#where's that one post that said he's the first male victim of misogyny 😭
notyouraryang0dd3ss ¡ 12 days
I think that one anon is talking about when New York Times wrote that weird article speculated about Taylor’s sexuality and then someone from Taylor’s team hit back by reporting to CNN and decided to make a statement that randomly mentioned Shawn by saying 
“That article wouldn’t have been allowed to be written about Shawn Mendes or any male artist whose sexuality has been questioned by fans.”
Because not only was it was just kind of uncalled for to blatantly named drop Shawn, but it was also just untrue. Shawn Mendes has literally had people make post and write whole articles about his sexuality since he was 15. Not to mention before Taylor even had the whole AI situation where people were making those disgusting photos of her, people were literally doing that to Shawn Mendes on Twitter by Photoshopping pictures of him with gay porn stars or with Nick Jonas….again Shawn was only 15/16 when that first started. His sexuality has literally been questioned and reported on since he was a kid. 
I can’t find the ask you’re responding to 😭 I'm so sorry it took me so long to reply! I’ll do my best to reply as best as I can:
But what you said about Shawn's sexuality, it's true. I've interacted with ppl (irl and online) who joke about Shawn/Camilla and say he's using Camilla as his "beard" because they believe he's gay. Gay or gay-speculated celebs go through HELL online if they're not out. They are either forced to come out (for example, Lil Nas X and his underage nudes being leaked) or bullied relentlessly about it.
But the hypocrisy and ignorance shows. Taylor is not an outlier and male celebs sexualities have always been speculated. Her team will do anything to frame her as a victim (in this case, misogyny) to the point where they will just straight up lie.
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adriensaltprompts ¡ 4 years
> Adrien stans literally say that it is okay for men to abuse women as long as the man has a sad childhood, and then they wonder why everybody hates them and says they're terrible human beings. <
RJ, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS. I even saw an ask of yours answering why it's victim blaming to blame straight women for abusive men (I can't find that post unfortunately 😭) and THANK YOU and people like you who call out abuse apologia and victim blaming.
Your words about the women being blamed for abusive males hit home for me...because...this is tough to say, but a few months ago I was in an abusive relationship. The guy would threaten bad things if I didn't happen. So when I told my closest friend of 5 years that he was abusing me, she blew up AT ME and blamed me for the abuse like saying things such as "if you didn't want him to abuse you why did you say yes to dating him? If I was you I would have said no" and "you made him feel so horrible about himself and your a monster". SHE EVEN SAID THAT I SHOULD GIVE HIM A PASS BECAUSE HIS PARENTS ABUSED HIM EVER SINCE HE WAS A CHILD. She basically drove me into a mental breakdown and I am not her friend anymore,, but your post really resonated with me and I hope they resonate with more abuse survivors too. I'm just rambling and I hope I'm not spamming, but please keep doing what you are. Watching ML was super triggering because of Adrien's behavior reminding me of my ex but at least people like you and waywardpr1ncess are calling out his shit!
Here’s the first post about Adrien stans, (well, actually, there are two of them. Because this exact interaction has occured multiple times. They just fucking enjoy shooting themselves in the foot.)
Here’s the second post about victim blaming, where people act like a woman being attracted to a man (or in general, being capable of being attacted to men in general) means that it’s her fault if she, or other women, get attacked by men.
This is why I will never stop calling out this kind of abusive behavior when I see it. it is NEVER just about some dumb cartoon. It’s about the ideas that get normalized and taught in our society, and it is not okay. The fact that ML is a kid’s show just makes it exponentially worse.
And for everyone saying you have to accept abuse and forgive people who were abused as a kid?
I was abused as a kid.
Being abused is not an excuse or a justification for being abusive. Everyone is in control of their own actions, everyone who is abusive CHOOSES to be that way! They make the conscious decision to abuse you! It is 100% their fault and their responsibility, and no one can take that fault away from them!
It is not your fault you were abused, and I’m glad that ‘friend’ is no longer allowed in your life. She doesn’t deserve to be.
No one signs up to be abused. Consent to dating is not consent to abuse. Being attracted to someone is not consenting to be abused by that person. Liking or even loving someone does not give them the right to abuse you! Nothing gives anyone the right to abuse you!
The reason we call out Adrien’s behavior is because it’s not just about Miraculous Ladybug! It’s not just about the in-universe ramifications!
Fiction impacts reality! 
Every time you portray sexual harassment and abuse as romantic and cute and Relationship Goals™, you are helping to victimize real human beings! You are teaching children to think that it’s cute when a boy refuses to take no for an answer! You’re teaching children that “no” means “try harder” and that it for it to be real sexual harassment, she has to punch him in the face!
Every argument used to defend Adrien Agreste is literally just victim blaming and rape and abuse apologism and straight up, unrepentant misogyny, and this will ALWAYS HARM REAL PEOPLE!
You can’t separate fiction from reality because fiction reflects and impacts reality. You can’t say “representation matters” and then turn around and go “fiction doesn’t impact reality”.
Fiction is what we make of it. These writers are choosing to portray sexual harassment, assault, and abuse as cute and silly and romantic. And that is going to, and has, and IS damaging real human beings.
If Adrien’s behavior were being portrayed properly, we wouldn’t need to call him out. If Adrien were being portrayed as the villain he is, we wouldn’t need to call him out.
Miraculous Ladybug is teaching people that sexual harassment is cute, sexual assault is funny, and abuse is romantic. And the fandom perpetuates it without shame. Self fucking proclaimed 45 year old men are in this fandom telling children that if someone who is abusing you was abused, you have to stay with them because otherwise you are victim blaming them.
It is never your fault when someone abuses you. It is never your fault when someone refuses to get consent, or refuses to take no for an answer.
Anyone who tells you otherwise? Is a creep who doesn’t deserve to be in your life. 
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