thomas-ia · 3 years
🔳 The devastated desolation of a witch
“Is that so? So you’re aware of what your grandfather’s sins then?” To him didn’t matter. Warlock. Witch. The sins of a family runs through the veins. The feeling of the light was overwhelming for the warlock that it just made him more pissed than ever. Doyoung can easily sense the witch was tense which should be expected. If he was calm, surely the warlock would try and smite him within seconds. 
Arching a brow as he carefully observed Thomas moves, causing him to only then chuckle.  “Judging on the way you’re acting, I didn’t think you would be this weak. Who knew a witch can be so fragile.” Was he trying to piss Thomas off? Yes. Did the warlock really meant what he said? Most definitely, without a doubt. 
“It is my business when  your grandfather happens to take someone of my kind.”  he eyed on the other noticing the color of eyes going lighter, but he didn’t think much of it. If this was his way of being a threat to the warlock, he will happily do the same. If only the two weren’t on academy grounds. Doyoung wasn’t trying to get banned. “I don’t care what you are. If I could I would smite you right now– but I shall not. At least not now. Where’s your grandfather then witch? Just because you didn’t commit the sins of your grandfather doesn’t mean you are any better. It would suck if we took one of your loved ones, wouldn’t it?” 
 Doyoung had believed that his aunt didn’t deserve any of this. Being tortured by Theodore and who knows if she’s even alive. He could only hope, that somehow she is. His family had spent years trying to find her. Casting spells, trying to get in contact with her, but yet nothing. Sure, Doyoung family had many enemies, but Theodore was someone that they didn’t expect to be so., vindictive,, powerful. 
The air was tense around them and Thomas was standing still now as he watched the other, careful, waiting and a little anxious as he felt the other’s anger rise within him. “I am not aware of all the sins of my grandfather, no.” he wasn’t, he never found out what his grandfather had specifically done to others or to himself really. He didn’t even really know where his grandfather was, was he dead? He had died but was he dead? He didn’t know and part of him did not want to know.
His brow twitched at the insult and he balled his fists before he turned to face the warlock. “Not all of us are made of destruction, warlock. I am a healer.” he spoke softly. It had been a rough awakening for him when he found out his main powerset was within taking care of others and not destroying them- what young witch doesn’t want to be able to control a firestorm or an ice tornado? That was not where his powers laid though and he watched the other carefully.
“Someone of your kind? That was also his kind, he was a warlock too.”
Then the other threatened not only him but those close to him and Thomas scowled as his eyes became even lighter and emitted a soft light from the orbs as he stepped closer to the warlock, the light within hot to any darker creatures around. “Is that a threat?” he asked the other as he tilted his head slightly at the man. “Don’t make the wrong enemies, warlock. I might be a healing witch but I have very powerful friends.” he whispered “They’ll clean their shoes on your carcass.”
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thomas-ia · 3 years
🔳  The abhorrent amputation of a witch { Soyou & Thomas }
Standing at her full height, Soyou nodded and shot Thomas a somewhat shaky smile. Meeting new people always made her nervous. Technically, the taller man wasn’t exactly a stranger, but he wasn’t someone she was familiar with either. The extent of what she knew about him was that he took Alchemy and had a daughter, the latter of the two being a much recent discovery.
“Oh, uh, yeah. I like reading.” The vampire eventually trailed off, her mind already going hundreds of miles per minute as she tried to think of a topic that she could latch onto as small talk. If she wasn’t so anxious, she probably would’ve laughed at how similar she was to Alice. Although she wasn’t sure what made the little girl so shy, Soyou was pretty sure that their nervousness levels were about the same.
A relieved smile pulled the corners of her lips upwards at Thomas’ question. At least they wouldn’t have to stew in silence anymore. “Sure!” Adjusting the strap of her bag so that it wasn’t digging into her shoulder, she continued, “I’m looking for a handful of classics But, uh, I’m actually mainly here to look for new young adult books I could binge on.” The admission was said softly, the way her eyes darted here and there as well as the way she fidgeted with her fingers making her embarrassment clear. “What about you? What genre of books are your favorites?”
