#why would you ask me this Varric. why would you make me ponder my future. why did you do this to me
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"Man, Desire Demons are so full of shit. Ambition? I'm just fucking trying to make it to Friday." --Gen Hawke, probably.
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1000generations · 3 years
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Thank you for the tag @little-lightning-lavellan and @rosella-writes!
This is from a story in which Fen'Asha Lavellan, in a desperate attempt to stop Solas from destroying Thedas as we know it, transports him to another world. Our world.
It's been a WIP for... 6 years. 😅 There is like... 200,000+ words of this self-indulgent nonsense. It needs so much reworking it's daunting. lol
This scene is from Solas and Fen'Asha exploring McDonald's...
Fen’Asha put her lips to the straw. She wanted to taste what he was tasting, wanted to partake in his world. She was bold enough to walk the Fade, confront dragons, defeat Corypheus. Plus, she was used to tea.
”Vhenan?” asked Solas, reaching out for Fen’Asha as she began coughing.
She shivered slightly, the coughs still plaguing her throat. The sweetness was shocking, as was the cold. “Shit.”
A woman from the table next to her shot her a glare.
“What is it?” asked Solas.
“It is so strange,” said Fen’Asha. “I have never had tea like this before…”
“Yes,” he said. “Most curious.”
She tinkered with her straw, raising it up and down in the lid of her cup and finding that it made an interestingly musical noise. She shook her head.
“Many things in this world are not as they seem,” said Solas. He dabbed a fry in Fen’Asha’s Sweet and Sour Sauce and pondered it.
“What do you mean?”
“Your tea is not tea,” said Solas. “The People’s Courtis not court.”
She nodded, letting go of her musical straw.
“Yet many things are real,” said Solas. “The news depicts real events, albeit with a unique point of view.”
“What do you mean?” she asked, picking up a fry.
“It appears that there is always something at the root of a viewpoint,” he said. “Some kind of interest. For the most part, this is translucent and I presume most anyone could see through the many smokescreens. And yet, I am not so sure.”
“They seem happy enough,” said Fen’Asha.
“They are being influenced,” said Solas. “To what degree they allow it is the question. It seems clear they are involved in their own manipulation to some degree, as this world does not behave in a way that would be considered sympathetic to its own survival. They ruin large swaths of their habitats, they commit horrendous crimes against one another for trivial reasons…”
“That does not sound unlike Thedas. The Blight…”
“A worthy example,” said Solas. “Many were not willing to see the Blight as a threat. Others preferred the comfort of their ignorance and concocted many alternatives to actual events. Just like here.”
She nodded.
“That is why it is important to remain vigilant,” said Solas. “With so much dishonesty, it can be easy to go astray. And it can be easy to want to go astray, especially if reality is painful.”
“I have never opted for what was comfortable,” said Fen’Asha. “Clearly.”
Solas nodded. “This is certainly true. Our path to here could not have been easy.”
“Nothing about this has been easy,” she said. “It has taken a great deal of time to come to peace with everything that happened. And even now, I’m not even close to being there.”
“You are uncertain about me?”
She nodded.
“There were – there are – reasons for my reluctance. I could not and cannot reveal the entirety of my plans because you would try to stop me," He paused, considering her. "I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
She sighed. “I am sitting here in a restaurant with you. You want to destroy Thedas, our world, and I’m sipping some silly drink like nothing’s wrong with that. We had sex, shared a bed. We make small-talk. We go for walks, make plans for a future like we’re some stupid couple. Nothing about this makes sense and no, Sloane, nothing about this has been easy. It won’t ever be easy, Sloane.”
Solas made a face as a small child shrieked nearby. He turned to see the culprit racing away through a set of glass doors with an enraged adult chasing behind in a yellow coat.
“And yet what can I do?” she continued. “I’m here in this strange land, like you keep saying. I’m here with you whether I like it or not.”
“I see,” said Solas.
“You hold out hope that you’re going to get back to Thedas to finish what you started,” she said. “I hold out hope that I’ll be able to stop you from doing that. I can’t pretend that’s not happening.”
“I appreciate you speaking plainly, Vhenan.”
“I’m glad,” she said. “Because I have questions.”
“I am sure you do.”
“Why me?” she said.
“I don’t understand what you mean,” he said.
“You are older than Arlathan?”
He sighed.
“And you are thousands of years old,” she said. “So why me? Why did you love me? My life is a flash for you, an inconsequential blip. You have lived so long. I have lived for mere minutes in contrast. I am…a fly.”
