#when i went vegetarian my mom said ''oh river would be so proud'' and she said the same thing when i majored in environmental studies
softpine · 6 months
have u thought about doing a frozen pines face claims post? i wonder if you changed ur mind about some of the old ones over the years and how you picture some of the newer characters <3
tbh i find face claims to be more of a hindrance than an inspiration. i see people on the street all the time who remind me of my characters, but i never see actors who jump out at me in the same way. part of it is because obviously actors can dye their hair / put on fake tattoos or cover up tattoos / style themselves completely differently, and i'm not a casting director so it's hard for me to look past an actor's natural appearance to see what they could actually bring to the table for a certain character. but also part of it is my general distaste for the average actor right now; everyone feels so cookie cutter attractive (and they're all in their mid 20s whether they're playing a high school kid or a middle aged dad... like no one ever looks their age) i know that sounds really annoying and pretentious lmao and it's not true in every case, it's just what i'm feeling lately. so if i were picking actors for frozen pines i would choose them based more on vibes & performance rather than strictly appearance, while keeping everyone's core physical characteristics the same, which is a tall order 😭
long story short, i overthink everything and i find it frustrating to even try :( it's a lot more fun for me to remember the fictional characters who have inspired my own characters in some way (either through appearance, personality, or circumstances) so i do that way more often than face claims!!
BUT i do have one. just one ;-; river phoenix as finn
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