thorneyes · 20 hours
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thorneyes · 2 days
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thorneyes · 2 days
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Does it pain you?
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thorneyes · 3 days
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thorneyes · 3 days
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thorneyes · 3 days
looking for fellow vanilla ffxiv enjoyers just because i feel lame about my preference to not mod the game at all. i know this applies to console players by default, but i more specifically mean you're on pc and could, but have zero interest. you're just cool with how the game is by default.
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thorneyes · 4 days
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thorneyes · 4 days
bring back tumblr ask culture let me. bother you with questions and statements
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thorneyes · 5 days
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Valentione's pictures of Khazzi and his boyfriend, Q'ndai (@thorneyes)
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thorneyes · 5 days
Send me a character of mine and a character of yours, and I'll give my muse's impression of them at first glance.
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thorneyes · 5 days
Burn Blue and Sickly
No battlefield is ever pleasant, or honorable - they're filthy, sickening. The smell of death and blood and a dozen other terrible things sinks into her clothes, her hair, her skin, and refuses to let go for days.
Rohesia picks through this one with her face buried behind her collar, taking shallow breaths through her mouth. It doesn’t get rid of the smell, and she finds herself wishing for a helmet she no longer carries. Stifling as the damn thing was, it at least helped cover her face. Here and now, at the edges of the Tangle, she has to hope for the weather to break and call up a breeze.
It doesn't seem likely. The weather is humid, the air still and sodden, and only fills the site of the skirmish with the added layer of rotting plants and fetid water.
Under the wreckage of an Imperial Reaper, Rohesia spots one final body. She holds her breath as she kneels down to check, but - no, the burns are obvious. Even if she had been here during the fight, these wounds would likely have been enough to kill the man.
She rocks back on her heels, mouth thinning. "Dead," she says brusquely.
"That makes four," says Kokorusa - the second member of this thrown-together little party. He's not looking at bodies, the bastard. He's standing guard on top of the hill, out of the way of the smell, resting a hand on his sword. "Three Imperials… you finished your rites, Quiet?"
Quiet Elk, the third and final member of this grim little foray, rises to his feet, a body cradled in his black-robed arms. Not in the black and red of the Imperial outpost barely clinging to existence at the edge of Revenant’s Toll, but the tough leathers of a caravan guard. Quiet Elk nods, and lays the body next to the magitek Reaper.
Rohesia steps back, more than happy to give that creepy fucker his space - Nald'thal priests seem to be weird as a fact of their oath, but this one especially makes her skin crawl. He doesn't answer Kokorusa, but sets to arranging the bodies.
Kokorusa eyes Quiet Elk for a moment, then seems to give up on getting an answer. "Well, we've got their gil back," he says, hefting the pouch. "And they'll get their memento – Seven Hells!"
The sudden roar of a fire - of an explosion - nearly drowns out the last of Kokorusa's words. Rohesia turns with the lalafel, reaching for her crook as the swordsman draws his blade - but it's only Quiet Elk, staff in hand, stepping back from the Reaper, which he's clearly used as a makeshift pyre. The fire crackles, the spilt fuel of the twisted magitek Reaper beginning to stain the flickering fire with blue.
"Twelve, Quiet, you could at least give some damn warning," Rohesia starts to snap, advancing a step to focus her glare on the hooded thaumaturge. Then it hits her. The smell. Burning bodies, laced with the choking smoke of burning ceruleum, and Rohesia gags on it, stumbling back as she fights the bile rising, her head full of twisted metal and blackened bodies.
By the time she blinks them away, she's lost time. A few moments, but - the other two have noticed. Fuck. There's a hand on her arm - Quiet Elk, with a grip too tight that's nevertheless doing a good part of keeping her upright - and Kokorusa is giving her a head tilted look, a frown on his mustachioed face.
"Going to lose your lunch, Thorneyes?" He asks, tapping at his chin.
"Shut th' fuck up," Rohesia growls. She can hear her accent going thicker, but fuck them both, anyroad. If they can't already tell she's Ala Mhigan they're both idiots. She yanks her arm out of Quiet Elk's grasp. "We should go. That smoke'll kill you."
She sees the look the two exchange - but it doesn't fucking matter. When she starts to walk, they follow.
Fuck this job anyway, she thinks. The money isn't worth this.
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thorneyes · 5 days
The 2am urge to start writing a thing
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thorneyes · 5 days
Info Tidbits - Rohesia Thorneyes
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Name: Rohesia Thorneyes
Nicknames: Roh, Thorneyes
Age: Mid-Twenties
Nameday: Unknown (Sometime in the 4th Umbral Moon)
Race: Hyur Highlander (Ala Mhigo)
Gender: Female
Orientation: Bisexual, prefers butch/masc presentation.