Being an empath was easy when meeting new people because you knew if they were interested to converse and interact with you. Thomas smiled at the young woman as she seemed to be happy join him and Alice. he was stroking his daughters hair as they walked and he looked around curiously at the different stalls with books and trinkets. While it was a bookmarklet they had a lot of different things here.
“Oh really, what have you been reading? I just finished the divergent series again, third time I’ve read it but this time I tried to really imagine the books- I haven’t seen the movies but I hear they’re bad so I stick to the books-” he laughed, feeling kind of like a nerd with what he was saying. “I’ve been looking for something new, young adult or normal but science fiction esque and books for Alice. We don’t know how old she is but I tink we should start with her ABC’s. I want to raise her bilingual so I need both Korean and English books…” His voice trailed off and then spotted a small stall not too far away from them with a lot of oddities.
“How strange.” he murmured as he walked over to the stall and watched the different items, it was a witch table, with books on witchcraft and several charms and items. How odd to find that here, though it fit well with the books she was selling. All kinds of Young adult books on witches like Harry potter and Sabrina and other’s he didn’t recognize. Though there was one item that caught his attention, he slowly reached out to the trinket…
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thomas-ia · 3 years
❝still the one.❞ Kyumas
Kyungsoo would probably kill the man himself if he knew what he was putting himself through–he liked to think he knew a lot of what Thomas was up to, but apparently, he did not…he sighed softly as fingers ran through his own hair and he closed his eyes, listening to the other as he spoke.
He snorted a little, “I hope she isn’t as cynical, at the very least,” he mumbled, turning his head a little to rest his cheek against his husband’s collar instead of his chin. The arachna wasn’t particularly clingy, but with how busy the both of them had been lately, he definitely didn’t want to waste any free time to be close to the other. Resting an arm over his torso, he brushed his fingers along the man’s side and listened to his voice, heartbeat and breathing. As long as his husband returned to him in one piece he supposed he couldn’t complain–but that insanity was definitely knocking at Thomas’ mental door at this point, and Kyungsoo would not like that.
Chuckling a little at the mention of Alice getting a boyfriend or girlfriend, he quickly shook his head, “Too early to think about that,” he mumbled, knowing very well he’d be a protective parent…especially if it was a boy who went after their little girl.
“School would be good–but we need to find a good one,” he’d be picky. Protective and picky wasn’t a great mix, but they’d get through it. “We should bring her to a doctor to find out her age and development–Then we can go from there,” Alice was pretty smart, though she obviously would lag behind a little with her terrible upbringing thus far. She spoke well and seemed social with her two fathers, but others were who he worried about. The arachna wasn’t used to this still, but at least he’d accepted the little girl with open arms, finally.
Shifting, he pressed his hand to the mattress and pushed himself up, coming nearly face-to-face with the younger as he pressed a soft kiss to the other’s lips. “It was fine, Alice likes playing with the creatures in the back,” he murmured, pressing one more kiss to his lips before leaning against an elbow beside the other, rather than lying on top of him. “Hmm, Zitao seems to know a lot about children. Didn’t he mention another child around?” He’d vaguely remembered, in passing, that the alien had brought up another child–similar to their own, in the fact that she’d been adopted. “Maybe we should get the two together to see how Alice interacts with other children.”
There was a whole side to the witch that the spider had no idea about, which was a feat on its own but Thomas had gotten pretty good at spells to ward off Kyungso’s little spy spirits and he was doing his own things anyway, not like his husband was on his neck the whole time.
The poor witch was a lose canon at this point, it was better not to involve both Kyungsoo and Alice in these things. Instead they were now focusing on their lovely daughter. “Well, sure but I hope she finds someone as amazing as I have, or you for that matter.” he teased, running his hand through the other’s soft locks. He massaged the other’s scalp soothingly. Wanting them to relax in this rare moment of silence and calm in their busy schedule.
A doctor? “Can’t we just drop her off at a magical school and see what happens? Who cares how old she is, she needs friends.” he whined and watched the other with a slight pout. Wanting their daughter to not be lonely and playing with adults was no fun, there was only so much make-belief they could play before it got boring for poor Alice.
“Hey.” the kiss was answered and he smiled. “Yeah, Zitao has been studying up because he is an uncle now to a little girl from his friend- fuckbuddy? Whatever. Emilia is also involved, all the aliens are. It is really weird but it seems the little girl is being doted on by a whole gaggle of aliens so I mean, there are worse things in the world.
