thehodgepodgepagan · 7 months
Personal Gnosis is a very important aspect of spirit and entity work and is heavily based on personal experience and research. You may hear practitioners speak on "SPGs" and "UPGs"; a "personal gnosis" is a personal 'fact' about a deity, spirit or entity; it may be their accent or their personality or the offerings they enjoy or something else. It is quite simply a personal 'fact' about this deity, spirit or entity that the practitioner knows through interaction rather than through mythology or lore or speaking with other practitioners.
The slightly confusing (but also kind of cool) aspect is that these facts don't have to be seen as 'true' by EVERY practitioner who works with that deity, spirit or entity and it'll still be completely valid (as long as it's not completely removing the spirit, entity or deity from their source)
UPG - Unverified Personal Gnosis.
An Unverified Personal Gnosis is a 'fact' about a deity, spirit or entity that a practitioner knows to be true that may only apply to that one specific practitioner (according to them at least). An example, to help explain, may be that Lucifer appears to practitioner A as having white hair and a Floridian accent, to Practitioner A that is a fact, and no-one has any right or place to tell them otherwise. However Lucifer may appear to other practitioners as having other accents (like an Italian accent) and different coloured hair, the length might differ too! It is an "unverified personal gnosis" because it only applies to that one, unique, deity/practitioner relationship and might not necessarily be mentioned in their source myth.
SPG - Shared Personal Gnosis
Now slightly different to a UPG - this is a fact about a deity, spirit or entity that applies across multiple deity/practitioner relationships, its something multiple practitioners view as fact. Following our Lucifer example: Lucifer may appear to multiple practitioners as having long, dark hair and commonly wearing a leather jacket; because multiple practitioners can "confirm" it, that's what makes it an SPG. However, SPGs do not necessarily (have to) apply to EVERY deity/practitioner relationship—so while practitioners B, C, D and E all see Lucifer as "tall, dark haired and handsome", practitioner A may still see him as a white haired surfer—neither is "wrong" or "fake" and SPGs are in no way "better" or "more correct" than UPGs just because it's a shared 'fact'.
VPG - Verified Personal Gnosis.
Unlike UPG and SPG, Verified Personal Gnosis CAN be verified by the deity, spirit or entity's source myth. For instance Artemis being associated with bees is a verified personal gnosis.
How can this work?
It is important to remember that deities and most spirits and entities, do not abide by human laws—they can sound and appear to practitioners however they please, they are not bound to one physicality, nor one 'role' - they may appear parental or formal to some and friendly and casual to others! Deities and most spirits and entities are multifaceted Beings meaning they have many "faces" and it's one of the reasons why they appear differently to different practitioners.
It is VERY important that you mention whether something you share is UPG/SPG because it can be very confusing especially to beginner practitioners
Lore vs UPGs
Mythology and Lore is one of the few ways we can accurately research a deity, spirit or entity, and important points about them will be true - Goddess Sif will appear will golden hair, God Hephaestus will appear disabled - these are physical traits that are key to who they are and their stories, so while Hephaestus may change his hair or face shape - he will almost certainly appear with leg braces to some practitioners or with a cane or support of some sort. This applies more to personality as well, and can somewhat help you identify whether someone is not necessarily being honest about an interaction they had with a deity, spirit or entity—For instance it would be extremely rare for King Haides to view someone as "more than" Queen Persephone (we've all seen the tiktoks), God Apollon to be driving the sun chariot because no where in accurate and true Greek myth does it mention Apollon replacing Helios, and GoddessHekate will never help to harm or curse children (this videos have been see too)etc. While UPGs are valid and should always be respected - they usually align within a deity, spirit or entity's recorded mythology or lore.
Note: No practitioner can accurately determine another practitioner's relationship with a deity, spirit or entity as fake, because that's just not how it works—however if someone speaks about their interactions with a spirit, entity or deity and it vastly differs from their mythology or lore or just doesn't sound that believable, I would be wary. This can also help you recognise tricksters (if tricksters are apart of your belief system)!
If you have any questions and such feel free to shoot me a message or comment down below!
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thehodgepodgepagan · 1 year
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Metabonds (or Metaphysical Bonds) is a term I came up with that basically encompasses all consensual (emphasis on CONSENSUAL) bonds or relationships one can have with a spirit, entity or egregore.
These relationships can range from PLATONIC (e.g. mentor/menteeship, patronageship, acquaintancships etc.), FAMILIAL (soul parentage, soul adoptionship and even considering a spirit/entity/egregore to be a familial/parental figure) and DEVOTIONAL (devotee/practitioner and the spirit/entity/egregore they've devoted their life, work and practice to (whether permanently or for a specific amount of time) bonds.
To WORKING/PROFESSIONAL (working/helper relationships, where the spirit/entity/egregore helps you with a spell, a specific task, path, project etc. and priesten/oracle hood), ROMANTIC (18+ ONLY (romantic spousalship and boyfriend/girlfriend (or whatever you identify as) type of relationship)) and SEGGSUAL/INTIMATE (18+ ONLY (seggsual/intimate spousalship, seggsual/intimate relationships (like F.W.B, D/S etc.) and so on)) bonds.
These bonds are NOT for MINORS. A lot of these bonds, especially working/professional (specifically when it comes to priesten/oraclehood), romantic and seggsual/intimate bonds require consent and to LEGALLY and ETHICALLY consent to ANYTHING, you need to be EIGHTEEN or OLDER.
You can also THINK about possibly offering some of these bonds to the spirit/entity/egregore only AFTER you're of age, you and the spirit/entity/egregore have a strong bond and it's a direction BOTH you and the spirit/entity/egregore are interested in moving your relationship in). Don't force anyone or anything into anything they don't want to do and don't allow anyone to force YOU into anything you don't want to do. Respecting their boundaries is just as important as them respecting YOUR boundaries.
NO MINOR is allowed to participate in any of these relationships and practices at all! Wait until you're eighteen or older before even considering going down this path only after it's been CLEARLY hinted at and CONFIRMED that it might be a path you'll walk in whether now or in the future. This is not a path you can walk down if you're not mentally, emotionally, spiritually or physically prepared for it.
