themargaretgrace · 5 years
I’m doing pretty good, like you I’m really looking forward to getting back into it. I hoped that I could make the most of this break and use it to stir up some inspiration or work on some new stuff but it hasn’t really worked out that way. Did you get up to anything interesting?
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I’m sorry it did go way, but did you at least get some time to just relax and get some rest? I feel like little things like that get overlooked on tours as big as this. Not really just spent time with Carter, doing some exploring, not a lot but I think that was exactly what was needed. 
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themargaretgrace · 5 years
You get to see my talents every night, even some mornings if I’m lucky.
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My goodness. What in the world am I going to do with you, Carter Hudson? 
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themargaretgrace · 5 years
I couldn’t agree with you more, Mags. I think we all needed to step back and just take care of ourselves for a bit. I feel the same though - I miss seeing everyone, and I miss performing. Well, I did take a trip, so that was really lovely and a fun escape for a bit. How about you?
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I miss everyone too, it hasn’t been too long but I already feel like I am use to the routine. And to be out of it for so long is starting to throw me off. A trip? That sounds amazing. Was it relaxing enough for you? I didn’t go anywhere but I did a lot of much needed relaxing with amazing company. 
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themargaretgrace · 5 years
Relaxing and recouping has really been amazing and incredibly helpful, for me at least. But I am really ready to get back into the swing of things. I miss seeing this talented cast and crew sharing their talents with the world. Hopefully everyone else is doing well. Are there any fun stories from this little break I need to be filled in on? 
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themargaretgrace · 5 years
I think we all have those days where we would love to be a superhero. I would love to be Captain Marvel, Catwoman or Wonder Woman. 
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I’m half-asleep but does anynoe else wish they were Ironman? I really wanna be Ironman…
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themargaretgrace · 5 years
imessages 📲 theo&margaret
Theo: yes
Theo: i don't know what i'd do otherwise
Theo: uh, yes????? i've done so well the past couple of months?
Theo: are you free tomorrow night?
Margaret: you and Carter are kind of stuck with me at this point. i wish you two all the luck in the world.
Margaret: well that is better than caving earlier on!
Margaret: yes! the only thing i had in my schedule was annoying Carter but you could help with that.
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themargaretgrace · 5 years
imessages 📲 theo&margaret
Theo: jesus fucking christ. i'm just glad you're okay.
Theo: in a way, yeah. kinda destroyed my whole new year's resolution of never talking to her again, though
Theo: it does, doesn't it? cmonnn we should hang out soon
Margaret: all is good, i am all in one piece. that is really the most important thing.
Margaret: did you really think that resolution would last though? especially after joining this tour?
Margaret: it needed to happen like yesterday. so yes, please we need to make it happen.
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themargaretgrace · 5 years
imessages 📲 theo&margaret
Theo: what happened? did people trample over u or something
Theo: awkward as fuck
Theo: yeah, i'm craving pizza and chocolate
Margaret: no, no thank goodness. i got pushed around a bit, tripped, got my shirt stuck...long story short i lost most of my coordination that evening.
Margaret: well even if it is awkward with a situation like this...being with someone you know is comforting.
Margaret: that sounds so good
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themargaretgrace · 5 years
imessages 📲 theo&margaret
Theo: that's good to hear - somewhat lol
Theo: ended up with a crying stella which was 😬😬😬😬😬
Theo: im okay, dw
Theo: miss u though :-(
Margaret: it is good, don’t worry about that. i got some bruises and scratches but those are getting better.
Margaret: goodness...how did that go?
Margaret: miss you too, the trio really needs to hang out soon. especially since we have this week off.
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themargaretgrace · 5 years
Carter’s efforts to calm his mother down seemed futile but that didn’t stop him from trying - he hated hearing her upset but eventually he was able to talk her down from the emotional high she was on. He knew that it would take her a while to be okay after the whole ordeal, as it would for everyone but once she’d come to terms with the fact that her sons were okay, she seemed to calm down a little. After ending the call, Carter re-entered the room just as Margaret was taking the pain relief he’d set out for her. “Mom said hi and she hopes I’m taking good care of you - I think she was more concerned for you and Theo’s wellbeing than her own kids.” The boy joked, approaching the girl and placing one hand on the small of her back. “She wanted me to tell you that she’s so happy that you’re okay and that she loves you.” He said softly, leaning in and planting a gentle kiss to the girl’s temple. Studying Margaret’s face, he searched for any indication of how she was feeling in that moment. “How’s the pain? Can I get you anything?”
