#wyll: see i dont actually want to do that? i like you astarion we both deserve better
marmett · 2 months
theres a lot of fun to be had w/ astarion's "failed" seduction of wyll. i usually like to go the route where astarion decides that its great actually, all he has to do is comply with wyll's romantic gestures, and now he has wyll's loyalty with minimum effort on his part. and then he comes to the horrifying realization that its not a bit anymore, and he LIKES wyll and his romantic overtures.
but i could also see it going in an opposite way, astarion trying to pressure wyll into sex, bc thats what he feels hes supposed to do, and reacting cruelly when wyll tries to redirect to more chaste signs of affection.
this leads to wyllstarion mid act 2 breakup arc, and they dont get back together until act 3, or maybe not until the epilogue party.
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ortelassa-goldstein · 8 months
Another shitpost about my beloved tav Haltyrr. Now about her relationship with companions. More details under the cut.
template by @raysoffrost, thank you!
(Please note - everything below is written on behalf of my oc. My own opinion may be different! I find all the characters charming, but from Hal's point of view it's a little more complicated) (oh and pls ignore my bad english, i try my best, thank you)
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Shadowheart. This girl is harmed. She bleeds painfully right front of me and pretend to be fine, pretend no one sees her weakness. She NEEDS something. Protection, maybe? I dont understand. She is so funny in her pathetic rudeness. When I look at her, I feel my own weakness, and it's sucks. I should stay away. Lae'zel. I never seen githyanki before, and this woman was mystery… For some time. She's annoying, she's predictable, and… amazing in her faith. I adore her directness and urgency to fight to the death for her ideals, but also this is a blindness. She always follows the line of least resistance. People like Laezel are good on battlefield. I need these type in our journey, but she and i will never be an equal and never understand each other. Maybe one day she'll try to kill me, or, maybe I'll kill her first. Karlach. A simple woman, maybe too simple for me, but, in any case, she knows how to prioritize correctly and live in the present moment. She is very sensitive and perfectly defuses the situation if tense raises because of someone else's sick ego. We need her. Actually, I think, everyone needs a woman like Karlach. Jaheira. I don't know how to treat her. Sometimes she looks so much like me and this is pisses me off. But sometimes I find sweet how she grumbles and looks at everyone like at stupid children. I'm sure she sees it too - we are quite similar, and it's better for us to keep a respectful distance from each other, otherwise one day well fight to death, and then we both regret it. Halsin. Well, he's huge, a druid and an elf at the same time. It's a terrible mix in my opinion. Sometimes I'm just freaking SCARED of him. Druids are strange af. Elven druids?! Please don't. Part of me despises Halsin for just running away from his beloved grove when it needs a competent guidance more than anything else, but at least my weirdos like him. (or I'm too soft-hearted). Gale. If someone hurts Gale, it will be the last thing they will do in their lives ever. (I wish I could beat the shit out of his ex, but it's hard with goddesses.) Perhaps this man is the only one from all over the upper world who really understands and accepts me. I don`t know how he did it, but my trust in him is unshakable. Magic, probably. Astarion. I don't blame him for trying to survive. I blame him for doing it ridiculously. Sometimes he tires me so much that I want to tie him up and throw into the river. Next to Astarion, I feel like a babysitter, and this is the last thing I would like to do in our situation. I think sooner or later this pathetic elf will get angry because of a something Very Important For Him in a teenager way and leave, and it would be noble of me not to stick a dagger in his back. If you want to be respected, respect in return, darling. Wyll. I don't understand what he's still doing in my camp at all. I mean, I've heard so many rude things from him about how unreasonably cruel I am that it's even funny. I behave quite decently and don't even point out to Wyll that he seems to be much more interested in wine, pretentious speeches and condemning everyone in a row (me in particular), instead of doing, you know, things. He also brought this annoying devil with him. Oh, spider queen, give me strength.
