thisismyname43 · 20 hours
A small compilation of the gays being silly
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3 rizzing up 4 real??
This video was adorable, the fluff we needed after the Puzzlevision arc
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thisismyname43 · 10 days
SMG3's sexuality, something that everyone other than the homophobes will definitely tell you is not heterosexual. We all know 3 isn't straight, especially now with the Sugar Daddy song that still keeps me up at night-
A lot of people agree that SMG3 is pansexual, this is because of his voice actors headcannons. SMG3 is voiced by James Bailey, someone who admitted he imagined 3 to be pansexual, just like him.
So...is it obvious 3 is pansexual?
Well...not really...
When someone is pansexual it means they can potentially experience attraction to anyone regardless of gender. And while we have seen 3 show attraction towards male figures, the same can't be said for females
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(Some examples of 3 showing interest in men)
You can argue that he rizzed up that female Ugandan Knuckles in the rizz video. But something you'll notice is that 3 uses typically considered as male compliments to describe the knuckles genderbent
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I realize it's a voice clip taken from Markiplier (I think) but I thought it was worth noting.
Personally I believe that 3 could be pansexual BUT prefers men, or alternatively he could just be gay-
And it's important to remember just because the VC headcannons something, it doesn't make it an actual canon thing in the show. Personally I imagine 3 being gay, and I think that's fine because it technically doesn't go against his character.
I'm mainly making this post because there's a common misconception where people think 3 is canonically pansexual and that's his confirmed sexuality, which isn't true. It's clear that 3 likes men but we won't know what his sexuality 100% is until we get some clear verification.
It's good for everyone to share their own ideas on what they think 3's romantic and sexual preferences are (unless it goes against his character but I won't be all bitchy about it) so for whoever stuck around long enough to read this, please tell me.
What do you think SMG3's sexuality is?
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thisismyname43 · 30 days
New Story Alert!
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Learning to love you (and myself)
After SMG3 and SMG4 decided to try out a relationship, SMG3 finds himself struggling to not only love his new partner, but love himself too.
(Cover art and concept credits to @minerpore)
SMG3's Coffee and Bombs, the once popular now more or less dead coffee and bomb shop that didn't really leave a lasting impression to the public.
Deep down inside the cafe a man in purple was sleeping soundly, hugging his SMG4 and SMG3 marketable plushies while his precious Eggdog slept near. However this temporary peace was about to be disturbed when a quite famous man in blue decided to pay a visit.
Poke poke
SMG3 stirred in his sleep, tensing up when he felt an unfamiliar presence near his bed. He blinked himself awake and upon opening his eyes he found his boyfriend gently poking his arm.
"Hey babe!", SMG4 said as he gave 3 a light kiss on his right cheek. SMG3 felt himself smiling faintly at the display of affection. Despite not being too used to actions of love and adoration, he couldn't help but appreciate the intentions. It never failed to draw him closer to his newfound lover.
SMG4 took a step back and crossed his arms over his chest, "I woke you up because you wouldn't answer my calls", he said with a huff. SMG3 sat up on his bed and took a quick glance at his phone laying beside him. Indeed he had missed several calls and messages, plus one alarm he somehow slept thought.
"And here I thought I was the only one who would oversleep here", SMG4 said in a joking tone. His words were true, SMG3 had been staying up late at night, sometimes crying but always dreading the next morning. Lately he had grown accustomed to feeling quite...down. 'I guess that's what a failing cafe does to someone', he thought tiredly.
However SMG4 wasn't done speaking yet, "But, I made sure to get up extra early today!", he said with a bright and triumphant smile on his face. SMG3 quickly recognized that look from years of knowing the man and put a hand up to his pounding head, trying to recall what exactly was so special about today.
And that's when it hit him.
"Oh crap our date...", SMG3 softly groaned. After the TV adware/Puzzlevision fiasco, the pair had decided to try out an actual relationship. You may be asking how this started. Well SMG3 may or may not have blurted out his feelings last minute when he thought he was going to die... Yes it's still embarrassing to admit.