If you have any questions and such related to metabonds please feel free to ask me!
You can support me on tiktok here, here and here.
I offer metabond confirmations (and other divination services here) here and here.
You can join my discord server here.
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thehodgepodgepagan · 1 year
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Soul Adoptionship is when a spirit or entity has decided to adopt you into their family as their child, sibling or other kind of relative (like a niece/nephew or grandkid).
Soul Adoptionship is considered familial/parental spousalship by other practitioners, but I'm not comfortable using that term because it makes it seem like spousalship is a practice minors can participate in, when it isn't.
Soul Adoptionship is not the same thing as soul parentage (where a spirit or entity had a minor or major hand in the creation of your soul), or you considering a spirit/entity/egregore to be a familial/parental figure (and vice versa). Soul Adoptionship is not more or less important than any of the other bonds. It's just different.
There's no definitive reason as to why a spirit or entity would choose to adopt us. It could be for protection reasons (whether protection here in the physical or in the metaphysical/astral realm) or because they want to make your familial bond official. Not that making it official is the only way your familial bond with a spirit/entity/egregore can be considered valid.
SOUL ADOPTIONSHIP can essentially be a minor welcome and minor safe practice, but it's still advised to wait until you're at least eighteen or older to even consider going down this path (if it's offered).
A lot of things (like in all relationship) still have to be taken in consideration, a lot of discussion has to be had and you just have to be ABSOLUTELY sure you're in the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual state to actually commit to these kinds of bonds.
If you have any questions and such related to soul adoptionship and familial metabonds in general feel free to ask me!
I offer soul adoptionship and soul parentage bond confirmations here and here
You can join my discord server here.
Support me on tiktok here, here and here.
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thehodgepodgepagan · 1 year
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Spirit/Entity Work and Spirit/Entity Worship are two different things. Spirit/Entity work involves working with spirits/entities that assist the practitioner in their metaphysical and mundane lives. It's forming a relationship between yourself and the spirit/entity as a partnership to ask for their assistance in exchange for offerings or work to be done on behalf of the spirit/entities.
It's not always guaranteed that the spirit/entity you petition for help in whatever it is you need help with will actually agree to help you and that's okay one, respect their wishes and two, there are other spirits/entities you can reach out to for help with your situation. On the other hand the same goes if a spirit/entity reaches out to you for whatever reason, you're not obligated to work with them (whether at this time or at all) if you don't want to.
Spirit/Entity worship is when you devote yourself or an aspect of your life, practice etc. to a spirit/entity. It's you honouring said spirit/entity by living your life according to the values of said spirit/entity and the culture they originate from and by adopting their morals, values etc. and living your life in a way that not only shows respect and honour to the spirit/entity but the culture they originate from as well.
While the interactions between the spirit/entity and the devotee isn't as much or as frequent as it would've been between a spirit/entity and their practitioner. Sometimes the spirit/entity will visit their devotee from time to time and sometimes spirits/entities do decide to bless their devotees in some way if they think that their devotees deserve it. Now this isn't something to work towards, neither should it really be an aim. Just be authentic in your devotion and good things might happen.
You don't have to be a witch/call yourself a witch to work or worship spirits/entities, neither does working or worshiping spirits/entities make you a witch. However, you can incorporate working or worshiping spirits/entities into your witchcraft if that's what you'd like, but remember you don't have to be a witch to practice either paths and neither does practising either paths make you a witch.
Before starting with spirit/entity work or worship decide which you like more spirit/entity work or spirit/entity worship? Which practice resonates with you more? For the rest of this post I will be talking in terms of spirit/entity work, because I'm a spirit/entity worker and have much more experience in spirit/entity work than I do spirit/entity worship.
Before delving into spirit/entity work decide which facets of spirit/entity work you'd like to focus on. There's general spirit/entity work (or eclectic spirit/entity work) where you work with a mix of different types of spirits and entities like deites, angels, the good neighbours, pop culture entities, demons etc. You could also look at specific facets of spirit/entity work like deity work (where you mainly work with deities) , ancestor work (where you mainly work with your ancestors) , demon/infernal work (where you mainly work with demons and other infernal spirit/entities (like underworld gods)), fae work (where you mainly work with the fae and other fae-like spirits and entities) and so on.
No facet of spirit/entity work is any less or more important or any less or more hard work than the other. They all have different ways of being handled and each facet has different rules and regulations than the other facets (some facets' rule collide in some cases). You don't have to decide immediately on which facet you'd like to focus on. Do your research, test the waters and than decide which facets you'd like to focus on.
Do a bit more research on the facet of spirit/entity work you'd like to focus on and also make sure you're in a comfortable place with the basics of protection, warding etc, the basics of energy work (or at least energy sensing), the basics of vetting (and when I say vetting I'm not talking about vetting them to figure out if they're some imposter spirit (but if imposter spirits are apart of your practice than sure you can do the vetting with this in mind) , I mean vetting in the way of getting to know the spirit/entity more), make sure you have a reliable method of divination yet (and if possible have someone you can trust and that's reliable who can confirm or deny your findings) and make sure you at least have some basics understanding of what boundaries are and the dos and don'ts of boundaries.
Say for instance you've decided you'd like to do deity work. If you've felt drawn to a specific (open and welcoming) pantheon like the Greek pantheon or the Celtic pantheon than do more research on the pantheon of your choosing, research the culture, the practices, the dos and don'ts of the culture and of course do research on the deity(s) you'd like to work with. Once you feel like you're in a comfortable place with the knowledge you have send out an invitation to the deity and hope they bite and reach out to you.
Remember even if they reach out it's not guaranteed that they'll actually work with you. They might just be reaching out to check out whoever it was that invited them. If they don't reach out, leave it at that, don't try and force the situation and just move on. There are plenty more deities in the universe who would be much more suited for you and your needs and interested in working with you.
You don't have to have had worshipped or honoured the deity before reaching out to work with them to start working with the deity, but if that's something you'd like to do than that's completely okay and you can do that if you'd like. You can also decide to do spirit/entity worship before you delve into spirit/entity work if you'd first like to get comfortable with the whole practice and if you're still trying to figure out what it is you'd like from this practice and no.
