#zestial the pestial
Charlie: "You know what your traumatic backstory calls for?"
Vaggie: "Hugs?"
Charlie: "THERAPY!"
Vaggie: "Charlie, I don't need-"
Charlie: "Oh YOU don't need therapy? Really? Really."
Vaggie: "..... I'm perfectly functional. Also, it's my trauma."
Charlie: "And is this OUR loving relationship?"
Vaggie: "Of course it-"
Charlie: "The one I'm planning on spending the rest of my life in? Trauma included?"
Vaggie: "I- if, if you want to-?"
Charlie: "Just like how YOU'VE spent three years helping ME with the whole 'wow my family fell apart soooo fast let me cope by latching onto the dream of my disappeared mom while pretending it's totally fine I somehow feel even MORE distant from my dad who lives only a ten minute walk across town' thing? Making 'help charlie!' into your whole Reason for Being?!"
Vaggie: "Hold on, I wasn't in the best headspace when that slipped out-"
Charlie: "OBJECTION! Clear admission of truth!"
Vaggie: "-fuck."
Charlie: "And did you let me be there for you then, when your head was in a bad place? Or did you pull a 'I want to be alone' card?"
Vaggie: "I just needed- I didn't want to say anything else stupid."
Charlie: "Oh so you didn't wanna be dramatic about it, huh?"
Vaggie: "Yes- NO!"
Charlie: "Like how I can be dramatic?"
Vaggie: "It's not the same-"
Charlie: "Do YOU like being there for ME when I'M in a really bad no good and sad headspace?"
Vaggie: "You know I do."
Charlie: "Even when I go sit in a corner my own because I still can't believe there's someone in my life who'll want to come looking for me- who I don't need to apologize for being sad or 'dramatic' around- and who says she's HAPPY to be worrying about me?"
Vaggie: "Sweetie I am happy to worry about you."
Charlie: "Ah-HA! But I don't get to do that for you! YOU want me to be sad around YOU-"
Charlie: "Wait that sounds weird, uhh- oh whatever-"
Charlie: "Point is, I don't get to see YOU being sad around ME! And no, anger don't count! You like being grumpy! Grumpy is active! It feels productive and that's why you hate feeling SAD!"
Vaggie: "You just said you hide it from me too. Even after three years of being together."
Charlie: "Oh no really? Does that bother you???"
Vaggie: "It worries me!"
Charlie: "Okay then!!! EXACTLY! We both need therapy."
Vaggie: "...."
Vaggie: "That's fair."
Charlie: (preening) "Thank you."
Vaggie: “How the fuck did you not win that case up in Heaven.”
Charlie: "Angels are jerks and their minds are hard to change. Not my angel though. Mine is great~"
Vaggie: "Hold that thought until after I've asked this one question, sweetie."
Charlie: "Ask away!"
Vaggie: "How do we do therapy."
Charlie: "....."
Charlie: "H-"
Vaggie: "Without using Husk and alcohol. We are not paying him enough to deal with my angelic shit."
Charlie: "We could give him a raise- how much do you think-?"
Vaggie: "Not even if we gave him the hotel, babe."
Charlie: "Oh."
Vaggie: "So. What does sober therapy look like?"
Charlie: "Hmm....."
Charlie: "......."
Charlie: "Next question."
Vaggie: "Do you wanna just start off with a hug."
Charlie: "I want to pat myself on the back for having such a smart, supportive girlfriend- but you'll have do to it for me instead. While we hug."
-phone call time-
Carmilla: "You have five seconds before I hang up. Talk.
Charlie: "Carmilla, hi!!! It's about Vaggie-"
Carmilla: "No."
Charlie: "Oh ok! I just thought-"
Carmilla: "No."
Charlie: "-you seemed to really care about her, and maybe see a bit of yourself in her, maaaaybe you'd have some tips on-"
Carmilla: "No. Take her to Rosie's. Go with her and STAY with her."
Charlie: "Rosie- OF COURSE Rosie's! Right! I will!!"
Carmilla: "Don't take it personally when she tries to escape."
Charlie: "When she whats?
Carmilla: "The brooding silently in a chair and refusing to talk will also pass. Give her space. But don't leave her."
Charlie: "No no I won't, but why would she try esc-"
Charlie: "Oh Vaggie! No, I'm just on the phone with Carmilla-"
Vaggie: "WHAT."
Charlie: "-we're talking therapy ideas for you! And-"
Vaggie: (muffled swearing)
Charlie: "-she says Rosie's might be a good idea! You know, like how Alastor took there so I could talk everything out with someone finally, well I guess and also to get a cannibal army, but Rosie helping me with the you issue by laying my heart bare to her was the main good thing from all that, so-"
Carmilla: "Condolences on her having wings again. Good luck"
Carmilla: (hangs up to the sound of frantic flapping and yelling)
Zestial: "...."
Zestial: "...toss'ed to the very wolves... truly, that was wretched of thee."
Carmilla: "I owe them nothing."
Zestial: "And what of thyself?"
Carmilla: "Why, were my disinterested actions of a moment ago not self-serving enough for you?"
Zestial: "Thou art denying much in thine distance from her."
Carmilla: "I already have two daughters-"
Zestial: "As thou sayst."
Carmilla: "You are not my therapist, Zestial."
Zestial: "Nay- would that thou should'st yet find one, old friend."
Carmilla: "Be quiet."
Zestial: "Shan't~"
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