He pressed a deeper kiss against the other’s lips.
“Wanna go on a vacation in a few months? Just you and me, we can ask Emilia to babysit?”
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thomas-ia · 3 years
A new hat { Mymy & Thomas }
This for sure was not the first incidence that someone wrongly assumed that he was not the little girl’s father, which only made the engkanto feel even worse about it. Now he even tried comfort her for the mistake she made. Oh, the spiral of guilt. She returned the smile, even though she was screaming internally.
But Alice came to her rescue. The melodic, innocent giggle that rolled off her tiny, adorable lips just made everything seemed peachy. She was melting My My’s heart. The guilty smile grew into a wide, excited grin when the handsome man told her that the little arachna liked her. “I really hope so, because I really like her already!”, she chuckled softly before turning to the little girl and playing peek a boo with her. A frown emerged on her round face as Thomas mentioned the reason for Alice’s rather reserved interaction with women. It broke her heart to hear such things. How could anyone treat this adorable doll like that? “I promise you, you don’t have to be scared of me, Alice. If your dad allows it, I would love to bake you some muffins one day” Mít let out a happy squeal as if he was agreeing with her.
“I would love to! Oh, you meant Merry? Don’t worry, Alice. I’m a little intimidated by her height too”, her eyes sparkled when Thomas suggested to grab some coffee together. Even she had been around the academy for a while now and she had met quite a few people, it all felt like a once in a lifetime experience. How would she meet such a lovely father daughter duo like Thomas and Alice, if she stayed in Vietnam with her family? Mít and My My followed Thomas to the nearby bakery. The sweet scent of freshly baked pastries drew a happy smile on her lips. “I hope you don’t mind me getting a little curious. Did you and your husband always know you wanted to have children?”
Laughing he watched how Alice reacted to the woman, maybe it was because she was a little smaller that his daughter didn’t think she was as scary (Emilia was also not very tall, perhaps that was the answer?). “Oh, do you hear that? Muffins? Like cake.” Alice looked up at the mention of cake and Thomas grinned “Cake.” he repeated and Alice giggled at it.
“Yes, Merry! You know her too?” he walked with Mymy to the register and bought himself and Alice two hats before going to the coffee house with the woman. “Oh no, that is quite alright- what do you want? I’ll get you some cake Alice, don’t tell papa though.” he muttered with the girl on his arm and then watched the woman with a grin.
“Oh no, I don’t think Soo ever wanted kids actually. I heard of Alice being up for adoption and the situation was very dire so… I didn’t ask Soo for permission but opted for forgiveness. He was really angry, which I understand, but Alice needed a home.” He booped her nose, she giggled. “Do you have siblings or maybe children, Mymy?”
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thomas-ia · 3 years
🔳 The devastated desolation of a witch
Doyoung was warned about encountering possible enemies at the academy. After all his family was known to be a prestigious blood line of warlocks that was quite impossible to get rid of their existence. However Doyoung didn’t think much of it until he stepped into the library arching a brow as he felt this type of energy. A witch?
His aunts had warned him that he might encounter a witch. That their grandfather kidnapped his lovely aunt from his father’s side. Doyoung was awfully protective of his own family, and also because that was his only clue to figure out his father disappearance. “It can’t be the same guy right? No. They must not be related.” He pondered on the idea of simply leaving ignoring Thomas presence, but he decided not to clenching his fist with anger as he slowly began to recall the memories of his aunts being devestated. 
And so he walked up towards the other hands slipped into his pocket leaning against the shelf softly. “What’s your grandfather’s name?” he asked straight up not wanting to make small talk. He needed to know if this is the guy before smiting him with his own abilities. 
Although something about Thomas made it seem like he wasn’t a bad guy however he didn’t care. Witches are one of the very few races that pissed him off. Thinking they were all that being better than warlocks. How ridiculous. 
Amber eyes lingered on the young man in front of him and he tensed. Warlocks… his grandfather had been one and many times Thomas had wondered whether the dark arts would fit him better, though the light within was simply too strong. He watched the warlock for a moment as the other stared at him like he was the devil incanrate and he just nodded and walked off.