SMG3 shook his head and tried to get his thoughts in order. "Sorry 4, I completely forgot...I put my phone on silent and everything has just been such a blur lately and-"
SMG4 stopped him by placing a comforting hand on 3's shoulder. "Hey dude I understand! I'm not mad at you or anything, we'll just go whenever you feel ready", SMG4 reassured.
'What an amazing boyfriend I have', SMG3 observed. 'Not that I can let him know that'.
"Of course I'm ready", 3 said in a defensive tone and a mock offended look on his face. "Get out and I'll meet up with you at the park..baka!"
4 looked a bit surprised by this sudden change in attitude but ultimately chuckled. "Alright, but don't keep me waiting too long", SMG4 said with a playful wink as he walked away and disappeared up the elevator.
SMG3 blushed and got out of bed, heading for the bathroom. He took a small look at Eggdog and Eggpup sleeping peacefully and sighed in relief. He walked up to his sink and squeezed a generous amount of toothpaste on his purple and black toothbrush.
However he found himself getting lost in thought, something that had been frequently happening lately. Now without his 'faithful' customers to distract him, 3 was slowly being consumed by self hatred and jealously. Yes he was grateful for SMG4 and everything he had done for him, but SMG3 still held a small grudge against the man. After all, he did achieve all his dreams while the one thing SMG3 put all his heart into didn't even last a year...
SMG3 wiped his eyes, still faintly stinging from crying earlier that night. Eggdog usually comforts him but that doesn't stop the painful feeling nagging at 3's heart, as if small knifes were digging deep into his chest.
He closed his eyes briefly and opened them again, trying to refocus at the task at hand. SMG3 tightened his hold on the toothbrush and lifted it up to his lips.
But when 3 opened his mouth to brush his teeth, he felt a burning sensation making its way to his throat.
This wasn't really too unusual these days, this had been happening to SMG3 for awhile now. He shrugged and dismissed it as him being sick and having a sore throat as he brought the toothbrush inside his mouth. But the second it breached past his lips, SMG3 started gagging horribly.
Thankfully he was in the bathroom so he shuffled to the side and crouched down above the toilet. 3 opened his mouth wide and braced himself, expecting vomit to spill out. But all that came out was a singular purple flower petal.
SMG3 stared down at the petal in pure confusion, reaching up to gently touch his lips. 'What the hell?', he found himself thinking. SMG3 didn't dare to speak or open his mouth once again. He didn't know what to feel as he kept staring down at the one petal floating gently in the water. His throat not burning but still feeling extremely sore.
It was small and purple with a blueish hue, dark red blood painting little spots on the petal. SMG3 felt disgusted and looked away, actively reminding himself of the date. He opted to just not open his mouth until he figured out what was going on, taking a quick shower while a million thoughts circled through his head.
He stepped out of his dirty clothes which he had been wearing for two days straight, rather than changing SMG3 has just been rotting in bed, showing just how pathetic he was. As he felt the warm water cascade down his body, SMG3 felt strangely comforted, the pleasant feeling downing out the pain in his throat.
When he got out of the shower SMG3 dried himself off and rummaged through his drawers, eventually finding his spy rizz outfit from WOTFI 2023. 'I guess this'll do', SMG3 thought as he carefully put the nicely clean suit on his tired body.
When 3 was done he suddenly heard a buzz on his bed, checking it out he picked up his phone and turned it on. The screen showed a text from his beloved boyfriend.
"Meet u in 30 mins 😘😘", the text read.
SMG3 rolled his eyes and smiled despite himself at SMG4's ridiculousness. 'What a dork', 3 thought. His smile dropped as quickly as it came though when he suddenly remembered the incident from earlier. 'Should I tell him? No...he has other things to worry about. Yeah..more important things'.
