#writing this out made me realize that ST is the steampunk loz game
wutheringmights · 2 years
For the ask meme i'd like to ask about Phantom Hourglass or Spirit Tracks, but avoiding Linebeck as an answer
You know me too well lol
But yeah I can be a bit more original than just my adoration of Linebeck (my beloved).
For Phantom Hourglass— I really like the Temple of Oshu! I kinda bugs me that every PH retrospective disses this temple when I think it’s the coolest thing ever. I love memorizing the puzzles and finding new ways to getting through each level at record speed.
For Spirit Tracks— growing up, I actually had a huge thing for Byrne. I love evil characters, and his design was so cool with his metal arm and masked face. Honestly, I want to be more vocal about my love for him, but I need to do a general refresh on ST first.
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