Then he was being spoken to by the warlock and he eyed him, confused as his grandfather was brought up. He didn’t like the way his heart clenched at that and he held the books together against his body. His eyes flickered slightly, a white light trying to escape as he felt his fight or flight response kick in.
“I don’t see why that is any of your business.” he said and then eyed the warlock again as his eyes became lighter and lighter. “Theodore Sangster.” he replied and he knew the name carried weight. He knew that his grandfather had been a bad, bad man who had made many enemies.
“I am not my grandfather, I am not a warlock. I am a witch.” he pointed out. “I do not carry the sins of my grandfather.”
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thomas-ia · 3 years
❝still the one.❞ Kyumas
There was a certain dynamic that was different–even he could feel it, though he was unsure about it. Maybe it was because the young arachna was almost too similar to himself…the situation with being taken from her home, and treated badly by others. They didn’t know her full story, though he had a feeling he could look into it further if he wanted to…there was always a way to find more information.
But did he want to at the moment? Not really. Nor did he need to. They seemed happy as they were.
But things were exhausting, and though his patience was short at times, he loved their daughter and he loved his husband. he loved the family that they’d created, even if he was a little grumpy about it, and wasn’t great at admitting to it.
Looking down to his witch curiously, he shifted to move closer when the hand wiggled at him, humming as he rested down against his lover’s chest and tucked against his side. Really, the shirt was short on Thomas..he had no idea why he wore it when Kyungsoo could just wear one of the witch’s shirts for a day and then give it to him. At least, he assumed it was something like that. He reached up to playfully trace his fingers over the sliver of skin he found between his waistline and the hem of the pants, chuckling a little as he did so.
“I know,” Kyungsoo just wasn’t good at realizing this sort of thing…ah well. He looked up to the witch curiously, shifting to roll so they were chest-to-chest, only half way on top of him. Resting his chin down against the younger man’s collar, very carefully of course, he brought a hand up to stroke through the other’s messy hair, pushing it out of his face.
“I’m hoping she doesn’t end up too much like me though,” he admitted, fingers tracing down along the other’s cheek and to his jaw. The spider had a lot of hurt in his past, something he tended to try to forget nowadays, all of this activity making it easier and easier to do so. “And once she’s walking, we should also decide if we want a nanny or to send her to school–I’m unsure of how old she is.” He paused for a moment, his thumb brushing his lover’s lower lip, “I love you.”
The history and background of Alice was not something that Thomas was particularly invested in to find out but he supposed they should sometime soon. If not, it might get lost forever and Alice would probably be unhappy about that later when she got older.
These moments together were golden, he needed more of them really. Craving the other’s affections all the time, even if he, as an empath, could sense the other’s love anyway. He still liked these little moments and he grinned at the fingers against his bare skin. “Hey-” he greeted the other as Soo rolled over and rested on top of him.
Thomas counted himself a lucky man with a husband like Kyungsoo and he felt a little guilty for everything he his from Kyungsoo on a daily basis. It was not like he cheated on the other- not with another man or woman but he did have many appointments with death to see if he could take him. It was in the moments when he taunted death with a stick that he wondered if his grandfather’s insanity had skipped a generation and affected him.
“I hope she is a lot like you.” he said with a soft voice. “I love you and I hope she has your smarts and wit.” he grinned at the spider as he ran his hand through his raven hair affectionately. “I hope she will terrify a young boy or girl some day and end up with them like we did.”
A nanny? “I think school is better Soo, she needs to learn how to play with others. We can’t shield her forever. It’ll be good for her.” he said as he nodded and said I love you too back in a whisper. “Zitao brought by some boardgames by the way, like for little kids and puzzles. So we can play those with her this weekend or see if she likes any. Zi found them in some toystore and just bought everything it seems.” he grinned at the mention of his friend. “How was your  day?”
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thomas-ia · 3 years
🔳  The abhorrent amputation of a witch { Soyou & Thomas }
With brown contacts hiding her bright red eyes, Soyou clutched her shoulder bag closer to her as she tried to make herself seem smaller. The vampire usually went out of her way to avoid areas that were packed with humans, but when she had heard wind of the upcoming bookfair, she made a vow to herself to go and get herself as much books as she could. She was a bookworm at heart, and since she was earning much better than how she did before, she finally had the extra cash to spend on herself. The thought of filled bookshelves, however, didn’t make her discomfort any less.