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sl33pyperson · 4 months
thinking about my tav and the consequences of their actions/inaction
like ok a big thing with all the companions is like. being held by some powerful force and (hopefully) rejecting their plans and becoming their own person (or giving in to the worst and just becoming a cycle) and its sooooooo hard thinking of darcels end bc shes? in the middle of both of these??
darcel is held by a powerful force (their patron) but is happy with the deal. thrilled, even. darcel gains power from giving into instinct and doing unnatural/abnormal things.
darcel continues to make deals with other entities (the emperor, raphael, mizora, even gortash) to build up this power and also just to say “Yes. lets see where this goes and what you can give me” but they backstab and kill literally all of them the moment their goals no longer align. (except for mizora i think but darce is strange about her)
then darcel with regular people and companions, they support all of their worst fucking desires bc those desires Gain Them Power. darce found a weirdly large group of unique people and unique circumstances and she wants to see those flowers fruit (even to a persons detriment). they supported astarion and gale ascending, they got shadowheart and lae’zel to fuck off from shar and uhhh big queen lady (purely to see what the consequences would be. idk if she cared if they died bc of deferring), darce was fully ok letting wylls dad die and seeing how far they could push mizora, oh god karlach. darce really looked at karlach and went “lets see how much fun we can have before i can watch her explode :)” and darce just got Bored and annoyed at karlach before that happened..... without intervention karlach 100% wouldve died destroyed and heartbroken
darce gives in and makes bad choices without caring of consequences to others. darcel likes power and having hands on the strings of the world. yet darcel did not take over the absolute. they had astarion calling in their ear, they could be gods and kings, but darcel just. couldnt. it would be too much. they were scared of what would happen.
which then leads to the epilogue and tbh loss of an eye is the same easy out as cutting off an arm but you CANNOT tell me the illithid transformation/going back from it WOULDNT fuck up your body somehow?????
anyway darcel goes from having all this physical power and might to chronic headaches and pain, they are lying violently to everyone, the only people who care about darcel is shadowheart (until the party where karlach reveals what actually happened) and astarion (how could he abandon his first friend?? as pathetic as they are becoming. reminding him too much of his old life.) darcel has their name and status but everything else is falling apart. they are begging for their patron for Anything, but coming back from a story like that What Becomes Interesting? the patrons interests dont align with what darcel is capable of anymore. darcel gets backstabbed just like everyone else darcel treated, wanting and needy purely bc they couldnt dedicate themselves to anything. bc they needed to ruin everything they touch.
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shadowheartssimp · 4 years
pc/shadowheart (another modern au fic help) sub 3k words.
-- x -- 1:21 am - 1 new message
Xildi groggily reaches out to her buzzing phone, only a little peeved that something so easily broke her from her trance. With a sigh she gazes at the awfully bright screen and finds herself frowning before her mind can even process. She doesn’t even get to unlock her phone before another message comes in.
1:23 am - 2 new messages
Sitting up straighter, she finally unlocks her phone.
2 messages from Shadowheart
1:21am → 
hey, are you awake
1:23am → 
youre probably trancing
With a sigh, Xildi weighs her options before realizing there’s not exactly one. Her fingers move fast as she types her reply.
1:24am ← 
I’m ‘awake’ now. What’s wrong?
1:25 am →
i didnt say anything was wrong
1:26 am →
you assumed that
Xildi rolls her eyes before looking back down to her phone.
1:27 am →
Moments pass, and the elf is torn whether or not she wants to return to her trance. She wonders how pissed Shadowheart would be if she accidentally left her on read, and decides that it’s likely not worth finding out.
1:31 am ←
1:31 am ← 
You’re making it seem like something’s wrong.
Most likely because something is wrong, but getting the half-elf to admit that is half the battle. Huffing, Xildi shuffles off the bed and begins traversing to her kitchen. Might as well get a snack if she’s about to be up all night waiting for whatever is wrong with her friend. 
Her phone buzzes as she’s prepping a light snack for herself, at least signaling that Shadowheart didn’t pass out on her. Scratch wakes as well, trotting into the kitchen and wagging his tail in hopes for a midnight snack as well.