Remember you actually have to be willing to do the work if you do decide to delve into spirit/entity work (I think there are certain spirits/entities who do send their devotees tests and such, so you definitely also have to be willing to do the work when it comes to spirit/entity worship too). You can't just decide to reach out to a spirit/entity (whether they're a deity, angel, demon etc), if you're not willing or wanting to put in the necessary work.
There are a lot of spirits/entities that do not take kindly to their time being wasted for no reason and if this happens multiple times remember that the spirits and entities love to gossip and your name will definitely be shared if you think disrespecting them in such a way (not doing your work even after asking or agreeing to work with them and not keeping your end if the deal of whatever agreement you and the spirit/entity made before you started your working relationship together) will slide.
Contrary to what it might seem like according to social media (especially tiktok) spirit/entity work (especially deity work) is not that hard or overcomplicated. The only way it'll be hard is if you fight the spirit/entity on everything and don't want to do the work or face the tests. Having boundaries is good, but acting like a child and not wanting to do what you're told (as long as it's logical and it's in your ability to complete) is not going to make the working relationship any easier and it might end up making the spirit/entity leave because what's the point of them being there if you don't want to do the work?
When it comes to offerings and interactions it will depend on you and the spirit/entity itself, meaning while getting outside help is okay you cannot and shouldn't depend on outsiders when it comes to the relationship you have/want to build with the spirit/entity. Yes, you can find general resources and such on what a spirit/entity would like as an offering and you can ask other (reliable) practitioners on what kind of offerings a specific spirit/entity might like if you're just starting out.
However, it's also important to build your own relationship with the spirit/entity and figure out what works and what doesn't on your own (with the help of the spirit/entity of course) because one, what an offering a spirit/entity might like from one practitioner might be an offering the spirit/entity doesn't like or want to get from you and vice versa and two, like I mentioned while getting outside help is okay you cannot and shouldn't depend on outsiders for every single thing when it comes to your relationships and your practice in general.
With interactions, the basic idea is to be as respectful as you can be and make sure to address the spirit/entity by their proper formal title (if they have formal titles) like King, Queen, Marquis/Marquess, Duke, Prince etc and definitely don't call them lord or lady if they do have a formal title because even if you think it's respectful to some extent "lord/lady" hold little to no importance compared to most of spirits/entities' formal titles.
If you're not certain how to address a spirit/entity ask them. If ask them if you can address them by their formal title or if there is another way you can address them. Always ask the spirit/entity yourself what they'd prefer you call them by, while it's fine to ask for extra confirmation from a RELIABLE source, don't depend on others, especially not ones who insinuate it's okay to disrespect a spirit/entity's title (i.e. reffering to a Grand Marquis with something as insignificant as "Lord") when it comes things like these.
This is my own personal gnosis gathered through my own personal experience as well as research I've done. If you don't resonate with the below than that's okay, what's not cool is disrespecting me just because my experiences are different than yours
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thehodgepodgepagan · 1 year
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Everyone has/will have their own beliefs and opinions about patronage and that's okay and valid and it's also an example of how individualistic this community can be once they get over their dogmatic mindset (where only one way, belief etc. is the right way and anyone doing it differently is wrong and so on). Just don't try and bash me or disrespect me because I believe differently than you.
Just to be clear these are my own person beliefs and opinions (i.e. my own UPG) you can integrate these beliefs and opinions into your practice if you want or you can ignore them because again they're my own personal opinions and beliefs surrounding patronage. If you believe differently or have different opinions than that's totally okay and valid too.
Consent is a major and important part of my practice so obviously it would also affect my beliefs and opinions around patronage. First of all, patronage to me is dedicating an aspect of yourself, your life, your practice etc. to a specific spirit or entity (or even a specific group, sect etc. of spirits or entities like the khthonic spirits and entities from the Greek pantheon) and living your life in a way that best honours that specific spirit or entity (or that specific group of spirits or entities).
Whether by adopting the morals, ethics and values of that specific spirit or entity or sharing the teachings of said spirit or entity in a way that's both respectful of not only the spirit or entity themselves but also those that you're sharing their teachings too. That obviously means not trying to force your beliefs and such down the person's throat or shaming the person if they don't resonate with whatever you're sharing.
It's the spirit or entity (especially when the patronage was proposed by the spirit or entity themselves) taking control and you trusting and allowing the spirit or entity to take control of your life or an aspect of your life. For example say the spirit or entity is in control of your finances and career.
They're essentially in control of directing your flow of income (among other things) and that means they're in charge of directing opportunities to make money to you and pushing you in directions where you can make more money.
They can also block said flow of income when they think its absolutely necessary, like maybe when you've been making yourself sick because you're constantly overworking or you've been spending your money irresponsibly and of course you being responsible with your money, but also giving yourself leeway to spend the money that you've worked so hard on on yourself and those you care for is a a way you can honour your patron/patroness. Money is fluid, it's not meant to be hoarded away, especially not if you're manifesting a flow of abundance into your life. How can there be a flow when the door is blocked by everything your hoarding away.
For the patronage to work properly you actually have to LISTEN to the spirit or entity you've chosen as your patron/patroness. You can't just decide to form a patronage relationship and not listen to the advice or warnings or whatever else the spirit or entity gives you, especially if it relates to an aspect of your life they're essentially "in charge of".
Setting boundaries is also a must for both you and the spirit or entity. Make sure that you're both clear on the dos and don'ts of your relationship, what you want out of the relationship and what you'd like to see from the relationship. Before you even consider proposing the idea/taking them on or rejecting the idea (if the spirit or entity was the one that proposed the idea), both you and the spirit have to lay everything out on the table and come to a compromise that you're both be okay and comfortable with.
A spirit or entity doesn't/can't automatically become your patron/patroness (at least not in my belief) especially if you don't know the spirit or entity that well yet, even if you knew the spirit or entity in a past life. That past life is over and done with this is a brand new life and you're a different person with different needs, wants, beliefs etc.
