nicholas-wolfwood · 1 year
Zazie feels a disturbance. They should probably make themself scarce before little brother Nico finds them-!
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nicholas-wolfwood · 1 year
"I dunno, Gato said I was supposed to watch you so that's what I was doing. I didn't do anything but observe you stuck in his little web. I think he's got a few screws loose when it comes to you. Whatever did you do to provoke him Punisher?" They tilt their masked head, hair piece clacking gently against the bug.
"What are you so mad about? It all worked out didn't it?"
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"WHY?! You guys almost destroyed the place that I was PROMISED would be kept safe if I was a good little boy, an' danced pretty on your fuckin' leash! If the shit you're threatenin' me with is gonna nearly get demolished for shits an' giggles anyways, then why the HELL should I even continue with this crap!? Like to see Legato answer to THAT if he'd succeeded!" He huffed.
"An' I don't fuckin' know, I'm doin' my job jus' like I'm ordered to. Or TRYING to!"
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nicholas-wolfwood · 1 year
"Oh man Punisher, that one was impressive!" Zazie is careful to remain out of reach of the experiment. They like this shell thank you, it would be a pain to get another. "I didn't think you had it in you but then, the Humanoid Typhoon did a lot of the work for you didn't he?"
"You..." Smart move, Zaz, or he'd be strangling you right now! Snarling under his breath, Wolfwood was contemplating on whether or not it would be worth it to try and shoot the fucker, their last little jab interrupted him.
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They... Weren't wrong. He knew without Vash he wouldn't have been able to stop that cannon, let alone the ship, and Legato would have gotten whatever the hell he wanted.
Speaking of which...
"You mind telling me WHY the hell you two assholes were so he'll bent on fuckin' with me?!"
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