1:38 am → 
someone from the orphanage contacted me today
1:38 am → 
i didnt want to even message you but idk
1:39 am →
unfortunately you know my past
Xildi rolls her eyes, it wasn’t her fault that Shadowheart blabbed it out when she was drinking too much wine at Wyll’s party. Either way, the story did already peak her interest and Xildi found herself approaching her couch with warm toast.
1:40 am ← 
The orphanage? I thought you told them to never contact you again.
1:41 am →
i did
1:41 am →
that’s why its bothering me
Quizzically Xildi bites on her toast.
1:42 am ←
Wait… you didn’t answer? Are you telling me they called and you let them go straight to voicemail?
1:43 am → 
and? i didnt want to be reminded of that awful place
1:44 am → 
i dont want to listen to it
1:44 am →
at least alone. im coming over
Xildi blanches. She’s coming over, now? She’s hardly well dressed for visitors, practically in her underwear and hair a mess. Not to mention that the place was in an array (not really, but in her eyes it was a pigsty that couldn’t be seen by anyone else’s eyes).
1:45 am ← 
Now?! Seriously? Couldn’t you wait until morning?
1:45 am ←
Shadowheart, my place is a mess.
1:46 am →
yes. now. 
It starts processing in her head. Shadowheart doesn’t live far, perhaps 15 minutes minimum if she takes the bus, but there aren’t any at this hour. At least she’s pretty sure there’s none.  So she’s walking, that gives her probably an extra 10 minutes. Then she’s reminded of how incredibly dangerous that is to begin with -- but it’s Shadowheart and she likely doesn’t care to begin with. She grew up in this neighborhood, this is nothing!
1:48 →
i need you
Oh. Xildi knows her cheeks are warm, because never has Shadowheart ever been so forward. A heavy breath leaves her lips as she knows she has no choice now but to let her come over and likely listen to this voice mail with her. Whatever comes afterward will be another story she’s sure.
1:50 am ←
The door’s unlocked, please be safe getting here.
1:51 am →
im fine
1:52 am →
but youre sweet to worry
Frantically Xildi shoves the now cold toast into her mouth and begins cleaning at an incredible pace. She starts with the kitchen, disturbed that she even let there be dirty dishes to begin with. A few minutes later and she’s drying her hands, curiously peaking over at her phone to see if anything else has come through. Thankfully nothing and she sets off for her bedroom.
It only takes a few more minutes to tidy up before she goes back to retrieve her phone. 
1 new message from Shadowheart
2:04 am →
bitch’zel stopped me on my way. im omw now
Xildi purses her lips, it was awfully late for Lae’zel to be out and about. Now that she thinks upon it, she does recall Astarion’s door closing roughly ten minutes or so ago. Interesting. 
2:05 am ←
Any chance there’s a bus going at this hour?
2:06 am →
already ahead of you
2:06 am → 
last bus of the night… guess im staying at your place again
2:07 am ←
Glad I cleaned my room then :/
2:07 am → 
how kind! bold of you to think id actually sleep with you though
Xildi feels her heart strings pull at that one. 
2:07 am →
2:08 am →
perhaps a discussion for another night
Dropping her phone onto the bed, Xildi falls back and stares up at her ceiling. She’s already on a roller coaster of emotions, she can’t imagine what must be barreling through Shadowheart at the moment. Scratch trots into her room, whining slightly before laying on the floor by the foot of her bed. 
Her phone buzzes again and she lazily reaches across her bed to find it. She doesn’t even get a chance to look at the screen before it drops on her face with a defiant thud. Groaning she picks it off her face and squints at the bright device.
2:14 am →  
or i guess you dont want to talk about it
2:14 am ←  
I do.
2:15 am → 
😤😤 good
Xildi finds herself laughing and lowers her phone onto her chest. 
2:18 am ←
Do you have an ETA?
2:19 am →
excited to see me?
2:19 am →
bout five minutes though
Xildi decides that staring aimlessly at her ceiling is her best way to waste time, not finding energy to do much else. She knows Shadowheart arrives when the door creaks open slowly, and Scratch jumps from his spot on the floor and sprints out of the room. She can hear the light grunt from the half-elf as the dog nearly knocks her over, a fragile laugh echoing the silence as claws scratch along the wooden floor.