This kind of relationship requires A LOT of trust and before going into this relationship (or any relationship in general) make sure you absolutely trust the spirit or entity with your life, trust them to make the decisions that needs to be made and trust them to make sure that you aren't getting in your own way (because we definitely tend to get into our own way a lot of the times).
As long as both parties are receptive and interested in the idea than it doesn't really matter who proposes the idea (unless you have a thing about spirit/entity being the only one to propose things in general or the spirit/entity wants you to propose the idea/things). Just like the spirit or entity has to respect whatever response they get whether negative or positive, you also have to respect whatever response you get and try not to force the issue or let the issue sour whatever relationship you had with the spirit/entity before the topic was brought up.
Even with a "designated" patron/patroness (as long as you and your patron/patroness is okay with it), the rest of your spiritual support team can also have/still has some influence on an aspect of your life or your life in general. They just won't/don't have as big of an influence as your patron/patroness. That doesn't mean they're any less important than your patron/patroness and that their advice shouldn't be taken into consideration. Your patron/patroness just has a bit more say than they do and remember at the end of the day you have the final say because it IS your life.
You don't blindly have to follow along with whatever your patron/patroness (and SST) has decided and you shouldn't. Like I said, this is your life and at the end of the day your say in the matter is important and should be considered. If you don't like something speak up. This doesn't mean try and argue about everything, especially not when it comes from a place of feeling like you know better than this ancient being. It means if something genuinely doesn't sit right with you, go to your patron/patroness (and SST) and bring it up with them in a mature and respectful manner. Tell them why you don't like whatever has been decided and aren't comfortable with how things played out.
Now this doesn't mean that we'll always know what's best for us and there are and will be moments where the patron/patroness (and SST in some cases) will lower our volume buttons a bit and decide what's best for us in the moment. The same way we won't always know what's best for us, the spirit/entity might not either (it might not happen all the time but there will be moments) just tell them and remind them that how they handle another practitioner is not how you can be handled or, if you worked with the spirit/entity for a long while, how you needed to be handled five years ago is not how you can be handled now.
Now this isn't saying that you HAVE to have a patron/patroness. Patronage is not a mandatory thing and is definitely not needed to be a good or valid spirit/entity worker. It's definitely not something that should be rushed and neither do you have to have a patron/patroness at this time (or ever) if it's not something you want.
Personally, at the time that I'm posting this. I don't "officially" have a patron/patroness. Taking charge of my life is a group effort between me and my spiritual support team. They have influence over my finances and careers, my personal and social life, my relationships with myself and others, my healing work, my hobbies, my practice, my craft, my beliefs, my opinions etc. and I'm okay and happy with that.
I adore my spiritual support team (both those who stay permanently and both those who come and go) and I honestly wouldn't be in the place that I am without them. There have definitely been ups and a lot of downs but I wouldn't trade them for the world.
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thehodgepodgepagan · 2 years
Disclaimer: I may have gotten a bit too passionate in this post
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Spiritspousalship (and spirit bonds) is the umbrella term for all spousalships (and other spirit bonds) with spirits (i.e. gods, spirit guides, fae spirits etc.) and Entityspousalship (and entity bonds) is the umbrella term for all spousalships (and other entity bonds) with entities (i.e. demons, angels, pop culture entities etc.)
Spirit/Entityspousalship is a type of bond/relationship one can have with a spirit or entity. Spirit/Entityspousalship or "godspousalship" as it's commonly called, is not more sacred or more important than any other bond one can have with a spirit or entity.
It's just another type of bond and connection one can have with a spirit or entity. Contrary to what it might seem like spirit/entityspousing is not that common, the fact that it seems like it's common with how many practitioners you might see claiming to be spirit/entityspoused doesn't mean that it's a common practice.
It just means that you have been/were interacting with spirit/entityspousing type content or that you follow/followed someone that interacted with it and the algorithm is just pushing content like that to your FYP to keep you engaged.
Spirit/Entityspousing is a 18+ and only 18+ practice, meaning minors should not and cannot consensualy participate in this path. Consent is a major part of this path and legally minors aren't able to consent. Neither will a spirit or entity, (especially a god) this kind of relationship or any other 18+ spirit/entity bond to a minor. Whether as a test or otherwise.
I know there are those who do claim that in the rare cases certain spirits and entities have hinted at a possible FUTURE spousalship with their practitioner, but that doesn't sit right with me. If you're a minor don't even try and do research on this topic (yet), focus on growing up and gaining experience and just until you're of age before thinking about interacting with any of this.
It's not as glamourous as people make it out to be, neither is it the end all relationship you can have with a spirit or entity. Neither does it make it any more special or important than any other bond one can have with a spirit or entity. You don't have to participate in this kind of relationship with a spirit or entity to form a close bond with them and remember a bond shouldn't and can't be forced. You can't just expect to be in a relationship just because you want to. Relationships don't work like that... At least not healthy ones.
Like I said spirit and entityspousalship is not an end goal and neither should it be treated so superficially. Spirit/Entityspousing (and any other spirit/entity bond) is a sacred bond that requires a lot of dedication and commitment and even those who have chosen to walk down this path aren't cut out for it and do choose to leave this path and that's okay.
Spirit/Entity bonds (for the most part) are like regular relationships one can have with other humans the only difference is that the relationship is formed between a human (you) and a spirit/entity. One specific spirit/entity bond (i.e. spirit/entityspousing) is no more superior than any other spirit/entity bond and that's something most people forget (especially those who are given the opportunies to walk down this path).
Spirit/Entityspousing is a bond that's built upon another already formed relationship meaning most practitioners that participate in this practice already had somewhat of a relationship and bond with the spirit or entity before they even considered spirit/entityspousing. Healthy relationships don't just happen out of the blue (most relationships don't). Healthy relationships take time. Give it that time.
There are many different types of relationships and bonds one have with a spirit or entity. Not every romantic/intimate relationship will fall under spirit/entityspousapship. Not every devotional relationships will fall under priesthood/oraclehood (this type of relationship is just as rare as spirit/entityspousalship). Just because a spirit or entity might want to have or proposes a relationship to you doesn't automatically mean the relationship will be spirit/entityspousing. Talk to them and figure it out.