The voice calling her name made her snap her head to where the sound came from, and the brunette could only smile in relief at the familiar face. Oh thank god. At least she knew at least one person in this crowd.
“Yeah, hi. That’s me,” she said with a small wave. “You’re Thomas.” She’d seen the taller male in her Alchemy class, but they rarely talked outside of classes. If she recalled correctly, the most they’d conversed was when she had asked him if he had an extra pen, all while she stuttered over her words. 
At the sight of Alice, the brunette’s grin widened as she crouched down so that they were eye level, making sure that she wasn’t too close to them. She didn’t want to seem intimidating to the little girl, and she was sure that their height difference certainly didn’t help. Making eye contact with her father for a split second, almost as if she was asking for his permission, Soyou said, “Hi, Alice. I’m Soyou, one of your dad’s classmates. It’s nice to meet you.”
Thomas didn’t particularly love big crowds of people either, being an empath and all. He just liked being on his own and with people he trusted. Though, like Soyou, books were one of the things that could draw him out. He also really tried to push himself to go outside more with Alice so she wouldn’t turn into a hermit and anti-social person like her other dad was (sorry, Soo).
“Hey, I didn’t know you liked books too.” he greeted the woman that approached them with a soft smile, nodding as she identified him as Thomas. He was glad that the woman recognized him too or this would have been really awkward.
“See Alice, she isn’t so scary.” Alice still eyed the woman with suspicion but she seemed to relax a little bit. Though hugged her father tightly and hid her face against him. “Sorry about that, it is hard raising her with Soo and not have many women around her. She only really knows Emilia but even that is limited since Emilia is really busy and already takes care of another child.” he babbled on as they went.
“You wanna walk together?” he asked, sensing her previous anxiety about the people around them. “What are you looking for?”
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thomas-ia · 3 years
🔳 The devastated desolation of a witch
The witch had been minding his own business, he was quietly working in the library all day and he then went home after a long day of studying. He liked working in the library because people were focused there. It was easier for the witch to concentrate there as well. As an empath there was no use in trying to study in a coffee shop or something of the like. He had to be somewhere quiet, emotionally quiet.
He had not noticed the man at first but then he did, there was some strange energy coming off the young man on his right and Thomas found his gaze with a small frown.
Warlock. He recognized the energy and he stopped in his tracks, here at the academy surely he would not be in danger from a warlock- though there was something else.
“Can I help you?” he asked the other, amber eyes lingering on the man as he held his stack of books against his chest and tilted his head slighty.
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thomas-ia · 3 years
🔳  The abhorrent amputation of a witch { Soyou & Thomas }
The eighth annual bookfair for fantasy, young adults and other books with a twist was held in the large human city and Thomas was thrilled to go with Alice. The girl had finally learned to keep her eight legs away and just appear human as Thomas was holding her in his arms. He had a stroller too, standing next to the two as Thomas looked at some of the books. Alice pointed at some brightly colored books and Thomas grinned.
He sensed something though, some magical creature. Turning around his hazel eyes, framed by the white lines that signalled he had been possessed in his life he searched for the source of the magical energy and then he saw a young woman that he knew from Alchemy class. He waved at her, she seemed a little lost.
“Hey, Soyou, right? I know you from class.” They were at a human convention so he didn’t add what class they had seen one another at.
Alice pressed against Thomas, scared by women usually and sniffled, though she seemed intrigued by her as well. Her large black eyes lingered on the woman. “It is okay Alice, she’s a friend- sorry Alice is a little afraid of women.”
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thomas-ia · 3 years
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My Man!
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thomas-ia · 3 years
Thomas is a witch/healer/empath that has been obsessed with immortality since he has a husband and a daughter (and before that, he also was already working around this idea). Though, things turn around for him when he figures out he is already immortal due to a curse put on him by his horrible (dead) grandfather.
🔳  The abhorrent amputation of a witch - taken by @kangsoyou-ia​
Who: anyone nerdy Theme: Gore, adventure When you and Thomas are at a Comiccon-esque convention you are excited to meet one another because yee supernatural buddies. There is a small stand with little trinkets from movies but one of the trinkets is an actual demonic artifact that is triggered by Thomas’ vessel-powers. Hysterics ensue. Thomas loses an arm.
