#you'd seriously get up in arms about a fucking fetus but you're gonna cheer when living breathing babies and children are blown up?
need1etail · 2 months
How the fuck is it that we live in a time when information gets spread SO EASILY SO many people can talk to each other around the world, to share news, facts, opinions, yet SOMEHOW this TERRIFYING FUCKING GENOCIDE is just going to what? Slip under the radar? Continue without any sort of hiccup? THIS IS A FUCKING GENOCIDE. PEOPLE ARE FUCKING DYING. If you're on the internet AT ALL you should know this is not fucking about the hostages or the Hamas or whatever fucking diluted bullshit you want to believe, this is about a government DESTROYING, ERADICATING a group of people, INNOCENT PEOPLE, PREGNANT PEOPLE, BABIES, CHILDREN, MOTHERS, FATHERS, GRANDPARENTS, SIBLINGS, FRIENDS, WIVES, HUSBANDS, PEOPLE WHO ARE SO SO LOVED. GONE. We are aiding in a fucking genocide. I'm so fucking sick, I feel like I'm losing my fucking grip on reality because how could we ever fucking get to this point.
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