“That is a crude analogy,” he said.
“And you’re Fen’Harel. My god. Why would I think you would love me? Knowing everything…”
“I was never a god,” said Solas. “But that was what you wanted, what you expected. Your heart was always destined to break if it became entangled with mine.”
“So I had already broken your heart once as Solas,” he said. “I had no desire to do so again.”
“But that is my burden, my pain. The choice is not yours.”
“My duty would always tear us apart, Fen’Asha,” he said. “It was because of me that you could not hold the gift of immortality. If there is a Maker in this world or the others, surely the Maker is laughing at me.”
“I think the Maker is laughing at both of us,” she said.
“At least as Fen’Harel, I could be near you,” he said.
“But you could have said…”
“We are moving in circles,” Solas said. “I tried to reduce my feelings. I knew what we had would only lead to lathbora viran, but you called for me and I answered. Like I always will.”
“You can’t keep…”
“I was selfish then. I am selfish now,” he said. “As Solas, as Fen’Harel, as Sloane.”
She sighed.
“I had hoped to assuage any temptation,” he said. “But reality crashed through. Our reality. When I learned of the Qunari plot at the Exalted Council, I had to act. And now, my mistakes must be rectified. There is no other way.”
“There always is another way,” she said.
“There should never have been a Veil. My life…much of it…seems to be a series of mistakes.”
“You would take so much to fix your error? You would insist the rest of us pay the price for your compensation?”
“There are other things at stake,” said Solas. “It is not so simple. The lyrium. The Blight. It matters little now I am here.”
“Thank the Maker for small mercies.”
He looked at her and for a moment irritation seemed to flicker across his face. He amended it into a tentative grin, then looked away as his eyebrows lowered.
“I will always try to stop you,” she said.
“I know,” said Solas. “But Thedas must be left behind for the time being.”
She nodded.
“And my desire for you…”
“You will leave that behind, too,” she said.
“No,” he said. He reached across the table for her hands. “No.”
“It’s not a good idea,” she said.
“You have doubts?”
“Of course,” she said.
“Then I wish to rectify that,” he said.
“Do you have doubts about me?”
“Not for a moment.”
“You haven’t made this easy,” she said. “Little of this makes sense.” She looked at a fry.
“I know,” he said. “But love defies explanation.”
“My mother said it was a gift…”
“Yes,” said Solas. “A choice. The reasons I choose to love you are…I simply want to. As you wanted to love me at one time. It is desire.”
“Love is more than desire,” she said deliberately.
“But desire is at the core. You can remove the love from desire, but you cannot remove the desire from love.”
“You are wise, Sloane,” she said after a pause.
“Even wisdom has limits,” said Solas.
Fen’Asha agreed, sipped her iced tea. She was getting used to the awful sweetness, to the way the drink cut into the corners of her mouth and made her tongue feel rough.
“For all the desire I felt for you,” continued Solas, “I subjected you to cruelty because of my selfishness. I never should have persisted in my desires. I should have fled sooner.”
“That’s one thing you do not understand,” she said. “I wouldn’t have traded in any of my moments with you. Even the painful ones. Because they were moments with you.”
“You could’ve been with someone, grown old with someone, had a family…” he said.
“I do not share the same wishes,” said Fen’Asha. “My family was you. Sera. Dagna. The Inquisition.”
“You did not desire children?”
She shook her head.
“But Hightown…?”
“You saw me in Kirkwall?”
Solas nodded. “I saw you through the eyes of the children, saw your kindness at the orphanage. Saw your insurrection in the faces of the nobles as they cursed you for bringing such a place to Hightown in the first place.”
Fen’Asha felt a chill. She had used Varric’s gift to her in Kirkwall, a mansion in the grandiloquent neighbourhood of Hightown, as an orphanage for the disadvantaged. She’d hired staff and enticed the right nobles, but that didn’t mean everyone took to the idea well. She thought back to the children in Thedas, wondered how they were doing.
“Some of the children saw it as a palace, a fairytale unwinding beneath their feet,” continued Solas. “Others saw dark corners and sinister hallways, not yet able to shed the horrors of their pasts. But in all of them, you were beautiful, an angel, bright as the sun.”
“More members of my family.”
Solas smiled warmly. “You would make a wonderful mother.”
“In the minds of many,” she said. “But it is not my choice in this life.”
He looked down.