Just when that thought came to his mind the burning sensation came back. SMG3 clamped his gloved hand back over his mouth and coughed hard. The pain felt excruciating and 3 felt tears well up in his eyes from the raw sensation. This startled Eggdog who woke up with a small jolt and ran up to SMG3, feeling concern for his father as he nuzzled his dad's pant leg. Eggpup who was sleeping next to his dad stumbled over to the two of them, confused as to what's happening.
3 didn't acknowledge them, being distracted by the terrible feeling in his windpipe. When he finally felt like he was done, SMG3 pulled his hand away from his face to see his usually white glove covered in red, with four small flower petals decorating his palm.
Aaaaand end! Sorry for the cliffhanger but I promise there will be more to come. Thank you minerpore for helping me start off this story and thank you for reading! Let me know if you'd like us to write more on this silly little story, bye bye!
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thisismyname43 · 1 month
SMG3's fanart has a branch of being accurate to his character to making him look even hotter than he actually is. The amount of times I've seen him be depicted as a tall badass with a deep voice that doesn't take anyone's shit is insane. Even though in canon he jumped into SMG4's arms when the lights went out and he screamed in a voice higher than Mariah Carey for the same reason, this is still happening. I don't really understand where this depiction of 3 comes from. If anything I'd say he's usually more feminine 🤔
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Meanwhile 50% of SMG4 fanart right now is just 4 in a dress
It's mainly the SMG34 shippers too
(Not hating just an observation I made- please don't attack me 🙏)
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thisismyname43 · 1 month
So I decided to do more research on Tsunderes...
As someone who really likes SMG3 (and is also an active SMG34 shipper) I wanted to see if SMG4 was onto something when calling SMG3 a Tsundere.
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Immediately this reminded me of IGBP. You know at the end where everyone is standing next to the pit and SMG4 says, "Nah I'd do anything to not lose my friends". SMG3's reaction was EXACTLY this. "I'm not your friend, baka!". But instead of buying SMG4 lunch, SMG3 risked his life and safety for him, knowing full well he could die he still went to save SMG4 because he loves him. How would you risk your life to save someone elses and NOT love them? And even after all of that SMG3 still denies the implication that he even slightly likes SMG4 to "save face".
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Okay guys the amount of times SMG3 has called SMG4 "baka" is insane. And remember, he only calls SMG4 that. SMG3 is constantly annoying SMG4, which causes problems in their relationship just like how the image says. This specifically reminds me of the episode "Christmas Wars" when SMG3 mocked SMG4 saying, "Aw are you a little mad I took all your friends?" trying to hit him where it hurts. SMG3 tries to make it seem like he hates SMG4 by saying these mean things to him even if he actually doesn't.
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This right here is very SMG3 core. He is always talking about how much better he is than SMG4, going extreme lengths to try and prove it. (Personally I think this is to help him ignore his feelings of low self worth but that's not what we're talking about rn). SMG3 makes it seem like he firmly believes he is above SMG4 in every way even if evidence says otherwise. This causes him to put SMG4 down to make SMG3 feel better about himself. I also think in some cases SMG3 says these things to try and convince himself that he actually dislikes SMG4 (he doesn't).
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THIS RIGHT HERE. This is EXACTLY how SMG3's character has progressed with SMG4. SMG3 hated SMG4 with a passion back a couple of years ago. Even trying to destroy him and his friends while taking over his channel. But after some time you'll see SMG3 getting less murderous and more chill when it comes to SMG4. It got to the point where now they're pretty damn casual with each other, frequently asking for favors and even hanging out. This is a huge change and improvement to SMG3's overall attitude and can be perfectly summarized in this image here.
So overall, what does this tell us?
Final thoughts:
SMG3 is definitely a Tsundere and SMG4 is 100% his love interest. The overwhelming amount of evidence is crazy, if SMG3 really is a Tsundere there is absolutely NO way SMG4 ISN'T his love interest.
