#zai dauntless
ambitionsource · 3 years
Which factions from Divergent would everyone be in?
Why can questions be colour now!
oh so pretty, a little purple spice in the inbox. i waited to answer this because i knew nothing about divergent and now that i’m reading the first book, i figure i can take a crack at this. still gonna reference the wiki though since im only like a fifth into the novel lol. this kind of goes against like everything i believe in about character since it reduces them to one personality trait but i’ll refrain from calling everyone divergent and just. go with it for the sake of the challenge
i will try to do it like... which faction i think they’d choose on the actual ceremony day (like who they are in their heart or whatever) and i’ll note if they were raised in a different faction and thus are a transfer. fun fact i cant even spell like half these words
Abnegation (The Selfless)
“Abnegation is the faction that values the needs of others above the needs of oneself. Their core belief is 'Them before I.'”
Charlie Gardner
Asher Garcia (though I think he resists a strong instinct towards Dauntless because he doesn’t believe he could possibly fit there since he has such bad anxiety... and yet...)
Jade Beamon
Clarissa Cruz
Erudite (The Intelligent)
It is noted that Erudites care for eloquent speeches, as well as their search for knowledge. The Erudite, though extremely intelligent, have been known to be vain. Their (long) manifesto is “Ignorance is defined not as stupidity but as lack of knowledge. Lack of knowledge inevitably leads to a lack of understanding. Lack of understanding leads to a disconnect among people with differences. Disconnection among people with differences leads to conflict. Knowledge is the only logical solution to the problem of conflict. Therefore, we propose that to eliminate conflict, we must eliminate the disconnect among those with differences by correcting the lack of understanding that arises from ignorance with knowledge.”
Jack Hunter (though he’d resist a pull towards Abnegation)
Nigel Chey
Jeff Monroe
Brandon Rivas (transfer from Dauntless)
Dauntless (The Brave)
Dauntless is considered the stalwart soldiers of the factions. Dauntless are those who are brave, seeming almost fearless. They strive to become courageous and durable. “We believe in ordinary acts of bravery, in the courage that drives one person to stand up for another... we believe in shouting for those who can only whisper, in defending those who cannot protect themselves.”
Lucas James Friar (transfer from Abnegation, where Grace is stuck)
Riley Matthews (transfer from Candor, i.e. Topanga and Cory, though Cory should’ve been something like Amity but stuck to the family lineage unlike Eric)
Zay Babineaux
Yindra Amino
Angela Moore
Harper Burgess
I should clarify here though that I know it’s like they’re supposed to be all badass stereotypical Goth YA hotties and wear all black and stuff but I feel like this crew (sans Lucas) would be like fuck that. They’d all be wearing their iconic funky fashion and LJF would be like WE’RE SUPPOSED TO BE BORING!!! AND WEAR BLACK!!! and Zay, Riley, and Yindra would be like blah blah blahhhhhh get a pop of color for once loser. Just felt that needed to be clarified
Amity (The Peaceful)
Members of Amity value peace and harmony above all else. Amity members are happy people, willing to serve, but, unlike Abnegation, do not come face-to-face with those they serve (usually). “Give freely, trusting that you will be given what you need... Do not be angry. The opinions of others cannot damage you... The wrong is past. You must let it rest where it lies... You must no longer think cruel thoughts. Cruel thoughts lead to cruel words and hurt you as much as they wound their target.”
Dylan Orlando
Eric Matthews (transfer from Candor)
Dave Williams
Darby Winters
Haley Fisher
Nick Yogi
Candor (The Honest)
Candor members value honesty, above all else. They are very truthful, sometimes to the point of being tactless. They believe that charm is unnecessary, and politeness is deception in pretty packaging. Although Candor values honesty the most, they also seek to develop impartiality. “Dishonesty is rampant. Dishonesty is temporary. Dishonesty makes evil possible.”
Maya Hart (transfer from Abnegation, where Katy is)
Farkle Minkus (transfer from Erudite)
Isadora De La Cruz (transfer from Dauntless -- which Val would be I think)
Nate Martinez
Chai Fresco
Sarah Carlson
Interesting that the real diva trio are all transfers... much to think about. Anyway!
-- Maggie
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gaminghardware0 · 4 years
Dauntless update Rogue Elements is live – and new Trials kick off this week
The next big content update for Dauntless has landed. Titled Rogue Elements, the drop brings a new Hunt Pass with a "distinct mercenary aesthetic", as well as four new Trials challenges, contract quests, and more to sink your pearly white teeth into.
The free-to-play action-RPG game's Rogue Elements Hunt Pass sets up the core story leading up to a big new in-game event due to drop in June. "Ostia, Ramsgate’s technologically advanced neighbouring society, is in a state of upheaval," the latest update notes announce. "Janek Zai’s former colleague Colonel Radomir has taken the Seismic Brigade – a group of soldiers he leads in the Ostian military – rogue, and the colonel has arrived in Ramsgate seeking Zai’s help in combating a Behemoth surge in the region, and a potential civil war in Ostia itself."