“I am happy, Solas,” she said. “I do not wish for the same things as others, that’s all. I don’t want to be pitied because I don’t desire a family of my own. I am a Red Jenny. I was the Inquisitor. I was…yours. I served my clan. For a young elf from nowhere, for a nomad…it has been an incredible life.”
“It has.”
“And you were a huge part of that,” said Fen’Asha. Her fries were cold. “You still are.”
“You may be but a shooting star in my universe, a fleeting moment,” said Solas. “But you have made a permanent impression.”
She warmed. She wanted to touch him, feel him near. She wanted to reach across the table, wanted to kiss him with the mothers and fathers and children of this Edmonton watching. She didn’t care where she was as long as she was with him. She knew he would be the end of her. She knew she would be the end of him. She knew it hardly mattered now. She knew it was a horrible idea.
“I will always cherish you, Vhenan,” said Solas. “I will always love you.”
She was in his arms on his side of the table. She was sitting on his lap and he was caressing her back. She was cradling his face under his hood, under his necessary subterfuge against the misunderstandings of this world. She was breathing as he touched her hair, felt through its tresses. She closed her eyes as she kissed him.
He held her tight.
“I love you, Vhenas,” she said. “Always. Anywhere.”
I have no one in particular to tag. But I love to see what people are working on in the fandom if they care to share. 😊
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cao-the-dreamer · 3 years
OC interview: Kosaqun Adaar
Thank you @razumairon​ for the tag!!
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Can you introduce yourself?
*enthusiastic wave then signs* I’m Kosaqun Adaar! Nice to meet you!!
What is your gender identity, orientation and relationship status?
My gender is wild wheel and my orientation is ONWARD! *silent laughs* Just kidding. And the love of my life is Aderyn. Maybe you saw her lurk in the halls. Don’t worry, she doesn’t bite!
Where and when were you born?
On the road! Baby Me popped out during a journey. *pondering look* That was around 9:05 Dragon, I think? 
What is your weapon of choice and fighting style?
My fists! I’m a mage but I can throw a mean punch. As for my other weapons, it’s a secret. *grins*
Lastly, are you happy?
*smiles disappears* ...How am I supposed to answer that?
Family and Friends
What’s your family like? What is your relationship with them?
According to Aderyn, I am a lucky bastard because I have four parents. I totally agree! They’re Ticiss, Meraad, Vatreth and Kathaban. They’re chaotic, full of ideas and with their heart on their sleeves. I get so many hugs when I visit them *soft squeal* I’m an only child though. That was fine, there were lot of other children to play within the Lavellan clan. Keeper Istimaethoriel is like an aunt to me.  
Have you ever ran away from home?
Clearly, you have never been in my home, or else this thought would have never crossed your mind. It was like an island amidst the chaos. Full of peace and laughter. Before we settled, we used to travel with the Lavellan clan. They were my second home.
Would you consider marriage or having children?
*beams* Aderyn and I are planning our wedding! But kids, no. We have enough babysitting duties with the Valo-Kas as it is, thank you very much *snickers*
Do you secretly hate one of your friends?
Why would I???? Do that?????
Which friend knows everything about you?
*hums* Does Cole count? He reads minds. But I would say Varric. He helped me a lot to see through this mess and he was one of the few who knew sign language at the time. We can have very long conversations.
Asked by Fans
Are you literate? Have you been to school?
If you mean human school, then the answer is obvious. No. But my parents taught me to read and write in Common, in Qunari, in Riviani and in Antivan. Meraad and Kathaban used to be sailors, so they had to learn the tongues of the different harbours they accosted to.
The eeriest prediction you made that later came true?
I once joked that my pretty face would help charming people in joining the Inquisition. Turns out my advisers did make recruitment posters with me being half naked on it. I admit, I laughed my head off when I learnt that. Hence why I often wander with my tits out *chortles* helps swooning the people in the room.
What is something you were embarrassingly late to realize?
*coughs* apparently there are deadly mushrooms and I. Didn’t know that. Cassandra blew a gasket when she saw me eat one and forced me to spit it out. I guess I’m tolerant to their poison? *shrugs*
Do you have mental health or physical issues?
I don’t think anyone wouldn’t get a bad case of anxiety if they’re suddenly catapulted at the top of a massive organisation and they have to save the world. Not the best way to wake up. *mournful gaze*
What is your current main goal?
