tigidoggy · 5 hours
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a fags brain is like a dog’s. when the fag is naked, on all 4s, with a collar round its neck and a man holding onto its leash, it is happy and relaxed. it knows its place. and it will be loyal and obedient to its owner, just like a dog.
even though the fag will know it feels right, it may be reluctant accepting its role as your dog at first, especially in public. but keep the collar on your fag for a few days. only allow it to walk on all 4s. don’t allow it to speak, only bark. and gradually start taking it out for walkies, maybe in the dark at first.
the fag will be trained to accept and even be proud that it is a dog owned by you. it will get over its reluctance to be seen as a dog in public. it will fully accept that it is your dog and that you own it.
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tigidoggy · 5 hours
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tigidoggy · 5 hours
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tigidoggy · 4 days
My Life as a Dog
Chapter #1
Synopsis: A story of innocent young college boy changes his status to be a dog for a scientific experiment.
I have a powerful recurring fantasy image of myself. In the image, I am a pet dog. I have always loved animals and treasure my memories growing up with a pet golden retriever.
I loved that golden and he loved me. He was my prized possession. Through teenage triumphs and disappointments, I always knew that I had one true and loyal friend. I often told my pet about how lucky he was to be such a loved and treasured possession. I told him how lucky he was to have none of my worldly concerns. After all, I was his entire world. All he had to do is make me happy.
I missed my pet while I was away at college. I visited home as often as I could. I felt more than a bit guilty that I rushed home not to see my family, but to see my loyal pet. I was crushed when, in the middle of my junior year, he died.
A part of me died also. I felt guilt at not being with him for the last two and one half years or even at the end.
I had to go on. I returned to school and threw myself into my studies. I had been a psych major for the last year with a minor in biology. My friends drifted away as I focused more and more of my energies on my classes. I spent so much time in classes and hanging around the labs that I soon got to know the faculty quite well.
One of the professors and I seemed to hit it off on both an academic and personal plain. He was older and handsome and very intense when it came to his work. He taught three courses and spent the rest of his time working on grant research. What really got my attention was the fact that his test subjects were all canine.
I eventually applied for and got the job as his lab assistant. The job primarily involved feeding, cleaning up and grooming the dogs that were used in the professor's experiments. That was just fine with me. I would also get a chance to help out once in a while with his experiments.
The professor, William, was researching conscience and subconscious behavior programming techniques applied to animals. A lot of what we did was very reminiscent of puppy obedience school. It was only later that I learned that his major funding was coming from the CIA.
One day, he asked me if I wanted to earn a modest testing fee by helping him with one of his his projects. I eagerly agreed and reported to his lab early that Saturday. I was taken to an unused classroom and asked to fill out an extensive questionnaire. I was told that following that, I would be interviewed and then the testing would begin.
I was disappointed that the project did not involve the dogs which I had naturally grown quite close to. He told me that this phase of his work strictly involved human subjects.
The questionnaire covered a lot of personal background data including family, hobbies and interests. It even asked if I had any close friends, either a girl friend or a boy friend. Eventually the questions became more abstract and I realized that I was taking a very thorough psychological screening test.
I answered the questions as well and as honestly as I could. In fact it was a bit embarrassing when asked about my feelings toward animals and any special pets. I felt like I was betraying confidences between me and my pet.
Finally I finished the questionnaire. I realized that I had been watched because as soon as I set my pencil down, William came back into the room.
The next two hours were spent with me pouring out my soul to the professor in response to his constantly probing questions. Before I knew about it I was talking about my pet and how much I missed him and the closeness of our owner/pet relationship.
With this completed, I was told that there were two more tests to complete. The first was a brief medical examination including a blood test and extensive physical measurements. The second was a kind of word association game using a series of pictures.
The pictures ranged from the fairly abstract ink spot variety to some very strange and explicit pictures of sex and fetishes. The last picture and the one that really struck a nerve showed a man sitting in a comfortable chair reading his newspaper. Next to him on a lamp table was a drink. He was looking up from his paper and gazing thoughtfully at the image to his side. A small cocker spaniel was sitting up in a classic begging pose trying with all of its being to get his attention and to please its master. Sitting a couple of feet from the dog was a young man about my age. He was naked except for a studded dog collar padlocked tightly about his neck. He was up on his kneels with his hands drawn in front of him in exactly the same pose as the dog. He too was facing the man in the chair. But he was stealing a side ways glance at the dog.