My mind is not being changed 👍
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thisismyname43 · 1 month
Someone please draw this
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It's literally them 😭
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thisismyname43 · 2 months
So now that I've finished my SMG34 story (Unexpected Changes), a book where SMG3 is turned into a girl and seeks out SMG4's help to turn back to normal, I've really got nothing else to write...
So I would really appreciate some fanfic ideas! Or if you want me to help you write something then I can totally do that too! I'm trying to expand my writing and I honestly find it pretty fun so let me know if you have any ideas or anything else for me! I'm mainly looking to write SMG34 centric fanfics because I am really interested in their dynamic and I love writing them!
If you want to see how my writing is, check out my story (I've posted about it previously), especially the last few chapters! I could also try out a different writing style if it makes it more convenient for you too!
Thanks for the help ❤
PS: If I use your idea I'll definitely make sure to credit you!
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thisismyname43 · 2 months
SMG3 and SMG4 did NOT have the right to act this cute and casual around each other 😭
This episode had so many adorable moments between the two so I'm going to make an appreciation post about it lol
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Oh course this fruit cake took the ONLY male body pillow. SMG3 has some explaining to do... 🤔
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Woah...you're getting reaaally close there buddy...
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And now for some random screenshots I took of them being boyfriends best friends! :
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Also the SM64 models are my reason to live (they're so adorable 😭)
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Just look at how cute they look together!! My heart can't take much more 🥲
Anyways I would add more screenshots but there is a limit so rip
If Luke doesn't make them canon that will be my 13th reason
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thisismyname43 · 2 months
Something that I don't see a lot people saying much is how similar the relationship between N and Uzi is to SMG3 and SMG4.
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SMG3 would obviously be the Uzi in this relationship, at first they were both characters who didn't fit in. Uzi being known as the "loser" similar to SMG3, back in their school days. They were both edgy characters who eventually met their golden retriever counterpart. SMG3 and SMG4 started off as enemies who wanted to kill each other, similar to N and Uzi. But throughout both of their series's, they got closer, eventually helping each other and saving each other's lives when needed.
Uzi deeply cares for N but doesn't like showing it at times, like SMG3 they both don't like appearing weak. But nonetheless they stick by N and SMG4's side because it's obvious that they enjoy their company. I can see SMG3 and SMG4 having a similar interactions with each other like the scene where Uzi and N are falling through the sky, N reassuring Uzi that they'll always be friends. Perhaps in the next arc or just as a continuation to "trash friends", SMG4 would be reassuring SMG3 that he is good enough and he won't stop supporting him anytime soon! (that would be so cute)
Now as we all know, N and Uzi have gained a lot more romantic tension with each other over time. Very similar to SMG4 and SMG3 except Nuzi's progression happened a lot faster. So if they're really as similar as they appear, maybe SMG34 becoming canon is closer than we thought? If N and Uzi could do it, so could they.
This could make for a pretty interesting swap au...
At least now we know that Luke probably likes the Golden Retriever x Emotionally Repressed character dynamic... SMG34 becoming canon is so close yet so dang far at the same time...
So which is your favorite? Nuzi or SMG34??
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thisismyname43 · 2 months
Nothing to see here, just SMG3 having an obsession with touching SMG4's chest...
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He REALLY likes touching SMG4 for some reason 🧍(especially when he's excited)
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thisismyname43 · 2 months
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Notice how it's in rainbow...
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thisismyname43 · 2 months
Idk man I felt artsy-
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I'm trying to improve my drawing skills 👍
I hope you guys like it tho (Might draw more SMG34 related stuff in the future? I don't know?? 👀)
Btw if you can't tell SMG4 is holding roses 😭
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thisismyname43 · 2 months
If SMG4 doesn't post an SMG34 Valentine's Day related video today and instead makes a "Mario reacts to Nintendo memes Part #" I'm going to do terrible things...