Aside from defeating Corypheus? Getting married to Aderyn *beams* I’m so excited!! Have you seen my future wife? She’s so wonderful and strong and witty and-- I just love her so much!!!
Drink or food?
You guys can have a meal without drinks or food??
Cats or dogs?
*nervous laughter* *commotion heard from outside, Cassandra yelling at Aderyn to keep the damn dracolisk in the stable* Cats?
Optimist or pessimist?
*deadpan stare* My dear, were I a pessimist, I would be drinking myself into a stupor buried in the snow and we wouldn’t have this discussion.
Sassy or sarcastic?
If rolling eyes on a hourly basis counts as sarcastic, then sure, I’m sarcastic!
Have You Ever
Been caught sneaking out?
*coughs* Cassandra caught me every time I tried to leave Haven in the middle of the night. I hated this place, no matter how many times she yelled at me. Skyhold is... much better.
Received flowers?
Fools, I’m the one who gives flowers. You will leave this interview with a flower crowns, whether you like it or not.
Ghosted someone?
*blank stare* What is that supposed to mean?
Pretended to laugh at a joke you didn’t get?
Well, I don’t even hear the jokes, and most of the time the pun is lost on translation. It’s fine, there are other ways to genuinely laugh with other people. Like tickles!
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elfrootaddict · 4 years
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DESCRIPTION: El'lana’s entire world is turned upside down when she, a proud Dalish elf, is bestowed the title “Herald of Andraste”.
SERIES: Halla & Wolf
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Lana cannot deny that she was slightly annoyed by the interruption. When she sketches, her mind wanders to far off places and thinks about pleasant memories or hopeful visions of her future. It is the best way to distract herself from her usual thoughts which are normally filled with countless worries and pessimism. 
However, after hearing one of Solas’s journeys in the Fade, she finds herself completely captivated and has to know more. 
It is common knowledge in Thedas, that magic and the Fade are intrinsically linked. Knowledge of the Fade amongst the Dalish has been understandably specific, and only suited to the needs of keeping one's clan safe. Throughout the ages, such precious knowledge has been passed on from Keeper to Keeper, and unfortunately for Lana there would almost never be any new insight into the mysteries of the Fade. 
And now, for the first time in her life, someone else can tell her more about the Fade than the Keeper, and Lana decides to seize the opportunity to learn as much as she can. 
Although she does not want to come across completely self-serving, despite her noble pursuit of more knowledge, Lana decides a bit of give-and-take between them is the polite thing to do before she asks him an abundance of questions about the Fade. 
“Before you go Solas, I was hoping, if it was no trouble of course, to tell me more about yourself? Where-”
“Why?” interrupts Solas skeptically with a sudden and unexpected shift in demeanor.
“Um... why not?”
“Privacy? Caution? Concern about the direction of this Inquisition once our work is done?”
Visibly uncomfortable by his indifferent response, Lana averts her gaze and turns away, “Ir abelas. I didn’t mean…,” and turns to look at him once more. “I wasn’t asking as someone whose part of the Inquisition. You don’t have to tell me anything. Ar dirth’ma.”
Feeling utterly embarrassed by the awkward tension between them, Lana’s cheeks flush with a soft hue of red as she quickly gathers her things to leave. This was not how she expected things would go by asking what she assumed to be a simple, innocent question.
Things really are different here than back home. Creators, I just want to go home.
Feeling guilty for his unnecessary impertinence, Solas relaxes his shoulders and releases a loud, audible sigh of regret, “No, I am sorry...with so much fear in the air...”
With her belongings collected and held tightly in her arms, Lana stands while still refusing to meet his gaze. Solas promptly stands as well and to Lana’s surprise, he continues to pursue with his feeble attempt at an apology.  
“Shall we go for a walk? We will feel far less of the cold if we’re moving instead of sitting idly.”
Lana pauses before turning around with a weak smile and murmurs, “Sure, that sounds like a good idea.” and Solas smiles softly in return, and gestures for Lana to walk ahead of him. 
Once reaching a lengthy distance between them, Lana turns around and watches Solas, with his staff in hand, catch up with her.
Only once Solas is at her side, does Lana begin to notice how tall he actually is. He may not be as tall as Lhoris, but he is still tall enough that she needs to turn her head up to meet his gaze.
Lana and Solas begin their descent down the steps towards Haven’s tavern and Solas eventually breaks the silence, “So, what would you know of me, da’len?”
