I kinda wrote something and need some feedback though a disclaimer there are quite a few Pinterest quote I built in there so it’s not 100% mine. Also English isn’t my first language so excuse spelling mistakes.
A message from Mother Earth:
Why are you crying? My child whatever has happened it will pass. It hurts now. I know it does. People will try to help and sometimes it will work sometimes it won’t. Some tell you to look forward some will tell you to pray to some god. Don’t be too mad at them if they don’t understand. They’re trying their best. So are you. The grief doesn’t go away, it doesn’t shrink. It stays, and we grow. We will think “Curse the pain!”. With gentle tears some pray so let the world retake them. Rage. Rage against the dying of the light. You are loved if even just by me. You body is a great instrument that makes you able to feel, think , live. And there will come storms that will try to destroy those abilities. And once the storm is over you won’t remember how you made it through. How you managed to survive. You won’t even be sure wether the storm is over. But one thing is certain, when you come out of the storm you won’t be the same person you walked in as. That’s what the storms are all about. It is not what happens in you life but what you make of it. There will be things that are out of your control and it is your choice how to react to them and bend the outcome. Stop trying to make yourself indestructible. Like any soft creature it is in your nature to break, and like any soft creature it is in your nature to heal. Don’t be afraid to change trough it. We are meant to change. It’s not always painless. But it’s never without a reason. When you let go of what you are, you become what you might be. Remember, Honesty without kindness is brutality, kindness without honesty is manipulation. You will learn how to tell them apart. Learn how to prioritize protecting your wild heart, not your fragile body. Your soul is free. It will never not be. Your body is temporary, your soul is not. It will learn with every life. You are not your current life you are a learning living soul. Your body is just a tool. Your greatest tool but even the greatest tools once loose their ability to function. All energy it uses to live is only borrowed and one day we will all have to return it. The energy even distributed. If you give yours or will be given to those who need it. For we will be reborn into our next life and use what we learned in the last one. Try to imagine it. What it will be like to go to sleep in one shell and never wake up. Now try to imagine what it will be like, to wake up in another one never having gone to sleep. You didn’t come into this world. You came out of it like a wave of the ocean. You are not a stranger here. You belong in this world. Learn to remind yourself of that. When you can do that, help others to do that too. Keep in mind love will not save them. But it will hold their hand while they save themselves. Just like you did. Trust me when I say that one day it’s going to hit you, that you woke up happy. That you’re smiling for some reason. Your hands aren’t shaking anymore. One day you will remember what it was like to be you and you will be glad you fought. You will be glad you kept going. Remember me as your sacred mother. I told the stars about you. The winds Carries my poems for you. The moon knows your secrets. The woods whisper stories about you and the rain comes down just to see you. The clouds travel for you. The grass comes to soften the ground you walk on. We are everything. And let me tell you that whatever you’re going through. Let the time pass. That’s the cure. Survive the days. Float through the life like a ghost. Cry and wail. Feel. Until you will scratch you way back Up through the months. One day you will find yourself sitting somewhere in the sun. You will lean your head back close your eyes and you will realize that you’re okay.
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