Go have a chat with Admiral Janek Zai who you'll find in Ramsgate to find out more about the old Seismic Brigade - and how you can lend a hand in unveiling the root of the new Behemoth surge. "Hint," Phoenix Labs says, "the Maelstrom is up to no good, as usual".
View the full site
RELATED LINKS: Dauntless guide, Dauntless Behemoths, Dauntless Exotic gear from https://www.pcgamesn.com/dauntless/update-rogue-elements
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thomasroach · 5 years
Where To Craft Repeaters In Dauntless
Dauntless features a robust selection of different weapons including guns, or Repeaters. This guide will explain Where To Craft Repeaters In Dauntless as they are not crafted in the same location as all the other weapons in Dauntless and feature a different tree of upgrades too.
There is a series of quests during the tutorial that will direct you to Janek Zai but if you don’t have the patience to wait, or you’ve forgotten where he is located in Rams Gate, he is easy enough to track down. As well as the main point of contact for all things Repeater, he also allows you to craft grenades.
Where To Craft Repeaters In Dauntless
If you start at the courtyard in Rams Gate, right at the beginning, finding the Repeater area is simple. Take a left and head up the stairs, go past The Middleman. At the top of the stairs look to your left. You will see a man standing outside his shop with a large gun symbol over the entrance.
Speak with Janek Zai at the Repeater crafting area. Here you can craft Repeaters and grenades.
Dauntless Guides
Posted August 19, 2017 by Blaine Smith in Dauntless Guides, Game Guides
Where To Get Dulled Scales In Dauntless
Dulled Scales are one of them many resources in Dauntless that you’ll need to find to upgrade certain weapon and armor sets. This guide will tell you Where To Get Dulled Scales In Dauntless so you
Posted 3 hours ago by Blaine Smith in Dauntless Guides, Game Guides
Where To Craft Repeaters In Dauntless
Dauntless features a robust selection of different weapons including guns, or Repeaters. This guide will explain Where To Craft Repeaters In Dauntless as they are not crafted in the same location as
Posted August 19, 2017 by Blaine Smith in Dauntless Guides, Game Guides
Where To Get Phoenix Opal In Dauntless
Phoenix Opal’s are one of the many unique and rare ingredients you will need to get in Dauntless. This guide will tell you Where To Get Phoenix Opal In Dauntless so that you can upgrade specific
Posted 16 hours ago by Blaine Smith in Dauntless Guides, Game Guides
How To Change Characters Appearance In Dauntless
After you make your character in Dauntless, you’re not stuck with their appearance. This guide will explain How To Change Characters Appearance In Dauntless after you’ve initially created your
The post Where To Craft Repeaters In Dauntless appeared first on GamersHeroes.
Where To Craft Repeaters In Dauntless published first on https://juanaframi.tumblr.com/
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byron-cairns-blog · 6 years
Blog #10: Corvus
Manufacturer: Unknown
Length: 150 meters
Crew: Iden Versio, Del Meeko, Gideon Hask, Zay Versio, Shriv Suurgav
Role(s): Imperial Vessel, Cargo Hauler
The Corvus was a Raider II-class corvette captained Iden Versio, Del Meeko and Gideon Hask, otherwise known as Inferno Squad. It was an Imperial assault ship, and first appeared at the Battle of Endor. After the destruction of the second Death Star, and Operation Cinder commenced, the Corvus and its crew were sent to the planet Fondor to oversee the extraction of experimental Imperial satellites. At their arrival, the Imperial Station was being attacked by Rebel forces and the Corvus joined the battle. The Corvus defended the Dauntless, an Imperial Star Destroyer extracting satellites. The Corvus inflicted lots of damage to a Mon Calamari Cruiser, and drove the Rebel forces off. The Dauntless safely took the satellites to the planet Vardos. The Corvus then arrived at Vardos, Iden’s homeworld, and she realized that Operation: Cinder was a plan the Empire had to destroy planets and show who is in rule of the galaxy. Iden Versio and Del Meeko helped the people on the planet escape and then left Vardos and surrendered to the Rebellion. The Rebellion accepted their surrender and took them aboard their cruiser. Lando Calrissian greeted them aboard the ship and told them they should join the rebellion. Iden and Del accepted their invitation. They fought with the Rebellion until the Battle of Jakku where the Empire finally died. The Corvus was retrofitted with new boosters and the solar panels were removed. During the time of the First Order, the Corvus was destroyed on a mission to Vardos. Iden Versio, her daughter Zay Versio and Shriv Shuurgav, were all on the mission, but all survived.
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