basket.
While the items were packaged for our flight, we wandered in and out of coffee shops, to the place Freddie Mercury was born, and around the Old Fort. We enjoyed the sunset and a multi-course fusion dinner at Emerson. We opted for traditional seating on floor cushions. A traditional musician from the Dhow Countries Music Academy performed Taarab music. I ordered a glass of rosé, which showed up yellow. I insisted they had given me white wine. They brought the bottle up for me to inspect; they must have refilled it with some local swill because it was not what was expected. I drank it anyway.
After dinner, Amor drove us to the anarchic airport. Hoards of tourists jockeyed for position trying to get in the doors and to the one working x-ray machine (at the initial doors of many African airports). I was pulled aside having set off the metal detector. The female security agent accidentally pantsed me and then apologized; I think I probably laughed. Ben found a cart for our luggage, with three round wheels and one that had a not-so-handy flat edge. We bumped along to the business class check-in line. We were told they couldn’t let us travel without a hotel reservation in Tunisia. Wazungu swarmed around mostly unmasked. We were also told our PCR tests needed a stamp from an apparent health official across the room. I went to the table and waited behind an angry leather-skinned woman who was yelling at the Tanzanians and her children. The health workers were clearly done with her and waived me ahead. I got my stamps without them even seeming to read the papers. The angry tourist later berated some airline staff for not letting her fly without a COVID-19 test. We did have ours, and it only took about an hour to sort things out, frantically calling, emailing, and trying to make bogus reservations. We hurried through the next security point and then to immigration. There, I realized we didn’t have our boarding passes and ran back. Once at the gate, we pushed our way to the front and got on the business class bus to the plane. We changed planes in Doha, where it took us four attempts to get into a lounge. We made it back to cooler temperatures in Sidi Bou Saïd on schedule Wednesday.
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You Can’t Cross the Same River Twice - Chapter 19
Radar looks out over the fields of new green corn and rich black earth. There's not another soul but him and Ma and Park Sung for miles.
And maybe there's folks who'd find it lonely, being out here in the middle of nowhere. City folk who'd be lost without the tick of a clock bringing mechanical order to their lives. Folks who don't know how to feel a storm coming across the plains, how to feel in their bones when to plant and when to harvest. How to feel the wider rhythm of the year – and the years spread out behind it and the years spreading out ahead of it.
Radar don't get to glimpse that much, not like some folks do – or say they do, anyway. He's mostly in the here and now. So he's learned to take it for what it is and not worry too much about things outta reach.
After all, who is he to raise himself up? Some things are between God and the Lord and he ain't about to blaspheme. Ma'd have his hide.
Still, for all that he can't look too far ahead – he always made his money as a bookie rather than a better – Radar don't think his gift's nothing to sneeze at.
Cuz, see, without the choppers coming over the hill screaming with wounded – and without the constant static from everybody being cold and miserable and scared – the transmission comes in a whole lot clearer. Like how bad storms used to mess up the radio. Now that the clouds are gone, Radar's getting a real clear signal.
He can feel Park Sung coming up behind him with a cup of coffee clear enough to put his hand out right where it's gonna be. He can feel his Ma so clear they can have whole conversations from halfway across the yard without saying a word. He can feel which animals are happy or hungry or hurt.
And he can feel Hawkeye clear from Boston.
Not just Hawkeye – though he tends to be the loudest, feelingest of them – but most of the folks from the 4077. All the folks he'd gotten close with. BJ, Colonel Potter, Klinger, Dr. Winchester. Even Major Houlihan, Sir comes in occasionally, if the weather's right and he's got a good connection to the East Coast.
The only one who's missing is Colonel Blake.
Bloomington's real close to Ottumwa. It oughtta been easy to get him. But Radar ain't close enough with Mrs. Colonel Blake to tune in on her. To see if she might want to meet up with him how he'd planned to with Henry. To see if she don't feel the same gap where he oughtta be.
Like tuning the radio dial and it keeps skipping the station you know is there. And you go back and back over it cuz sometimes you get little ghost whispers you think might be a song but it ain't it's just static and still you can't stop trying to tune in that station.
Sometimes, Radar finds himself missing Korea.
It'd been loud enough, busy enough with criss-crossing signals all trying to drown each other out that you didn't notice the gap. The gap where all the folks who didn't make it oughtta be.
Here in Iowa, the signals are far apart enough – and quiet of the shrieking pain and terror and misery enough – that the gap is obvious. When he stands out at the edge of the fields and slowly tunes through the signals – checking and double checking that there ain't any new gaps – Radar feels it when he passes by where Colonel Blake oughtta be like running your tongue over the gap where a tooth fell out.
He lets the aching emptyness of the sky above him pull down into a narrow point aimed right at the heart of him – lets himself feel the space where Henry oughtta be, lets it fill him up till there ain't no room for nothing else – and then, slowly, lets the feel of the dark, rich earth beneath his feet, the hum of the cicadas and the clucking of the chickens, all that life trickle back into him and he moves to listen to the next signal.
Charles is officially the happiest man in the world. Marjory has agreed to marry him and – while they're saving their public engagement announcement for the Winchester summer cotillion – both Grandmama and Marjory's father have approved of the match. Charles will be the one to carry the Winchester name and fortune into the future – and he will be doing it with the most delightful and capable woman in the world at his side. He feels giddy with delight.
Honoria is blatantly laughing at him, but Charles cannot bring himself to mind. He feels rather like laughing himself, he's so full of effervescent joy. And he'd needed to tell someone the good news lest he burst like an overfilled balloon from the pressure of keeping his an engagement a secret. Charles still wants to yell the news from the rooftops – or at the very least, place a tasteful notice in the society pages – but he understands the need for secrecy. The news will be most impactful if shared during the party when all of Boston high society will be congregated in one place and may therefore bear witness to the ascendancy of the Winchester family to another generation of gracious and genteel leadership.
Subdued spectacle is the watchword – the night must be memorable and tasteful. Charles believes the current plan is a “spontaneous” engagement and the presentation of the ring over dessert-
Charles needs to find a ring!
Oh, this is terrible. Calamitous. He hadn't wanted to risk getting his hopes up by even looking at jewelry and now – at the eleventh hour – he must endeavor to find something approaching a worthy adornment for his bride-to-be. Charles can only hope to appeal to Honoria's better nature – via bribery, of course, as is the Winchester way – and pray that she takes pity on him. Her taste is exquisite – as is to be expected of one of her breeding – and Charles cannot do without her help in this delicate and most important matter.
Marriage may not always be forever, but quality jewelry ought to be.
BJ knows he's been acting strangely since he got back from visiting Hawkeye.
He's been trying not to distance himself from Peg, lose himself in contemplating the what-ifs and what-did-it-means. But he's maybe overcorrected. Payed her too much attention, made himself conspicuous that way.
It's just that it's easier to not think about Hawkeye when he's losing himself in Peg's embrace.
But whatever the reason, it's obvious that she's cottoned on to the fact that something's wrong – seeing how she's waiting for him in the living room after work with an expression that says he won't be able to weasel his way out of an explanation. BJ'd hoped she'd just let it go. Peg doesn't tend towards directness, has to have her own troubles coaxed out of her. But enough had been enough, apparently. And it looks like she's taking a page out of BJ's book with regards to handling a stubborn spouse.
Peg pats the sofa cushion next to her. “Sit down dear.” It's not a request.
BJ complies. There's not really anything else for him to do.
“Erin's at your parents' for the night so we have the whole evening to catch up with one another.”
BJ tries once more at deflection. “Nothing could make me happier than spending an evening catching up with you, Peggy.” He kisses her hand and up her arm.
And she smiles but she stops him before he gets to her lips.
“I didn't mean catch up like that and you know it, mister. You've been back home for over a week now and you still haven't told me how your little trip to visit Hawkeye went – I always enjoyed hearing about your various wild adventures, I would have thought you'd be full of new stories.”
Ah, hell. There's no way of getting out of answering such a direct question. He'll just have to try and keep his answers short and far away from any of his more tumultuous thoughts.
“Hawkeye's fine, Peg. He's working at a neighborhood clinic, doing more general practice than surgery. But he's happy. Happier than I've ever seen him.”
And hadn't that just smarted.
Intellectually, he knows it's because Hawkeye's home, away from Korea, away from the war. But it sure feels like an indictment of BJ – like he hadn't been enough for Hawkeye. And now that Hawkeye's back with Trapper, everything's just hunky-dory.
“Well, I'm glad he's doing all right. I know he only wrote the two letters, but he seemed like such a nice man – always trying to make you feel better about being away from home. And when I heard about what happened at the end of the war...” Peg trails off.
And maybe that will be the end of it. BJ hopes that's the end of it.
But then Peg says, “And how was meeting the famous Trapper John? Was he as bad as you expected?”
Her tone is teasing. She'd been on the receiving end of several letters – and later, several rants - about the man. About how much BJ detested his cheating, pranking, gin swilling ways.
Peg doesn't mean to do it, doesn't even know the turn his thoughts have taken. But now, BJ's thinking about things he'd rather not – things like how Trapper and Hawkeye had looked at each other like they were the only two people in the room - the whole world. How they'd leaned into each other, moved around one another with a casual intimacy. How well they fit into each others' lives.
“He's a competent surgeon and a pretty good poker player. And he and Hawkeye seem happy living together.” There. That's an innocuous statement that shouldn't warrant any further questions.
“And that just boils your briefs, now doesn't it?”
Yeah. Yeah, it sure does.
Hawkeye blinks sleepily and a blurry Trapper comes slowly into focus.
“Sorry for waking you,” Trapper whispers. “You can go back to sleep if you want – it's early still.”
Trapper's coming home off a late shift and it's obvious he's at the point of having stayed up all night where he's keyed up rather than exhausted. So Hawkeye probably won't be getting all that much more sleep regardless.
“You going to make coffee?”
Trapper nods.
“Bring me a cup and I'll forgive you for waking me up.”
Hawkeye cocoons himself back in the blankets. And he doesn't fall back asleep – although he may admit to dozing a little. Or maybe more than a little, because Trapper comes back with coffee and breakfast some indeterminate amount of time later.
Hawkeye wriggles into a more upright position and accepts the plate of pancakes. They're very good. And made even better by being eaten with Trapper snuggled up behind him, laying kisses on his neck and shoulders.
And Trapper's definitely still on the keyed up side of things. His cock is thick and hard and pressing against Hawkeye's back, a delicious counterpoint to his more considerate gestures. So Hawkeye can't bring himself to mind that he's barely finished eating before Trapper sets the plate and silverware aside and pulls him into a syrup sticky kiss.
They make out for a while and it's perfect. Wonderful.
“If you don't wash that plate soon, the syrup's going to turn into a rock and then you'll never get it off.”
“I'd rather think about getting something else off, if you know what I mean.” Trapper waggles his eyebrows in comical lechery.
But Hawkeye won't let himself be swayed. “Trapper, c'mon. The plate.”
“Fuck it.” Trapper grinds a little against Hawkeye's own erection, clearly trying to distract him since seduction didn't work. “We got plenty of other plates – we can just throw it away if it don't wash up.”
Hawkeye gives him a look.
“Fine. I'll go do the goddamn dishes. With a goddamn hard on. Since it's so goddamn important to you.” But Trapper's grinning as he says it. Then he turns to Hawkeye with a striking intensity. “Don't you go anywhere – I wanna pick this back up just as soon as I'm done.”
Hawkeye relaxes further into the mattress. “I'll be right here waiting for you, Trapper, don't you worry.”
“You better.” It comes out as a growl.
And Trapper gives Hawkeye one last bruising kiss before gathering up the dishes and heading downstairs to the kitchen. Hawkeye stretches luxuriously – reveling in the fact that this is how he gets to spend his mornings now. Then he gets up to go brush his teeth in anticipation of Trapper's return.
Steve is beginning to understand Hawkeye's desire to fob off all his wannabe paramours on the nearest available target. Ever since he'd moved to Crabapple Cove, Steve had been pursued by a whole slew of young ladies looking for a husband. And he's sure they're all lovely individuals – but as a group, they're overwhelming. Exhausting.
Fortunately, Dr. Pierce – Daniel – has taken pity on Steve and granted him a standing invitation to dinner so he can politely turn down the dinner invitations from literally every single single woman in town. Steve is even beginning to suspect that women from the surrounding towns are in on it – he hadn't recognized a good third of tonight's hopefuls. It's a wonder Steve hadn't been trampled in the crush.
And Daniel had just stood there laughing at Steve's misfortune before escorting him out the door and to the safety of the Pierce house. What exactly Daniel gets out of all this – other than a good laugh, Steve means – he doesn't know. It might be that Daniel is lonely, missing Hawkeye, and that Steve is a convenient substitute for his actual son. There's no denying Daniel has taken an almost paternal interest in Steve.
But it feels like Daniel honestly enjoys Steve's company. And Steve enjoys Daniel's, even if he does gently mock Steve for his string of unwanted admirers.
Not that Steve minds all of the attention. There are a few girls he enjoys going out with – though they tend to be the ones who don't mob him. And if the biggest problem in his life right now is that he's too desirable to women. Well, there are worse fates.
Still, Steve hopes the novelty of his presence wears off soon and things calm down a little. He did move to Crabapple Cove in search of a little peace and quiet after all.
“He's an old friend of the family.”
“You sure have a lot of those, Maggie.”
Margaret's not sure what her expression is doing, but now Kat looks sad.
“Oh, honey. I'm not upset with you for having dinner with General Barker. I know what it means to do what you have to in order to get ahead. And I know how important your career is to you – how much getting this promotion he's dangling like a lure would mean to you.”
Kat sighs.
“I just wish you didn't have to do it. I wish you hadn't had to do it so many times in the past. And I wonder.
“I wonder how many “Uncles” sat you on their knee as a little girl, knowing you'd be sitting on their laps for a different reason in a few years?
“How many little jokes did your father make about how pretty you were as a girl? What a beautiful young woman you grew up to be? And the Uncles nodding and drooling and thinking about paying you a personal visit in a few years – just an old family friend catching up on old times – and didn't you just blossom into the prettiest little thing?
“How many of them – how many of them couldn't wait that long?”
Margaret doesn't even realize that she's crying until Kat wipes away the tears.
“I'm sorry, Maggie. This... this is about you and your promotion. I shouldn't have said anything.”
