#wnst event
winnysatang-updates · 3 months
ดาวเดิม (B612 by Nanon) covered by WinnySatang
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cosmicphenix · 1 year
Hey Warren do you remember thay big old guiltless you ahd that could shoot layers? I just wnst to let you know it's a really good thing you lsot it cuz I don't want to think about what would have happened if you kept it.
See... it not really my place to say as it's a Hamato clan secret but I wouldn't bring it up to the turtles (sensitive memories) so I'll jsut let you know anyways. The gauntlet was a piece of an evil, unkillable demon armor that feeds on the soul of the person wearing it.
If you want to know more, the best person to ask would on fact be the turtles, but please... please I cannot stress this enough, be careful about bringing it up. The topic of the Dark Armor and the demon it housed is a very, very, very sensitive subject for them! Treat to like you would someone who survive a traumatic event you were reporting on.
Dark armor? Oh you mean the shredder! Yeah. That thing ripped the wall off my bathroom.
I kinda miss that gauntlet but as all good things, it must come to a end.
Even if I got the gauntlet back it won't do anything. After the shredder was defeated all the metal on that thing melted into the dirt! It did all clump up so the turtles grabbed it and hid it somewhere down here.
It's all useless honestly. Donnie checked it for any magic over 4 times! Not once did anything come up.
Although something is scratching at the walls of that sealed room. Not really my place to figure it out.
But I know that because if my healing powers return I will be sent in to investigate. "For science Warren! No better discovery than a scientific one!" Probably just a bunch of nonsense though.
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b0mblover · 4 months
… or maybe the god’s just stupid.
By: J
(Basically lopt eats tissues and jirou gets drunk)
(idea creds to sho_variable, thank you for the idea bae /p)
(do not eat tissues it can cause issues with digesting) 
today was a rather lively day, after noriko chased him for drinking her nail polish, jirou attempting to calm her down, her in turn punching jirou, him having a panic attack, etc etc. He was rather tired, as much as he liked the feeling, it could be overwhelming, Jirou had been going out with crown for the past several days, he almost was hoping that jirou would stay home so he could bum a smoke off him, ironically for a god, he was mostly broke, and sure he could get a job like a normal person, wheres the fun in that? Jirou did end up going out with crown, to lopts disappointment. He usually would just steal, however the events of today mixed with the fact that jirou would very muchly notice, Jirou would probably have a breakdown, still being very muchly overstimulated, it wasnt the best idea. He decied to just wait until he got back, sitting in his room looking around at anything he could fiddle with, he seen a box of tissues, odd for a god that doesnt cry.
ironically, he did know what they were,  however, his impulsive thoughts got the best of him, or at least what little left there was. He pulled one out of the box, ripped a piece off, and stuck it in his mouth. He thought it didnt taste that bad, ironically out of all the things he ate that he shouldntve, this didnt hurt. He continued pulling pieces off and eating them, until there was nothing left, since it didnt hurt, he decided to eat another, and another, until he had ate 5. it took him around 30 minutes, ripping small pieces off like he was doing wasnt that efficient, before realizing what he was doing and stopped. He got bored of waiting so he decided to lay down and try to sleep, sure he didnt really need to, but it would pass time. Laying in bed, staring at the ceiling, he thought about the past week and how weird it was, first he ate “plates” which are very muchly not supposed to be consumed, then he drank nail polish and nail polish remover, even worse, and now hes ate tissues, sure tissues shouldnt (at least to his knowledge) do much harm to him, but it was still weird. People would probably laugh at him, gods, thinking about it, Noriko and Jirou never laughed at him for it, yet at least, they were concerned, worried, that wasnt something he was used to. If he had anymore tears left to cry from over the past centuries, he would. Not wanting to get emotional, or rather be embarrassed, he decided to grab his phone and listen to music, or something, anything? He just wanted to stop thinking about how people treated him in general, after 7 minutes and desperate attempts of trying to not get out of bed to check, he found his phone, on the otherside of his room, he didnt know how it got there, probably something to do with noriko. He noticrd several messages from “My lovable idiot (02), Jirou, 
(note, 01 is mason bc why not) 
“Auhhgf bae i miss u soonc much” 
“hey do yoh think oti could pick me up”
“wait nevemond”
“ushebd hey do u wnst me to come hone?”
lopt was rather confused at the messages, sure jirou never typed well, but he did make some attempt at making things readable, before figuring out that he was more than likey drunk. He kept reading
“foeskwaa yk i love hoj rivtn?”