When it comes to identifying whether or not a spirit or entity has proposed a spousalship (or any other spirit/entity bond) depends on how good your senses, are if you're good at clairvoyance, clairaudience etc you can find out in that way. If you're good at divination they'll tell you through tarot or another divination system.
Sometimes, on the rare occasion, they'll propose through a third party, for instance they could ask you while channeling through another (trusted) practitioner. It's not likely that you wouldn't know the spirit or entity that proposes to you in some capacity and if you don't maybe make absolutely sure that they actually proposing and definitely wait until you actually get to know them better before agreeing to anything.
In most cases spirit/entityspousalship is a life long commitment and if you commit it can be hard to get out of it especially if you did a soul binding ritual as well (where you bound your soul to the spirit or entity). It's not something you can decide to do or agree to willy nilly, neither is it a smart or good idea to agree to any proposal if you barely know a thing about the spirit or entity that proposed.
Once you've identified whether or not a spirit or entity actually has proposed spousalship (or any other type of spirit/entity bond) and your absolutely certain that it's something you truly want and identified the type of spousalship (there's romantic, intimate/seggsual, devotional and working spousalship). Now it's time to get some outside confirmation, just to make sure that you're seeing things clearly and not being biased.
Contrary to what it might seem like you don't need a hundred plus confirmations to prove that your spousalship is real, at the end of the day you just need to confirm that it's real to you and no one else. Some get a hundred plus because it feels comfortable to them but that's not mandatory or needed. You can get five outside confirmations and you and your relationship will still be as valid and real as the practitioner with the hundred plus confirmations.
In most cases practitioners and the spirit or entity they're choosing to bond with will go through a courting process of sorts where both the practitioner and the spirit or entity can figure out whether or not being in a relationship works for them, figure out what they want from the relationship and so on. A courting process is not mandatory especially if both parties don't want to go through a courting process and want to head straight to the "got-hitched" stage, but it is recommended especially if you want to make absolutely sure that this path is for you.
Another thing I want to add, there are cases where the practitioner has proposed spousalship (or another type of bond) to the spirit or entity and in a lot of cases this was done at the behest and encouragement of the spirit or entity. I know some of y'all will say that a practitioner proposing is disrespectful etc. But the thing is, it's disrespectful to you not the spirit or entity.
You saying that it's disrespectful and not a valid relationship is like saying a feme presenting person (i.e. a woman) proposing marriage is disrespectful to the "husband"-to-be and means the relationship is invalid and that's completely inaccurate. Sure it might seem disrespectful to you and it might be something you can't imagine doing but again it's something YOU can't imagine doing.
Not everyone's paths will look the same. Not everyone is capable of doing things the exact same way or at the same level. No relationship needs the same things to prosper and no relationships need the same foundation to be considered valid and honestly you trying to force your opinion (emphasis on YOUR) and belief is not only putting the spirit or entity in a box but it's also high key saying you're opinion is the only right way and that any other experiences are completely and utterly false.
You don't have the authority or right to decide whether a spirit or entity will consider something to be disrespectful or not. That's up to the practitioner and the spirit/entity and no one else, because at the end of the day the relationship is between the practitioner and the spirit/entity. Not the practitioner and the spirit/entity AND everyone else on the Internet. Stay in your own lane, just like you'd prefer others to say in their own lane as well.
UNSHHAMELESS PLUG - I do offer spousalship confirmations as well as channelled letters or messages from your spouses here and here
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thehodgepodgepagan · 2 years
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Pop culture entities (also called/considered to be egregores) are entities that originate from pop culture media. They are thoughtforms, energy forms or tulpas that were created (whether intentionally or unintentionally) by the constant collective thoughts of a distinct group of people (i.e. the fanbase of a popular anime series) . They are produced by the imaginative, creative and emotional energies of the collective that forms the archetypal imagery of whatever or whoever the collective is focusing their thought energies on.
For example Hisoka from HunterxHunter can be considered a pop culture entity because along with the popularity of the franchise itself there's been quite a few blogs, fanfictions, fan-artworks, fan-edits, cosplay and so on made about the franchise and him. All the energies that was poured into the franchise (i.e. those who created the franchise and those who read the manga and watched the anime) in general goes into manifestation and feeding of his pop culture archetype and all those thought energies that's put into his manifestation also decides how dependent or independent he is to/of his own/original reality (the HunterxHunter universe)
Pop culture entities are sentient beings that will continue to exist as long as there's a steady supply of thought energy that feeds them, meaning as long as there's a fanbase of some kind of the entity and whichever pop culture media it originates from, it will continue to exist. Pop culture entities usually start off entirely dependent on their own/original reality meaning the pop culture entity' behaviour, mindset, actions etc. are all dependent on whichever myths, lore, pop culture media etc. they originate from, but the more thought energy is put into the entity the more independent the pop culture entity can become.
What this means is that it's less likely for pop culture entities that don't have a large fanbase to act independently from whatever information is available on them or their own/original reality, but if the pop culture entities have a very large fanbase then they're more likely to act independently from whatever information is available about them. For example Takane from Takane To Hana is less likely to interact independently from what's mentioned about him in the manga because he and the manga itself doesn't have that large of a following but Uncle Hiro from A:TLA is able to interact independently from the series because A:TLA is a really popular franchise and has a large fanbase.
Now this doesn't mean that the character that's being fed these constant collective thought energies will suddenly manifest as a pop culture entity. Along with the collective thought energies of the fanbase of the character and the pop culture media they originate from as a whole, for this character to manifest as a pop culture entity, the collective intent, meaning the intent for this character to manifest as a pop culture entity is also needed.
A misconception some have in relation to pop culture entities is that all pop culture entities are deities (A lot of users group both regular pop culture entities and pop culture entities that can technically be considered pop culture deities into the "pop culture deity" category). That's not true, well not entirely at least. If the pop culture entity was considered to be a deity of some kind in whatever pop culture media they originated from then yeah, they can be considered a pop culture deity.
However, if the entity wasn't considered a deity of any kind in whatever pop culture media they originate from then they can't be considered a pop culture deity, they'd be considered a "regular" pop culture entity. Even when it comes to the overpowered entities from pop culture media, if they weren't/aren't considered a deity of any kind then they aren't a "pop culture deity" they're a regular pop culture entity with really cool powers.