Kat pulls her into a hug and Margaret sobs into her shoulder.
Her mother never said anything about it – just retreated into the kitchen after dinner to drink sherry, leaving Margaret to play hostess for her father and his friends. And her father certainly hadn't said anything about the way his friends looked at her – the way they touched and leered.
And it hadn't hurt her! She'd just learned early on how to make men bend to her whims. How to use them to get ahead in a world that wasn't ready to let a woman lead on her own merits.
So why is she crying?
Kat just stands there and rocks Margaret gently, like she's soothing a child. Holds Margaret firmly to her breast and she's safe here. Here, she doesn't have to be strong. Here, she doesn't have to face the ugly reality of the world – the reality of what exactly she's worth to any man she meets.
But no reprieve lasts forever.
Eventually, Margaret stops crying. Stands tall. Pulls away from Kat's arms.
“I hate them,” Margaret whispers into the space between their bodies. “I hate how they look at me, how they touch me like they own a piece of me. And I hate this world for making me need them.”
Kat hums in gentle understanding and hugs Margaret close once more.
Then Kat helps Margaret do her hair and makeup. Zips her into her dress, helps her into her heels. Gets her ready for her dinner with General Barker.
“The American dream, pah!” And then Uncle Abdul spits on the sidewalk outside the laundromat.
It's a familiar refrain. It's how every family gathering gets going. The sign to start complaining about your troubles – how you lost your job, your wife, your money to the craps table. Whatever.
And Max gets it. The world ain't a bed of roses. Being a poor Lebanese immigrant, you have to scrape and scrimp and scam your way into a living.
But Max has always been an optimist. Always on the lookout for a new angle, a new scam, a new way to get by. And now that Soon Li and the kid are in the picture, Max had better double down. Make sure they're provided for. Make sure the kid gets a shot at a better life than either of them had.
So Max had started wheeling and dealing like all their lives depend on it, starting almost a year ago now in Korea.
First to find Soon Li's family, to fulfill that promise. What's left of them had been at a refugee camp almost all the way down in Pusan for whatever reason – trying to pry any useful information outta army intelligence had been a waste of good bribes. But they're all back together again, standing in the shell craters that used to be their village. Looking at the place their family has lived and died for generations – a last glimpse before they gotta leave.
So second had been getting them all settled wherever they wanted to go. With the graft and corruption and black market dealing left over from the war, it's easy enough to get most of the family settled around Seoul – with jobs and a place to live, even. They can't be farmers anymore, the land all gone to shit anywhere close to the demilitarized zone, but they oughtta scrape by. But Soon Li and the kid – some nebulously related cousin they'd run into early on, who even at around two years old don't talk any, not in Korean or English – they both wanna go back to the States with Max.
And that had been third. Getting the kid adopted and a name and papers. Getting them all tickets home. It had taken some finagling, some heavy bribery – all of the Klinger collection gone again to an Army bureaucrat's Korean mistress – but it's worth the price. And it helps they got hitched Christian like when Max was still a soldier – the Buddhist ceremony they'd had after finding Soon Li's folks doesn't count for shit with the US government.
Fourth had been getting settled back home. Finding a place to live that'll take Max and Soon Li and the kid. Max breaks out the Class A's and plays up being a patriotic GI doing right by the gal he knocked up, so they get a pretty nice apartment on the Hunky side of town. Next is getting a job. After a third wedding, this time in Arabic and with a zaffe made up of neighbors and relatives – and with a party that lasts all night, full of food and dancing and family Max ain't seen in years – that problem gets solved, too. Uncle Habib, who got out early enough to go to the wedding on account of good behavior, is looking for people to work the laundromat he just bought – and Uncle Habib is willing to give Max and Soon Li a shot at it. It's a money laundering operation, obviously, but Max thinks they can make a real go of it as a business, doing dry cleaning and alterations and such.
That's the fifth thing. And it's not so much wheeling and dealing as it is careful words to the guys who come in with women's clothes for dry cleaning – women's clothes that are the right size to fit them. Max has developed an eye for this kind of thing, after so many years of sewing and altering and wearing dresses. And an eye for how to make the clothes fit right on bodies they maybe weren't designed for. So it ain't long before Max has a line of customers for discrete alterations, done in the back room while Soon Li oversees the running of the laundromat with an iron fist. And some have started to ask about tailoring.
Maybe someday Max will even have enough customers to set up as a tailor. No money laundering involved. Just honest business and honest skill.
Maybe, maybe, maybe. There Max goes, being an optimist again. And maybe Uncle Abdul is right to spit when Max asks about buying a building. Maybe Uncle Abdul's right to say the American Dream is a crock of shit and that dreaming, planning, scheming for more will just bite Max right in the butt. But Max can't help wondering if maybe.
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jeremystrele · 4 years
Simone Haag’s Guide To Mount Buller + Mansfield
Simone Haag’s Guide To Mount Buller + Mansfield
Simone Haag
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Simone on the Mount Buller slopes! Photo – Eve Wilson for The Design Files.
We weren’t a snow-going family when I was a kid – the one trip we went on gave the Griswolds a run for their money! I’m surprised I ever made it back there, but landing a job on Mt Buller in the early 2000s helped the cause, and I am so thankful for that.
From very humble beginnings at Mt Buller, I was lucky enough to go on to Heli-Board in Canada, and work for multiple seasons in Chamonix, France. But I will always see Mt Buller as my home mountain. I even met my husband there – he snowboarded professionally for five years and went on to coach for Team Buller. So it’s safe to say that I am now part of a snow family!
I feel that the Mansfield Mt Buller region demonstrates a slower pace of life – stopping to chat with people in the street; fresh air; warm fires; big coats and red wine. It is a base for so many activities and attracts all walks of life. There is always an event or festival going on! It’s a humble area, where it’s not uncommon to see a few horses tied up outside a pub whilst their owners are getting a parma.
My family is now in the process of designing and building a home at the base of Mt Buller, I’m so excited to create a base for our kids to learn to ski and to host friends and family. We live in the outer Eastern suburbs of Melbourne, so we’re already a quarter of the way to the region! My favourite part of the drive is when the snow-capped tip of the mountain comes into view for the first time. It’s pretty magical.
Being there reminds me of when I was an adventurous twenty-year-old – driving my red Ford Laser, listening to Chicane on the mini disc on repeat while learning to snowboard. It reminds me of finding love, hiking to the summit to watch the sunset, sliding down to the Kooroora hotel on a tray from the Abom canteen. But more than anything what I love about our time at Mount Buller is embracing something that unites friends and family in a spirited way, without devices and technology, with a long (ish) drive where we can sing loud and sleep soundly.
Today, I’m sharing with you some of my favourite places to stay, eat and shop in the Mt Buller / Mansfield region – just in time for the slopes to open on June 22nd!
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Simone spent a lot of her 20s snowboarding on Mount Buller and around the world! Photo – Eve Wilson for The Design Files.
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A beautiful mountain vista. Photo – Eve Wilson for The Design files.
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The 2020 Mount Buller season will be opening on June 22nd. Photo – Eve Wilson for The Design files.
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Simone on the slopes. Photo – Eve Wilson for The Design Files.
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The absolutely exquisite Whitehorse Village accommodation. Photo – Eve Wilson for The Design Files. Styling – Caitlin Coghlan.
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Snow luxury at Whitehorse Village! Photo – Eve Wilson for The Design Files.
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Unbelievable views from Chalet 5 at Whitehorse Village. Photo – Eve Wilson for The Design Files. Styling – Caitlin Coghlan.
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Bath with a view! Photo – Eve Wilson for The Design Files. Styling – Caitlin Coghlan.
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Room with a view! Photo – Eve Wilson for The Design Files. Styling – Caitlin Coghlan.
Chalet 5 Whitehorse Village  Perched high in the Alpine Ranges, Chalet 5 at Whitehorse Village is a luxury hotel-inspired destination that is about as fabulous as it gets. Think high-end apartment, where the city meets the mountains. The luxury space is softened with textiles, books and objects. And I would be remiss not to mention the extraordinarily comfortable bed! My favourite parts included THE VIEW… the bedroom with a view… the bathroom with a view… and the proximity to the mountain. And did I say THE VIEW?
This dream accommodation is best suited to couples, families or small groups. We had four ladies there and it was super cosy to sit around in the evenings with some chocolate and a cuppa. Could not recommend more highly if you’re after an extra special snow escape!
Chalet 5, Whitehorse Village  Whitehorse Village Road Mount Buller
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The handsome interiors at Black Cockatoo. Photo – Eve Wilson for The Design Files.
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Fresh, seasonal produce at Black Cockatoo. Photo – Eve Wilson for The Design Files.
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The perfect place for an après ski cocktail. Photo – Eve Wilson for The Design Files.
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Spurs Iron Maiden Smokehouse located at the top of the Northside Express chairlifts. Photo – Eve Wilson for The Design Files.
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An added bonus to Spurs is warming up by the smoker! Photo – Eve Wilson for The Design Files.
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Brisket and pulled pork roll from Spurs. Photo – Eve Wilson for The Design Files.
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A chic fit-out at The Villager. Photo – Eve Wilson for The Design Files.
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Simone with her cheese fondue and beer… is there anything better? Photo – Eve Wilson for The Design Files.
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Corn ribs from The Villager. Photo – Eve Wilson for The Design Files.
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Cheese fondue and beer from The Villager. Photo – Eve Wilson for The Design Files.
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The Villager. Photo – Eve Wilson for The Design Files.
Eat + Drink 
Black Cockatoo No day on the ski fields is complete without a reason to get changed and head out on the town – that’s how I met my husband after all! Black Cockatoo is an architecturally designed restaurant that is perfect for an apres-ski drink. The interiors are a handsome mix of raw copper, leather, wood and charcoal, paired with amazing views of Mount Stirling. It’s got a moody, Aussie alpine aesthetic that feels both comfortable and luxurious.
The sharing plates-style menu is filled with influences from all over the world, in a distinctly modern Australian style that makes the most of fresh produce and simple ingredients. The cocktails were ‘designer’ but most importantly, downright delicious. Bookings are essential for this hot spot!
Black Cockatoo  207 Summit Rd Mount Buller 
Spurs Iron Maiden Smokehouse Situated at the top of the Northside Express chairlift, Spurs has one of the best views on the mountain. We were lucky enough to be ski-dooed over, VIP style! This American-style smokehouse is exactly what you want to eat for a hearty snack on the slopes. I had the brisket and pulled pork roll which was DELICIOUS – light yet filling, and something I wouldn’t do by myself at home. There’s also the added advantage of keeping warm by the smoker whilst you have your lunch!
Spurs Iron Maiden Smokehouse Top of Northside Express chairlift Mount Buller
The Villager A little hidden away, The Villager is a great bar/casual dining spot with super cool interior design. The substantial kitchen menu features small and large plates – I tried the fondue (what’s not to love about beer + cheese?) and corn ribs with tomato and lime salsa and smoked chilli dressing. Would recommend!
The Villager 2 The Avenue Mount Buller
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Mansfield Coffee Merchant in Mansfield. Photo – Eve Wilson for The Design Files.
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Simone’s coffee hot spot on the way up the mountain. Photo – Eve Wilson for The Design Files.
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Locals chat and drink coffee at Mansfield Coffee Merchant. Photo – Eve Wilson for The Design Files.
Mansfield Coffee Merchant A trip to the mountains generally involves a crack-of-dawn departure time, so a coffee spot on the way is a must. Now that we have bought land in that area – one must know where their daily coffee can be had – and the Mansfield Coffee Merchant is it. We got chatting with a really lovely older man while we were there, who told us he visited every day for coffee. During our conversation another fellow came up, who we assumed was his son, but it turned out it was just someone from the community who checked in daily with his older neighbour. This is what I mean about the community spirit here – it’s so wholesome!
Bustling, busy, efficient and cosy, I love to pop in for a little coffee and cake here on the drive up.
Mansfield Coffee Merchant 23 Highett St Mansfield
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Treasures found at Vintage Traders Emporium. Photo – Eve Wilson for The Design Files.
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Vintage Traders Emporium in Mansfield. Photo – Eve Wilson for The Design Files.
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Harvest Wholefoods for healthy snacks and organic produce. Photo – Eve Wilson for The Design Files.
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Simone shopping at Harvest Wholefoods. Photo – Eve Wilson for The Design Files.
Vintage Traders Emporium This massive warehouse in Mansfield is a vintage-lovers dream! Here you’ll find an amazing collection of vintage, retro, pre-loved and recycled pieces including miscellaneous bric-a-brac, fashion, ceramics, plants, local and homemade items. A real treasure hunt with heaps of space to roam – I left with a ceramic bowl and a cactus, to give you an idea of the variety found here!
Vintage Traders Emporium 10 Crosbys Ln Mansfield
Harvest Wholefoods A great little health food store and organic grocer to stock up on delicious, healthy snacks on your way up to the mountain.
Harvest Wholefoods 19/20 Highett St Mansfield
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BYO picnic by the picturesque Delatite River in Mirimbah Park. Photo – Eve Wilson for The Design Files. Styling – Caitlin Coghlan.
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Delatite Winery (kitchen closed until further notice). Photo – Eve Wilson for The Design Files.
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The Cellar Door at Delatite Winery (kitchen closed until further notice). Photo – Eve Wilson for The Design Files.
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The beautiful Mansfield region. Photo – Eve Wilson for The Design Files.
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Winter sunshine. Photo – Eve Wilson for The Design Files.
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A small church in the Mansfield region. Photo – Eve Wilson for The Design Files.
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Misty Mansfield roads. Photo – Eve Wilson for The Design Files.
Picinic at Mirimbah Park Positioned on the gorgeous Delatite River is Mirimbah Park – an idyllic spot for a BYO picnic on your way up or back from the mountain! There’s also a playground nearby to occupy the kids. The perfect activity for a sunny afternoon.
Delatite Wines Located on a picturesque rise at the base of Mt Buller, Delatite Winery enjoys spectacular views over the vineyards towards the mountain. The small family-run winery was established in 1982, and these days enjoys a lovely little Cellar Door with a roaring fire where you can snack on grazing boards. Although the Cellar Door kitchen is currently closed due to COVID-19, the retail wine shop is open for business!
Delatite Wines Cnr Stoneys Rd & Pollards Rd, Mansfield
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aaltohelsinki · 4 years
Aalto-Helsinki 2020 is here, come meet us!