He managed to put the arm back on his body and be okay. Everyone is confused.
🔳 The crazed correlation between you a witch [PAST+CURRENT]
Who: anyone who has been in London around 2010. Theme: Previously established bond (positive or negative) You two met in London, perhaps during Thomas’ work as a radio host or at human school and there was a strange happening where two kids nearly drowned. Thomas was assumed dead but he wakes up in the morgue and somehow you are involved? Maybe you were in the hospital? Maybe you were working at a hospital at the time?
Anyway, the ‘corpse’ of Thomas needs to escape. This plot I imagine as two old acquaintances recalling what happened that night so it is half current, half past? It will make him realize that drowning didn’t kill him either
🔳 The devastated desolation of a witch - @doyoung-ia​
Who: anyone with ties to a darker world/warlocks/demons Theme: angst/anger
Once upon a time there was a warlock living in the world that kidnapped demons, darkspawn and any magical creature he could get his hands on for his experiments. He dissected them and tortured them to gain their powers. One of your family members or friends was taken by the warlock and never returned.
You get wind of his grandson living at the academy and it is time to confront him. perhaps you want revenge? Perhaps you want to know more about your lost connection?
🔲 The beastly beheading of a witch - @kangsoyou-ia
Who: anyone who is insane enough to let Thomas do dangerous things Theme: Gore, angst
Thomas needs a favor. After having his arm being able to be put back on his body without trouble he wonders how far he can take this. There is a slight hint of insanity in him but who cares? You have to help him to behead himself! What ways can you do this?
Tip: he will be able to put his head back on his body.
🔲 The endless effects of a witch - @enchanted-irene-ia
Who: anyone who is insane enough to let Thomas do dangerous things Theme: Gore, angst some dark humor.
Thomas will need a lot of things to consume to see if he can die that way, this will be a slightly more crack plot where he tries to eat everything under the sun and keeps being in pain but not die.
ARC III [ after a few of the arc I and II are finished ]
🔘 The terrible truth of a witch - @hyunwoo-ia
Who: Anyone that is actually sane Theme: Angst/friendship
You have had enough, you are calling Thomas back and dragging him into sanity. Talk to this boy and make him stop trying to find the limitations of the curse of his warlock grandfather.
❗️ more to come - depending on how the other plots go :)
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thomas-ia · 3 years
❝still the one.❞ Kyumas
It had been a bit of a long day, honestly. They were working on getting Alice to walk in her human form, and she just wasn’t having it. She’d sit and cry or whine, which frustrated the arachna slightly, though he had patience with the young arachna…especially when Thomas was around, who seemed to be able to get her to try. Which was endearing, he loved how the other spoke to their adopted daughter, loved how gentle he was with her while coaxing her to stand on her own two feet.
She still hadn’t taken actual steps but she had stood and shuffled a bit, only to be caught by the witch and praised. Kyungsoo smiled and stroked the young girl’s head affectionately, all that frustration dissolving away almost instantly. It was harder when the other had classes, but it was worth it, especially when he came home every afternoon.
Kyungsoo had put the girl to bed, a little later than usual since they sat up to watch a cute movie that she’d picked out. All of them, including Jack and Sally, had curled up on the couch and settled. It was…nice. Almost felt new, to be a family and to be a unit, together. While he’d felt like a family with Thomas before, this feeling was different. It made all the frustrations and reluctances disappear.
Sitting on the edge of the bed, he watched the witch with an affectionate gaze, calm and happy that Alice hadn’t put up a fight to sleep. “You’re really good with her,” he commented gently, wanting to praise the other for being so patient with her. “She really loves you, I can see it.”
Life was better with a daughter around. Thomas had not been unhappy married to Kyungsoo and having their two pets; Jack and Sally but there had been something missing in their family dynamic. There had been something off and Alice was the thing that had missed in their life. While she was not their blood she could have been. She looked a lot like Soo at times and not only because she was an arachnid but because she had the same distant look Thomas knew so well in his husband. One that spoke of being afraid of being alone again.
She also had Thomas’ excitement about things and his curiosity. He loved exploring the world with her, seeing things again with the same amazement that only a child could have.