Still feeling anxious by his cold response only moments before, Lana cautiously and hesitantly asks, “I was wondering… are you from the city? Only because I was told only city elves don’t have a vallaslin.”
“But, if you’re not a city elf...”
“Not all elves are resigned to being either ‘city’ or ‘Dalish’. I, for one, have always preferred to keep to myself.”
“So, does that mean you’ve always been alone?”
Solas elaborates with a gentle smile, “Not at all. I have built lasting friendships. Spirits of Wisdom, possessed of ancient knowledge, happy to share what they had seen. Spirits of Purpose helped me search. Even wisps, curious and playful, would point out treasures I might have missed.”
Lana begins to feel a little more at ease due to Solas’s happier conduct and attempts to make eye contact, “I didn’t realise that there are Spirits that go by those names. Why haven’t I heard of them before?”
“They rarely seek this world,” answers Solas grimly. “When they do, their natures do not often survive exposure to the people they encounter,” Solas and Lana pass Varric’s tent and take a sharp left down a small flight of steps. “Wisdom and Purpose are too easily twisted into Pride and Desire.”
Shocked, Lana stops halfway down the steps and softly cries out, “So you’re saying... you became friends with Pride and Desire demons?”
Solas also stops and drops his head as he releases a loud, audible sigh before slowly turning around, “They were not demons... for me.”
Lana stares blankly at Solas as she tries not to jump to any immediate assumptions. Even though she knows very little, to almost nothing about Solas, he does not appear to be someone who is either naive or blissfully ignorant. In fact, he seems to have something of a quiet confidence. His strides always seem purposeful and with intent. Therefore, it they were not demons for him as he so claims, then as strange as it seem, the Spirits really were just as he says - ones of Wisdom and Purpose.
However, based on Lana’s bemused expression, Solas realises he clearly needs to explain, “The Fade reflects the mind of the living. If you expect a Spirit of Wisdom to be a Pride demon, it will adapt,” and gestures for them to continue walking onwards. “And if your mind is free of corrupting influences? If you understand the nature of the Spirit? They can be fast friends.”
“I honestly had no idea that some demons are actually... twisted, innocent Spirits. That’s… that’s actually quite sad,”
“Yes, it is.”
Looking up at Solas respectfully, “And you say that you managed to become friends with some of them? Without them even turning into demons? That really is incredible, Solas.”
Having reached the end of the stairs, they take another left and pass a merchant selling weapons and armour, “Oh! Oh! You are the Herald of Andraste!”
“Please, I’m not-”
“Why, it is an honour! Are you in need of anything? Please let me know what I can get for you?”
Lana manages to stop herself from correcting the man and chooses to humbly smile instead, “No, but thank you. I’m just passing by. You have a good evening, messere.” and offers a subtle nod of respect.
The merchant freezes and awkwardly bows nervously as Lana and Solas continue with their slow stroll through Haven. 
Once out of ear shot, Lana looks to Solas just as puzzled as the merchant, “Did I say something wrong?”
Lana’s naivety causes Solas to release a soft chuckle, “You addressed him with too much honour. You are the Herald of Andraste, after all. To him, the beloved Andraste sent you back from the Fade to save the people of Haven. He should be addressing you with ‘messere’, not the other way around.”
“But he’s still a human and I’m an elf. And I wish they would stop calling me the ‘Herald of Andraste’. I’m no herald of anything, least of all Andraste!”
“It matters not. The people of Haven will believe what they must. Posturing is necessary.”
Lana looks up at Solas with a deep set frown, “I won’t be deceitful.”
“I understand. However, you are a sign of hope to them, no matter your objections or beliefs.”
Lana ponders on Solas’s words for a moment before whispering, “It’s just… I’m Dalish, Solas. Dalish! How can I claim to be the Herald of their Andraste when my very vallaslin represents Mythal? I don’t see how-”
“Again, people will choose to believe, and even blissfully ignore, what they must. You cannot control this. What you can control however, are your actions,” Solas stops walking to regard Lana sternly. “How far are you willing to exert your power over their ignorance? Do you seek even more power? Glory perhaps? Maybe revenge for your people?”
Lana takes a step back and cries out, “I want none of those things! As I said before, I just want to help fix this mess so that I can go home!”
“And whilst I believe your intentions to be true, albeit naive, it is far easier said than done,” Solas takes a few steps ahead of Lana and stares at the Breach in the sky. “I have seen far too many tyrants and traitors in my travels, who always start with good intentions, only to be poisoned by their lust for more power. Constantly lying to themselves that their hearts have not changed, and that their goals are still pure.”