The time has come for Aalto-Helsinki 2020 to finally take over the blog! Despite the COVID-19 situation, we have been busy with planning our project since February. We have brainstormed, read countless scientific articles, contacted experts and companies and had a lot of online meetings. 
 Now let us introduce ourselves:
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I did my Bachelor's degree in Biotechnology and Chemical Engineering and decided to continue with Biotechnology to the Master’s studies. What fascinates me the most about biotechnology is that we can study and engineer the tiniest components of life and at the same time do industrial scale production with them. I applied to iGEM because I’m very interested in entrepreneurship and this project mimics all the different elements that are needed to develop a business. Apart from science, my favourite things in life are playing the guitar, spending time in nature and enjoying tea.
An adventurous trip you have been on? My most recent adventurous trip was to Norway because I had always wanted to visit the Arctic Ocean. There was this fishing boat where some Finnish guy had designed a sauna among other unusual things. After warming up in that sauna, I jumped from the deck to the ice-cold water. It was cool to actually experience the Arctic Ocean fully!
Your most extraordinary skill? Making perfectly thin “muurikka” crepes
What is your favourite board game? Pandemic, rising tide version.
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I am currently studying in the Ecology and Evolutionary Biology MSc program at the University of Helsinki. I completed my Bachelor’s degree in Genetics at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), in Barcelona, Spain. I have always been interested in Genetics and Evolution of organisms. I believe that a lot has still to be learnt about evolution mechanisms to make insights that can be applied to healthcare and medicine. In my free time I like to exercise, I am a bouldering enthusiast and I also try to go running as much as I can. I love watching movies as well. I applied to iGEM because it seemed the perfect opportunity to work with a multidisciplinary team and get to know people from different science fields. I consider myself an extroverted and curious person, so this could be the perfect opportunity to make new friends and learn from them. I thought it would also be the perfect opportunity to start a project on a topic of interest for all of us from scratch.
What is your favourite movie of all time? I don’t have a unique favorite movie, but my list of must watch movies is the following: Inception, Shutter Island, Green Book, The Good Will Hunting, The Shawshank Redemption, Jungle, Into the Wild, Mr. Nobody, Untouchable, Captain Fantastic, Interstellar, Donnie Darko, V for Vendetta and Dead Poets Society.
What kind of music do you listen to? I don’t only listen to one type of music, I like all types. Some international artists that I like are: Jonathan Wilson, John Frusciante, Steven Wilson, Eddie Vedder, Chet Faker, Gus Dapperton, Isaac Gracie, Billie Eilish, The Kooks, and Men I Trust among others. When talking about Catalan and Spanish music I usually listen to rumba, and rock, and also a bit of pop.
Your dream travel destination? My dream travel destinations would be: Iceland, Canada, Japan and Australia!
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I am studying at the Bachelor’s programme in Science in the chemistry study track at the University of Helsinki. In this year’s iGEM team I will work in the wet-lab but I am also involved with the funding, human practices and business. I applied to Aalto-Helsinki team to get the opportunity to take theory to practice and to learn a lot. In my free time I like cooking, baking, crocheting, knitting and gardening. I recently bought a greenhouse, where I will grow lots this summer!
What’s the most interesting or adventurous trip you have been on? Hard choice, but I would have to say the trip to Kenya with my family. So different and we saw a lot of animals and the whole Big Five! 
What is your favourite board game now? And as a child? I think my favorite board game now is Dixit, but as a child I think it was Kimble.
Coffee or tea? Definitely tea, preferably green or white.
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I study bioinformation technology at Aalto University. My minor is computer science. My role in our iGEM team is dry-lab and during the project I will be focusing on modelling as well as wiki development. I applied to iGEM because I wanted to be a part of a student driven team project and international competition. In my free time I enjoy programming, playing video games and going to the gym. 
Your best tip to survive the quarantine? Outdoor activity, that does not require other people e.g. skateboarding and riding bicycle. Also playing video games with friends and watching tv series makes it easy.
 What is your favourite movie of all time? Definitely Interstellar. After watching this for the third time I still get chicken skin. This almost three hour movie is a perfect combination of action, sci-fi and drama. Hans Zimmer did an astonishing job on music in this movie. I still keep one of the movie's soundtrack as my wake-up alarm. It's so good!
 Who is your favourite scientist and why? Theoretical physicist Michio Kaku. I remember watching his show on Discovery Channel about black holes and teleportation. He got me interested in science and that's why he is my favourite scientist.
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I am a second year master's student in Genetics and Molecular Biosciences, with focus on Molecular and Analytical Biosciences at the University of Helsinki. I have done my bachelor's in Biotechnology at the University of Silesia. I have experience in both environmental and biomedical research.
What was your favourite game to play as a child? Scavenger hunt. We lived right next to the forest, it felt good to be there for hours unsupervised. 
What’s the grossest food you ever had to eat to be polite? Bananas. My culinary nemesis. Being grossed out by them is one of my earliest childhood memories.
What was the worst haircut you ever had? Bob at the age of 13. Thanks, mum. 
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I have a Bachelor’s degree in Biotechnology from Tampere University and I’m now continuing my MSc (Tech) studies at Aalto University School of Chemical Engineering, major in Biotechnology. In my free time, I work out at the gym and love to cook. Also, I enjoy being outside in nature and spending time with my family and friends. I applied to iGEM because of my passion for life sciences and interest in challenging myself. I wanted to be a part of a powerful team of young professionals who share the same goal to achieve something meaningful. iGEM is a unique opportunity to work in an interdisciplinary team and carry out a research project from start to finish. In this iGEM project, my main responsibility is working in the wet-lab and obtaining funding. I will also contribute to human outreach activities and updating the team’s social media. Furthermore, I hope to learn more about bioinformatics and modeling. I have some experience in biomedical research and I’m looking forward to expanding my knowledge in the field of synthetic biology during the iGEM project. In the future, I wish to work with innovations which would somehow improve the quality of life.
What is your favorite time of the day and why? I love quiet mornings. I want to enjoy my morning coffee in peace and start my day without rushing. On the other hand, I also love spectacular sunsets, especially during the summer in the Finnish archipelago.
Your dream travel destination? Iceland. I would love to get to experience its unique nature, geysers and hot springs.
Coffee or tea? Coffee, of course.
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I am currently finishing my first year of masters studies in biosystems and biomaterials engineering. I applied for iGEM since I have always been interested in cell mechanisms and the intriguing and complex principles behind these cellular-systems. In the Aalto-Helsinki team, I am primarily doing wet-lab and budgeting, which means that I’m currently mostly researching data and cell-mechanisms related to our project. I often find one hobby at a time for which I am very passionate until I get tired of it and eventually switch. Previous hobbies have included been sewing, chess and origami, but for the moment I most do horticulture. 
What is your dream travel destination? I would love to see the Socotra Island and the strange species living there.
 What makes you happy? A cup of good quality tea in the evening.
 Cats or dogs? Both??
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I study Molecular Bioscience at the University of Helsinki. My part in iGEM is mainly in the wet lab, but I also take part in social media and human practises. Outside of iGEM I enjoy reading and listening to music, as well as playing video games and D&D. I applied to iGEM because I wanted to do something different and concrete with my knowledge and skills. Besides molecular biology for the last year I’ve been studying Chinese and hope to be fluent in it one day.
Most interesting trip you have been on? A couple of years ago my friends and I went on a trip to Chongqing, China. The trip was very pleasant despite none of the locals knowing English, the hole in the outer wall of the room or there being no warm water for the first couple of days. One thing led to another and we somehow ended up as models for the hostel’s website, which meant a full-blown photoshoot with free drinks and food. Afterwards the hostel owner even treated us to delicious hot pot!
Also, the baby pandas were cute.
What is your favourite book of all time? The Invisible Library by Genevieve Cogman. The heroine of the story is refreshingly sensible, the plot innovative and the book builds an interesting world for the sequels. Would recommend to anyone who likes fantasy, paranormal, or is interested in librarians using spycraft to steal books from alternative worlds.
Coffee or tea? Most definitely tea. Jasmine tea is especially close to my heart.
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I am a third-year physics student from the University of Helsinki, majoring in theoretical physics and minoring in computer science. My main motivation for applying to iGEM was to apply my science skills to a real-world problem. I’m also eager to learn how research projects work. In our project I will focus on modelling, human practices and social media. Besides science, I love languages, especially French. In my free time I enjoy ballet, board games, walks and reading.
What fictional world would you love to visit?  With all the chaos in the world currently, I’d love nothing more than to escape to Moominvalley. Moominmamma’s pancakes and a worry-free life sound really appealing. I’d also like to visit Hogwarts, I have been waiting for my letter since I was 10.
What skill would you love to master? I’d love to master flying, imagine all the freedom it would bring! However, all my attempts so far have failed. I wonder why that is.
What is your favourite board game? Probably Battlestar Galactica or Dale of Merchants.
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I study Biosystems and Biomaterials Engineering in the program of Life Science Technologies at Aalto University. I completed my Bachelor's degree in Biotechnology and Chemical Technology. In this journey of iGEM, I'm responsible for Human Practice activities and taking part in the wet-lab work as well. In my free time, when I'm not passionately studying life sciences or being fascinated by nature, I keep myself active with group gymnastics, friends and family. I applied to iGEM to be part of the fascinating project in the field of synthetic biology. I'm sure that we will learn precious skills of planning, team working and presenting as well as meet many wonderful people! Currently beside the iGEM, I'm working with seedlings of tomatoes and herbs that I will relocate in my glass house when it gets warmer. 
Describe your dream job: In my dream job, I would be able to utilize the field of life sciences to help people and the environment at the same time.
Your best tip to survive the quarantine? Your favourite movie of all time?
 My tip to survive this quarantine would be to spend time in nature and watch as many movies as possible. One of the movies should definitely be my all time favourite: The Intouchables.
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arplis · 4 years
Arplis - News: 50 Housewarming Party Gift Ideas for Brand-New Homeowners
Moving into a new home is a whirl of excitement and anxiety. Around 5.46 million homes are expected to sell in 2020. Thats a lot of people starting a new chapter in their lives and feeling like a nervous wreck!
If youre invited to a housewarming party, your friend or relative is eager to share their happiness with you. Knowing what to bring can get tricky. You dont want to give a dud gift.
New homeowners often find themselves low on funds and overloaded with stress. Housewarming party gifts are the perfect way to help out, whether with decorations or something more practical that they can use every day.
If youre shopping around for ideas for housewarming party gifts, youre in luck. Weve interviewed the top experts in their field and scoured the internet to compile this in-depth guide on housewarming party gifts, broken down into categories for your browsing convenience!
Source: (Ani Kolleshi/ Unsplash)
The tradition of housewarming and gifting
The history of housewarming has its origins in medieval times. Its name stems from (what else?) warming up the house.
In those days, a home usually held a central hearth that heated all the rooms. As a way of celebration and welcome for a newly-moved-in family, the community gathered at the home and lit the fire, warming the house.
The practice of housewarming spans the entire world.
In 1600s France, housewarmings exist as pendaison de crmaillre. This is French for hanging of the chimney hook.
The hook on the chimney of a medieval French home came as the final installation. This hook served as the fixture for a pot to hang from and warm over the fire.
French tradition dictated a house was only officially finished once the chimney hook was installed. Then a chimney-hook party (housewarming party) was held.
The tradition of giving housewarming gifts is a longstanding one that continues even today. Show you care and congratulate a new homeowner with one of our gift ideas.
Gifts to give
Housewarming party gifts are a thoughtful tradition meant to welcome someone into their new home. It can also be the perfect way to welcome a new person into the close-knit community of a neighborhood.
Americans love to give, too. In 2019, we spent an average of $1,000 on holiday gifts alone. Knowing what to buy for a person can get tricky, though.
If theyre a local couple, I like to give gift certificates to breweries. If its a family with children, then something family-oriented, like a badminton set or outdoor games make for great housewarming gifts, says Lisa Gasper, a top-selling agent in Williamsburg, Virginia, who has sold more than 81% more homes in the area than the average agent.
When shopping, take into consideration whether this is the persons first home or if theyre an older married couple moving into a smaller home. If theyre a first-time homebuyer, they usually need the basics still for their house, says Gasper. Older couples are often downsizing, so gift certificates are good in that scenario.
As far as items to avoid, Gasper suggests no adult humor, political statements, or religious items. The last thing you want to do is upset someone with your gift.
Traditional gifts
Here weve rounded up classic gifts steeped in tradition and symbolism.
1. Salt
Salt has held significance and value since ancient times. Once, it was so valuable it was even used as currency. The gift of salt represents wealth.
Bring an artisanal bamboo salt chest ($130) filled with 24 different kinds of gourmet salt to help spice up their cooking.
2. Broom
Some customs say you shouldnt bring an old broom to a new home. This is why a brand new broom makes an excellent housewarming party gift. While the thought of buying a broom as a present may not seem thrilling, who says a broom has to be boring? Bring a handmade rainbow broom ($59.98) thatll brighten a room as its swept.
3. Bread
The tradition of giving bread has both Jewish and Russian origins. Jewish customs say bread represents hospitality. Russian folklore includes a villager presenting dignitaries with bread. Its meant to symbolize the hope for long lasting good health. Offer a bread basket ($65) filled with freshly baked, homemade loaves of bread.
Source: (Ales Krivec/ Unsplash)
4. Knives
Should you buy knives, or is that in poor taste? Superstition states that giving a knife as a present will sever the friendship between you and the recipient.
However, taping a penny to the knife is considered a way around this. The recipient must then remove the penny and return it to you as a way of showing symbolic payment.
Give the new homeowner a set of cosmos knives ($49.95) so they can enjoy space while prepping dinner!Plants
When a person first moves into a home, it can feel empty and impersonal. Thats why plants make a great gift.
Plants give a burst of color to any home, says Alex Gottlob, owner of Gottlob Lawn & Landscape. The business was founded in 1999 and has been delighting Kansans with artful landscaping ever since. He went on to say, A home with plants just feels more inviting.
5. Houseplants
For a houseplant as a housewarming gift, Gottlob recommends either a philodendron ($58) or an airplane plant, also known as a spider plant ($15). He went on to add that both houseplants are well-known for being easy to care for, flourishing indoors in indirect light.