These days were centered around walking on two legs and Thomas was a little worried about her slow progress though Soo seemed to not worry as much. They had been at it all day and he was tired. Exhausted even.
Sally had taken to Alice especially and seemed to have taken the role of ‘mother’ of the family and always meowed as Alice seemed to be in trouble and glared at anyone or anything that dared to come close (except Jack, Thomas and Soo of course).
It was evening and Thomas sat at the edge of the bed, yawning. He was wearing some loose pants and an old shirt from Kyungsoo that was too short but he insisted on wearing it anyway. He looked up “You are too though, I just hope she will pick it up soon. We have to get her walking on two legs, she can’t go to kindergarten on eight, she’ll terrify the local toddlers.” he muttered as he stretched out and fell back onto the bed.
“Hmm, I love her too. She loves you too, you know that right? She really finds the similarities soothing between the two of you.” he reached out lazily to his lover, wiggling his fingers at him.
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thomas-ia · 3 years
Thomas Sangster lockscreens
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like or reblog if you save ♡
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thomas-ia · 3 years
he is married so any romantic ones will be met with anger
Touch Starved Prompts
Send one of the following symbols for a starter from my muse where your muse:
👫 - holds my muse’s hand
🤗 - draws my muse in for a hug
😴 - climbs into bed with my muse
🤣 - tickles my muse
🔷️ - tracing shapes on my muse’s skin
💜 - tucks my muse against their chest
☺ - cuddles with my muse
🤲 - cups my muse’s cheek(s)
💆‍♀️ - plays with my muse’s hair
💆‍♂️ - brushes hair from my muse’s face
😶 - nudges my muse
🖐 - rests their hand on my muse’s knee or hip
😿 - rubs my muse’s shoulders or back
😘 - peppers my muse with kisses
👄 - kisses my muse gently
💋 - kisses my muse roughly
😵 - pulls my muse down in a heap
😏 - bites or kisses my muse’s neck
😳 - caresses my muse’s body
👂 - nips or kisses my muse’s ear
Send multiple symbols for a starter with a combination of gestures!
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thomas-ia · 3 years
The s a m e || Thomas & Wenhan
“ Oh no worries. It’s good to be social at a young age.” he said as he took a small sip of his coffee to try and gather some sort of warmth since it was so cold out. What were the chances of knowing someone here? Very little. He had a couple friends that he knew that had lived in South Korea, but not many. Especially not at the village. 
But guess he spoke too soon. Life can get pretty surprising Wenhan. He was so surprised that he ended up coughing as he took a sip of his drink. The hunter tried to catch his breath in that moment. “Sorry about that. I’m just surprised. Yeah it’s been two years.” he chuckled. “Close it’s Wenhan. How have you been? I didn’t expect to see you around here Thomas.” That and he thought Thomas was human or was he not?  
And as they both began to talk to each other people attempted to walk around them since they were casually catching up in the middle while standing. 
“Oh we should probably sit down.” he said with a warm smile grabbing the closest chair. 
“Mmm, true but I worry about her at times. She likes men more than women, something about her upbringing before we got her.” he mused out loud as Alive was completely obsessed with the spoon and the sprinkles.
“Wenhan, I am sorry. Yeah- let’s take a seat.” he nodded and put Alice in one of the toddler seats as they took a spot and he smiled at the other man. “I have been very well, thank you. Well as you can see I have a family now.” He wiped some whipped cream away from Alice’s cheek with a napkin and sighed at her. “Alice, eating isn’t the same as fingerpainting.” he muttered but then looked at the other again.
“Got married, got an education now I’m here. How about you? What are yu doing here? Are you a student as well?” He asked with a small smile. “Are you still doing architecture things?” he asked with a small grin as he watched the other and now wondered what the real identity was of the man. Surely living here…
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thomas-ia · 3 years
A new hat { Mymy & Thomas }
While the engkanto was carefully fixing her hair, she bit on the inner side of her cheek as she felt guilty for wrongfully assuming he was not the little girl’s father. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to offend you…”, her voice slowly trailed off as she was feeling worse and worse about it. She was probably not the only one making this mistake and it must be such a burden on him.