Working or interacting with pop culture entities is neither harder nor easier than working or interacting with traditional spirits and entities. You basically follow the same basics when it comes to working or interacting with traditional spirits or entities which is knowing a good amount of info about the entity and its origins, having some kind of reliable method or tool which you can use to communicate with the entity and all in all just being respectful of both the entity and its origin is important.
There are some pop culture entities that were inspired by traditional spirits and entities like the pop culture gods from Blood of Zeus and pop culture Lucifer from every Lucifer (the) Morningstar pop culture media that's available in the world. Some consider these pop culture entities to be aspects of certain traditional spirits and entities like some considering Lucifer Morningstar from the Netflix series Lucifer, to be an aspect of Lucifer mentioned in roman and left-hand-path lore (or traditional Lucifer will sometimes appear "disguised" as a Lucifer from pop culture media). There are also those who consider traditional spirits and entities to be egregores like pop culture entities too and that's completely valid. The same goes if you don't consider traditional spirits and entities to be egregores in the same sense the pop culture entities are.
When it comes trying to vet these entities (if vetting is a part of your practice) based on the information found on these pop culture entities, it's rare for there to be "wrong" or "incorrect" information about them, even if the information is fanon based and not necessarily canon based that information is still a part of the pop culture entity's "source code" meaning whatever fanon information there is will be true to them and they're likely to behave in accordance to not only their canon based information but their fanon based information too.
However, just because an entity is likely to act in accordance with both the fanon and canon based information available on them, doesn't mean they have to or should especially not if you don't resonate with their fanon based information, the same goes if you don't resonate with the pop culture entity' canon based information either. If you don't resonate with their fanon based or canon based information you don't have to pay attention to the information you don't resonate with and focus on the information you do resonate with. However, even if you don't resonate with an entity's canon based information it's still very important to know their canon based information and take said information into consideration when dealing with them.
How you can figure out if a pop culture entity is reaching out to you or which pop culture entity you can reach out to is to pay attention to the signs. If you constantly get signs and symbols that are scarily specific to the pop culture media the entity originates from or if you feel deeply connected to the entity then they might be reaching out to you or it might be a sign that you should reach out to them or at least do more research on them. Research the hell out of that entity and once you've gotten a good baseline of information on the entity, you can invite the entity into your space and start a QnA session.
When inviting an entity into your space make sure you have the proper precautions and protections set in place and your invitation wording has to be specific as well, like say for instance you only want to invite the entity into your space for the duration and only the duration of the QnA session make that ABSOLUTELY clear when you're inviting them in and once the QnA session has ended politely kick them out if there's nothing else you want.
When it comes to offerings, (if the entity is okay with receiving offerings) offerings that are associated (whether lightly or heavily) with the pop culture media they originate from and the character itself is definitely recommended (unless they say otherwise or give you permission to give them an entirely different type of offering). For instance tea would be an obvious offering for Uncle Hiro, but there is a chance he might even ask you for coffee as an offering (not likely, but anything's possible).
Not every character mentioned in pop culture media can be considered a pop culture entity, but if there's three or more blogs or a good number of people have shared stuff about the character and its origins then it's likely that character has manifested as a pop culture entity, they'll just be heavily dependent on the pop culture media they originate from. If the entity gains more and more popularity and their fanbase grows bigger then it's very they'll become more and more independent from the pop culture media they originate from.
Anyone can work with a pop culture entity, just make sure you know the basics of protection and divination and the basics of working and interacting with spirits and entities in general and that you don't bite off more than you can chew. Meaning don't try and work with a really popular pop culture entity like Chtulu if you have absolutely no experience working with spirits or entities in general. Start with what you can handle and go from there.
If you have any questions and such feel free to ask me!
UNSHAMELESS PLUG - I offer confirmations, letters, messages and so on from pop culture entities and deities here and here
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thehodgepodgepagan · 2 years
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Soul parentage is the belief that a spirit or entity created your soul or at least had a major (or even minor) hand in the creation process of your soul. This is a belief that's been found in many different cultures and religions all over the world and many have differing opinions and beliefs in regards to soul parentage and your soul family.
Sometimes the spirits or entities that created our soul or at least had a hand in the creation process of our soul are referred to as our "soul family", this doesn't mean they're our literal/actual family or that they (and we) are obligated to treat us like/consider us to be familial figures.
No relationship can or should be forced. You can't automatically assume a spirit or entity wants to consider you as their familial figure and neither should you be forced to consider them as a familial figure either. Just because they created your soul it doesn't mean that they, or you are obligated to have a close relationship with each other right off the bat or that either of you owe each other anything.
However, if both you and your soul family WANT to treat each other like family or consider yourselves to be familial figures. That's totally okay and valid. Talk with each other and figure out what's best for you, what works/will work for your relationship and what wouldn't. Relationships take time to build, if you want to build a relationship with your "soul family" you both have to be willing to put in the time necessary.
These are spirits or entities that created your soul, had a hand in the creation process of your soul (whether major or minor) or were there when your soul was being created. Not everyone will have a deity as their soul parent, aunt/uncle, sibling etc. some might have an angel as their soul family, some might have a demon as their soul family, some might even have some type of fae being as their soul family and some might have something else entirely as their soul family.
These spirits and entities can be ranked from "soul parent" to "soul godparent" the former having had the most prominent role in the creation of your soul parentage and the latter having had minimal to no say in the creation process of your soul. "Soul parents" are those who had a major hand in the creation process of your soul, "soul siblings" are those who had a mid-minor hand in the creation process of your soul and "soul relative (or uncle/aunt)" are those who had a minor hand in the creation process of your soul.
There are also "soul grandparents", those who advised your soul parent on the creation of your soul before or even during said creation process and "soul godparents" those who were there during the creation process of your soul but had little to no say or were chosen by your soul parents to watch over you in all your lives or certain lives for reasons known to them.