Source: (Joanna Wishard/ Unsplash)
6. Mason jar gardens
Versatile and beautiful, mason jars ($32.99) are perfect for a window-sill herb garden. Theyll dress up any home and provide the recipient with delicious herbs for home-cooked meals.
7. Bulbs
Flowers bring vibrant colors and sweet floral scents to a home. A flower bulb ($13.95) is a great housewarming gift because it lets the recipient enjoy watching the flower slowly grow and bloom. Bring the bulb of some delicate Paperwhite flowers, and the homeowner can enjoy their sweet musk through winter.
8. Flower pots
Every indoor flower needs a container to rest in. Containers are also a practical gift, allowing the recipient to choose what theyll plant in it for themselves. Bring a personalized flower pot ($36.99) so they can show the world who they are.
9. Flower arrangement
A well-done floral arrangement can increase the aesthetic of a room all by itself. Bring a colorful bouquet ($49.99) in a tasteful vase to help the homeowner dress up their home. Every time the recipient sees the flower arrangement and stops to enjoy their aroma, theyll be reminded of the fun they had at the housewarming party.
Everyone loves food, and its a longtime gift staple. Help a homeowner stock their spice pantry and cabinets by gifting something delicious.
10. Wine/beer/liquor
Just as neighbors once brought gifts of food over to a new home to be shared at the gathering, so too did friends bring drinks like wine. Pair a bottle of wine with a rainbow winged corkscrew opener ($15.99) to create the perfect gift set.
Source: (Thomas Picauly/ Unsplash)
11. Olive oil/vinegar
Olive oil and vinegar are timeless gifts. Together they represent good health and well-being. Give the happy new homeowner a cruet to hold their olive oil and vinegar ($18.99).
12. Coffee/tea
Who doesnt enjoy a bit of caffeine? The days are long, and everyone needs a little pick-me-up now and then. Whether its coffee or tea the homeowner prefers as their drink of choice, you cant go wrong with a gift box of gourmet coffee and artisan loose-leaf tea ($46).
13. Gift sets (cookie mixes, etc.)
If you arent certain what kind of sweets the person likes, then a gift set may be the best choice. Show up with a gift set box ($54.99) of cookies, brownies, caramels, and popcorn, and its bound to include something thatll appeal to the homeowner.
14. Something fresh-baked
Who doesnt like cake? The real question is what kind of cake the homeowner might like best. Offer a cake sampler ($42.95) of chocolate mousse cake, carrot cake, cookies and cream cake, and more to treat their tastebuds to an exciting adventure.
Local love
Supporting local businesses helps a community thrive and gives new homeowners a chance to explore parts of their city theyve maybe never seen before.
15. Gift card to a restaurant
Whether the homeowner is a longtime local or new to the city, a gift card to a nearby restaurant is always a great gift.
Moving into a home is stressful and takes lots of work. Therell be nights where cooking dinner feels like too much of a hassle. Treat them to a night off.
If the recipient is single, go with a $25 gift card. If its a couple, choose a $50 gift card to cover the price of a meal for two.
Source: (Nick Hillier/ Unsplash)
16. Gift card for a cleaning service
Things have a way of getting hectic when you move into a new home. Laundry and dusting can sneak up on you and turn into a mountain of work in a few short weeks. Offer a gift card to a local cleaning service to help the homeowner out. Anywhere between $150 to $250 will cover a 3-bedroom, 2000 square foot home.
17. Gift certificate to a spa
Everyone deserves to be pampered every now and then. Moving into a house has a way of stressing you out. Too much stress, and youll find yourself with a stick neck and shoulders or even a headache. Gift the new homeowner a spa trip so they can disappear for a day and relax. Around $100 will cover a standard individual treatment.
18. Gift certificate to a local brewery
Not only is visiting a local brewery a great way to support your community, but its nice to get out and enjoy a few drinks unique to your region. Gift the homeowner a gift certificate to a local brewery so they can kick back and relax with a beer. The cost of beer varies drastically, but anywhere between $20 and $40 will get a few beers and a meal.
19. Local theater voucher
Almost everyone loves movies. In 2019, around 75% of the U.S. population saw a movie at least once. Offer the homeowner a voucher to a local theater so they can get out and enjoy the latest blockbuster. Movie tickets for two are around $20.
Every meal starts with common household kitchenware. Help an aspiring chef stock their appliances with these tasteful gift ideas.
20. Cheese boards
Help the new homeowner create the perfect meat and cheese spread by gifting them a cheese board ($55). Go above and beyond and make it a gift set that includes cheeses and meats too.
21. Food storage containers
Sometimes, there will be leftovers from dinner. Or maybe the homeowner will cut up some fruit and need a container to keep it in. Help them out with their kitchen organization and buy some food storage containers ($64.99).
22. Cookbooks
Sometimes its hard coming up with ideas for what to have for dinner. Other times you just feel like experimenting with a new dish. Help the new homeowner out with gathering recipes by giving a cookbook. There are hundreds upon hundreds of cookbooks ($15-$20) out there, so the skys the limit for what you can choose.
23. Kitchen towels
Everyone washes their hands or dries their dishes. Help bring fun and color to the recipients kitchen with a personalized hand towel ($12.95).
Source: (Taylor Vick/ Unsplash)
24. Mugs
When the homeowner wakes in the morning after a long day of moving furniture and boxes into the house, theyll likely need some coffee or tea to help wake them up. Gift a beautiful custom mug with their name on it ($21.58) to add a personal touch.
25. Fridge fresheners
Given all the various foodstuffs that are kept in a fridge, and sometimes how the air can turn stale, a fridge sometimes starts to smell. A refrigerator freshener ($13.99) will keep a fridge smelling brand new and keep bad odors at bay for months.
26. Microwave cleaners
Its normal for heated foods and drinks to splatter inside a microwave. All kinds of stains can build up inside a microwave in a few short days. Gift a microwave cleaner ($6.99) thatll release steam to loosen difficult messes and deodorize smells.
27. Cocktail shakers
Give the new homeowner a cocktail shaker ($21.59) so they can mix drinks like a professional. With a cocktail shaker, they can shake themselves a fun drink. Take it a step further and have the shakers personalized with their last name.
28. Mixing bowls
If the homeowner plans to ever cook, theyll need mixing bowls ($35.99). Choose a mixing bowl set that comes with airtight lids so they can double as containers for leftovers.
For the living room
The living room is one of the more important parts of a home. Its a communal area for friends and family to gather and hang out. Use one of these gift ideas to help a homeowner cozy up their living room.
29. Blankets
Who doesnt like to cuddle under a warm blanket while watching movies or reading a book? Give the homeowner a personalized blanket ($15) to congratulate them on the new home. Have it inscribed with a custom message commemorating their housewarming party to turn the blanket into a memento.
Source: (Kelly Sikkema/ Unsplash)
30. Wall art
When you first move into a home, the walls tend to be a little bare. Help the homeowner decorate by gifting them wall art ($11.99) that is beautiful enough to be a centerpiece.
31. Candles
The symbolism behind a candle is clear. When you light a candle, youre casting out darkness. Its good luck to light a candle on the first night in a new home to help ensure evil stays away. A Sacred Smudge candle ($9.71) will not only add beautiful decor to a new home with its mix of crystals and herbs but also ward off negative energies.
32. Coffee table books
If you know the new homeowner is a bibliophile, then displaying a book with a beautiful cover makes for a perfect gift. Not only are coffee table books gorgeous aesthetics on their own, but theyre also a thoughtful gift. To get ideas, browse these lists on Read it Forward and Brightly for highly anticipated 2020 releases. The average cost of a hardcover book is in the $20 range.
33. Coasters
Theres something extra irritating about the grayish watermark rings caused by sweating drinks. Give the new homeowner a pair of black agate coasters ($23.19) to ward off the pesky stains.
34. Tree ornaments
Many people follow a tradition of buying a new Christmas tree ornament to represent special occasions or mark the passage of a year. Get the homeowner a personalized ornament ($20) to commemorate moving into the new house.
Decorative and home-focused
Its nice to spruce up a home with decorations that are also useful. Help make a homeowners life a little easier with these thoughtful decor pieces.
35. Personalized welcome mat
No one likes the outside getting tracked all over the inside of the house. Not only that, but a welcome mat doubles as a great statement piece. Its one of the first things a visitor will see. Gift the new homeowner a personalized monogram doormat ($19.99) to make it really special.
36. A keychain for their new key
It seems like you can never have enough keychains to hold the dozens of keys you end up collecting over the years. The compass is still as useful now as it was hundreds of years ago back when it was invented in ancient China. Be helpful and gift a useful compass keychain ($21.98) for the key to the new house. Now theyll never lose their house key, nor their way in the world.
37. Return address stamp
Sometimes, its tedious to have to write out your address on an envelope. Even more so if you run a business from your home or need to send out lots of letters for a special occasion. Give the new homeowner a custom return address stamp ($19.54) with beautiful calligraphy and typeset.
38. Door hangers
Like with the doormat, a door hanger is one of the first details a visitor will notice about a home. Gift a gorgeous wooden sign to hang from the door ($55.99) that says Home Sweet Home.
39. House numbers
In all the rush and workload involved with moving into a new home, house numbers to help show the address are often overlooked and forgotten. Give a wooden address sign with a planter box ($49). Itll allow the homeowner to display their address and decorate with plants and holiday themes.
Source: (Ian Kirkland/ Unsplash)Just for fun
Not every gift needs to be practical. Show your fun side by choosing one of these more entertaining housewarming party gifts.
40. Board games
Who doesnt love playing board games? Bring a classic board game as a gift and deliver a bit of nostalgia to the recipient. The average cost for most board games is around $20.
Source: (Micha Parzuchowski/ Unsplash)
41. Kids toy chest
If you have kids, you know the struggle of finding places to store the multitude of toys and stuffed animals. If the new homeowners have kids of their own, give the gift of a toy chest ($75).
42. Pet treats
Our animal companions are as close to us as family. Dont overlook the presence of pets if the homeowners have any. Bring over some delectable pet treats for their cat ($2) or dog ($14), and youll surely be in the furry companions good graces.
43. Bath products
Everyone enjoys taking a luxurious hot bath every once in a while. Its a great way to relax sore muscles too. Give the homeowner some bath bombs ($35) to encourage them to treat themselves with a peaceful soak.
For the more serious homeowner, this list of down-to-earth gifts will be sure to please.
44. Tool kit
A new home comes with new responsibilities. Repairs will eventually crop up, and then tools will be essential for certain tasks. A tool kit ($59.99) makes a great gift for a new homeowner.
45. Fire extinguisher
Nothing says you care about their safety like gifting a fire extinguisher ($19.98). Itll be one of those gifts the homeowner will hope never to have to use, but be grateful for should the need ever arise.
46. Doorstops
Sometimes, you need the door held wide open while youre busy carrying in the groceries or moving in a large piece of furniture. Hodor from Game of Thrones deserved better, but everyone can agree he held the door like a champ. This Hodor doorstop ($23) is a perfect housewarming gift for the Game of Thrones fan.
47. Bookends
For the book-loving homeowner, a bookend makes a great housewarming gift as a statement piece. A diorama bookend ($169) adds a creative flair to any bookshelf.
48. Grocery lists
Everyone goes grocery shopping. Most of us need a grocery list if we dont want to forget something important. An organized grocery list notepad ($16.25) makes a thoughtful gift for a housewarming present.
49. Calendars
Life can get hectic, and a calendar helps us stay organized and remember important dates. Bring a wall calendar ($23.95) so the new homeowner can track appointments and events more easily.
50. Smart home device
As we move into an increasingly advanced digital age, smart home devices grow more prevalent. Look through these numerous smart home devices and choose the one that best fits the new homeowners for their housewarming party gift. Prices vary drastically on smart home devices, starting at $20 and going up.
Source: (Sarah Pflug/Burst)
A new home, a new beginning
We hope this ultimate guide to housewarming party gifts helped give you several ideas for what to buy for your friend or relative. Buying a home is a huge achievement, whether its your first time or not.
The next time youre ready to buy or sell your home, make use of one of our specialized calculators to help you out. They can help you calculate a budget for a new home, or even determine when the best time of year to sell is.
Once youve done that, be sure to choose from one of our many listed real estate agent experts. Theyre the top in their area and ready to help you find a dream home or sell your house fast.