“becaus i do lien wlot”
lopt mentally had to repeat what jirou was saying.
“augh bae i miss you so much, hey do you think you could pick me up, wait nevermind, uhgh hey do you want me to come home? auhwaa you know i love you right? because i do like alot” 
he sent a reply, “are you alright? i can come pick you up did something happen?” he waited for some odd time before sitting on the edge of his mattress, “mmhgbfnf nktbing happendd i miss you and in dont drle hood” lopt being a fucking master at translating idiots and drunk idiots, repeated “nothing happened i miss you and i dont feel good” mentally skimming through proper responses, he responded with “why dont you feel good love? and yes of course i can come pick you up” 
(look lopt def writes in a weird proper way dont deny it its either absolutely shit or extremly proper)
“mmsbxn plewsse?” “of course” he contemplated adding a heart but ultimately decided to not. 
He got into “his” car, more or lessly the car everyone used in the revolutionary army (REVARMY CAR REVARMY CAR) he had a good idea as to where jirou was, 3 spots, one. crowns “house” two. bar around a couple of blocks. three. old abandoned building they used to do meetings in. He checked crowns place first, knocking on the door, he waited about 5 minutes before leaving, next going to the abandon building, it was unlikey they went to a bar, they only did that in special occasions, and when something awful happened to numb the pain. he went into the first level of it, and seen jirou sitting on the ground with crown standing half hunched down, patting his head. Jirou stood up, mumbling his good bye to crown and waving, the car ride home was quite, hed ask tomorrow. They both walked into the dark apartment, Jirou immediately getting water out of the tap and some random fruit to eat, it was for the best if he was drunk. Lopt kissed him on the forehead and told him that he loved him, Jirou said the same before walking off to his room. Lopt decided to properly sleep finally, hed live without a smoke for another day.
The next morning, well rather noon, jirou was vaguely awake and talking to noriko about what happened yesterday, apologizing and things, “so how was your day?” noriko asked directing it at lopt, “well uh, i found out that tissues taste pretty good!” he said semi excitedly, Noriko and Jirou sat in shock, “Lopt you… what? why would you even” Jirou started in, Lopt didnt believe he was ever going to get a break.
(this was the worst ive wrote yet im sorry, but theres no real way to stretch lopt eating tissue out that long, or maybe there is idk i might try again someday, as per disclaimer, do not eat tissue, it can lead to intestinal blockage.) 
(im genuinely sorry for how poor this is, im not exaclty focused at the moment, but honestly i cant think of a better way to do this so!) 
(god im so tired, like sleepy, not tired of anyone or smth, i woke up way too early for my own liking)
(this is almost the last one! next will be about lopt eating tic tacs 💀)
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whatdoesshedotothem · 2 years
1834 Aug[u]st Fri[day] 22
7 35/..
11 1/2
she above half hour with me in my bed last night but tried in vain could give her
a right kiss Fine morn[in]g F[ahrenheit] 66 1/2° at 7 3/4 a.m. Laq[uai]s de Place, Victor Becker, and
good landau, and took Geo[rge], and A- [Adney] and I out at 11 – w[e]nt to the bank – shopp[in]g – b[ou]ght 4 silk shawls au page
r[ue] Vivienne saw the Bourse (walk[e]d r[ou]nd the gallery w[i]th permiss[io]n fr[om] the wom[a]n d[o]wnst[ai]rs)
b[ou]ght camb[ri]c au Gagne petit, and rib[be]d in Pass[age] des Panoramas – call[e]d and sat 25 min[ute]s
w[i]th Mrs. Heneage fr[om] 2 50/.. to 3 1/4, walk[e]d r[ou]nd h[e]r nice gard[e]n w[i]th h[e]r and Mr. H- [Heneage] and one of
th[ei]r d[au]ght[e]rs, and all ver[y] civ[i]l – Mrs. H- [Heneage] alw[a]ys reminds me of poor Sibb[ell]a – I hope
th[i]s is a nice acquaint[an]ce faite – A- [Adney] sat wait[in]g in the carr[ia]ge – ho[me] at 3 1/2 to
débarasser ours[elves] of the mon[ey] 18    fr[om] exch[ange] at                    for the 3 n[umer]os
circul[a]rs = £75 – M. Edw[ar]d Ferrall call[e]d ab[ou]t 3 3/4 and sat talk[in]g till 5 40/.. –
no let[ter] for me ab[ou]t the carr[ia]ge th[a]t he kno[w]s off – will do the best he can ab[ou]t it –
ga[ve] him my addr[ess] at Shibd[e]n – he prom[ise]d to wr[ite] and gi[ve] me tid[in]gs of so[me] sort – wheth[e]r
