#wolfwood sucking at his instrument is very funny to me
My hottest take for a Trigun band AU is that Vash should be a former industry plant whose trying his absolute darndest to make a legitimate career without any inside connections after getting his shit blown up on TikTok
And of course he's trying to hide it from his new band mates to varying levels of success
Like one day Meryl busts in 5 minutes before practice (objectively 10 minutes late compared to when she usually shows up) (Vash is usually 10 minutes late and isn't even there yet, he's helping someone jump their car across town) one time after watching a deep dive video on YouTube about disgraced musicians and she just shoves her phone in Wolfwood and Milly's faces like
Meryl (rhythm guitar)(was classically trained on the violin): HE'S A PLANT??? HE'S BEEN A PLANT THIS WHOLE TIME??? HE LIED TO US??? AND WE'RE STILL PRACTICING IN A SHITTY GARAGE???
Wolfwood (bass guitar) (sucks at bass guitar) (was originally hired by Knives to make sure Vash's career fails without the family connections in a way that does not reflect poorly on Vash, is now heavily invested in the band succeeding bc he likes it) (no he doesn't know what he's gonna do about it but how scary could Knives be)(very scary): hm? What're ya on about?
Milly (realized months ago who Vash was and that he's given up his industry connections and is trying to do things The Correct Way, finds this incredibly admirable and truly believes in him and the band) (drums)(the most popular member of the band): you guys didn't know?
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Trimax Thoughts Vol. 11 Pt. 1
Well, we're back after last week's suffering. Stream of consciousness ahead!
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First off I find this a clever way to hide the hair! Dynamic posing! The poor unsuspecting fools who haven't read volume 10 would look at this and have no idea why we're sad.
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Live Zazie reaction:
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Augh, Livio driving the car... Vash asleep in the back... this does something to me.
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He's so cute. He's not suffering or anything look at him.
Both Brad and Livio reaming him out for being too trusting that's so funny to me
To be quite honest, I feel like Livio was very much a victim in all this... that doesn't make him blameless in the situation but it was very much Chapel who grievously injured Wolfwood enough that he chose to take the double vials, and it was him who manipulated Razlo to be dependent on him and Livio to think serving was his only purpose. That said, there's something very heartwarming about Brad being so upset over Wolfwood's death considering his usual untrusting nature and the fact that he really didn't know him that well.
Livio apologizes for his body stopping the bleeding so soon after getting punched. Buddy. No. 😂😭
I feel so bad for the Plants in all this. However, much as it sucks for humanity, I'm very glad to know they can exert enough influence in order to resist killing their sisters and brother and are able to express their free will in some way... could they have refused commands before this point then? If so, that begs the question of why they didn't.
Someone arriving from space???
Oh, so the Plants feel an affinity with Knives. Is that because they agree with him and his methods? Is it because he's absorbed so many of their sisters already? Do they feel his pain and loneliness? I'm so curious.
Meryl!!! I missed yoouuuuu (and she immediately sticks out her tongue and flips a double bird at authority. love her.)
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I love this... such a sweet and quiet moment with these two amidst the chaos. Milly putting her perceptiveness to good use to try and support Meryl as best she can. It makes me wonder about that 7-8 month gap and how these two survived not just what is basically the apocalypse, but also the struggle of Meryl's trauma from having Vash's memories dumped on her. I bet Milly was pretty instrumental during that period.
"It's too bad it will never be the same again." IN COMES VASH THE STAMPEDE SWINGING IN ON A LADDER
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AUGHHHHHHH. This is so sweet aaaaaaa. Oh my god I just realized this is the first time they've actually seen each other since that town chased Vash out and Meryl had a breakdown. Where he thought she was scared of him. But she wasn't!!! He started to realize it after Marlon, but now he sees it!!! They are. so precious to me... :')
The Earth fleet is close!!! ...that's kind of bad actually.
Luida: "What happened to your hair?" Vash, very loudly: "ANYWAYS TIME FOR THE LAST STAND HUH?"
Oh Milly... I'm intrigued by the way she just plays along with it... she really is a lot like Vash. I wonder why Brad even did that though. I kind of feel like it was to keep people from acting aggressively towards Livio, as saying he died would lead to questions that would probably reveal Livio was at the center of it. Not for Livio's sake of course (I don't think Brad really cares about him) but Vash trusts him, Wolfwood sacrificed himself for him, and they really can't afford infighting at this point. ...never mind that Milly wouldn't have reacted that way anyways.
Ok lol I'd just been thinking "what happened to Zazie's arm and then..
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Oh, the coins are back. Interesting. Legato faceoff soon?
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The hurt is palpable with poor Livio here...
