#you want to tell me Brigid is so insular that their crown princess doesn't even know how to speak Fodlanese
randomnameless · 11 months
I saw your post about dumb points people make so that Dimitri and the Kingdom come off as worse and to justify Edelgard invasion and I was wondering if you have heard the one about how people try to use Duscur amd Sreng as a excise?
Like they claim that the Kingdom bad treatment of both nations makes them morally evil and that they deserve to be wiped out and conquered in return or that Dimitri has no actual desire to free Duscur and is just using them.
But they always conveniently forgot that the Empire has done the same thing to Brigid and Dagda in the past or even the fact that Edelgard is openly using Brigid
Imo that also explains why Petra completely falls flat as a character, because we have the situation where she is Adrestia's hostage, and could really bring something to the table about imperialism, power (in)balance and...
We have Nopes, where, iirc, Pat tried to lolcalise the part where she wonders why Faerghus used to see Duscur as something else than a land to be conquered before the Tragedy, when Adrestia always set its sights on Brigid - but bar that?
In this situation - a character being a literal hostage of another - I would have expected more than 5 throw away lines and the insulting (Petra is a princess, not the daughter of a fisherman, you really want me to believe she never learnt the language of the juggernaut trying to invade every saturday? Apparently Brigid people know how to speak Fodlanese, if her paralogue is any indication!) trope of "doesn't know the language".
(and yet it speaks volumes about how Adrestia treated her, even if it's not realistic : the child under house Goneril's "good care" is more fluent than her even if he has difficulties to pronounce Mercie's name, whereas the commoner who was saved and cared for by the prince is perfectly fluent in both languages, and even taught him some Duscurian in return!)
But ranting about Petra will take another post altogether, especially how she is perceived in certain, hm, corners of the fandom.
Let's say people living in said corner of the fandom embraced their favourite png's rhetoric, and the famous "Adrestian double standard" even in their real life interactions (with other fans). And it when it doesn't apply, they just create it.
I remember early on after the first Nopes leaks how people tried to piece out (10k years of lore!!) how Sreng and Faerghus's borders came to be, and some "devoted fans" immediately jumped on the Faerghus BaD wagon.
But conveniently ignored Wilhelm the Sailor, writing how he utterly failed his campaign to invade Dagda, off handedly mentions how Brigid people are "savages" and prefers to die there than to face the Emperor of the time who's going to be very pissed that he didn't manage to invade Dagda.
It's more or less (10k years of lore I'm telling you!) explained Sreng and Faerghus/Gautier fight over ressources, but why the fuck Adrestia wants to "adrestianise" Brigid and Dagda? For ressources or just to spread the might and glory of Emperor Ionius III ?
Saying Dimitri doesn't want reparations for Duscur and to cleanse Duscur's name is like saying Rhea's ears are round - you have a better chance to win an argument against a potted plant than against some people who aren't even talking about the game.
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