he can get me a laisser pass[e]r for the carr[ia]ge or n[o]t – M[ada]me de Bourke find[in]g it dull aux
Eaux n[ea]r Marseilles – ga[ve] h[i]m, by the way, a lit[tle] good adv[i]ce – to do the best he c[oul]d to
please his a[un]t –he own[e]d he w[a]s in as good a way as man[y] of the first young men
in Fr[an]ce – will n[o]t go b[a]ck to Denmark to live – on[l]y for a vis[i]t – w[oul]d n[o]t live out of
Paris, if he c[oul]d help it – Pr[in]ce Fred[eri]ck beat his princess (Wilhelmina) and lift[e]d his h[a]nd
ag[ain]st the King and queen – to live event[uall]y in Jutland – s[ai]d he (M. Edw[ar]d F- [Ferrall]) sh[oul]d indirect[l]y
advise Sophie to be gentle in quizz[in]g peop[le] – s[ai]d I lik[e]d h[e]r ver[y] m[u]ch – h[a]d heard it obs[erve]d
she w[a]s too severe, and wish[e]d it oth[er]wise – w[oul]d wr[ite] a note for him to forw[ar]d thro’ the
Danish Emb[ass]y – M. de Bourke ret[urne]d to Eng[lan]d to live at S[ou]thampt[o]n, - the clim[a]te of
Fr[an]ce n[o]t suit[in]g h[i]m – A- [Adney] and I out ag[ai]n at 5 40/.. till 7 1/2 – w[e]nt chez
Giroux – b[ou]ght china flacon à odeur in red velv[e]t cush[io]n for me to gi[ve] Miss W- [Walker] of Cliff Hill –
b[ou]ght Poussa (grotesque fig[ure] of  a man à la chinoise) and pap[e]r hold[e]r in the pass[age] des
panoramas and left word for Perrelet to co[me] tomor[row] morn[in]g etc. – din[ner] at 8 –
from eleven and ten minutes for twenty she came to my bed  fine day F[ahrenheit] 68° at 11 1/2 p.m.
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sicklecellmn · 6 years
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PTSD in the Sickle Cell Community March 2, 2018 4pm est Community discussion with presentation by Dr. Gayle Rogers To begin to heal from trauma and traumatic events in one’s life you have to first recognize and understand what trauma is and how it wreaks havoc on one’s brain and body. One has to first gain whatever understanding you can of the psychology and physiology of trauma in order to make informed decisions about the correct path to heal that is right for you to discover a life of wholeness and wellness. Meeting URL: https://meetings.webex.com/collabs/#/meetings/detail?uuid=M5LZPH7K6N4OAJQ27MD6V2MMP5-WNST&rnd=259364.62539 Meeting Number:195 051 237 Dial-in: +1-415-655-0001 “PTSD: A Complete Treatment Guide.” Aprodite Matsakis, PhD.
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winnysatang-updates · 2 months
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March 5th - Event - Winny, Satang, Sea T., Keen, Milk, Love, Fourth, Gemini, Mark, Ford, Prom, Captain, Aun - 5PM GMT+7
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winnysatang-updates · 6 months
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November 8th - School Tour 2023 (Winny, Satang, Sea, Jimmy, Ford, LYKN, Arm, Leo, Krist)
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winnysatang-updates · 3 months
[LIVE RECORDING] #SFxWinnySatang #WinnySatangท้าเป่ายิ้งฉุบที่SF [ Live stream by Winynny official ] - 10.02.2024
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winnysatang-updates · 3 months
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10.02.2024 - SF Chinese New Year 2024 SF - Winnysatang - 12:00 PM GMT+7
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winnysatang-updates · 1 month
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March 29th- Book Fair 2024 - Winnysatang - 7:00 PM GMT+7
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winnysatang-updates · 6 months
source: IG Story popor_69
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winnysatang-updates · 3 months
[LIVE RECORDING] Destiny Clinic - Winnysatang - 11.02.2024
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winnysatang-updates · 3 months
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winnysatang-updates · 3 months
[LIVE RECORDING] Winnysatang - Fan gathering after Destiny Clinic Event - 11.02.2024
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winnysatang-updates · 6 months
[Live Recording] Dance Thailand Event 09.11.23
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winnysatang-updates · 5 months
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Winnysatang - La-Roche Possay Effaclar Duo(+) Live - 7:30 PM GMT+7 - Laz Live App
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