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After taking the medicine she finished off the water. Getting more of it whens he heard Carter come back in. she sat the water down and turned her head towards him. Margaret let out a chuckle at what he said and shook her head, “I mean Theo and I are her favorites.” She bantered back to him, a smile growing on her face when he placed a hand on her back. Turning into his touch, just wanting to be as close to him as she could be. “She is so wonderful, hopefully she knows I love her as well.” Her eyes fluttering closed when he kissed her temple, a content sigh leaving her lips. “Its okay, just a little sore. Not feeling the best, but I am sure the medicine will help with that.” She opened her eyes and turned her head to meet his eyes. “I am sure some more time with my favorite person in the world will make it all better in no time.” Margaret turned around and wrapped her arms around his middle. The small smile still on her face as she relaxed against him. “How about you...how are you doing? Did you get hurt at all?”
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f2f | marter
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themargaretgrace · 5 years
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Margaret hadn’t even finished her question before Carter was bursting out of his skin to get the towel down for her, unfolding it and draping it around her shoulders before leaning back against the bathroom sink. The red-head couldn’t help but let his eyes wander over her body, his eyes not filled with their usual shade of lust, instead a pained look was taking over his features, every mark on the girl’s frail body hitting him like a tonne of bricks. Running a hand through his locks, the boy pulled his phone out once again. “I’ve gotta call my mom quickly, apparently a text isn’t enough proof that I’m okay.” Carter leaned over, pressing a soft kiss to Margaret’s forehead. “I’ll be right back.” With that, he slipped out of the bathroom and walked himself out into the corridor of the hotel, dialing his mother’s phone number - doing his best to calm her once she did answer.
Margaret slowly stepped out of the shower just in time for him to drape it around her shoulders. She mumbled a soft thank you as she started to dry herself off, being careful of the scratches and bruises on her. Finally just wrapping it around and securing it, her eyes met his. Her eyes fell, “I’ll be okay.” She assured him, giving him a small smile. Of course she didn’t feel the best at the moment, but there wasn’t really a lot that she could do. “Of course, tell her hi for me.” Margaret watched him step out, before moving the towel up to dry out her hair. When she set it to the side she got dressed and slipped on the hoodie. The fact that it was Carter’s made it that much more comfortable. She was pulling her hair into a ponytail as she stepped out of the bathroom when she saw the water and medicine. A smile growing again on her face, “God you really are the best.” She said under her breath. 
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f2f | marter
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themargaretgrace · 5 years
Carter replied to a few more messages, sending a quick one to his mom to let her know that Finn was safe and that he’d be calling her soon. Shoving his phone back into the pocket of his jeans, “You’re welcome.” A soft smile appearing on his face as he watched her move to the bathroom. The boy then moved into the kitchen and began sifting through the cupboards until he found some aspirin, taking out two before grabbing a glass and filling it with water and setting both it and the medication on the counter for when Margaret had finished in the shower. Carter then moved to his still unpacked suitcase that had bits and pieces hanging out everywhere, he made an even bigger mess while trying to find something for the small girl to wear. After a few moments he came across an old DH merch sweatshirt, pulling it from the heap before kicking everything back into an almost respectable pile. Approaching the bathroom door the door knocked softly, “It’s just me,” He said before letting himself in. “I don’t think I have any bottoms that would fit you, but this is pretty long.” He added, placing the sweatshirt next to the sink.
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Margaret was more than relieved than she thought she would be to be taking a shower. Of course it wasn’t the most comfortable thing at first but it was exactly what she needed. As tempting as it was to stay in there longer the desire to sit or even lay down sounded amazing. Peaking her head out when she heard a knock on the door, a smile quickly growing on her lips. “Hey you.” Her voice still soft, almost scratchy from how much yelling she did. Nodding at what he said, “It is all perfect, I love supporting the most amazing band ever.” She reached over and turned off the water, opening the curtain slightly to reach for a towel but forgot how sore her body was. Margaret took in a breath, a little taken back. “Could you be wonderful and reach that for me?” She asked softly. 