Considering a spirit or entity to be your familial/parental figure (without having identified or confirmed whether or not they're your soul family) or a spirit or entity being your patron/patroness is not the same as soul parentage. Neither is either the same as a spirit or entity having claimed your soul/a part of your soul as theirs or having adopted you as their family (i.e. soul adoptionship, considered to be "familial/parental spousalship" by others).
It doesn't mean that those relationships are any less important than any soul parentage, because they're just as sacred as soul parentage. Soul parentage and the other familial type relationships I mentioned are not the same, so they can cross over from time to time meaning a certain relationship can have aspects of two or more of the relationships I mentioned. For instance your patron/patroness claiming your soul as theirs.
If you have any questions feel free to post them below!
Disclaimer, these are my own pg that I've gained through experience, research and studying those around me. If you don't agree with the statement below, that's okay, everyone's experiences differ. These are my own thoughts and beliefs, it's more than likely and valid that yours would be different. Just because our thoughts and beliefs might differ doesn't mean either is wrong or that either should be ridiculed or hated on just because they're different than the other
If you have any questions and such feel free to ask me!
UNSHAMELESS PLUG - I offer both soul parentage identifcations, confirmations and messages and letters from your soul family here and here
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thehodgepodgepagan · 2 years
The narrative that only spirit, specifically deities can propose a spirit bond (especially in relation to spousalship) has been showing up on my feed a lot lately and in my opinion (and many others) it shouldn't be the only narrative encouraged. I don't necessarily care that that narrative is being shared because it's not my narrative and therefore has nothing to do with me, what I do mind is the WAY that narrative is being shared.
All the posts I've seen so far makes it seem like relationships that don't necessarily fall into that narrative is "fake". The narrative that only the spirit can propose a spirit bond invalidates and demeans (whether intentionally or not) those in relationship with spirit who's relationship doesn't necessarily fall into that box.
It makes it seem like that perspective is the only "right"/"proper" way one can have a relationship with spirit with. Which it's not. Sure, some bring up the argument that it's considered disrespectful for the mortal/human to propose a spirit bond (especially when a deity is involved), but that belief stems from the perspective that "you have to be called by the God to do anything".
I'm not saying that that perspective is wrong or trying to invalidate it in any way. If that's a perspective you're subscribed to than that's cool! Everyone has a right to their own perspectives, beliefs, opinions and experiences. What's not okay is invalidating or making it seem like others' perspectives, beliefs, opinions and experiences (that harm no one) are wrong or impossible just because they're different or even contradicts yours.
Just because a belief, opinion, experience or perspective is contradictory to or different than yours, it doesn't mean it's wrong. Neither, does it mean that yours is wrong either. It just means people have different beliefs, opinions, experiences and perspectives and that's completely okay and valid and no one should be ridicule or insulted just for having different opinions (again, as long as those opinions, beliefs etc. harm no one).
I've spoken to people who's narrative match up with the narrative that's been shared in some way or form and I've spoken to people who's narrative doesn't match up with the narrative that's being shared at all. Heck I fall into both AND neither categories because the relationships I've formed with spirits and the way I've formed those relationships aren't necessarily considered "conventional".
I've spoken to those who's relationships have been proposed to them by the spirit/s AND I've spoke to those who proposed those relationships to the spirit/s WITH the encouragement of said spirit/s. No relationship is the same, neither should it be expected or encouraged that a relationship should fit perfectly into a specific box. However a relationship is formed, it should be formed according to what's best for all the parties involved in that relationship.
No one person's needs will be the same as another's. No one person's perspective on relationships, especially relationships with spirit is the same as another's neither should it be expected or assumed to be. What one relationship requires doesn't necessarily mean another's relationship will require the same thing/s.
Remember when it comes to spirit communication and interaction, your experiences will never exactly match up with another's experiences. Neither should it be assumed, even if another's experiences seem familiar to yours there will always be some difference and that's okay and valid.
The way spirits communicate and interact with someone will also not be the same as the way they communicate and interact with another. A spirit might for instance prefer proposing a spirit bond themselves when they're with you and they might prefer the human/mortal propose the spirit bond themselves when they're with someone else.
The human/mortal proposing themselves might even be something the spirit has been helping the human/mortal work on. Both is valid and okay and it doesn't mean that the spirit is a "trickster"/"imposter" just because someone's experiences with them doesn't match up with yours. Spirits are multi-faceted beings.
Whatever your perspective is, whether it matches up with the narrative that only the spirit can propose a spirit bond or it matches up with the narrative that it's valid when the human/mortal proposes a spirit bond to the spirit or it doesn't match up with either narrative it's completely valid and okay and shouldn't be something to feel bad about or feel bad for thinking differently. Individuality is a dope thing and something most spirits advocate and encourage.
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thehodgepodgepagan · 2 years
Unpopular opinion:
The definition of the English word "spouse" is literally a husband or a wife. In terms of law, it means someone whom you're legally married to.
My husband is my spouse. I am my husband's spouse.
Therefore, the term "godspouse" carries with it a word that means a marriage, a marital contract, a bond involving vows and oaths to be one's wedded husband or wife.
Just like one's mortal boyfriend/girlfriend, lover, romantic partner, etc. does not automatically equal or even become one's spouse. Therefore, no one has to be a godspouse in order to have an intimate relationship with a deity.
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thehodgepodgepagan · 2 years
Why using spiritspousalship as a catch all term is unsafe (in my opinion)
Before anyone throws a hissy fit, this is my opinion based off my beliefs and my own personal experiences and what I've gathered from others' beliefs and personal experiences
I've noticed that people use the term spiritspousalship (especially godspousalship) as a catch all term for most (if not all), "unconventional" (and even some "conventional" relationships like priest/priestess/priestenhood or oraclehood) relationships one can have with spirit.
I'm not saying this is always the case, but I've seen it happening a bit more frequently that's it's a bit concerning to me in my opinion.
Doing that is neither a completely accurate use of the term or a responsible and safe use of the term. Using spiritspousalship as a catch all term is confusing and misleading especially when it comes to familial and other platonic and non-romantic type of relationships.
When people talk about spousing, they think "marriage" and other life long adult relationships and pairing spousing with a term like familial or parental is misleading and kinda "icky". You're not getting married to your parent/aunt/sibling, so why use a term that sounds like you're talking about marriage to a family member (I know some don't mean it like that, but it still sounds like you're talking about "that")?