I was asked to look at the man's face and explain as well as I could what he was thinking at that moment.
After some brief reflection, I said that he was embarrassed to be reduced to the same social status as the dog. But apparently proud to be his pet. He was obviously committed to pleasing his master. His look at the dog told me that he was feeling competitive with the dog and a bit jealous of the real canine.
The professor looked at me a little bit strangely as I interpreted the drawing. He seemed pleased by my responses.
There were more pictures, but soon the professor announced that we had done enough for the day. I was told that I had done very well and to come back tomorrow to discuss the results of the test. I was paid and dismissed.
That night I had a vivid dream about that last picture and of course I played the role of the collared man. I woke up and continued my dream in a semi waking state. Before I realized it, I had rubbed my self to a very satisfying orgasm. I couldn't get that picture and my resulting orgasm out of my mind for the rest of the morning.
That afternoon, I returned to the professor's lab. I was asked to wait in the room containing all of the dogs' cages. I didn't mind a bit and took the opportunity to scratch behind the ears of all of my little friends.
The professor then joined me and said that he wanted to follow up on yesterday's testing with one more procedure. I agreed and allowed myself to be put into a hypnotic trance. I woke up in what appeared to me to be seconds and felt very refreshed. I had no memory of what had occurred while I was in the trance.
The professor then confessed that I had not really been taking part in an experiment. He was in fact screening people for his next experiment. He had screened over a hundred people and narrowed the field down to two. Me and another guy on campus.
He later told me that his screening criteria included finding someone who would have an academic or professional interest in his behavior modification experiments, a person who liked being around and handling dogs, a person who was very open to subconscious programming such as hypnosis and someone with clear submissive tendencies. I blushed and objected to the last characterization, but knew it to be true.
We talked at length about his study and his goals to better understand the human mind. To test his understanding of the human mind, William had to demonstrate the ability to shape it and control it. Apparently the control aspect of his experiments was what kept the government's grant money coming in.
With this background, he asked me if I wanted to hear his proposal. He prepared me to be shocked. He also admitted that he had implanted several suggestions when I was under the hypnotic trance to help me understand and appreciate what he was about to tell me.
He explained that his research and animal experiments were done. They had been a great success. The dogs had helped him to demonstrate his theories and their application to the University and more importantly the Government.
The University was reluctant to take the next step with human trials. It threatening to shut him down when the Government Agent spoke up. The University was overruled and ordered to assist the professor to mount a full fledged demonstration with a human subject.
The project would demonstrate the professor's techniques to modify a human subject's behavior and to alter certain of the subject's personality traits.
The Government saw that the results would have far reaching applications ranging from criminal reform to covert government operations. The Agent wanted the toughest test that could be devised of the professor's theories.
The Agent reasoned that it wouldn't prove very much if one set of human characteristics were simply substituted for others He insisted that the personality transference should go deeper and involve an alternate personality completely alien to the subject. Looking around at the lab animals, he came up with the ultimate test of the professor's approach.
William explained that the Agent pulled him aside and privately asked how confident he was of his theories. Could William make a person take on the behavior and personality of say an animal? The answer was yes, but the process was not really designed for that.
The Agent apparently had his own agenda and would not listen to William's protests. The agent announced that the project funding would continue if and only if a human subject was conditioned to live for a full year as a dog.
William told me that both he and the University argued in vain. In the end the University was told to either support this project or lose all of their grant work. William was told that he had two choices only.
·==continue the experiment in the University setting
===he would be forced to continue in an isolated government facility
Eventually both the University and William agreed to proceed with the human trials portion of the project.
I should have been stunned, but for some reason I calmly absorbed the fantastic story that William told me. I actually found myself wondering what it would be like to undergo this process and be a dog. Hell some of my closest friends had been dogs.