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f2f | marter
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themargaretgrace · 5 years
“I’m sure they’ll be fine, especially considering the circumstances.” He said with a soft shrug, beginning to move slowly once again when the elevator reached his floor, he guided the girl over to his door. Carter reached into his pocket, pulling out his wallet where his room key was tucked into one of the folds, grabbing it out and swiping it against the pad before helping the girl inside. Luckily for the two, the room was empty - for now at least. The boy pulled out his phone, checking and replying to a few messages that he had, mainly to his mom but he had one from Finn - his eyes lighting up as he read it. “Finn’s okay,” An audible sigh of relief leaving his lips as a wave of relief overcame him. “I’ve got some clothes you can change into if you want to take a shower.”
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Margaret nodded, knowing he was right and at this point she wasn’t even sure if she would mind what they thought. All she knew was that she wanted, no needed to be with Carter. Once they got in the room she sat her bag down, sighing as she did so. Trying to determine what did or didn’t hurt when she moved around.  Her eyes moved to watch him as he read over his phone. Reminding her to check her own phone. Sending a text to her parents to let her know she is okay. Just in time for her to set her phone down she saw Carters eyes light up. “Thank goodness.” A small smile grew on her lips, Taking one more glance down at her clothes knowing there was no way she would wear them to bed, “That would be wonderful.” She shuffled towards him and pressed a soft kiss to his cheek, “Thank you.” Margaret mumbled against his skin before taking a step back. “You’re the best.” She said with a sweet smile before slowly heading towards the bathroom. 
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f2f | marter
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themargaretgrace · 5 years
[TEXT] hey, how are you
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themargaretgrace · 5 years
imessages 📲 theo&margaret
Theo: hey, how are you
Margaret: Better than yesterday, still a little shaken up.
Margaret: How about you? I was so glad when Carter mentioned you were okay.
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themargaretgrace · 5 years
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Whenever Margaret pointed out the fact that he was smiling, or even noticed it in any way it somehow managed to make it grow and so it should, since she was mainly the reason for it. “I didn’t think I’d ever hear you say that,” He admitted, thanking the driver before helping the girl out of the car. He wrapped one of his arms around her middle in at attempt to help her walk, slowly making their way through the lobby and to the elevator. “We’ll head to my room, it’s closer.” He said, not knowing who was going to be there or who had even made it back to the hotel at this point. Hitting the button in the elevator for his floor, the boy shifted his weight to his other foot, making sure he was still supporting her.
“What can I say I’m full of surprises.” Margaret slipped the camera in the back and put it on before getting out of the car. Leaning into his arms when he gave her the support. Not realizing how much the help was needed once she started really moving. Trying her best to focus on taking deep breaths, before turning her head to him. “That sounds perfect...do you think your roommates would mind?” Once they got into the elevator she rested her head on his shoulder. Trying to adjust a little causing her to bit her lip to try to hide the sharp breath she inhaled. “Because I feel like once I get comfortable with you, I will not want to move for quite awhile.” She admitted before she watched the elevator doors open to his floor. 
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f2f | marter
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themargaretgrace · 5 years
Carter couldn’t help but noticed how tense his body was, ever since this whole ordeal began he’d been in a constant state of tensing every muscle he had and it wasn’t until he finally relaxed a little that he noticed it. “I’ll take care of you - I promise.” His words were soft and sincere, as he knew that it was the least he could do. Cracking a weak smile as Margaret tried to lighten the mood, she always knew exactly how to do it. “Getting along with gravity is overrated anyway,” He said sweetly, glancing out the window as he noticed they were approaching the hotel. A soft sigh of relief falling from his lips.
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Margaret turned her head so she could met his eyes, their faces less than inches or centimeters apart. But she wouldn’t want it any other away, “I know you will. You always do.” She agreed, it was one of things on her endless list of reasons that she loved him. When he cracked a smile, even if it was a weak one made hers grow slightly, “There is is.” She mumbled, her voice barely a whisper, bringing one her hands up to his cheek for a moment. “True...who needs it anyways?” She shrugged her shoulders before following his eyes. “Thank goodness, a hotel bed for once seems like the most comfortable thing in the world.” 
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f2f | marter
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