Angered by the insinuations, Lana lunges herself in front of Solas, “Are you saying that I will become a tyrant? Or a traitor?”
Unmoved by her outburst, Solas holds onto his staff with both hands as he peers down at Lana calmly, “No. What I am saying is that only time will tell. Hopefully, you have enough integrity that you may never be remembered as such,” and removes his gaze from Lana. “Although, history does have a way of repeating itself.”
Lana also averts her gaze and looks down at the mark on her hand. Although her face appears seemingly neutral, her eyes give away her internal struggles over her overwhelming responsibility.
Solas notices Lana’s silence and releases a quiet sigh, “I’m sorry. I only meant to advise. I was too forward with my questions.”
“No that’s okay,” murmurs Lana as she tucks her hand back under arm and looks up towards the Breach. “What you said is true. It’s just... I can’t believe this is happening. I may be First to my clan but this is something else entirely.”
“Yes, it is.”
As Lana continues to stare at the Breach circling above her, she slowly begins to lose herself in her mind, and almost forgets that Solas is still standing behind her.
Eventually, Lana snaps herself out of her ominous thoughts and turns back around to face Solas, “Ir abelas. What were you going to say before? Before the merchant?’
Solas brings his staff back to his side and begins walking once again, “We were talking about Spirits.”
Lana turns and walks alongside him, “Oh yes, of course. I still find it incredible that you managed to become friends with Spirits, Solas. It’s completely unheard of.”
“Anyone who can dream has the potential. Few ever try. My friends comforted me in my grief and shared in my joy. Yet because they exist without form as we understand it, the Chantry declares that Spirits are not truly people. Is Cassandra defined by her cheekbones and not her faith? Varric by his chest hair and not his wit?”   
Lana releases a loud and unexpected cheerful laugh, “Creators, that chest chair!” and continues laughing for a moment more. “And you have a good point. I really like the way you look at the world, Solas. I never thought of it like that before.”
Finding Lana’s laugh infectious, Solas releases a quiet, cheerful chuckle of his own, “I try…” and looks down at Lana with a slight grin. “And that isn’t quite an answer.”
“WelI, I’d love to meet one of these Spirits some day,” retorts Lana innocently as she regards Solas with her wide and welcoming lavender eyes. “Hopefully, we can try to make some new friends?”
Solas finds her cheerful manner infectious, considering the situation, and his smile widens. He actually cannot remember the last time he heard somebody laugh so easily and with so much joy. It was a sound he was not used to hearing, but it was a sound he found his heart ache for.
But, remembering who she is and especially who he is, Solas suppresses his emotions, clears his throat and stumbles out a dispassionate response, “That should be… well.”
Assuming his reaction to be only shyness, Lana playfully nudges him and laughs, “That isn’t quite an answer, either.”
They reach a fork at the end of the road where one path leads out of Haven and another to an unused trebuchet. They immediately notice a well placed boulder, low and wide enough for them both to sit on. Solas gestures for Lana to find her place first and he follows suit, holding onto his staff with both hands as he sits down next to her.
Resting her fur, parchments, ink and quill on her lap, Lana tucks some hair behind her right ear and turns to Solas, “Earlier, I remember you saying you travelled to many different places in the Fade?”
Solas smiles and admires the horizon, watching the setting sun fill the sky with its bright orange and pink hues. 
Solas begins to tell her about Ostagar, where the Hero of Ferelden and grey warden Alistair lit the signal fire only to have Loghain betray them and their King. As Solas looks out towards the horizon, Lana can see the passion glistening in his eyes as he every so often releases a subtle smile and cheerful head nods.
For a man who claims he would rather keep to himself and not engage with others, it takes surprisingly little effort for Lana to have him to open up and share his journeys so readily. It is almost as if she is the first person to ask him about them at all. 
Why wouldn’t people wish to know him? Or does he prevent them from doing so? 
Deciding it could be neither or it could be both, either way Lana can sense there is a lot hiding behind his silent, controlled exterior. 
Just like her father, Lana is highly sensitive and can usually, quite accurately, pick up on people’s subtle body languages. It isn’t so much as a literal observation as it is more a feeling. Just as one can sense another presence in a room; where you feel it deep in your bones, with your senses heighten, as you become keenly aware that you are not alone. 