It thankfully doesn’t take long for Scratch to settle, Xildi notes from the sudden silence. There are light steps, from both the dog and Shadowheart as they approach her room and the elf gradually rises herself into a more approachable position. Finally their eyes meet in the dim room and she can just tell how worn Shadowheart is.
“Hey,” comes lightly from Xilid as she offers a faint smile. She figures if anything she should try to be welcoming. 
Something close to a response comes from Shadowheart who sulks into the room, dropping her backpack on the way. She practically falls face first onto the bed and lets out what Xildi assumes is a much needed breath.
Tentatively, the elf places a reassuring hand on her shoulder.
“Do you want to change first?”
“I guess.”
So it was going to be a difficult night -- morning? Xildi isn’t sure anymore. Gradually Shadowheart rises from her spot and keeps her gaze away from the elf, absolutely avoiding the pressing matter on hand. The tension stays thick as she digs through her backpack and eventually pulls some sweats out.
Pointendly looking away, Xildi focuses on the ceiling once more as Shadowheart changes. A few quiet moments pass before the mattress shifts and the half elf hesitantly lays down next to her. Now two sets of eyes focus on the white popcorn.
Shadowheart is silent for a long time -- long enough that the elf fears that she has fallen asleep. Just when she’s about to ask, she hears Shadowheart say “I don’t even know if I want to hear what they have to say.”
Xildi shifts her gaze to a troubled Shadowheart who still casts her hard stare to the ceiling. “Do you think you’d be better not knowing?”
“No,” comes first, followed shortly by “I don’t know”.
Finally dark green eyes meet Xildi, ones filled with exhaustion and definitely some fear. The elf can’t help but wonder of all the horrors her friend(?) grew up with in that orphanage. “I could always listen to it, so you don’t have to.”
“And hold it against me?”
“You know I wouldn’t do that.”
Something close to a soft smile eases its way onto Shadowheart’s face, scooting closer and resting her cheek on Xildi’s shoulder. The half-elf’s phone does a light drop on her stomach, almost as an invitation before she sighs. 
Taking the hint, the elf lifts Shadowheart’s phone and goes to unlock it. Truthfully it felt wrong to be even doing that, but she figured if she didn’t there was no way in hell Shadowheart would. A light mutter from her side tells her the passcode that she already secretly knows from another drunken night, and she quickly exits her messages before seeing something she might not meant to be. 
Hell, she shouldn’t be navigating her phone to begin with. 
Her thumb taps the phone app and she feels Shadowheart tense against her, digits gripping her arm. “We could always listen to it later.”
“No,” says Shadowheart as she glares at her own phone. “I didn’t come all this way to continue ignoring it.”
With a slow nod, Xildi continues and clicks on the voicemail tab. She’s only a little surprised to see a few from Gale and Wyll, from today even, but ignores it for the sake of seeing the number sticking out like a thumb between it all. Tentatively she glances to the woman beside her, who holds a fierce look before she taps the number to play the voicemail. 
It starts casual enough, the shuffling of papers, stating who is calling and stating that they were looking for, yes indeed, Shadowheart. To this day Xildi is shocked that they truly messed up her birth certificate that badly. Just when they’re both thinking that the call is a fluke, that they’re trying to bait her back into calling without anything, they hear: “Please call us back when you can, we believe we might have found information about your parents.”
It clicks.
Shadowheart is still, terrifyingly so.
Xildi glances from the phone in her hand, to Shadowheart who is practically cuddling her side, to her white popcorn ceiling. Even she is unsure if it’s the truth or a white lie to get back in communication with her.
“I hate them,” comes quietly from Shadowheart, who’s biting so hard on her lip that blood dares to drip. “I hate them so much.”
Xildi remains quiet, completely and utterly unsure of how to proceed with this new information. A part of her feels that she shouldn’t have just heard this voicemail. She can only imagine how Shadowheart would have handled the news alone. Poorly, if she really has to guess.