Profession: Adventurer and healer-for-hire.
Hair: Dark brown, with a wiry texture that makes it a bit unruly, especially when she's wearing it short.
Eyes: Green and always sharp.
Skin: Brown, slightly lighter than some of her countrymen.
Tattoos/scars: Ala Mhigan style facial tattoos. Scars-wise she has a number of them, fitting her life as an adventurer, but the most prominent is a messy knot of them that cover her right shoulder and upper arm.
Parents: Both passed.
Siblings: None.
Grandparents: She knows next to nothing about them.
In-laws and Other: Recently reconnected with a childhood friend close enough to be her brother, Q'ndai Tia.
Pets: n/a! She wouldn't have the first clue what to do with one. She barely manages to look after her familiar.
Abilities: A competent if unconventional conjurer, thanks to being taught in a hodge-podge sort of style. She's got some practice at field medicine outside of that, which makes most of her healing best applied on the battlefield. She knows how to throw a punch, too, though she's not very elegant about it.
Hobbies: A growing (heh) interest in gardening.
Most Positive Trait: Determined, sociable, deeply caring despite the front she puts up.
Most Negative Trait: Stubborn as anything, especially when she feels like she's been slighted.
Colors: Blue-green for what she wears, but she has a fondness for reds in general.
Smells: Spicy foods, the salt of the lochs (it's familiar even if it's not a good scent exactly).
Textures: warm stone, rough linen cloth.
Drinks: Over-steeped tea.
Smokes: Might on occasion, but doesn't when there's a chance she might be needed, which is a lot lately.
Drinks: Socially, now and then. Usually just a cheap beer, but occasionally something nicer.
Drugs: Avoids. She's seen where that can lead and she doesn't want it.
Mount Issuance: Doesn't have one. She can ride a chocobo but isn't very comfortable with it.
Been Arrested: At least once. She doesn't tend to talk about it.
Tagged by: @grumpy-limsan-customs-cat ty!
Tagging: Have not kept track but plz tag me if you see this and want to do it.
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thorneyes · 5 days
This is very much why I don't deal in Azem/Ancient headcanons for my characters, whether WoL or regular member of the world. Part of this stemmed from the sheer differences between my interpretation of my WoL and Ardbert - to me they were just intensely different people. And to that end, Shadowbringers was proof that, whoever Azem was, they died and were never coming back. That was only reinforced later with Fandaniel/Amon, who feels alienated from his past as Hermes, and can't think of himself as that person any more.
The tragedy of the Ascians is that they're trying to save people who are already dead and gone - everything they are has been dispersed into the aetherial sea and made into something new. The world they made is something new. Even the fragments of Azem's soul, recognizable as they are, are now their own new person. There's a reason that all we can be called upon to do for the Ancients is to 'remember that they once lived'. We can't do anything more than that. We can remember, but we can't know them, or understand them, or be them, any more than a child can be their parent.
The star as it exists now is something new and different, and it's meaningful that it's our story now, and not the Ancients. I get why people find the Ancients interesting and compelling, but thematically, the story belongs to the new people of the world that was born from the ashes.
I strongly prefer it when the Scions *don't* have Ancient counterparts.
I think it means more if they're part of the new souls born to the star either after Zodiark's first summoning or after the Sundering. Which is a whole thing!
Importantly, those were the souls that the Convocation were going to sacrifice to Zodiark to bring back the Ancients they lost.
To me, I think it's vastly important that G'raha, Y'shtola, Urianger, Thancred, the twins, that all of them are people Emet-Selch would throw away without a second thought. That to him, you're the only one worth half a damn... And broken as you are, only half a damn. And before he lets himself accept that you really are what's left of Azem, you're just someone else he's convinced isn't a person.
But I think these are the very souls Azem left the Convocation to save, even if Azem still didn't want to break the world. And these are the souls that Venat and the Twelve did break the world to save.
To me that's so much more important than any reincarnation romance (much as I adore that kind of story too). That to Azem and to you, these people matter anyway.
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thorneyes · 9 days
planning a character arc like, 'which of the insecurities this character thinks they've got handled am I going to break them apart with?'
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thorneyes · 10 days
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Rhalgr’s Reach. A holy place, and a fitting home for the Resistance. For the brave and the true, the loyal sons and daughters of Ala Mhigo.
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thorneyes · 11 days
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Heph & Nimna's guided tour of the Steppe!
#SteppingintheSteppe april 21st, 4-9pm pst zurvan, materia starting at the Reunion aether crystal
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