A small chuckle rolled off her lips while she was watching the little arachna playing with the beret. She was the most adorable, little thing that Diem My had encountered. It broke her heart even more to hear about the nasty reaction of people to this cute, tiny arachna. The engkanto pushed her lips out and made a grimace to make the little girl laugh. Then she straightened up to look at the girl’s father, “I’m so sorry to hear that. She seems like the sweetest baby to me” The engkanto lightly bent forwards to engage with Alice, “Hello, beautiful Alice. I’m Diem My. But you can call me Mymy. Nice to meet you” She held out her hand for the little girl to grab for a handshake. A broad smile emerged on her face as the tiny, soft hand grabbed for hers.
“Oh, and this is Hat Mit”, the engkanto crouched to pat her pig gently, who was just as curious about the little arachna as his mommy was. The pig let out a high, happy squeal when he was included in the conversation. “Would you like to pet him? He’s really friendly.”
“It is okay, a lot of people don’t think I am her dad. I just hope it won’t continue until she’s older and actually understands what is going on because I am her father.” he insisted as he held her against him. He sensed the guilt coming off the woman and he managed to smile at her. “Don’t worry about it, really, it is fine.” he tried to reassure her.
Alice was giggling at the woman. “She likes you I think.” Alice got a little shy when the woman spoke to her and Thomas stroke her back. “I’m sorry, she isn’t used to women being nice to her in the place where we got her she was being yelled at by a woman so we think that is why she is a little scared of them. The only one she liked is Auntie emilia, right Alice?” Alice looked up “Emem?” she asked and Thomas nodded “That’s right, Emem. This is Mymy.” He pointed at the woman and knelt down as the piglet was introduced.
“Look Alice, it’s a cute pet. Like Jack and Sally.” Alice looked at the pig and reached out with one hand and very carefully petted Hat Mit. More like small pats to the head but she was trying and Thomas was grinning like a proud father.
“Hey, do you wanna get some coffee? I don’t mean to intrude but I really want her to know that women aren’t dangerous and she is being raised by two men so… Aside from Emilia we don’t really know many women except the hairdresser but she made Alice cry because she is so tall.” he told the other.
“Let’s go to the bakery nearby?”
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thomas-ia · 3 years
The s a m e || Thomas & Wenhan
It’s been ages since he had spoke to his online friends, or just even logging into his social media accounts in general. Life changed so suddenly. From graduating in high school, to majoring architecture when attending university, to now moving to a South Korea trying to find Luna. He just didn’t have the time, but of course he would take a couple photos of himself and post it on Instagram when he could. Holding a conversation on social media platforms? Not so much.
Things were different. He had kept in contact with most of his friends back at home, but as for his goals in getting a career in architecture that was something that he had decided to put to the side for now. He didn’t expect the weather to change so suddenly, so coffee was a must for him. 
He was awkwardly yet patiently waiting to have someone noticed that he took the wrong order. And just within a couple seconds his order was handed to him. Now he had two cups of coffee he was holding onto. 
Wenhan raised a brow as he looked over at Thomas. And as Alice reached out to him he chuckled “Ah I was about to actually ask you that. But here. I took your order by accident. Sorry about that.” He gently set the coffee right beside Thomas since he was holding Alice. The other felt awfully familiar, and usually when Wenhan felt like this there was a reason. 
“You’re name is Thomas right? I haven’t encountered that name in a long time. Are you from here?” he asked as he finally was able to take a sip of his own coffee. 
“Oh, that is quite alright.” He scooped up some of the whipped cream on a spoon from the coffee and handed the spoon to Alice who seemed distracted from trying to get to the other man for now in favor of sprinkles. “Sorry, she thinks everyone is her friend. I don’t know how she got so social with me and my husband staying in so much but maybe she just is like that.” He watched her enjoy the whipped cream for a moment and then eyed the other man again.
“Yeah, it is Thomas… I’m not from here originally- I used to live in London, England before I came to South-Korea to study.” He smiled unsure at the other as he tried to remember what he knew the other from and then it dawned on him.
“You’re the architecture guy- Wen… Wen something? Right? We used to have each other added on social media.” That was it! What a small world? “I can’t believe out of all the people in the world I would walk into you here. Wow, how long has it been? Two years since we last spoke?”
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