That seems like such an SMG4 thing to do though 😔
Edit: He didn't even post anything 😭 (I feel so betrayed)
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thisismyname43 · 3 months
So I'm currently working on an SMG34 story. This book follows SMG3 seeking help from SMG4 because of a little...mishap... leading to new feelings being found and experiences being made 💜💙
What you're going to see is a section of that! So if you find it interesting, look at my profile and you'll find it there! (Or you can alternatively scroll till the end, your choice!)
It seemed as though it was a regular Tuesday morning. The sun was shining out in the Internet Graveyard, and all of the dead memes were enjoying the warmth and glow of the sun. There always seemed to be a cheery atmosphere in the air, it had been this way ever since a certain someone was sent to the Internet Graveyard, and had become a legend there. Forever changing the lives of all the dead memes.
But, this individual had not yet awoken, and hadn't realized the changes made to him as a result. Despite seeming like a regular day, life always seems to throw a bunch of surprises your way. This brings us to a man called SMG3 who unknowingly, was about to have arguably one of the strangest days of his life.
From inside of a nearby Starbucks, the sun was beaming through the windows, making the room have a bright yellow tint. Thus causing the aforementioned man to awaken.
SMG3 opens his eyes to find himself in his room.
Looking at the clock on his bed stand, he decided to focus his eyes and check the time. Upon realizing that he had slept in late, he sat up from the bed and took in his surroundings. As he blinked the sleepiness from his eyes, reality seemed to settle in.
'Great', SMG3 sarcastically thought.
Another day of having his daily routine ruined by some stupid idiots who somehow find a way to always wreak havoc on anything and anyone. It was basically his life now. At least once a week he would be dragged into some new shenanigans made by Mario or just any member on the SMG4 crew. He had always thought that they were annoying and wanted to stay as far away from them as possible but it seems as though faith was always against him. Every time he thought he was done with those idiots they would always find a way to come find him again.
It had gotten to the point where SMG3 had even gotten used to often hanging around SMG4 and his crew. He still thought they were pretty obnoxious at times but he knew that he was already getting used to them and even having fun with them at times. Not that he was the nicest to them or anything, they still needed to be put in their place after all. But even if he didn't want to admit it, he knows that deep down he appreciates their company. Ever since he got sent to the internet graveyard, he hadn't really had the best social life. Sure he was a celebrity with the dead memes but he couldn't help feeling quite lonely at times. Yes he cares for them but its not as though the dead memes that reside in the Internet Graveyard are the best conversationalists.
So, he decided that every once in a while he would even try to hang out a bit with the SMG4 crew. They had mostly gotten over what he did in the past and had all gotten along better than expected. Despite their past, the times that SMG3 had enjoyed their company had gotten more frequent. And that is a secret that he would take to his grave.
After finishing his internal monologue. (Being a villain for so long will do that to you). He started walking towards the bathroom to brush his teeth, and to get ready for the rest of the day.
'Hmm, I wonder what I should do today. I could visit the castle again but do I really want to deal with everyone's stupidity?', SMG3 thought.
As he walked towards the bathroom he realized that he felt uncomfortable sensations throughout his body, as if something was there that wasnt supposed to be. It felt strange to say the least but he had just woken up and was still feeling pretty drowsy. So he dismissed it as morning sickness or something. Besides, he could check it out once he made it to the bathroom.
He opened his bathroom door and grabbed his toothbrush. Once he had put a generous amount of toothpaste on it he lifted it up to his mouth. SMG3 started brushing his teeth and once he was finished, had looked up into the bathroom mirror. But once he made eye contact with his reflection, he felt utter shock coursing through his body.
SMG3 had screamed so loud that Eggdog had woken up from his slumber and came inside the bathroom, making sure that SMG3 was alright.
Clearly though, he wasn't alright. Especially when he had WAY longer hair than usual and VERY feminine qualities that he didnt remember previously possessing.
