#writing wizards i NEED you to tell me your tips and tricks for bullshitting it and making words happen fast and a lot
rizaposting · 20 days
this is a bit negative so I'm going to throw it under a read more, but idk what to do so... writing woes be upon me
royai big bang deadline for anthology pieces is end of april and I'm just... not sure what to do with my piece. It's at 14k words and still feels like it needs SO much more. I'm not sure if I should brute force it, or try to refocus the scope, or just... know when a lost cause is a lost cause lmao
I have an interview for a job on Tuesday and it has been taking up a significant portion of my brain power this past week. That'd leave me about a week of Pure, Unfettered ADHD Panic Mode Focus IF I can get my brain to cooperate with me.
I oscillate wildly back and forth between "this is unsalvageable and I should just admit defeat early" and "I HAVE to do this I NEED to do this". I am currently in a "I can do this if I try" phase but I'm sure that my opinion will change in a few hours, and then it will change again in the morning. I know, logically, no one is going to get mad if I don't make the deadline, but I really, really wanted to prove to myself that I could do this so it makes sense to at least TRY to make it work.
I guess I'm wondering, if you've been in a similar situation before, what did you do? How do you reframe something when it's already got so much stuff in it? Not in a sunk cost fallacy kind of way, more like a sheer This Is Big And I Have No Time. Any sort of technical advice would be appreciated
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