since the tender age of 11 i have been so Scared due to everything being so Scary
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you caught me, i’m a train lover 😔🙌
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being in college, especially during the pandemic, is not what i thought it would be, or at least, not much has changed (but everything has)
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sometimes time passes and things happen and im carried along whether i like it or not, like my mother dragging me around the store as i stare longingly at the toy section
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if you are in your late 20's or early 30's you are finally beginning to experience a true sense of separation and alienation from youth culture and to natural identify more with other adults as your peers, and that's a normal part of being an adult and moving into that stage of your life, and you MUST recognize it as such and resist the ancient Joker's Trick that is the urge to jump to the conclusion that nothing has changed about you and it is instead the children that have gotten weirder.
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The romanization of Hawai’i only tightens America’s grip on my people.
We are not the land of Lilo and Stitch. We are not a paradise.
We are a nation suffering.
There are only around 600,000 Native Hawaiians left. Only around 200,000 of them live in Hawai’i.
Hawai’i has the second largest homeless population in the nation, falling just behind New York. There are 19 million people in New York. Hawaii only has 1.4 million people. Yet their homeless rates are neck and neck. A majority of those experiencing homelessness in Hawai’i are Native Hawaiian.
Tourism destroys sacred land. Mountains are moved to make room for telescopes. People live in tiny concrete apartments that cost $2k a month because the rich move to the islands to carve their own paradise. My people spend every night praying we can afford to eat the next day
The Navy poisons the water over and over. They lie and say it’s safe. People fall ill. Then they dump the waste into the ocean and promise to do better. They lie.
End the romanization of Hawai’i. There is no paradise under American occupation.
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if one more yt person calls abuela the villain and compares her to mother gothel, i will scream
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Your annual reminder to not donate to Salvation Army!
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Tumblr is slightly more chaotic Twitter, bc let’s be honest, Twitter is a hell hole
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love to purchase items but at what cost
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when i say "romanticise the ordinary" i don't mean "hide all aspects of your life that do not fit under some kind of aesthetic" but rather "strive to find beauty in all the little things because i promise you, happiness can be found everywhere"
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if we could read minds I still don't think we'd understand them.
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Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t the whole point of the show that Sang-woo isn’t ultimately the bad guy? He’s just a desperate man placed into a situation that, sure, he got in himself, but also was trying to copy the ways of the upper class - trying to beat the game by cheating.
Objectively he is a bad person. But also objectively he ISNT the villain. And both Gi-hun and Sang-woo realise they aren’t each other’s enemies at the end. The game was made to bring out the worst in ppl, actively working against cooperation tactics and group work, because the ppl who MADE the game have some ridiculous moral complex about humanity being inherently evil (thereby justifying and excusing the way they take advantage of the poor in these games).
My dad pointed out something I think is incredibly important and something that game itself capitalises on - that final bet between Gi-hun and Il-nam had them create a circumstance that depended on human kindness, on the simple act of ONE person doing the right thing to help a man in trouble; the thing is, both Gi-hun and Il-nam were also potential aids to this man’s plight, and neither did anything. Il-nam refuses to look at the hypocrisy in his own actions by rejecting the inherent truth: he, as part of the upper class, is in a unique position to help those with less them him. Gi-hun however is trapped, not by hypocrisy, not by a refusal for accountability, but by spectator syndrome. The bet demands only one person do right, and there’s a implication that Gi-hun helping would count as interference - but it doesn’t matter, because both people making the bet are also people who have the potential to simply not make a bet in the first place. The Squid Game alleviates the VIPs guilt (If they have any) and pushes the players into thinking that they also have no true power over their own surroundings. They are punished, time and time again, for trusting in *each other* and made to believe that working together is dangerous when it’s actually the best way to win. They feel powerless and unable to contribute; made spectators to their own suffering.
Gi-hun could have helped that man in the streets but did not because he fell once again into the trap. Nobody helping that man would not have reflected on humanity at all, only on the people who did not help. Had Gi-hun ignored the bet altogether and saved that man himself, he would have shown Il-nam the truth to his own lie: all it takes is one person holding themselves accountable to their own conscience, and that in itself is evidence of humanity. (As well as the fact that, in a way, Il-nam has rigged the bet by placing the responsibility into the hands of strangers, despite being aware a man could genuinely die). Il-nam tricked Gi-hun into entertaining the bullshit of billionaires, and while I didn’t like that he disappointed his daughter again, he did what he didn’t do for that man on the street, and recognised the responsibility in his own hands as someone with an iota of power.
How does this all pertain to Sang-woo? Well, all Sang-woo had left was a knife. And that knife was like the berries in the Hunger Games. That knife was an apology and a rebellion. You don’t get to kill me, you don’t get to steal from me this last thing that I have. You don’t get to decide this, I do. And I die for my friends. He untrapped himself, no longer a spectator to suffering, no longer washing himself of the responsibility. Sang-woo’s death was tragic too.
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If you live in America and you care about people's water supply then this video is for you.
There is a proposed pipeline expansion that will bring nearly 1 million tar sands per day from Alberta, Canada to Superior, Wisconsin. It's known as the Line 3 Pipeline. The pipeline will be carrying several kinds of tar sands crude. which is a carbon intensive oil which contains 37% more carbon than conventional oil, giving it a far greater impact on climate change.
To illustrate the pipeline would have the climate cost equivalent to 50 coal power plants!
When tar sands spilled the heavy oil mixes with the sediment and sinks to the bottom of the river or lake making it very difficult to clean up.
And the company Enbridge has a long history of spills, averaging one oil spill per week for the last 15 years.
Pipeline three also violates several treaties with the Ojibwe people.
All of this and not a cent of that pipeline will go to the American economy. There are links in my bio to help educate you further as well as where to show up for protests in Minnesota.
Please join us in protesting pipeline 3.
Resources In the Bio are here
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If a child is so afraid of getting in trouble that they don't come to their parents when they make a mistake that could possibly put their health or even their life in danger, then those parents have failed.
If something goes wrong, and the first thing that child thinks is, "oh god, my parents are gonna kill me," then the parents have failed.
If a child is afraid of their parents, if the child sees their parents as an active threat instead of a source of safety and guidance, then the parents have failed.
A parents job is to protect, to teach, to guide.
If a parent makes themself a danger to the child, in any capacity, then that parent has failed.
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