For Lana, this level of sensitivity is both a blessing and a curse. Just as she can sense the nuances in people, she is also highly susceptible to being hurt by it. It doesn’t take a lot for her to feel emotionally overwhelmed and this is usually why being alone usually brings her such comfort or she would prefer to be around people that she’s completely herself with, and who truly know her.
Moved by another one of Solas’s journeys, Lana finds herself truly envious over his experiences and wishes she knew what he did. And that’s when it suddenly clicks. 
Lana almost leaps onto Solas with her eyes wide with exhilaration, “Solas! Enasal! Surely your travels took you to an ancient ruin of our people? Can you tell me anything about the ancient elvhen? Please, you must know something!”
Solas leans back displeased, “I thought you would be more interested in sharing your opinions of elven culture. You are Dalish, are you not?”
Lana also leans away in response and answers proudly, “The Dalish are the best hope for preserving the culture of our people,” and relaxing her stance, Lana cries out again with desperation. “Therefore I implore you, please tell me what you know. We can even find somewhere else to sit so that I can write it all down. Maybe the tavern, where it’s warmer?” and lifts up her parchments with a cheeky smile. “I already have what I need right here.”
Solas releases a loud, audible sigh and walks several paces away from Lana. As he surveys the sunset, he squares his shoulders while holding onto his staff with both hands and snaps, “Our people. You use that phrase so casually. It should mean more…” and pauses for a moment before murmuring. “But the Dalish have forgotten that. Amongst other things.”
Disturbed and shocked by Solas’s crassness towards her people, Lana struggles to verbalise her immediate thoughts and only manages a meek response, “I’m sorry?”
Solas, clearly irritated, turns on his heel to face her and barks, “While they pass on stories, mangling details, I walk the Fade,” and spins back towards the sunset. “I have seen things they have not.”
Wholly offended by Solas’s tactless accusations, and also tired of his uneven mood, Lana feels her infamous temper bubbling beneath the surface. The longer Solas stares out towards the horizon in silence, the faster her heart begins to beat. 
Feeling like a kettle hanging above the fire, with the lid jumping and rattling as it reaches its capacity to hold the heat within, Lana clutches tightly onto the fur lying on her lap as she cries out, “The Dalish are trying to restore elven history! If you know something Solas, share it!”
Solas whips his head back around, “Would your clan listen to what I had learned in my studies? My travels? Or would they mock the flat-ear and his stories, and go back to their ruins?”
Lana gasps in anger as she shoots up, causing her belongings to fall on the ground and leaps towards him with fury burning in her eyes. Leaving only a few inches between them. Solas manages to hold his composure, but is internally floored by the extent of her outburst. Up until now, she gave no absolutely no indication that she is capable of such rage. 
What a serious miscalculation on his part. 
Solas immediately sees the error of his ways and regrets accusing Lana, and her clan, for crimes they did not even commit against him. It was unworthy of him and he knows better than to let his pride speak for him. Solas wants to immediately rectify the situation but realises it is too late. Nothing he does now will suffice.
“How dare you! Why do you hold such hostility towards the Dalish? What could my people possibly have done to you that they deserve such hatred?” Solas tries to interject but Lana continues shouting over him. “I may not know what the clans in Ferelden are like, but I do know that my Keeper would never turn away someone like you! You can’t paint us all with the same brush!”
Lana removes herself from Solas and begins to pace from side to side as she continues to reiterate her anger. “She’va dhal, lethallin! Why don’t you consider yourself elvhen? One of the People?” and with her hands stretched out in desperation. “Ma halani! Lasa ghilan!”
Lana’s face is twisted by the angst in her heart as she stares at Solas with her large, lavender eyes flicking with fury and frustration, while Solas continues to appear seemingly unmoved and calm.
Their pride, inflated. Her rage, unrestrained. And his regret, infinite. 
Realising that she is getting nothing but a cold response from Solas, Lana releases a loud huff, and spins around to gather her things from the ground as she cannot stand to be in this damn Fereldan cold any longer, and especially with such impertinent company.
Once she has her things firmly in her grasp, she turns back and peers heavily into Solas’s calm, dusty blue eyes, “Keep your secrets, then. Ma banal las halanshir var vhen... harellan.” and using her shoulder, she shoves Solas out of her way as she storms off in the direction from which they came.
Solas turns around and watches Lana push on as she heads towards her cabin lying directly ahead in the far distance. 