Header Image Source: (Monkey Business Images/ Shutterstock)
Arplis - News source http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Arplis-News/~3/b4yUOKgy324/50-housewarming-party-gift-ideas-for-brand-new-homeowners
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best ride
I used to work in health care. A nursing home first and then a hospital. both had that clinical smell to it, mixed with bodily gases and industrial air freshener. the hospital was better. at least i was able to move around and have different patients. see different forms of suffering. every day began the same some how. even though i was on a different floor or was assigned different rooms or had different doctors and nurses over me... it all began the same and had the same consistent tasks involved. i would arrive to the hospital before dawn. following a convoy of cars with the same sticker in the window as i had. we would all park and then walk briskly to different parts of the hospital. once i arrived at my station i would put my things away, grab a stethoscope and my blood pressure machine and find the nursing tech that was coming off the night shift. she would gruffly give me random bits of info on who had a bath, who was incontinent, who was a 2 assist and who was in isolation. always referring to the patient room number instead of the patients name. “19 has a catheter, and refuses to shower. 24 should be discharged today. and 17 has MRSA so double glove”. after my “pass along” information, i would start my round of vitals. sometimes i would get most of them done before the breakfast trays arrived. God i hated that smell. for whatever reason the food carts that they bring up to each hall has a specific smell of old peas, stale coffee and some kind of mystery meat. it was because of this smell that i always left the house without eating something. that and i was always too tired to get up early to even tackle that task, especially if i was a working a triple. after passing the trays out and getting the morning vitals,  it was basically a juggling act of answering call lights, getting what the nurses requested, getting baths fitted in, changing sheets and making sure all my patients had everything they needed. there were times....in between all the hustle, all the different transports around the hospital, all the many many bathroom trips...that i was able to get to know some of the patients. learn about their stories. who they are. that was the best part of the job. getting to know them. it was also the worst. once you learn a persons story,  life has a way of reminding you that you are not in control of anything. its the worst kind of lesson and i learned it over and over again working in that hospital. one patient in particular...i had her for several weeks, which is unusual since i was put where was needed. so the fact that i had her as a patient for as long as i did was uncommon. we will call her “Joan”. i got to know her quite well, in fact. she was in her early 40s, she had three children, divorced, was jaundice, on a clear liquid diet because she had liver cancer, and hated red jello. her children hardly came to see her. but she never let on how much it bothered her. she would just say “oh they are so busy with everything, i wouldn’t want them to come all this way to see me. its too much”. her youngest daughter did send her a plant once though. Joan was so thrilled when i brought it in to her. it was one of those plants that no one knows the name of. that has big green leaves and sometimes get those weird white waxy buds on it every now and then. the kind that you see around baptist church pulpits during easter time. it wasn't anything special or pretty, it didn’t even have those weird bud things on it yet. but she was thrilled like it was a bouquet of perfect red roses from a beau. i put in on her window seal in her room and made sure to water it every day that i worked. my schedule was pretty consistent at that time. it was three 12 hour shifts on and then three off. when i would come back after three days, find that i had Joan as a patient again and then start my rounds in her room first. bringing in her tray of chicken broth and apple juice. she would alway look so relieved when she would see me walking in and a smile would spread across her yellow skin. it was the best way to start such a long day. after a few weeks, she was making progress, she was moved to solid food and her jaundice had slowly dissipated. she still couldn’t leave the room and needed my help to get to the bathroom but she only would get sick but once a day and started to put on some weight. i asked her once while i was giving her a bath, what her favorite way to pamper herself was. she told me that she loved painting her nails. looking down at her hands and feet i found that they were void of polish. it took all but two seconds to find a nurse with a bottle of red nail polish. the name on it was “the life guard makes me blush”. who comes up with those names anyways? she looked like she felt ten years younger with her nails painted red. after i came back from being off for three days i was disappointed to find that my favorite patient wasn’t assigned to me that day. but i was assigned to rooms close to hers and would stop in once my rounds were done to see her.  my co-worker penny was assigned to her and she came rushing up to me as i was about to head into my first patients room. she told me she was running behind and asked if i could pass out Joan’s breakfast tray since is was so close to my rooms. I told her no problem and that i wanted to check on her anyways. i grabbed her breakfast tray(solid foods still) and started to walk toward her room. i will never ever forget that feeling i got when i stepped foot into her room. it was a feeling that froze me. it was a feeling that something was missing that should be there. in the room. and it just wasn’t. i hadn’t even laid eyes on Joan to know that she had slipped from this world and went to the next. i realized as soon as my eyes confirmed what i already knew, that what was missing in the room was life. its such an odd feeling....of knowing that a vessel is now empty and you are left alone. That you are the only one breathing in a room and know that its wrong to be the only one. i set her tray down, walked over to her checked her pulse on her still warm wrist and felt nothing. She couldn’t have been gone for more than a few minutes. I kept thinking that if i would have gotten to her room sooner she wouldn’t have been alone. i ran to get penny and told Joan’s nurse. Penny and i started to work together to gather her things and get Joan ready for when the family came. As i pulled back her covers, i saw in Joan’s right hand was her rosary. Her plastic, pink rosary. Held in between her fingers with red nail polish on them. Only those of us who have worked in such a field...knows how small you feel when you realize how wrong you are about everything. Joan wasn’t alone at all. I finished post-mortem care with Penny, and then said a finally goodbye to Joan. i walked to the bathroom in the hall that no one uses and released the tears that i had been holding back. When i was finally able to gather myself, i walked back to my other patients rooms and passed by Joan’s room again and saw her ugly plain plant and bloomed those weird waxy white flowers and started crying all over again. Joan’s nurse came out of her room just then and saw me with tears running down my face and told me to get out of her sight. that if i can’t be professional then i need to leave because i have a job to do. she was right. I did have a job to do. but i knew that after my work was done for the day i wouldn’t be working at in this field anymore. I couldn’t work in a job that saw it unprofessional to feel loss when a life is over. i finished my shift. and told my charge nurse that i was done. she looked at me with this type of understanding and admiration that i had realized something she didn’t until it was too late for her. She told me that if i needed any references that to contact her and that i would be missed. i walked out of that hospital, got into my car and followed the convoy of cars with the same sticker in the window i had, out of the hospital campus grounds. I felt such relief...i knew i made the right choice. that there was something else that i was meant to do where i wouldn’t get so close to patients but i would still get to help them. I didn’t know at the time what that profession was but i wasn’t going to stop until i found it. it wasn’t until 6 years later....that 911 dispatch found me. 
0 notes
mikkalaia · 6 years
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SLU Psychology Class of 2015 Batch Prophecy
PS special side dish not included. To be served on your majestic mint condition YearBook copy. So be excited humans!
June 25, 2025
5:47 AM — Tahiti Time. As the sun radiates through the curtain lace. I woke up to the buzzing and throbbing in my head, and I’m still in the red dress I wore from last night. What did happen that night? I turned to my side table and saw a newly published book entitled “A Nomadic Entrepreneur’s Travels and Lifestyle” by Mikka Alaia Nalupa and a half filled glass of wine -still I’ve manage to stand up, and take a deep breathe and have one last look at the mile-long stretch of powder-white sand sloping gently into a shallow emerald lagoon of Bora Bora before I go back to the Philippines for our Class Gala on the 27th -exactly ten years ago from marching out of our college lives and into our own realities and fantasies. My flight’s four hours away, and I’ll be flying for thirteen hours more or less. And my bag’s already packed with the things I need for my wandering life.
8: 23 AM — It was still early. I decided to grab a cup of earl grey on my way out to the airport -while waiting for my tea I took a copy of their company pamphlet, upon reading I discovered that Minie Dimag Bagyan owns this café and she has been expanding her coffee business worldwide. After I got my tea, I walked a few blocks to hail a cab. And on my ride to the airport, I heard Mary Helen Tupong anchoring the morning news on an international radio station. The news was on; Karol Manalo‘s life as a time traveler and on her recent time travel to have tea with Queen Elizabeth II, Daniel Andrada on being the first Filipino muggle born to ever catch the flying snitch in the newest edition of the Nimbus broomstick at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and Ulysses Dalog for being the first psychologist to transcend his consciousness to the digital world. After the morning news the driver changed the radio station, a rap song started playing and it was Lesley Christopher Bautista dropping rhymes on the radio until I arrive at the airport.
9:19 AM — Still early for my flight. I took the liberty of roaming around the airport looking for a magazine stand to get something to read while I’m on my 13hr flight. While browsing through all the foreign magazines a familiar face caught my sight on a cover of a well known magazine –Michelle Viray along side Jane Lennie Basco and Jaffey Mherca Cantor who are all wearing the latest ready to wear clothing line by Araceli Ronquillo. I was becoming a lot more curious about the magazine, so I flipped through the first few pages and I came across Ashley Gail Taron‘s name as the Senior Chief Editor of the magazine. I decided to grab a copy for myself. 10:13 AM— I was comfortably seated in the business class carriage of a Luxury Jet Plane owned by Adrianne Jane Amboni and piloted by Mary Chile Pasquin. The plane started to smoothly rise above the ground and glide through the gentle wind and clouds. I put my glasses on and started flipping through the magazine. Upon reading I found out that a lot of my batch mates were featured in this month’s issue; Nina Sarah Sarmiento a now renowned interior designer has been styling homes and mansions for the rich and famous, namely, Terence Fender Bania-ao, Zarah May Laroya, Rachel Lopez, Marjorie Madlon, Riza Cha-i Padcayan, and Ariane Joy Patacsil.  
During the flight, they showed a film that claims to be the top-grosser for the 2025 Cannes Film Festival. It was a pleasant surprise to discover that the leading stars were Kasmir Dumpit a now Broadway artist and Ben Jan Rusby Nativadad a big time Theater Actor. It was no surprise that the film was conducted by an up-and-coming indie filmmaker and director Rafael Handiong Kapuno. During the credit, the OST was sang by Roland Milan a Broadway singer/actor and an Executive Finance Manager. It was nice to see all my performing batch mates in one project doing what they do best.
The trip was tedious and had to stopover in Osaka for a connecting flight to Hong Kong. I was feeling a bit bored in the airport so I held my phone out to check my Facebook Feeds. I saw that Gino Daniel Abalos‘s just checked-in in Indonesia for the 38th SEA Games. Albertino Miguel Dimasupil just posted a group picture with Jenina Marie Manalo and Mary Ann Masliyan fresh from the Euro NASCAR Circuit. Sheila Natalie Juyag just changed her display picture of her riding a giraffe in the Africa. Annie Timbangan just shared an Instagram picture from her shopping spree in Europe. And I just received an event invite from Jazel Robert Ramos‘ Christian Rock Concert Tour in Malaysia for next month I accepted the invite right away.
While boarding on, I came across Ferry Anne Aquino, Camille Anne Arizo, Marriel Bautista, Sunshine Kristine Ray Lopez, Pamela Singh Cudhail, Arlene Caasi and Charina Caluwag who are boarding to their last stop from their grand Asian tour. I was able to catch up with them for a little while and told me tales about our other batch mates I missed while I was away. I learned that Donne Patrick Valbuena is currently building his mini basketball league with his kids. They also showed me a new volume of a manga comic about Karen Sarvito‘s anime travels, which Myne Bullan illustrated here in Japan. They also told me that Marinette Andal, Kyla Pauline Babon, Nove Kathleen Corsino and Divine Grace Ullalim are now registered physicians in a private hospital working along side with Leandra Edano, Divimae Lumaguey, Chelsea Claudine Mendoza who pursued Psychiatric Care, Jezreetila Wayasen and Maureen Mae Aro as the hospital’s certified Psychologist. We bid our goodbyes for now and promised to catch up some more and went on to our separate flights.
While heading to my seat I noticed some familiar faces, It was April Grace Bandonil working on her computer, and was on the phone scheduling a business meeting with Aiza Pearl Balingao also a business tycoon in the field of science. A few seats behind her was Beatrice Erica Popa a now Literary Archeologist who was studying two old copies of manuscripts. And three seats from the rear of the business class carriage was Mark Onia flipping through a magazine on “mysterious places to go to” he seems to have just arrived from a tomb raiding spree based on his “Indiana-Jones-like” get up. I carried on to my seat and thought to myself that I could catch up with them on the reunion itself. -Feeling nostalgic about coming together and hearing a lot of stories, and catching up, I put on my earphones and listened to my most recent favorite songs composed by Murphy Liswid, performed by Lemuel Botiwey on the drums, John Paulo Aguas on the lead guitar, Tyrone Dan Rullan on the back vocals and bass, and Mainne Vhe Jamison as the lead vocals. I was asleep for the whole flight and when I woke up I was already in Bangkok.
I’m on my last connect flight to the Philippines. The trip was sort of long, so I dilly dallied at the airport lobby. I saw Shirley Lingaling and Jarlene Parraexchanging stories of how exciting was bungee jumping and sky diving at Macau. I went to find a seat and grabbed an international newspaper. For the international headline news, Linda Tokyas together with Maria Jonah Catacutan, Marjorie Donato, Alyssa Gabot, Karina Magno, Julianne Tabanand Guillian Venturozo are the first group of female astronauts sent by NASA to set foot on the moon and take flight across the Milky Way. While flipping through the travel and lifestyle section I found out that Marwin Teniosodedicated his traveling in conquering mountain tops. And Rubie Borbon was also featured on the same page, talking about his latest travel to Milan for the Fashion Week. In the entertainment section, I came across a large print of Clarize Deewaii Balutoc and Dickson Ray Kimmakim holding an Oscar Best Actor award from a motion picture they both starred in. And on the business section, Sheena Marie Tayaban a now shareholder of all the biggest companies in the world. Heading on to my last flight, I saw Jan Vincent Angeles and his fiancé, Nicole Gerome Arellano and Lenny Catiyan who are traveling with their families, and Ruth Micah Celi with her cute kids and dashing husband boarding on the same fight back home. They all came from a holiday vacation and are all heading back just as I am.
June 26,2025 3:18 AM — Manila Time. I finally arrived at NAIA with 2 connect flights. I was fatigued, but I was used to the jet lag, I made my way to the Information Center and I was delighted to see Michelle Anne Basilio who also just arrived from her stay in Paris, France. We said our goodbyes for now and saved all the catching up for tomorrow’s big event. My driver picked me up in a luxurious car hired by my company. It was the newest model manufactured by Mei Arra Roberta Rosuello‘s Automotive company. She was not only able to buy her family cars, but owned a company as well. Upon arriving, I checked into the grandest 5 star Luxury Resort Hotel Casino in the capital owned by a big time business savvy Justine Ross Bañares and two grand lottery winners Jayson Rodel Javier and Rhemielyn Belen.
On my way to the penthouse, I stood in the lift for a long while since it was located on the top level. I enjoyed the elevator music which was an instrumental of strings played and composed by Christopher Evangelista. I settled my bag on the carpeted floor and I launched myself into bed, I turned the TV on -A rerun of Bryan Stephen Briones and Abigail Irang hosting their own food and travel show, for this special segment they traveled to an island owned by no other but Chiara Angelica Castro, featuring Clay Glaiza Idos‘s beach resort that serves Jolibee Fast Food. And for the next show, It was Precious Sharizz Bautista‘s food tasting show and for this episode she is going take a bite of one of Chef Gordon Ramsay’s gourmet dish. Finally feeling rested and relaxed I fell asleep right away. 9:48 AM —I woke up to the morning news. Charissa Jose, now on her 2nd term as the president of the Philippines honored the countries top secret service agents Chelsea Anne Gabriel and Rebecca Galvan for capturing an international terrorist. Suddenly Feeling famish about the news I got ready to get breakfast down at the Hotel’s in-house restaurant. I requested for the chef’s special and the restaurant’s executive chef, Caryl Aloida Retuta, personally served my meal. After I ate and chatted with Carly. I decided to go for a walk, after a few blocks away, I looked up and there I saw a billboard of Dave Jeremy Tan, Patricia Nicole Alcaraz, Moranda Black, Myleen Epie, Lyra Anne Lopez, Jessica Valerie Julian and Shanine Denice Sison who are now members of the United Nations doing humanitarian works and their campaign to end poverty. I then grabbed a cab to visit one of the largest library in the world. Surprisingly, it was owned by Jeane Caridad Supnet. Upon entering at the receiving lounge, there was a book promotion and reading of Novy Galletes and Mary Rose Garcia they authored and I can hear Novy reading an excerpt from her new novel. Not wanting to disturb her reading I went straight to the classic section and found Patricia May Alcarazstanding by the book shelves reading.
