#you do noooottt wanna be me dude
asterrioxs · 4 months
hey gang its me astrx animations
this is a psa
im gonna preface this with
i dont mind if people get inspired of my art at this point in time or whatever its pretty cool and stuff and im always happy to have been able to be a building block in other people's art journies
what i do mind is people trying to copy who i am as a person outside of fake accounts or reposts of my content WITHOUT CREDIT which ive probably already addressed (please dont do that) ((tumblr, yall are fine. this is the repost website ily)
i am severely uncomfortable with people basically just copying me / trying to... be me??
this ranges from lingo and humor, typing quirks, to straight up repeating / reposting things ive said down to the letter.
i get some of this happens just by being friends with me. im fine with that! i know a lot of my friends do this unintentionally and it doesnt bother me at all, because they still have their own personalities and stuff that i enjoy being around
but ive found numerous people copying things i say / have on my accounts verbatim practically taking who i am and turning themselves into a version of me.
it wouldnt be as problematic for me if it hadn't ended up extending to personal issues and mental health things that are being copied, but that has happened too.
please stop. i dont like it. i can tell when you do it. please stop.
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