Said woman exhales loudly, her grip on Xildi’s arm tightening before gradually loosening. Her breath is fragile for a moment, teetering on the edge of likely tears -- the elf doesn’t dare to look -- before mellowing out to an extent. She shifts slightly before sitting up and crossing her legs. 
“I don’t even know if I want to meet them.”
Her voice is so fragile, unlike herself, that it takes Xildi by surprise. She’s sitting up faster than she can imagine and wastes no time placing a hand over Shadowheart’s own. The very least she can do right now is be supportive. “You don’t have to any time soon.”
Briefly the half-elf tenses from the touch. “They left me there.”
“Sometimes there’s not a choice,” says Xildi with a frown, remembering her own past all too well. She wonders if her brothers are still well even after all this time. “Even so, because of that it led to us meeting, right?”
“Look at you, trying to make this positive,” scoffs Shadowheart, but the faintest of smiles shines. Their eyes lock for a few seconds and the same butterfly feeling stirs in Xildi’s stomach. “It’s crazy how one even can change everything. That orphanage was shit, but it led me to Shar -- something to believe in.”
“Are you thinking how things might’ve been different if you grew up with them?”
Shadowheart tilts her head. “My parents? A little,” pursing her lips, she gazes intently at the wall behind Xildi. “I hate that they left me in that awful place, never once tried to get in contact with me. And now I despise that the orphanage is trying to bring me back.”
“You don’t have to go, or even call back.” With a reassuring smile, Xilid takes her hand back and runs it idly through her hair. “If you’re happy where you are, why change it?”
The half elf pauses, as if Xildi’s words struck her like a bolt of lightning. Her gaze shifts from the wall to her lips, then to her eyes. “Would you change anything?”
“Me?” A bit baffled, Xildi raises a brow before shrugging it off. “A few things here and there sure, but I suppose it’s often better to let destiny take its course.”
“You think us meeting is destiny? That’s cute.”
Xildi gives Shadowheart a look, despite it all there’s something deeper that she’s not inherently saying. It gives her an inkling that somewhere inside, she’s actually agreeing with her -- and that they should continue letting it. Her heart skips in her chest, unsure whether to take the advance before she manages a response. “Do you disagree?”
A long silence fills the air, as if Shadowheart is weighing her options carefully. What is likely only a moment or two feels like an eternity, dragging on and eating away at Xildi until finally -- finally! -- the bed shifts underneath Shadowheart’s weight and the woman is sitting next to her. Polished nails gently scratch at Xildi’s fingers before resting. “No, I don’t think so. In fact…” trailing off, Shadowheart uncharastically fails to meet Xildi’s gaze. “I think you should let it take its course, right now.”
Mustering up all of her courage, Xildi leans forward and lifts her free hand, cupping one of Shadowheart’s cheeks. Her skin is warm and soft against her cool hands, a dull reminder of how chilly she prefers to keep her room. Her heart is pounding against her chest as she leans closer. She can see all of her eye lashes, how they begin to flutter nervously, and the dark hues of green in Shadowheart’s eyes. 
Her breath catches, perhaps the other’s too, before she sets her mind on it. Her chest practically explodes as she timidly presses her lips against Shadowheart’s, a full eruption of emotions consuming her as she suddenly gasps for air. How she frees her other hand to cup her other cheek, the need to feel incredibly close to her rising as her heart continues to pound. 
Shadowheart chuckles against her lips, the hot breath tickling her lips as she finds herself smiling. It’s not long before she goes again, parting her lips just enough to ensnare the half-elf’s lower lip. To feel how soft and full hers are against her own, the warmth that comes to her cheeks, face -- hell, her stomach too. All overwhelming but wonderful at the same time. She wasn’t aware how much she was craving this moment.
After what feels like an eternity (but definitely was a couple minutes at most), Xildi pulls herself away and shyly drops her hands to the bed. Her cheeks burn as she stares at a lopsided and completely goofy grin that stretches on Shadowheart’s face. Endearing? Absolutely.
“Perhaps… it was destiny -- us meeting that is.”
Xildi smiles. “Perhaps it was.”
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