#yanno the “weird” Barbie in the movie
squimoo · 9 months
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A selfie from each month so far.
If you follow my blog you know Im a slut for posting selfies leave me be on my own blog it helps me feel good about myself that's the best I could do for April.
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lasarcasticpanda · 10 months
something that i thought was very well done in Barbie (besides yanno all of it) is how Margot's Babrie doesn't think she's smart, because she has been labeled as "stereotypical Barbie".
like, multiple times in this movie, she has moments of very well articulated and intelligent comments, which have excellent comedic timing, but serve a wider purpose of showcasing how women tend to be given a Trait and that is your thing. she mentions how she wishes Smart Barbie was here or to wait for Leadership Barbie to swoop in because she's Stereotypical Barbie, she's not smart, she's not a Leader, she can't do this.
at some point after childhood, women get pigeonholed into a category, right (sometimes even in childhood if I'm honest)? weird, smart, hot, pretty, ugly, bitchy, innocent, prudish, slut, nice. at most, you get two of these traits for your peers and friends to label you.
and its hard to see that when it happens! it's only as we go on and start having complex relationships and experiences and interacting with people outside of our space that we start seeing that and start putting a name to the feeling of constriction that we've been having for, what feels like, forever.
THEN you have to contend with the reality that you are so much more than even all of those things and that's scary! you cannot fit into these small boxes, humans were never made to fit into boxes, you have to throw it out even as others play tug-of-war with you in the rain and insist the soggy, tearing box is so important and where would we be without it? you have to constantly face that and insist that no, it's not, and we'd be right where we are now, arguing over a wet box in the rain when the only thing either of us wants is to be warm inside.
and you have to learn when to pick and choose to just let go and leave the box and the person in the rain and when to keep fighting, even if you're so tired and cold.
and this just! HAPPENS! like there isn't a manual, there isn't a magical age you turn where this becomes clear to you! it's different for everyone and some don't ever have that and some have it so young and others not until they're old! it's such a lonely thing sometimes!
but then you meet other women, different women, so many women with so many unique experiences to add. trans women, women of color, nonbinary women, disabled women, women of every differing religion, ALL have these unique experiences with this phenomon, some have more boxes to throw out in the rain, some have to try and throw out wooden or stone boxes in a hurricane, the danger they face in doing so is sometimes so much more than what others experience.
but that moment of realizing women all have this undertone of understanding and dealing with this gives us the courage to join and hopefully make the tug-of-war easier, to make sure we all get inside to be warm. it's hard to pull that stone box by yourself, but if we join behind you, maybe we can win.
this movie encapsulates that so incredibly well? that speech from Gloria about how tiring it is to see herself and other women feel this way and be made to feel this way and to buy into ourselves is just! that moment of looking every woman in the eyes and telling them they're seen and their struggles are seen and it is so unfair!
and then Barbie says something else smart and, for the first time, acknowledges she did. "Oh I can't believe that just came from me" it has the whole time, can't wait for you to realize that you were always human, and look forward to seeing you in the rain and for hot cocoa afterwards.
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mamashitty · 4 years
7) Would you rather be eaten by a lion or a sea monster? 27) The last thing that you watched that you really hated, like absolutely could not stand? 53) Congratulations! You can throw five things (living or not) into the fires of Mt. Doom, what are your choices? Mwuahahaha! I love these goofy asks. :D
Thank ya for the asks! 
7) Would you rather be eaten by a lion or a sea monster?  Oh, definitely a sea monster. I’m not often near the sea, but I hope for this scenario, I’m on a boat and lost at sea. And then I get eaten. And years later my journals are found, somehow unscathed from their own voyage in the sea. And no one believes that there was a sea monster tormenting me until an expedition is paid for by some rich eccentric to find this alledged sea monster.
And on the crew is a scientist. Now, she’s smart as hell but maybe a little weird. She mostly makes dad jokes and puns and laughs louder than anyone else at them. But everyone likes her because she’s so nice.
And the ship’s captain is this very serious woman, takes her own safety and that of the crew’s safety very... erm seriously. ANYWAY, shit happens, and eventually the wacky scientist and the straight-laced captain FALL IN LOVE and discover the sea monster and they survive and live happily ever after. 
The end.
27) The last thing that you watched that you really hated, like absolutely could not stand?  So, my son is obsessed with anything Barbie on Netflix. Some of the Barbie shows and movies aren’t too bad. But there is one where they are actually dolls?  And like I can’t stand it. Anyway, he’s been binging that lately when I let him binge shows. And help me. SAVE ME.  He like refuses to watch any of the better Barbie shows. Why must he torture me so? 
53) Congratulations! You can throw five things (living or not) into the fires of Mt. Doom, what are your choices?
That previously mentioned Barbie show.
Candy with Coconut in it. 
All the clothes that I’ve kept since before my first pregnancy in the hope of fitting into them the same way I used to before two kids. Like, just I need to accept my body is just different. And some of these clothes just won’t fit the same ever again.
All the pet supplies that stores sell that ARE NOT GOOD for the pets. The number of times I tell people that the cages they want for that new guinea pig or hamster is JUST TOO SMALL or your fish need a bigger tank. Or yanno? Those dog toys are kinda’ dangerous. And then inevitably the question but usually it is a statement is: Well, y’all fucking sell this shit so it must be okay. NO. WE SHOULD NOT BE SELLING THAT STUFF. So burn all that shit in the fires of Mt. Doom PLEASE.
Any commercial or media or what have you that promote unhealthy body image to people of all ages. Fuck that shit. I am in my thirties and still falling prey to it and I don’t want my kids dealing with that stuff but I know they will. So. Screw. That. Shit. Ahem. Buuurn.
Thanks for these questions! Y’all can feel free to ask me more if ya want!
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