Oh! I was right about Brad's reasoning! Cool! Also I think that's the friendliest we've ever seen Brad-
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"Ya need to learn to let people help ya out" <-YES.
And of course Vash deflecting by playing up and overdramatizing what is probably a genuine reaction... I really think he knows this already but he's walled himself off so long. He appreciates everyone, he really does, but... them getting hurt is always going to be far worse than them being disappointed in him or himself getting hurt. It's not just because he cares about them... it's also just as much because he cares very little for himself. I also think he just... can't, right now. "Don't tell me something like that now" <- yeah because he's a gaping wound at this point. All he's done is put a stopper on his fresh grief, and he cannot afford to open it else he'll probably shatter and he can't right now.
??? Did Legato just kill Zazie? (Or I guess Zazie's body...) Also, he can walk again??? Huh???
Wow Zazie just took out Elendira and Knives... that's impressive actually.
Oof, I don't actually want that to happen to Knives... that's pretty horrifying.
Ok. Ok Legato. I will readily admit you are one of the coolest people in this manga. That's incredibly badass. The amount of mental coordination he'd need to puppet himself around is incredible. And the reveal that he is literally puppeteering is fascinating. GIVE ME THE FORBIDDEN LEGATO LORE
So Vash is... making bullets with his powers? Ok... interesting. Wonder what they do? ...also he's using more of his powers. Hm. :/
Whjdfhsdfhb Livio jumpscare
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Look at my dorky little guy
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I'm so happy for him and his new haircut/outlook. (I bet Vash would know a little something about that huh? *cough cough* Eriks)
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??????????? Hi Zazie. This was random...?
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Oh, so this is Chronica! She's introduced pretty late in the manga. She's also an Independent it seems! And much more knowledgeable than either Vash or Knives. There's an entire generation of Independents from Earth! They have implanted neural blockers to prevent fusing??? Implications that fusing like what Knives is doing has happened before??? Hello??? Need to chew on this.
Vash WHAT are you doing freaking out like that hdfjhbsdfvh. Livio trying to calm him down like :|
Hjhsbjdfhbvs now they're all screaming at the bug... which. which is drawn like this.
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...I wonder if Nightow-sensei was also upset by volume 10 and the rampant comedy right now is him coping...
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Hjhdbfjhbfv they're so stupid
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"...i'm gonna touch it" energy. HHDBSHCBHJBEJ VASH NO
...you know I do think there is something to be said about Vash acting like the irresponsible and foolish brother to... Wolfwood's brother. There's just. Yeah.
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I love them both so much they are so stupid
Vash calling Elendira a bitch is so funny to me, especially because before the Ark he didn't seem to really know her at all. How much do you want to bet she dropped by just to annoy and vaguely threaten Vash and Legato while they were locked in that 7 month stalemate. Vash hears her walking into the room and is just like "GDI NOT AGAIN LEAVE ME ALONE".
Livio beloved... finally he's found purpose for himself... (please be careful against Elendira... I love you.......)
"Sometimes it's not easy to explain the power of someone's presence. Especially when it's someone so greatly and deeply connected to you. Some people can't even say it. But this helped Vash the Stampede realize... that he was feeling the same thing in his heart." <-he continues to haunt the narrative... but gosh what a thing to communicate to the reader here. what a thing, to realize how much you cared too late... but what a thing, also, to realize you had at all :') they both miss him so much… but he’s also their resolve
FINALLY we get to know how the Plants feel about all this!!! I feels so bad for them man. I feel they're similar to Vash in that they don't want anyone hurt really... but they're not able to fight their own fight. Pretty heartbreaking stuff.
Meryl... :'(
YES MILLY. CALL HIM OUT! Meryl is worried. Let her be worried.
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AUGHHHHHHHHHHHH THIS IS SO CUTE!!! He's going to come back it means he's going to come back it means don't worry I'll find you again I'll come and find you this time I ahsjdcbhasjdvhbsjfhbv Vash you can be so sweet when you are not actively avoiding any and all emotional situations with people who care about you!!!
Chronica's going to turn off her limiter :O
Elendira: Hi :) *stabs you*
"I don't like nice men. They die so easily. He was like that too." <- Oh you did not just go there.
Elendira I think just has no faith in people. She looks actually a bit upset when she says "they die so easily" about "nice men". Then there's the "no matter what Vash the Stampede does, there will always be humans who ruin it." She's decided that while she wants Knives to succeed... if he doesn't, she'll just end the world regardless. Hm. Elendira you are so interesting to me.
Ohh... protecting the kids... Livio... :')
YES! Livio has found his resolve! The cloak from Jasmine, the hat from the little kid! You can do it buddy!
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