#z'ahra easter egg?
winterstorm032802 · 3 years
Starlight Celebration!
Isainne: Missus Adventurer? Do you have a special someone to celebrate Starlight with?
Nora: *ears twitch before perking up as she thinks to herself* Someone special... *looks to the Wind-Up Alphinaud next to her* I have someone in mind, yes
Isainne: Well let's make it look better just for them, shall we? *smiles*
Nora: *smiles* That would be very nice
Isainne: May I ask, what's their name?
Nora: *blushes a bit and smiles* Alphinaud
~A little while later~
Isainne: I'll go get my parents now, Missus why don't you get your special person! We can all hang around together
Nora: *nods*
Alisaie: Starlight Celebration in Gridania? Well I will be glad to go
Nora: *smiles and turns to Alphinaud* Will you as well?
Alphinaud: *grins* Of course, I'd think of no other way to celebrate than with you
Nora: *tail wags* How delightful
G'raha Tia: I'll meet with you all later, Z'ahra and I promised to meet for Starlight
Nora: *smiles* Tell Z'ahra we said hello, have a good time G'raha
G'raha Tia: *nods* I shall *walks away*
Alisaie: I'm gonna go see the decorations, I heard the snowmen are rather lovely *leaves* Enjoy you two!
Isainne: Missus Adventurer! Hello, my parents are here making their own snowmen, where's your special someone?
Nora: *blushes and ears and tail go up* I-I--
Alphinaud: Special someone?
Isainne: She said it was someone named "Alphinaud" are you Alphinaud?
Alphinaud: *blushes* I am
Isainne: Nice to meet you, I'm Isainne, I heard about you
Alphinaud: H-How lovely, I'm glad to know Nora speaks of me so highly
Isainne: Missus, your name is Nora?
Nora: *shyly nods*
Isainne: Well then yes, Missus Nora here speaks of you highly! She even worked harder than anyone else, mayhaps cause of your arriving
Nora: *blushes*
Alphinaud: Happy Starlight Nora
Nora: *looks at Alphinaud and smiles* Happy Starlight
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