thiswaywardblog · 6 years
Writing prompts #57
1) The lanterns hung from the planets. Inside, the flames burned with the light of millions of stars.
2) You bowed your head. After a few long, nerve-wracking seconds, the dragon slowly bowed back.
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thiswaywardblog · 6 years
Drawing prompts #2
1) Create a character out of a plant or flower that you like.
2) Who’s someone that you love in your life? Draw the complete opposite of who they are.
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thiswaywardblog · 6 years
Writing prompts #56
1) Beware, beware, be skeptical of their smiles, their smiles of plated gold. Deceit so natural, but a wolf in sheep's clothing is more than a warning - Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing, Set it Off
2) I'd rather waltz than walk through the forest - Plant Life, Owl City
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thiswaywardblog · 6 years
Drawing prompts #1
1) What are some emotions you feel a lot of the time? Turn an emotion into a character.
2) What’s something you hate? Create a personification of it.
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thiswaywardblog · 6 years
Writing prompts #55
1) Write about the promise they knew they couldn’t keep. Did they make it anyway?
2) What color describes your character? Why?
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thiswaywardblog · 6 years
Writing prompts #54
1) There was a sizzling noise and a wisp of smoke floated into the sky. You pulled your sleeve up. The mark had reappeared.
2) Feathers clouded your vision. When everything cleared, the winged creature was gone. All that remained was a silver stone.
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thiswaywardblog · 6 years
Writing prompts #53
1) Sunlight, drugs, candy
2) Rain, a church, blood
3) Stained glass windows, candles, a camera
4) Movie night, fallen trees and endangered animals
5) A jukebox, an overworked artist, and a phone that’s almost out of battery
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thiswaywardblog · 6 years
Writing prompts #53
1) Your character finds a journal with the same phrase written over and over. Alternately, your character finds a journal that’s empty except for one line written on the first page.
2) Everybody's always waiting for something even if they don't know it. What is your character waiting for?
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thiswaywardblog · 6 years
Writing prompts #52
1) The sun goes down, the stars come out, and all that counts is here and now - Glad You Came, The Wanted
2) This ain't the same summer song that you used to know, so baby, let's live and die before we're getting old - American Dream, MKTO
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thiswaywardblog · 6 years
Writing prompts #51
1) What are your characters’ thoughts on exercise?
2) What are some of their favored foods? Any reason why?
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thiswaywardblog · 6 years
Writing prompts #50
1) The animals weren’t disappearing, you realized, but gathering at the edge of the forest. As you approached, they all turned to stare.
2) Dogs are not allowed in the dog park. You decide to go investigate for yourself.
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thiswaywardblog · 6 years
Writing prompts #49
1) You happen to stumble on an abandoned, dirty bottle. On further inspection, it contains a genie. However, the genie doesn’t know what it is and has no idea how it got there or the powers it possesses.
2) Broken glass. That’s all that remained of the mirror. Furthermore, nobody remembers the mysterious world that lay behind the glass.
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thiswaywardblog · 6 years
Writing prompts #48
1) Pick an intense line from a song you like, then write a story based on it.
2) A character goes to every yard sale he can find to buy the same book.
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thiswaywardblog · 6 years
Writing prompts #47
2) “I killed logic in an alley last night.”
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thiswaywardblog · 6 years
Writing prompts #46
1) She stood there in the rain, water streaming down her face as thunder cracked and boomed overhead. Her eyes opened, and electric sparks danced in the blue glow. The lightning bent to her command as she raised her arms. She was the storm, and she was back.
2) You’ve known about the monster under your bed since you were a child. For the first time ever, it’s disappeared.
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thiswaywardblog · 6 years
Writing prompts #45
1) You can make it to the sunrise - Sunrise, Our Last Night
2) The monsters turned out to be just trees - Out Of The Woods, Taylor Swift
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thiswaywardblog · 6 years
Writing prompts #44
1) What’s their occupation? Do they enjoy it? If not, what would they rather do?
2) How are they emotionally? Are they sensitive? Somewhat emotionally detached?
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