Everywhere I look was already a reunion waiting to happen. I was unintentionally surrounded by the outstanding works and dreams of my former batch mates. I decided to grab a cup of tea to calm myself from all the excitement. Upon ordering, April Alyssa Alarin who took a sabbatical leave from her high-paying profession to work as a cashier for fun, took my order. We took the chance to exchange stories about our male batch mate while no one was ordering yet. She told me that Brandon Capuyan, Mark Kevin Damasco Ty, Jan Michael Vincent Escosio, Franiel Lamadrid, Kevin Massagan and Rafael Alvin Tugade who are now living the dream of having a lavish, contented and happy life, and as being well respected professionals. She also showed me on her Instagram feed a picture of Darren Jedrick Mejiaand Mark Anthony Gabriel captioned “Finally graduating in flying colors with their 3rd Bachelors Degree Course” and she double tapped that picture. A new costumer was heading the counter and it was a pleasure to see Sarah Faith Bannay a now guidance counselor at one of the largest universities in the country together with Zarah Jane De Gollo a well respected lawyer in a prestigious law firm are simply dropping by to grab a cup of coffee before heading back to their workplaces. I gave out a faint smile as I made my way out of the coffee shop, I was in a state of ecstasy as my batch mates shared our lives and experiences, and I too have learned a thing or two not just about living a successful life but also living an ecstatic one.
June 27, 2015 6: 13 PM— The night of the Class Gala. I don’t know why, or what but I was both feeling extremely nervous and excited, and it was a feeling that was both familiar and distant. Only I cannot hide my wide smile. I made my way up to the Ballroom where the big event will be held, I was able to share the lift with Angelica Figuero, Kimberly Joyce Langagan, Jocel Ivy Peña, Ma. Cristina Peralta, and Rowena Sibaya who are in the middle of their chats about their South American travel, showing pictures on their phone to each other and giving tips and recommendations on the go-to places to see. I also had the privilege to walk alongside Monica Margarette Molina, who just recently opened her private dental firm, Marion Nicole Rodillas a now modern Mother Theresa, Aleli Langgaman an American citizen living in NY with her family, Ferleen Caluza a famous dancer/choreographer who has been working with international artist, and Lea Sibaya a now chief police officer, heading the same direction.
As I entered the Ballroom I was surprised to suddenly see Jemima Sawey and Briverlyn Jane Atuan who casually apparated their way in. The night took off in a whirlwind of warm hi’s, hello’s and how are you’s. I was overwhelmed to see everyone in one place after 10 years, I decided to grab a drink at the bar. There I saw a group of well dressed ladies hold in their cocktails are Xhachelle Ruiz, Marleen Ilagan, Marjyl Patacsil, Candice De Castro, Florence Raiza Gonzales and Charmaine Jimday Tan sharing stories about their lavish world tours and are planning to travel all together. I pave my way to the a far end table and sitting were, Brian Nicole Ruaro who were sharing his experience with the divine, Kurvin Kindipan & Allan Dave Tacay on their journey to awesomeness, Jose Nicolo Genilo‘s life and day as a superhero, Donna May Baliton talking about living her dreams, Denice Mae Cordero sharing her thoughts on happiness, Kenny Hanna Damaslog about hearing songs from the people’s heart, Joanne Legiralde sharing her search for meaning and actually finding it, Evamarish Dyquianco speaking how it would be really nice to give God a hi-five when you reached heaven and Jara Eunice Hernandez‘s on her finally discovering her ultimate dream. Overhearing them talk about something abstract and insuperable as if it was within reach and something feasible made me giggle inside. I was glad to know that it was possible to attain your dreams into your reality.
Before serving our well plated dinner, Elaine Fatima Simon a Nobel Peace Prize winner for her unique method of bringing people together through her witty inspirational talks, gives out one of her famous motivational speeches to the whole Batch. After the dinner, the mingling continued. Phoebe Eguiaand Prynces Fae Valdez are now neighbors and living in a mansion and owning luxurious cars. I caught Shanesse Avery Garcia and Niña Rica Valeroso still eating and chatting since they’ve always been a lover of food. On the table to the right front was Denise De Padua sharing how happy she is with her stable life, Desiree Gonzales a now successful professional in her chosen field, Michelle Hafalla a family woman with a stable career and a happy family, Ma. Cristina Tamio a now boss of her own business establishment and happily living with her own family.
And on the table farther to the left side of the stage was Eloise Amor Culimay, Karleen Depolio, Larysa Malecdan, Jenny Grace Mercado, Eloiza Kaye Payap-a, Harnice Joyce Santos and Zenith Faye Litac showing each other pictures of their continental travels around the world from Europe, North and South America, Africa, Australia and Asia, they’ve gone to them all leaving their mark an collecting souvenir on every country they go to. A few tables back are a group of lovely ladies that seems to be talking about something deep that includes existential themes, which sits, Emee Lize Mamuyac sharing her achievements to the people who sits on the same table, Jovelle Kaye Navarrete showing pictures of her fangirling moments with her favorite artist, Wendy Paragas shares her dreams and has been working on it to bring forth in her reality, Marian Reiko Rimando already found what she has been longing for and Klaudyne Rose Yango is now living a happy life that God has planned for her.
11: 53 PM — The night flew by so effortlessly and quickly as my batch mates reached their dreams and fantasies. We reminisced about our college years and compared ourselves back then to who we were and who are now. Exchanges of stories of success, struggles and getting back up for that fall. I can’t believe that the night was finally over and it will be another 10 years or so to have another gathering like this. the night ended with goodbyes and swapping of contacts and what not. Each promised to keep in touch via email, call, sms, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, you name it they got it. As I close the door to my hotel room I could help but feel blessed to be surrounded by passionate and eager dream catchers. as I close my eyes I whisper a little thank you my alma mater, for harboring our Christian spirit, competence, creativity and social involvement.
June 28,2015
6:15 — Amsterdam time. Finally back to living our dreams in reality. —the end—
PS all information are credited to the graduates’ ultimate dreams. No pun intended.
Inspired by my High School Batch Prophecy 
0 notes
smoothshift · 7 years
GT350 Roadtrip: 1 week, 9 states, 4400miles. Lengthy post, pics included. via /r/cars
GT350 Roadtrip: 1 week, 9 states, 4400miles. Lengthy post, pics included.
TLDR: It was a lengthy but short roadtrip. You're welcome.  
Ain't got no time for readin and stuff? I got you: http://ift.tt/2vmKRwc  
States visited: OR, WA, ID, MT, WY, CO, UT, AZ, NV  
Notable locations: Glacier National Park, Pike's Peak, Great Sand Dunes National Park, Zion National Park, Shelby Museum/Factory/Store  
I left San Francisco on Saturday 8/12 at 5:30AM. Returned Saturday 8/19 at 11:45PM. Following are the notes I took on the trip and recollections after. I hope you enjoy. I certainly did.  
Northern California: Nothing notable, I live here. Took 80 East to 505 North, later merging into 5 North. Met two guys with built-out BRZs in Suisun Valley; they were headed to a meet. Cars were tastefully modded and I favored the burnt orange and black wing combo car. Didn't talk long, but the burnt orange guy wanted to know if I was "driving the ecoboost?" Nah, this isn't the ecoboost. Those are good cars, though, and I envy the MPG.  
Oregon: Fast-forwarding to the land of "thou shalt not pump your own gas." Really weird but whatever, Oregon has the most beautiful semi-populated back country I've seen. Didn't find any technical driving roads but the long straights and gentle sweepers were nice. Fantastic ranches you guys have, btw, wow. When the sun hits the golden fields as you're blasting by and the horses look up ya think, huh. I can dig this. P.S. your speed limits are terrible, not updated since 1912 or some such.  
Washington: Ah, crossing the border with that feeling of anticipation, the wonder of sights unseen, the joy of... 2 KA bands and 1 laser hit. WTF Washington, nice welcome wagon you got there. But you're not done, no sir or ma'am. Pasco, WA, aka interchange city. So. Many. KA. Bands. And. 2. Laser. Hits. I get it, you need the revenue. But not from me. Motored along merrily on 90NE/E to Spokane, crossing into Idaho.  
Idaho: Coeur d'Alene. Wow. Amazing roads; long sweepers in the mountains, gentle and lengthy elevation changes and fantastic scenery. You win, Idaho.  
Montana: I'm on the way to Glacier National Park. 3 things of note in this state:  
1 - "Keep Right Except to Pass." I've seen posts about this on r/Cars and never really "got it", but now I do. Montananians have this down to a science and it works. Granted the population is sparse but its a model of managing traffic flow and speed. Consider me a full-time convert.  
2 - I pulled in to a rest stop on Highway 2; it was 11:30 at night and the area poorly lit. A family was setting up a giant tent on the grass; it was just them, me and a semi parked in the lot. Blacked out the car windows (sunscreen and blankets) and made myself cozy. 3AM and I'm suddenly awake, its time to visit the facilities and take care of urgent business. As I approach the men's room I hear a noise, it's a loud buzzing and a man's booming voice. Montana rest stops have speakers playing the weather report ("The weather in Big Fork was clear, and the wind was..."). This speaker was blown due to the loud volume setting. Creepy at 3AM, moreso with dim fluorescent lighting. Good news though: Bathroom is clean and I've got my choice of two stalls. I take the luxury stall aka the doublewide aka the handicapped version. Oh. Lock is broken. NP, I switch to the economy stall and run down the checklist. Door locks, check. Floor and seat clean, check. Enough TP to build an assnest on the seat, check. We're locked and loaded and I'm going in, Cap'n. Except for one thing: The lone bit of graffiti on the door. It read: "8/11. Let's %$# or at least piss on me. Tap foot." Imagine its 3AM and you're groggy with so few hours of sleep and that's me, mouth slightly open, brow furrowed with squinty eyes trying to comprehend this lonely missive of love and bodily fluids. First thought: Is it the 11th? No, ok good. Second: I'm the only one in here. Third: I no longer have the urge to do anything but GTFO; the creepy factor went from 3/10 to 10/10. Not that it mattered to the disembodied man's distorted voice; he continued belting out the weather report as I left a contrail of relief denied.  
3 - Glacier National Park. My first must-see destination and it was so worth it. Lovely, narrow roads albeit packed with appliance cars. On the West Glacier Road there's a spot to park and take a shuttle bus up. Not for me but it's a popular thing. Some tourists get bored waiting and attempt to hitchhike; as I rounded a curve I saw a hitchhiker sorta gently shove his (I presume) SO away and say loudly in his Brit accent, "I know what I'm about!" Hey brother. You're ok hitchhiking in a park, but don't do that anywhere else. Unless you like the song Goodbye Horses in which case have at it. Anyway, GNP: Pictures can't convey it well, nor can they convey the batshit crazy old lady driving a minty green Fiat ... Fiat uh, not the Abarth but the lower spec model. Old lady, her Fiat and personal GNP Formula 1. Like everyone else she'd pull over for pics, but when I saw her coming I got out of the way.  
Wyoming: Plains. Plains as far as the eye can fall asleep.. I kid. Beautiful state, really. Pulled over and listened to a thunderstorm slowly roar across the open land. Amazing, spiritual, awe-inspiring. Congrats, Wyomingians. All 3 of you.  
Colorado: Colorado is amazing, and as a California native I'm genetically predisposed to moving there. But don't worry, Coloradorians.. eh, Coloradori, F it, lets just go with Pot Smoking REI Junkies and Rednecks. As I was saying, I won't move there, ever. Not me. Nuh uh. Well. Not unless I get bored, or ... wait. Wait a second. Huh. Zillow says I can buy how many bedrooms, with how big a garage and a backyard that's spacious in a good neighborhood for how much? Hmmmm.  
Pike's Peak. You've heard about it. If you've not gone, go. Don't expect a Hill Climb though, the usual appliance cars and Lifted Lambos (trucks) clog the roads - although I did get lucky in spots, and did a Matt Farah a few times by making a gap on the straights. 14k elevation, no big deal, I've done that before in Ladakh (India, Himalaya foothills). Think again, that 14k kicked my ass. Just taking pictures of the car was wearing me out. While at the summit some lady hiked down (apparently there's a trail) and needed rescue, she simply could not climb up. I believe it.  
Great Sand Dunes National Park. Yep. It's sandy. The approach road (well outside of the park) is minimal to no traffic, you can go 10 mins without seeing a car. I may or may not have done a triple. Or as I call it, 25 MPH in Mexican school zone. Because I'd never do that in the US. Not me.  
Small towns. We all know its common for small towns to be speed traps. Colorado small towns take it to the next level. Its dark, I'm in BFE, and 1-2-3 small towns in a row: K Band, X Band, KA Band, no apparent falses. In one case the local popo followed me about 3 miles out of town. My very first police escort, I'm so proud.  
Montrose, CO. I'm a coffee nerd so this trip has been mostly hell. The hell of McD's coffee or worse, gas station coffee. Swill. So what makes Montrose, CO, special? La Zona Colona Coffee off Highway 550. You're going to pass it when heading to Silverton, so stop. Clean outside and in, tastefully done decor and, crucially, outstanding coffee with what seems to be an extra dose of caffeine. I suspect this because it wasn't long before I was road raging pretty hard, I mean come on. LANE CAMPERS RADKJEKEJREKJFDKJ gargle scream do nothing but wait to pass. Yep. Road raging. Best coffee I've ever had.  
Silverton,CO. Quaint, preserved old-timey Western town. They even have a steam train and stagecoach, actual ones that move along and make old-timey choo choo noises and whatever sounds horses make. Popular place.  
Highway 550 to Durango. Rounded a curve and a blond guy with man bun waved me down. He and his GF were stuck, older Toyota with a dead battery and as it turns out, bad alternator. I had a battery charger but no cables (ugh) so he plugged it to the battery and we waited. I suggested waving down a truck as those guys must have cables. Cars go by, no one stops or acknowledges his waving. Weird; he's young, good looking and dressed in Mountain Chic - I mean, he's not scary looking and its full daylight. Finally a red F150 stops, older guy with cables. He's a little sauced, not drunk but he's had a few. Engine turns over and I follow the Toyota couple a while, and it dies again. This happened 4x til we made it to the guy's house in Durango. On the last pullover the red F150 guy shows up again. "I wanna see how fast this Shelby can go," he says, slightly slurred, "It's ok, I party with the cops in Durango." This was just not gonna happen, Durango's not a little town with deserted roads and I didn't see any signs for open track night. I politely ignored him and we got the Toyota couple home, wished them luck and off I went.  