In my belief familial/parental "spousalship" is essentially adoptionship, where the spirit adopts you into their family, either as their child, sibling and so on. Yes, I admit I used to use the term familial/parental spousalship myself, but that's only because I hadn't know another term for that kind of relationship yet.
The term made me uncomfortable and I didn't like using it (especially in relation to minors) and it causes a lot of confusion especially because of the type of relationship it is. That's why I came up with the term "Spirit Adoptionship" and have decided to use that one instead of familial/parental spousalship, because like I said familial/parental spousalship is essentially spirit adoptionship (in my belief).
Spiritspousing is an eighteen or over practice, meaning its not a minor safe or minor welcome practice, but because many use it as a catch all term (i.e. familial/parental spousing) it denotes the idea that it is a minor safe and minor welcome practice, when it is not.
Consent is a crucial aspect of spiritspousing (among others) and minors (especially those fifteen or younger) cannot legally consent to anything yet, especially not to certain aspects that's inherently involved in spiritspousalship.
Not every relationship whether romantic, intimate/seggsual etc. will necessarily fall under spiritspousalship and not every relationship whether romantic, intimate/seggsual etc. can be (and should be) considered spiritspousalship.
You can have a romantic, intimate/seggsual etc. relationship with spirit without it being a spousalship, because relationships like those do exist and they're just as valid as a spiritspousal relationship (or any other type of spirit bond).
Also I've seen a lot of people also use the term "godspousing" itself as a catch all term and from what I've seen some even consider it to be an "umbrella term" when it's not. Spiritspousing is technically the "umbrella term" because it more or less encompasses all spirit classification. Godspousing talks about spousalship to a God/Goddess/Deity not an angel or demon or fae or whatever else.
Anyway this is mostly all I have to say about this topic, but I can/will talk more about it on a later date if need be.
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thehodgepodgepagan · 2 years
I've been seeing epithets being talked about a bit more than usual on my side of tiktok and I was just wondering if people actually knew what epithets actually are.
Epithets are an adjective or adjectivel phrase expressing a quality or attribute regarded as a characteristic of the person, place or thing that helps make the characteristic of the thing mentioned more prominent. These descriptive phrases can be used in a positive or negative way that benefits the one who gave the place, person, or thing the epithet.
An example of that would be how old men are often (and sometimes unfairly) awarded the epithet ‘dirty’.
Epithets are essentially a descriptive byname, nickname or title of the place, person or thing mentioned and some examples of this would "Catherine the Great" , "Ivan the Terrible" , "Alexander the Great" , and "Richard the Lionheart" their epithets being "the Great" , "the Terrible", "the Lionheart" and so on.
When it comes to epithets they aren't necessarily an entirely different version of the place, person or thing the epithet is for, it's just a title, nickname, or byname (sometimes a surname is considered an epithet for certain people) that adds more prominence to a characteristic of said place, thing or person.
Everyone can have an epithet, all you have to do is just find a distinct characteristic of yourself, whether it's a positive characteristic or a negative one and there you have your epithet! For example an epithet of mine would be "Korvid The Diviner", because studying and practicing divination is an aspect of who I am.
When it comes to spirits and their epithets I've seen some confusion on what people think epithets actually mean and I've seen some moments where people have confused another spirit who might be an equivalent of a certain spirit with being epithet of said spirit. Epithets and things, places, persons, spirits etc. that are an equivalent or similar to something (or even each other) aren't synonymous. They don't mean the same thing.
Sure some spirits, persons, places etc. might share epithets, for example with Anubis and Hermês both sharing the Psychopomp epithet, because they're both a guide of the dead, but that doesn't mean they're the same spirit. They just have similar duties.
Like I mentioned before, epithets aren't necessarily a completely different person, place, or thing than the person, place or thing the epithet is used for, it's just a specific aspect and characteristic of said person, place or thing. The same goes when it comes to talking about spirits and their epithets.
We're not talking about a completely different spirit, but just a specific aspect and characteristic of the spirit. We're talking about something that the spirit has dominion over, something the spirit is known for or even where the spirit is from/a place the spirit was known to be worshipped in.
Sure, some spirits might appear differently depending on their epithets, especially with epithets to do with places and locations because they're seen differently depending on the location and place (e.g. Artemis of Ephesus), but at the end of the day they're still the same spirit and you're just interacting with a specific aspect and characteristic of said spirit.
In some cases there are spirits who have an epithet that's an actual name for another spirit, but it doesn't mean that the spirit whose name is being used as an epithet is the same spirit as the spirit who's epithet it is (e.g. Hegemone and Artemis Hegemone). They're completely different spirits, it just means they have overlapping duties, characteristics etc.
More examples of epithets would be:
Helios Phaethon (The Shining)
Helios Hyperion (The one above)
Artemis Potnia Theron (Patron of wild animals)
Artemis Kourotrophos (Nurse of youths)
Apollon Kynthogenes (of Mount Cynthus)
Apollon Aegletes (Light of the Sun)
These are just some examples of the many epithets that exist! If you have any questions feel free to ask them below!
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thehodgepodgepagan · 2 years
heya! i'm hodge, a metaphysical practitioner from south africa and welcome to my little corner of the digital world. i've been in the metaphysical community for about roughly eight years now and i think i've learned a thing or three on my journey.
some general info about me, i'm a proud nonbinary and aceflux person of colour and my pronouns are she/they, i've got some trauma messing around with my head (and body at times) and i'm neurodivergent (basically my brain is wired differently), i'm a sag sun, taurus moon, pisces rising and scorpio venus, an infp-t, an author and self taught graphic designer (with about six years of experience) and I'm socially awkward at times.
some meta info about me, i'm a diviner, pagan, spirit and energy work, animist, metabonded (i'm soul bonded to a few spirits and entities) and i dabble in a few other (open) cultures and practices that catch my interest.
if you've read this far, thank you so much for your patience and willingness to get to know a bit more about me and i hope you have a wonderful rest of your day wherever you are in the world! feel free to check out my carrd if you've got the time!
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