theehotgrl · 1 month
was talking to my gf about my fear of dying young for being trans and my mom putting my deadname on my gravestone, and she said "i hope that never happens, but if it does, i will carve your name into your grave myself if i have to." and i think theres something extremely raw about that sentiment and trans community in general. you can kill only our bodies, but you cant kill transsexuality
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theehotgrl · 1 month
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I received a scholarship for an online course I plan on taking and I'm very excited about being one step closer to starting a real career. Sorry for the gibberish, I was editing out info I wanted to keep private!
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theehotgrl · 1 month
Men have hindered the progress of humanity by suppressing geniuses from half the human population.
Women were prevented from making meaningful contributions to mathematics, biology, physics, chemistry, engineering, geology, ecology, etc. etc. for thousands of years.
Think of all the genius women who were forced to become homemakers and housewives, overburdened with 10+ children until their bodies gave in to stress and perished- their intellect only utilised when a man would steal their ideas without credit.
Men talk about how they "contributed everything" to history and science. The question that should be asked is how much more advanced would humankind have been were it not for the barbarity of weak men? How much have men slowed human progression because the genius of women made them feel emasculated?
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theehotgrl · 1 month
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theehotgrl · 1 month
find it really interesting how the "butchfemme relationships are heteronormative" crowd are never seen advocating for more butch4butch relationships in media, its only ever said in defense of fem4fem ships... you'd almost think they just have an issue with lesbian masculinity
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theehotgrl · 1 month
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"Mother Nature" Print
by artist @renlo
Verdant and full of life. 8x9 digital illustration printed on cotton rag archival paper. Available in other sizes.
See more of @renlo's art right here on Artist Alley. Use code AD7NYGX for 15% all orders from her store.
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theehotgrl · 1 month
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I got receipts receipts
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theehotgrl · 1 month
beauty tips from a 12,000 year old sycamore tree
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theehotgrl · 1 month
“Man fucks woman; subject verb object.” ― Catharine A. MacKinnon, Toward a Feminist Theory of the State
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theehotgrl · 1 month
a man, shaking and sniffling: why do you still need feminism….you can vote….and there’s a chance that i’ll go to prison if i kill you…….what more could you want…….
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theehotgrl · 1 month
Sometimes TRAs like to use racism as a gotcha argument in these kinda situations, an example for this one would be: "Well if you didn't let black people in, it would be racist!"
I didn't choose to be black, I was just born this way; it will be a visible trait for as long as I live, and for even some time after I die. You (meaning trans-identified males) CHOSE to do this, to have these surgeries, to take hormones, to dress up in opposite sex clothing and try to "present yourself as a woman" in society, and now you want special access to our private spaces too?
under a video mocking the female-only lesbian bar called "the L community" that is set up to open in London:
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I still remember the time when trans activists said "oh, you don't want men in your wlw spaces? Why don't you make your own space?" it is literally impossible. Male socialisation doesn't include the word "No" and many adult men, trans identified or not, have never learnt its meaning. You might want to know why they would even care about a bar that doesn't want them there. Well, most heterosexual men don't see a woman saying "No" as a reason to leave her alone, they see it as a challenge. A sign to try harder.
If that type of thinking hasn't convinced you that they are male through and through, I don't know what will
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theehotgrl · 1 month
"I use they/it pronouns" "I use she/xim/they pronouns" no girl YOU don't use these pronouns. you want ME to use them when talking about you
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theehotgrl · 1 month
I just saw this video of a GNC woman asking a genuine question to the trans community about gender stereotypes. And despite her apologising so much for fear of being cancelled, she made some great points. But some of the replies made me go like HMMM.
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Okay, but what does a woman feel like? What is a womanly feeling?
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This woman legit spent 1/3 of the video begging not to be cancelled and she didn't want to be labeled as transphobic, she just asked a question. Who is she pestering here? She didn't even go to a trans person's page, she uploaded a video asking for input from the trans community because she wanted to understand.
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????! How is this not problematic? This is absolutely giving me religious vibes. You aren't allowed to question ANYTHING, you just need to accept it without thinking about it? How is that not terrifying? Blind faith?
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Okay, but if you can't explain it then how is it real in the first place?
I think this is my biggest issue with this community. Because you aren't allowed you question, you just need to accept it. You can't ask about it, because then you're pestering. No one can explain what it is, but nevertheless it's real and if you don't think so you're transphobic.
I genuinely think that is very flawed and creates a culture where people are too scared to ask about it in fear of backlash. And furthermore creates ignorance. This legit feels the same as 'god has a plan for us so we should never question it.' And to me that's terrifying.
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theehotgrl · 1 month
"average cat owner spends 3 years in prison" factoid actualy just statistical error. average owner spends 0 years in prison. Miette's mother, who kicked her body like the football and went to jail for One Thousand Years is an outlier adn should not have been counted
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theehotgrl · 1 month
how life feels when everyone on tiktok is finally shitting on Dylan Mulvaney and recognizing how misogynistic he is
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theehotgrl · 1 month
Now how do we get the girls on TikTok to read some Dworkin before the males gaslight them into thinking it’s their own fault for being offended
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theehotgrl · 1 month
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Y'all wish you looked that amazing. It's so much harder for a woman to have and maintain her muscle mass than it is for a male, that's why. She's also probably much shorter than the average male, and even if she's not...she's not male. Stop comparing butch women to men.
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