Utah: I dunno, it's Utah. Mostly impressed with the people vs. the places, although those are nice too.  
Four Corners. Not sure what I expected, maybe something grand to commemorate 4 state borders, maybe some good dining and driving roads. Nope. You get a short dusty road (fine, its the arid desert), a $5 entry fee, signs saying cremated remains cannot be spread here (huh, who, why?), vendors selling Navajo-themed jewelry and stuff and that thing. That thing set in concrete marking the celebration of 4 state borders meeting. I was done before I got there and was walking back to the car when I saw her. No, not the love of my life. Rather a woman wearing an awesome tshirt which just then struck me as hilarious. Pic taken. Nice lady, she was a riot. She liked the GT350 too.  
Zion National Park. 105 degrees. Two European guys driving below the speed limit in a rental Focus. I get it, you're here to see the sights. But uh, pull over. Thanks bye.  
Kanab: Nothing notable here other than I stayed in the Quality Inn's "suite." But there was one cool encounter at the local car wash (I detail my car religiously): Mr. Walker with his 1965 Thunderbird. OMG. Maroon paint, black leather interior, dusty engine. Overall excellent shape (driving condition, not concours) and he's the second owner with all maintenance records from new. Mr. Walker liked the Shelby and had a lot of questions; I had just as many for him. He showed his car and apologized for being unable to wipe down the front and rear chrome due to his age. Not a problem, yours truly wiped it down for him and it was a pleasure doing so. What a car. Tip of the cap to you, sir.  
Nevada AKA Las Vegas: Stopped to visit the Shelby Factory, Museum and Shop. The shop is the first thing you see once inside and lemme tell ya. Need a Shelby leather coat? They got you, Holmes. Socks, tshirts, bottle opener, model car, hat, travel mug, earrings, key chain? No problemo. I made a dad joke (tm, not an actual dad) after buying some shirts: So uh, you guys have everything, literally everything for sale, don't you? Sales lady: (thinking FFS not this again): Yes, we do. Me: Great, I'm in the market for a new fridge. Sales lady: Points to her left and there it is, a I-kid-you-not-Shelby-branded-fridge. Joke's on me; abort abort mission failure RTB.  
Walked outside and there was an Aussie family sorta standing by my car. The dad went on about how much they liked it, and a US friend of his was considering buying one. Told him to tell his friend, yep, buy it.  
... And that's pretty much it. Went to SoCal but there's 2 kinds of SoCal: coastal (nice) and inland desert (less nice). At Barstow I couldn't take it anymore, GTA got crappy desert towns right. Connnected to 5 North and pulled over for gas: $3.89 for premium, the good ole welcome home price. Drove 6 hours north to SF, woke up the GF and flopped right into bed. Best parts about coming home: GF reunion, Game of Thrones and 7 hours detailing the car. Still haven't got all the bug bits off the grille.  
Random stats:
23.1 MPG
Cheapest gas / Premium: $2.48 (Wyoming, Ethanol blend)
Oil consumption: 2 quarts
Breakdowns and flats: 0
Truck Stop Hookers Observed: 2
Drunk Drivers Observed: 1
Accidents seen (after the fact): 3
Road rage battles seen: 1 (SoCal. Of course)
Live deer: Too many (Montana, but especially Colorado)
Dead deer: 12 +
0 notes
sevtravels-blog · 7 years
day nineteen
day nineteen started in Zurich and ended in a town near Solothurn called Biberist. This was a crazy travel day... LET ME TELL YOU. So the day started our easily enough, we checked out of the hotel with no front desk by placing a blue chip that we used as our key into a hole in the wall - no joke. We then took all our luggage and took a train from Zurich to Solothurn, and then another train from Solothurn to Oberdorf. The stop in Oberdorf was literally on the side of a mountain with a cute little wooden platform. Jono and I arrived there - hiking boots, exercise pants, rain jackets and hats on and ready to rumble & HIKE - with two huge back packs on and a roller suitcase We came to Oberdorf station to take a gondola up a mountain, Weissenstein aka 'white mountain' which is the neighbourhood mountain of where Jeanine and Christian grew up - near Bern. We arrived at the gondola and it was pretty rainy, cold and completely deserted. We weren't even sure if the gondola was operational because it wasn't moving! We stressed out for a couple minutes and then knocked on a window with some guys behind it - he said yes it was operational and to go upstairs and get some tickets - he clearly had no time for dumbass Canadian tourists with massive backpacks and Patagonia/MEC gore-tex jackets - oh well! The lady upstairs who sold tickets was the SWEETEST lady, and let us store our bags in her office while we hiked around on top of the mountain. We had our Swiss passes, which gave us access to any mode of transportation within Switzerland from the 19-21 of may. Best. Decision. Of. The. Whole. Trip. We took the gondola up, went into the hotel up there and chatted with the front desk lady who gave us a map, some encouragement, and sent us on our merry way. It was 4 degrees Celsius on the top of the mountain, windy and misty, so it wasn't prime hiking weather - however, BC didn't raise no quitters - we powered through and got into the trees and walked along the ridge parallel to the lower trail down in the open mountain air and space. We saw HUGE snails, HUGE slugs and a couple cute country mice! It was a beautiful walk, the ground was very soft, and the rain and wind didn't reach us through the trees After a while we descended down into the open mountain valley and ended up, I don't know how - it's actually embarrassing, inside a cow field that was lined by electric fences. ALL AROUND US. So, what else could we do but to cautiously approach them and quickly smack our fingers against it to see if they would shock us - actually Jono did cause I was too much of a chicken. The first couple we tested were not electric so we climbed under those, by this time the rain was coming down hard and the wind was picking up, after we got through the first fence we were still completely blocked by them on all sides, so we tested another - and it was electric and shocked Jono. After this I was laughing way to hard to take anything seriously, so we had to take a chill for a couple minutes and compose ourselves! After that Jono hoisted me over one of the posts that the wire was attached too and hopped over himself. THEN we headed to Hinter Weissenstein, which had a cute little restaurant in it, and we took refugee there. No one spoke English there, so the owner had to go and get her daughter to take our order, and then a super nice Swiss guy came over to us and helped translate the very confusing menu - clearly not a lot of tourists come that way, especially not on a day like today. We had some tea, coffee, salad and soup - all delicious, and then as we were paying the bill it started to SNOW. We layered up again, and then headed out to walk to the mid station of the gondola, this took about 30/40 mins, and for the most past, the path was in the trees, with mist in front of us and beautiful budding deciduous trees and white flowers along the side of the path. We made it to the gondola, went down to the main station, picked up our bags from the lovely Swiss lady, and then waited for the train at the Oberdorf platform. We saw the train coming out of the tunnel just before the platform, but then realized that the track changed and it was on the opposite side of the platform - the side where it had originally dropped us off at - we thought it would be the other side cause it was going in the opposite direction - but apparently not!!! Jono swung on his 55lbs backpack and started sprinting to the other side, which was through a tunnel under the tracks and up stairs to the other side - and I pulled my backpack on and grabbed my rolling one and tore after him THANKFULLY we think the train driver took pity on us cause he may have saw us on the other side of the tracks and we made the train - PHEW THEN, we took the train back to Solothurn and then another to Bern - the plan was to meet Christians girlfriend Cathy at the station in Bern at 5/5:30. This had been the plane at 9:30am in the morning, aka the last time I had wifi and could receive messages - however. Going from Solothurn to Bern was not smart, because the second stop from Solothurn was Biberist - the atop which Christian and Cathy live at! Br the plan was to meet in Bern so we took the 40 min train into the city. As soon as we got off, my phone connected to the stations wifi, and I got like 6 missed messages and a WhatsApp call that said we should stay in Solothurn because Christian works there and Cathy was tying to meet us in Biberist! Anyways. We ended up taking the rain BACK to Biberist, and got off at that stop - from there Cathy told us to take a bus! HOWEVER, when we got off the train in Biberist, we see Cathy RUNNING towards the train and pounding on the button to let her on She looked at me, I looked at her, and she was like SEVERIN?? And I said YES and she was like GET BACK ON THE TRAIN!!! - we had never met before so this was a complete fluke that our timing lined up on the train platform and that we recognized each other from WhatsApp pictures!! So we hop back on the train and take it one more stop - back into Solothurn, hope on a bus, and then end up at their apartment. Talk about transit drama. SO, we got to their apartment, very lovely and comfortable, we dropped our bags, ate some paprika chips, had some ice tea, ate a plateful of cheese, and then had some showers. Cathy made us a delicious meal of salad and rösti, basically shredded and fried potatoes and onions, chicken for Jono and her, and an egg on top of the rösti de me! It was absolutely delicious ♥️ After that we relaxed a bit more, had some more snacks - dessert ones, and then Christian and Keanines dad came over to say hello and we went on a quick walk to get a good vantage point to see the alps! They were gorgeous and rugged and covered in snow ❄️ After that we went home and watched Christian in the Swiss championship 10k run which was being streamed through a website! After we watched it Peter left and Jono and I chilled for the rest of the night. Phew! Busy first full day in Switzerland!
0 notes
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February 19, 2017
    I know I’m actually the worst because I just keep forgetting to do this. But I think it’s actually a good thing because it means I’m just too busy having fun! Most of the time. It is just after midnight on Sunday and we just got back from Interlaken but I will get to all that in the next post! This will be a quick recap of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday.
    So Tuesday. An uneventful Valentine’s. Courtney and I went to Oil Shoppe before class and I got a great chicken parm sandwich. Class was bearable because in the second half we went on a field trip. The Lambertesca girls had a nice dinner date at the place across the street because it was actually open! I ate absolutely way too much. Like so much I couldn’t even get gelato afterwards even though everyone else did. And then we just chilled. HVD! (Also shoutout to Michael for the card!)
    Wednesday. That’s my 9-5:30 class day. It’s basically a work day but it’s sitting in class instead of an office. Much worse. We have a group presentation in basically every class which is always the worst. Even worse, in one class Courtney and I got put in a group with “that girl”. You know how in every class there’s that girl (or guy) who every hates because she (or he) is just loud and annoying and always calls out and asks a million questions and debates the teacher and just really needs to chill? If you think your class doesn’t have one then you are probably it so check yourself. Anyway, we are in a group with her and it’s going to be terrible. Also our teacher for our back to back classes calls me and Courtney the twins and actually tried to use Courtney to remember my name. Are we cliquey? For dinner Courtney and Paige had their own plans so Sab and I met Olivia at Gustavino. That’s one of the places we randomly discovered and went back because they gave us free stuff. When we walked in they said, “Welcome back.” Honestly couldn’t believe they remembered us. People in restaurants here are so nice. Nicer than anywhere I’ve been, especially other places in Europe where they are actually just mean. We made friends with our waiter (Goni) and the manager of the restaurant (Emiliano). They told us we could get free wine if we left a good TripAdvisor review of the restaurant so Sabrina jumped on it. She obviously already had an account. We got the wine and some more free drinks that Goni and Emiliano had with us. We had so much fun at dinner and Sabrina may have even gotten herself a job there. Very questionable. Then we went home to change and went out to Space. It was pretty empty which was weird but we had a pretty good night.
      Thursday we slept late and then finally made it to Gusta Pizza (pictured above! Yes it is a heart). Honestly, a little overrated but I’m not going to complain about eating pizza. We walked to the Oil Shoppe so Sab and Courtney could get iced coffee and then we walked around a little. It was really beautiful out. But then we spent the rest of the day inside packing for Interlaken. To find out what happened next……stay tuned for the next post! I’m really tired right now so I’m going to do the next one in the morning but I just needed to get at least one out of the way because it’s been on my mind for like a week now. Night!
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arplis · 4 years
Arplis - News: 50 Housewarming Party Gift Ideas for Brand-New Homeowners
Moving into a new home is a whirl of excitement and anxiety. Around 5.46 million homes are expected to sell in 2020. Thats a lot of people starting a new chapter in their lives and feeling like a nervous wreck!
If youre invited to a housewarming party, your friend or relative is eager to share their happiness with you. Knowing what to bring can get tricky. You dont want to give a dud gift.
New homeowners often find themselves low on funds and overloaded with stress. Housewarming party gifts are the perfect way to help out, whether with decorations or something more practical that they can use every day.
If youre shopping around for ideas for housewarming party gifts, youre in luck. Weve interviewed the top experts in their field and scoured the internet to compile this in-depth guide on housewarming party gifts, broken down into categories for your browsing convenience!
Source: (Ani Kolleshi/ Unsplash)
The tradition of housewarming and gifting
The history of housewarming has its origins in medieval times. Its name stems from (what else?) warming up the house.
In those days, a home usually held a central hearth that heated all the rooms. As a way of celebration and welcome for a newly-moved-in family, the community gathered at the home and lit the fire, warming the house.
The practice of housewarming spans the entire world.
In 1600s France, housewarmings exist as pendaison de crmaillre. This is French for hanging of the chimney hook.
The hook on the chimney of a medieval French home came as the final installation. This hook served as the fixture for a pot to hang from and warm over the fire.
French tradition dictated a house was only officially finished once the chimney hook was installed. Then a chimney-hook party (housewarming party) was held.
The tradition of giving housewarming gifts is a longstanding one that continues even today. Show you care and congratulate a new homeowner with one of our gift ideas.
Gifts to give
Housewarming party gifts are a thoughtful tradition meant to welcome someone into their new home. It can also be the perfect way to welcome a new person into the close-knit community of a neighborhood.
Americans love to give, too. In 2019, we spent an average of $1,000 on holiday gifts alone. Knowing what to buy for a person can get tricky, though.
If theyre a local couple, I like to give gift certificates to breweries. If its a family with children, then something family-oriented, like a badminton set or outdoor games make for great housewarming gifts, says Lisa Gasper, a top-selling agent in Williamsburg, Virginia, who has sold more than 81% more homes in the area than the average agent.
When shopping, take into consideration whether this is the persons first home or if theyre an older married couple moving into a smaller home. If theyre a first-time homebuyer, they usually need the basics still for their house, says Gasper. Older couples are often downsizing, so gift certificates are good in that scenario.
As far as items to avoid, Gasper suggests no adult humor, political statements, or religious items. The last thing you want to do is upset someone with your gift.