And as she brushes past the people, they turn around in shock towards Solas, and very quickly begin to gossip amongst themselves. 
It turns out, Varric was wrong. She can bite.
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Elvish to English Translation:
“Ir abelas” = I’m sorry
“Ar dirth’ma” = I understand
“Enasal” = (emotion) Joyful relief
“She’va dhal!” = I’m struggling to believe what I’m seeing or hearing!
“Ma halani! Lasa ghilan!” = You could help us! You could guide us!
“Ma banal las halanshir var vhen, harellan” = You do nothing to further our people, traitor.
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Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4
Halla & Wolf Series
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griffinsanddragons · 7 years
If your Filia was made Viscount, do you have any ideas about what she'd do as the main authority in Kirkwall?
I have so many, I’m writing a new story about it lol
Well, first things first:
In a surprising twist of fate, Along with cleaning up Kirkwall, She’ll order the rebuilding the Chantry. 
This isn’t a simple good deed, however: Filia not only wants the Nobles to pay for it, this is the first step in her plan to get what she wants.
She doesn’t want to spend much of Cities Budget on this–So she’ll get The Nobles will Rebuild the Chantry via Charitable Donation. 
Consider: Whoever gets the build the Chantry gets to change the face of Kirkwall Forever. They pick the Architect, the Design, ect…ect… it’s a Vanity Project of the highest degree and everyone wants to be the one who creates it. 
She’ll have Varric start the whispers and see where things goes from there. 
But we must keep in mind thst Filia knows them, and she suspects many Noble Families will come forth and try to be the main contributor (’Let me introduce you to the family architect!’)
And Perhaps, she thinks, they’ll find little ways to get into the new Viscount’s favor as she ponders about the Chanty’s new design and bend to her will more easily. 
[Keep Reading I, uh, go on] 
Her first real order of business is to inact social change that’ll help the mages integrate into society.
She won’t have them confined to the Circle–they’re free to come and go as they please, marry, own property,.ect…. 
But, as we know, Filia isn’t a mage so she might need help, say, an Arcane Advisor of some sort? Someone who will always do what’s best for their people and who Filia trusts? 
Maybe someone like…Bethany! (If she’s interested and something tells me the role would suit her!)
Filia would create a new position in the government so the voice of the mages can be heard and understood by someone who knows exactly what they’re facing.
(You might be wondering now: What about Anders? 
Well, I plan to write a story and his future and role is a giant spoiler! So…)
If she does this, however, Kikwall would likely become a sort of…Red Zone for trade and would be isolated pretty quickly so Filia will have to figure out something to do about that. 
Perhaps draw up stronger trade agreements with more…mage friendly kingdoms like Rivain? She would likely form a stronger alliance with Ferelden too and I don’t see King Alistair pulling out any trade deals so there’s that..  
But honestly? Kirkwall is such a major trade center I imagine many of the other Kingdoms/Nations wouldn’t really want to stop doing business there just because the New Viscount lets some of the mages have jobs and go outside. 
In fact, I imagine some of the leaders jeering like, ‘oh yeah the mages destroyed kirkwall and she’s making them rebuild! Ohohoho!’ And Filia would just nodd and smile: There’s no reason to correct them.
Tho someone from Tevinter may get presumptuous and assume she wants to be their friend or something lol (Tho it’s a deal she’ll keep in her mind for later just in case.)
And if Rivain and keep what they’re doing hush-hush, why can’t she? 
Still, it pays to be careful. 
In the case of attack, Kirkwall does have measures: Erect that Giant net between the statues so no ships can come, and the Vimmark mountains are a pretty decent deterrent from land invasions but still…
She needs to keep unwelcome guests from the city so (Inspired by my one of my favorite book series,) Filia could hire a group of mages to regulate the harbor and literally push back the tides so no unauthorized ships can approach the city.
I think it would be pretty cool tho Aveline would flip out if she knew lol
Other things she’d do: Help the elves, of course!
Merrill, who is kind and smart, and a great leader, is put in charge of not only helping the alienage flourish but finding ways to help them integrate into Kirkwall better. 
And also an overhaul of the Criminal Justice System–Aveline!!! 
No more ignoring complaints about injustices and terror! 
This, of course, means all the Templars get to go to trial for their crimes against humanity ;) –and if they’re found guilty, the punishment they receive shall befit the crime!
There’s more but these are my favorite points lol
I know I went on and on (and on and on) but I just get so excited thinking about it!
Thanks for asking!!!!
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