terratauri · 1 year
Greetings good sir, I apologize the inconvenience but the people has a question for you, one you've probably come across in the past.
As a veteran tumblr user, you must have at some point been presented with the concept of destiel, that gay angel Constantine lookalike and trauma-driven hunter pair from Supernatural.
We must know, what is your opinion, in case you were to have any, on the pairing? Do you ship them?
No, I haven't come across it, except people occasionally rather bafflingly send me asks about it here. I have no idea why they do this. I'm not entirely sure that they do. Surely the point of having a ship is that it's yours, and your fellow shippers, and not that you attempt to convince the rest of the world about your ship, or to seek random support from random people.
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terratauri · 1 year
My Mom
Over 8 years ago I sat with my Mother at the hospital. She was sedated, off her oxygen and on morphine. I had left her the previous afternoon to go prepare to come back and stay with her. She said she loved me and I left. I didn't know it would be the last time I would talk to her or hear her voice from her own lips.
When I came back I realized they had taken her off her oxygen and it was only a matter of time. They allowed me to sleep there with her as I didn't want her to die alone. She had a DNR in place since the last time she was in the hospital a week or so before. I didn't know until I got back she had done that.
I don't blame her. She spent the last 8 years having breathing issues and was just going down hill. She was only supposed to live a year and she lived 8 more. It was a time I got to know her more than I ever did previously. I slept next to her bed, moving the chair so I was parallel to her bed and held her hand all night long.
The nurses would come in periodically through the night to check on her and would ask if I needed anything. I didn't. I just wanted my Mom.
When the sun came up, I told my Mom I would be back as I needed to shower and get a nap. I don't even remember if I got my shower. I know I didn't sleep though. A little time after I left I got the call that she passed away.
I rushed back to the hospital. I had to get permission to go back in and see her one last time.
I was not done with my Mom. I was not done learning who she was. I was not done talking to her about anything and everything. I have so many questions I want to ask her. To know what she thinks. To have her tell me I did something stupid, cause I tend to do that at times.
I'm usually ok. Usually. But this song... Fuck this song. I ugly cry when I hear it and it's all her I think about. I love this song.
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terratauri · 3 years
I’m turning to the side of evil and embracing villainy. Do you have any advice for me as I reject the path of good for all eternity.
Get a lair. Too many villains skimp on the evil lairs. Cultivate an evil laugh, too. Mocking and dangerous, and not a mad cackle.
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terratauri · 3 years
Stardust 💫 I absolutely love this story!
Is it alright to write a story where the goal isn't achieved in the end, but the main character finds something that gives them satisfaction?
Yes. In my books I'd point to Stardust as one of those stories.
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