Traditional gifts
Here weve rounded up classic gifts steeped in tradition and symbolism.
1. Salt
Salt has held significance and value since ancient times. Once, it was so valuable it was even used as currency. The gift of salt represents wealth.
Bring an artisanal bamboo salt chest ($130) filled with 24 different kinds of gourmet salt to help spice up their cooking.
2. Broom
Some customs say you shouldnt bring an old broom to a new home. This is why a brand new broom makes an excellent housewarming party gift. While the thought of buying a broom as a present may not seem thrilling, who says a broom has to be boring? Bring a handmade rainbow broom ($59.98) thatll brighten a room as its swept.
3. Bread
The tradition of giving bread has both Jewish and Russian origins. Jewish customs say bread represents hospitality. Russian folklore includes a villager presenting dignitaries with bread. Its meant to symbolize the hope for long lasting good health. Offer a bread basket ($65) filled with freshly baked, homemade loaves of bread.
Source: (Ales Krivec/ Unsplash)
4. Knives
Should you buy knives, or is that in poor taste? Superstition states that giving a knife as a present will sever the friendship between you and the recipient.
However, taping a penny to the knife is considered a way around this. The recipient must then remove the penny and return it to you as a way of showing symbolic payment.
Give the new homeowner a set of cosmos knives ($49.95) so they can enjoy space while prepping dinner!Plants
When a person first moves into a home, it can feel empty and impersonal. Thats why plants make a great gift.
Plants give a burst of color to any home, says Alex Gottlob, owner of Gottlob Lawn & Landscape. The business was founded in 1999 and has been delighting Kansans with artful landscaping ever since. He went on to say, A home with plants just feels more inviting.
5. Houseplants
For a houseplant as a housewarming gift, Gottlob recommends either a philodendron ($58) or an airplane plant, also known as a spider plant ($15). He went on to add that both houseplants are well-known for being easy to care for, flourishing indoors in indirect light.
Source: (Joanna Wishard/ Unsplash)
6. Mason jar gardens
Versatile and beautiful, mason jars ($32.99) are perfect for a window-sill herb garden. Theyll dress up any home and provide the recipient with delicious herbs for home-cooked meals.
7. Bulbs
Flowers bring vibrant colors and sweet floral scents to a home. A flower bulb ($13.95) is a great housewarming gift because it lets the recipient enjoy watching the flower slowly grow and bloom. Bring the bulb of some delicate Paperwhite flowers, and the homeowner can enjoy their sweet musk through winter.
8. Flower pots
Every indoor flower needs a container to rest in. Containers are also a practical gift, allowing the recipient to choose what theyll plant in it for themselves. Bring a personalized flower pot ($36.99) so they can show the world who they are.
9. Flower arrangement
A well-done floral arrangement can increase the aesthetic of a room all by itself. Bring a colorful bouquet ($49.99) in a tasteful vase to help the homeowner dress up their home. Every time the recipient sees the flower arrangement and stops to enjoy their aroma, theyll be reminded of the fun they had at the housewarming party.
Everyone loves food, and its a longtime gift staple. Help a homeowner stock their spice pantry and cabinets by gifting something delicious.
10. Wine/beer/liquor
Just as neighbors once brought gifts of food over to a new home to be shared at the gathering, so too did friends bring drinks like wine. Pair a bottle of wine with a rainbow winged corkscrew opener ($15.99) to create the perfect gift set.
Source: (Thomas Picauly/ Unsplash)
11. Olive oil/vinegar
Olive oil and vinegar are timeless gifts. Together they represent good health and well-being. Give the happy new homeowner a cruet to hold their olive oil and vinegar ($18.99).
12. Coffee/tea
Who doesnt enjoy a bit of caffeine? The days are long, and everyone needs a little pick-me-up now and then. Whether its coffee or tea the homeowner prefers as their drink of choice, you cant go wrong with a gift box of gourmet coffee and artisan loose-leaf tea ($46).
13. Gift sets (cookie mixes, etc.)
If you arent certain what kind of sweets the person likes, then a gift set may be the best choice. Show up with a gift set box ($54.99) of cookies, brownies, caramels, and popcorn, and its bound to include something thatll appeal to the homeowner.
14. Something fresh-baked
Who doesnt like cake? The real question is what kind of cake the homeowner might like best. Offer a cake sampler ($42.95) of chocolate mousse cake, carrot cake, cookies and cream cake, and more to treat their tastebuds to an exciting adventure.
Local love
Supporting local businesses helps a community thrive and gives new homeowners a chance to explore parts of their city theyve maybe never seen before.
15. Gift card to a restaurant
Whether the homeowner is a longtime local or new to the city, a gift card to a nearby restaurant is always a great gift.
Moving into a home is stressful and takes lots of work. Therell be nights where cooking dinner feels like too much of a hassle. Treat them to a night off.
If the recipient is single, go with a $25 gift card. If its a couple, choose a $50 gift card to cover the price of a meal for two.
Source: (Nick Hillier/ Unsplash)
16. Gift card for a cleaning service
Things have a way of getting hectic when you move into a new home. Laundry and dusting can sneak up on you and turn into a mountain of work in a few short weeks. Offer a gift card to a local cleaning service to help the homeowner out. Anywhere between $150 to $250 will cover a 3-bedroom, 2000 square foot home.
17. Gift certificate to a spa
Everyone deserves to be pampered every now and then. Moving into a house has a way of stressing you out. Too much stress, and youll find yourself with a stick neck and shoulders or even a headache. Gift the new homeowner a spa trip so they can disappear for a day and relax. Around $100 will cover a standard individual treatment.
18. Gift certificate to a local brewery
Not only is visiting a local brewery a great way to support your community, but its nice to get out and enjoy a few drinks unique to your region. Gift the homeowner a gift certificate to a local brewery so they can kick back and relax with a beer. The cost of beer varies drastically, but anywhere between $20 and $40 will get a few beers and a meal.
19. Local theater voucher
Almost everyone loves movies. In 2019, around 75% of the U.S. population saw a movie at least once. Offer the homeowner a voucher to a local theater so they can get out and enjoy the latest blockbuster. Movie tickets for two are around $20.
Every meal starts with common household kitchenware. Help an aspiring chef stock their appliances with these tasteful gift ideas.
20. Cheese boards
Help the new homeowner create the perfect meat and cheese spread by gifting them a cheese board ($55). Go above and beyond and make it a gift set that includes cheeses and meats too.
21. Food storage containers
Sometimes, there will be leftovers from dinner. Or maybe the homeowner will cut up some fruit and need a container to keep it in. Help them out with their kitchen organization and buy some food storage containers ($64.99).
22. Cookbooks
Sometimes its hard coming up with ideas for what to have for dinner. Other times you just feel like experimenting with a new dish. Help the new homeowner out with gathering recipes by giving a cookbook. There are hundreds upon hundreds of cookbooks ($15-$20) out there, so the skys the limit for what you can choose.
23. Kitchen towels
Everyone washes their hands or dries their dishes. Help bring fun and color to the recipients kitchen with a personalized hand towel ($12.95).
Source: (Taylor Vick/ Unsplash)
24. Mugs
When the homeowner wakes in the morning after a long day of moving furniture and boxes into the house, theyll likely need some coffee or tea to help wake them up. Gift a beautiful custom mug with their name on it ($21.58) to add a personal touch.
25. Fridge fresheners
Given all the various foodstuffs that are kept in a fridge, and sometimes how the air can turn stale, a fridge sometimes starts to smell. A refrigerator freshener ($13.99) will keep a fridge smelling brand new and keep bad odors at bay for months.
26. Microwave cleaners
Its normal for heated foods and drinks to splatter inside a microwave. All kinds of stains can build up inside a microwave in a few short days. Gift a microwave cleaner ($6.99) thatll release steam to loosen difficult messes and deodorize smells.
27. Cocktail shakers
Give the new homeowner a cocktail shaker ($21.59) so they can mix drinks like a professional. With a cocktail shaker, they can shake themselves a fun drink. Take it a step further and have the shakers personalized with their last name.
28. Mixing bowls
If the homeowner plans to ever cook, theyll need mixing bowls ($35.99). Choose a mixing bowl set that comes with airtight lids so they can double as containers for leftovers.
For the living room
The living room is one of the more important parts of a home. Its a communal area for friends and family to gather and hang out. Use one of these gift ideas to help a homeowner cozy up their living room.
29. Blankets
Who doesnt like to cuddle under a warm blanket while watching movies or reading a book? Give the homeowner a personalized blanket ($15) to congratulate them on the new home. Have it inscribed with a custom message commemorating their housewarming party to turn the blanket into a memento.
Source: (Kelly Sikkema/ Unsplash)
30. Wall art
When you first move into a home, the walls tend to be a little bare. Help the homeowner decorate by gifting them wall art ($11.99) that is beautiful enough to be a centerpiece.
31. Candles
The symbolism behind a candle is clear. When you light a candle, youre casting out darkness. Its good luck to light a candle on the first night in a new home to help ensure evil stays away. A Sacred Smudge candle ($9.71) will not only add beautiful decor to a new home with its mix of crystals and herbs but also ward off negative energies.
32. Coffee table books
If you know the new homeowner is a bibliophile, then displaying a book with a beautiful cover makes for a perfect gift. Not only are coffee table books gorgeous aesthetics on their own, but theyre also a thoughtful gift. To get ideas, browse these lists on Read it Forward and Brightly for highly anticipated 2020 releases. The average cost of a hardcover book is in the $20 range.
33. Coasters
Theres something extra irritating about the grayish watermark rings caused by sweating drinks. Give the new homeowner a pair of black agate coasters ($23.19) to ward off the pesky stains.
34. Tree ornaments
Many people follow a tradition of buying a new Christmas tree ornament to represent special occasions or mark the passage of a year. Get the homeowner a personalized ornament ($20) to commemorate moving into the new house.
Decorative and home-focused
Its nice to spruce up a home with decorations that are also useful. Help make a homeowners life a little easier with these thoughtful decor pieces.
35. Personalized welcome mat
No one likes the outside getting tracked all over the inside of the house. Not only that, but a welcome mat doubles as a great statement piece. Its one of the first things a visitor will see. Gift the new homeowner a personalized monogram doormat ($19.99) to make it really special.
36. A keychain for their new key
It seems like you can never have enough keychains to hold the dozens of keys you end up collecting over the years. The compass is still as useful now as it was hundreds of years ago back when it was invented in ancient China. Be helpful and gift a useful compass keychain ($21.98) for the key to the new house. Now theyll never lose their house key, nor their way in the world.
37. Return address stamp
Sometimes, its tedious to have to write out your address on an envelope. Even more so if you run a business from your home or need to send out lots of letters for a special occasion. Give the new homeowner a custom return address stamp ($19.54) with beautiful calligraphy and typeset.
38. Door hangers
Like with the doormat, a door hanger is one of the first details a visitor will notice about a home. Gift a gorgeous wooden sign to hang from the door ($55.99) that says Home Sweet Home.
39. House numbers
In all the rush and workload involved with moving into a new home, house numbers to help show the address are often overlooked and forgotten. Give a wooden address sign with a planter box ($49). Itll allow the homeowner to display their address and decorate with plants and holiday themes.
Source: (Ian Kirkland/ Unsplash)Just for fun
Not every gift needs to be practical. Show your fun side by choosing one of these more entertaining housewarming party gifts.
40. Board games
Who doesnt love playing board games? Bring a classic board game as a gift and deliver a bit of nostalgia to the recipient. The average cost for most board games is around $20.
Source: (Micha Parzuchowski/ Unsplash)
41. Kids toy chest
If you have kids, you know the struggle of finding places to store the multitude of toys and stuffed animals. If the new homeowners have kids of their own, give the gift of a toy chest ($75).
42. Pet treats
Our animal companions are as close to us as family. Dont overlook the presence of pets if the homeowners have any. Bring over some delectable pet treats for their cat ($2) or dog ($14), and youll surely be in the furry companions good graces.
43. Bath products
Everyone enjoys taking a luxurious hot bath every once in a while. Its a great way to relax sore muscles too. Give the homeowner some bath bombs ($35) to encourage them to treat themselves with a peaceful soak.
For the more serious homeowner, this list of down-to-earth gifts will be sure to please.
44. Tool kit
A new home comes with new responsibilities. Repairs will eventually crop up, and then tools will be essential for certain tasks. A tool kit ($59.99) makes a great gift for a new homeowner.
45. Fire extinguisher
Nothing says you care about their safety like gifting a fire extinguisher ($19.98). Itll be one of those gifts the homeowner will hope never to have to use, but be grateful for should the need ever arise.
46. Doorstops
Sometimes, you need the door held wide open while youre busy carrying in the groceries or moving in a large piece of furniture. Hodor from Game of Thrones deserved better, but everyone can agree he held the door like a champ. This Hodor doorstop ($23) is a perfect housewarming gift for the Game of Thrones fan.
47. Bookends
For the book-loving homeowner, a bookend makes a great housewarming gift as a statement piece. A diorama bookend ($169) adds a creative flair to any bookshelf.
48. Grocery lists
Everyone goes grocery shopping. Most of us need a grocery list if we dont want to forget something important. An organized grocery list notepad ($16.25) makes a thoughtful gift for a housewarming present.
49. Calendars
Life can get hectic, and a calendar helps us stay organized and remember important dates. Bring a wall calendar ($23.95) so the new homeowner can track appointments and events more easily.
50. Smart home device
As we move into an increasingly advanced digital age, smart home devices grow more prevalent. Look through these numerous smart home devices and choose the one that best fits the new homeowners for their housewarming party gift. Prices vary drastically on smart home devices, starting at $20 and going up.
Source: (Sarah Pflug/Burst)
A new home, a new beginning
We hope this ultimate guide to housewarming party gifts helped give you several ideas for what to buy for your friend or relative. Buying a home is a huge achievement, whether its your first time or not.
The next time youre ready to buy or sell your home, make use of one of our specialized calculators to help you out. They can help you calculate a budget for a new home, or even determine when the best time of year to sell is.
Once youve done that, be sure to choose from one of our many listed real estate agent experts. Theyre the top in their area and ready to help you find a dream home or sell your house fast.
Header Image Source: (Monkey Business Images/ Shutterstock)
Arplis - News source https://arplis.com/blogs/news/50-housewarming-party-gift-ideas-for-brand-new-homeowners
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