He still couldn't believe his eyes. As he looks at himself, mouth agape, he takes in his features.
As previously stated, his hair had grown longer. It reached all the way down to his mid back and was way thicker and shinier than yesterday. His hips were accentuated and he had slimmer shoulders and legs. His eyelashes, along with his hair, had also grown longer and were framing bigger and rounder eyes.
"WHA- WHY DO I LOOK LIKE A GIRL?!", SMG3 screamed.
Here's the story if you're interested on finding out what happens next:
See you guys on the other side!
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thisismyname43 · 3 months
So you know how SMG3 and SMG4 basically used to go to a knock off Hogwarts or "meme school" as they call it? What if they had similar things there as they do in Harry Potter?
I'm specifically talking about howlers. Basically envelopes that rip open and play out like a voice message. Now wouldn't it be fun if SMG3 and SMG4 kept sending howlers to each other? There are two different ways I can see this playing out.
SMG3 sends SMG4 a howler during lunch which basically insults him in 50 different ways. And of course SMG4 has to send one back because he won't let that stand. So this basically happens back and forth to the point that the students are begging for them to shut up. (They ended up getting suspended)
OR my personal favorite. What if for example SMG4 (it doesn't really matter who had a crush on who) had a small crush on SMG3 and decided to send him an envelope for Valentine's Day? But surprise surprise he accidentally sent a howler.
So when SMG3 opens it there's just an envelope screaming, "I THINK YOU'RE REALLY CUTE WE SHOULD GO OUT TOGETHER SOMETIME", with them both having the biggest blush on their faces. To SMG4's horror SMG3 recognized his voice and was absolutely pissed at him convinced SMG4 did that to embarrass him.
(Spoiler alert: he was being VERY genuine)
P.S: This is the real reason why SMG3 hates SMG4 so much lol
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thisismyname43 · 3 months
Okay so....
This is highly unlikely but I just thought of this and decided that I needed to dump this out.
What if SMG3 was under the assumption that he and SMG4 were already dating? I know this is probably stupid but hear me out. It would totally explain why he's always blushing around him and calls him "baka". I feel like SMG3 is aware of what it means and implies (being used as a term by Tsunderes to insult their love interest...I think) because he specifically ONLY calls SMG4 that, nobody else. Cuz that's his bf's special nickname for him. And what if SMG3 said "I'm not your friend!" at the end of IGBP because he was internally thinking "Yeah no I'm your boyfriend you idiot". It would also do a good job at explaining why he's so close to specifically SMG4, he's always coming inside SMG4's place asking for favors without even batting an eye. Basically anytime we see him around anyone it's usually because of SMG4, cuz SMG3 would obviously want to spend time with his boyfriend.
But would SMG4 know about this? Absolutely not! In his mind they're just friends while SMG3 is waiting patiently for SMG4 to make the first move. I can just imagine how hilarious it would be if SMG3 made hints directed at their "relationship" and have SMG4 get the biggest look of realization and pure shock plus horror on his face 💀
SMG3: "So...how are you enjoying this date? " SMG3 would ask him while they're at the park
And of course SMG4 doesn't know what the fuck is going on cuz SMG3 didn't even say it was a date, he just expected SMG4 to know when he invited them out because of their "relationship". So of course SMG4 naturally goes:
SMG3: "Yeah we've been dating for so long, I thought it was about time to finally go on a date without your dumb friends"
SMG4: "DATING!?!?!?"
I know this whole thing was ridiculous and definitely not canon, but I just thought it would be a funny and sweet idea for a fanfic or something. So if anybody wants to write something based on my idea, feel free to do so, I'd love to read it!
Anyways thanks for listening to my rambling, have a nice day!
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thisismyname43 · 3 months
So I'm just gonna assume that SMG4 saw the love interest bit but decided to ignore it? I dunno man maybe SMG4 is semi aware of SMG3's massive crush on him now?? 👀
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