#wrote this on a whim cause im ignoring work :D
beelmons · 11 months
But who is he to you? (Aaron Hotchner)
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Aaron, the hot neighbor that seemed to rarely be home whenever you arrived from work. Quiet, cordial, and kind, the guy nextdoor that everyone wanted, because he would never make a fuss or a mess, just a perfect example of a man.
Aaron, whom you officially met on his only day off the entire month during a city-wide black out, on your almost adjoining balconies trying to freshen yourselves on a warm summer night. Whom you spent the entire night talking to until the power came back up, which you later learned happened just before dawn.
Aaron, the man you learned was recently divorced, battling the sorrows that came with such event. Whom you did your best to cheer up and care for, whose smile you craved to see on your darkest days. Whom you had accidentally fallen in love with and knew such feeling was bound to be unrequited.
Aaron, who after losing his wife carried nothing but grief and anguish on his shoulders. Whose light had turned so dim it was barely visible, whose willigness to cling to life was more a duty than a desire.
Aaron, who reached for your hand in times of torment, who you took into your arms as you suffered your own sort of heartbreak, whose heart, unbenknown to you, you dilligently nursed back to health.
Aaron, who couldn't help but fall in love with your caring soul.
Aaron, who was mortified with the idea of losing someone else. Who knew his job and happiness were an incompatible match. Who judged the best idea was to break your heart, to push you away from the menace that being by his side was.
Aaron, who on a warm summer night broke your heart, with a lie, once he told you nothing could ever happen between the two of you because your feelings were not reciprocated beyond a loving friendhsip.
Aaron, who realized his mistake maybe too late in life, as he watched you walk down the aisle in the direction of a man that should have been him. Who fell victim of the fallacy of protection and safety. Who, as you said 'I do' to Derek Morgan, could only think about how the last time he felt safe was on that warm summer night, on a lousy balcony with stars shining thanks to the lack of light, while he talked to the neighbor he was always intrigued by.
Aaron, who for a second time lost the woman he loved the most.
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