William said that he would not blame me if I simply got up and left. I insisted that I was OK and wanted to hear more. What I had heard so far intrigued me and I was curious about how they planned to proceed.
He assured me that all effects of the conditioning would be reversible. William said that I would be paid very well for my participation. I would receive full room and board, be granted 30 credits and have $100,000 deposited into my account for completing the trial. Jokingly, he also said that I would probably become famous. The downside was that I would have to take a year off from regular classes and probably delay my graduation by a semester or more. I would also not be able to see friends and family for the duration of the project.
As in any experiment with human volunteers, a number of legal releases and other documents would have to be executed by me and my parents.
I was concerned about what my parent's reaction would be, but William assured my that the Government would persuade them.
The release that I would have to sign sent shivers up and down my spine. William was not kidding, I would be a dog in every way for a full year. The release included:
==My statement that I have agreed to suspend for the term of one year all of my rights and privileges as a human being and citizen of the country and state.
==My agreement and revocable permission to be treated as an animal in all aspects by the professor and his assignees.
==My acknowledgement that I would enjoy the protection of the animal human statutes and all rules and regulations concerning experimentation with lab animals.
==My permission for medical tests and otHis procedures.
== My agreement that I would undergo a rigorous canine training program which would include, but not be limited to, physical correction and subconscious programming.
William explained that part of the experiment involved my canine role outside of the lab. He said that school authorities would be advised and a feature story on the experiment would be run in the school and local newspaper. This way, I would cause less of a public sensation when seen being led on my leash.
He told me that I would be dressed in a transparent spandex bodysuit during the experiment. The only other thing that I would be wearing would be a special dog collar. The collar contains electronic monitoring and control equipment. William showed me the suit and collar.
I ran my fingers over the leather and metal of the collar and felt the shiny and tight body suit.
Lingering perhaps a little too long with the articles, William suggested that I take them home tonight. William then told me to sleep on his proposal and see him at 10:00am the next morning. There would be one more test if I agreed. The Government agent would be there and would want to meet the two candidates for the experiment.
Once again I had several vivid dreams of myself immersed in the dog role. The dreams were probably stimulated by my nighttime attire. Yes, I was already wearing the body stocking and the collar. The collar seemed to fit me exactly over the body stocking and had been difficult to get clasped. I dreamt that William was holding my leash in a puppy obedience class. I also dreamt that I was being taken for a walk across campus. Oddly, everyone we encountered treated me as a dog.
When I got up, I discovered that I had apparently jammed the collar's lock on the neck of the body stocking. Thank goodness that the stocking was fitted with a open crotch area.
Feeling quite embarrassed, I put a raincoat over the collar and bodysuit. Donning a pair tennis shoes, I set out for William's office for the third morning in a row.
William took one look at me without the raincoat and said that he would guess that my answer was yes. Turning beet red, I confirmed his assumption.
Without warning, William reached for what looked like a TV remote control. Following his pressing of a switch, I felt a tingling sensation emanating from the collar. Without any conscious thought, I dropped to my knees. I also found that I could not stand and could not talk.
He briefly tested my vocal ability finding that I was reduced to barking and growls. Reaching down to me, he attached a chain leash to my collar and led me into another room.
I was being "introduced" to the government agent. Apparently he liked what he saw. I was released from the collar's control and told that I could have the job if I wanted it. It would start in one week once all of the paperwork and medical lab work was completed.
Once we were alone again, William explained the function of the collar. Apparently I had been given a number of post hypnotic suggestions that could be individually triggered by the collar. The actual experiment would include this type and other control techniques.
William then reviewed all of the legal papers and a checklist for putting my things in storage, subletting my apartment and other things. I would have to work quickly to be ready in a week.
William sent me on my way. Once again I took the collar and bodysuit. I hoped that they would stimulate more dreams of my like as a dog
Hope you are enjoying…shall i continue.
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tigidoggy · 10 days
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🧷🧼Muddy Bounce💦🧷 
“I don’t care how full that diaper is, you're spending the rest of your morning in the bouncy seat, working out the rest of this morning's soapy enema while I have some grown up fun with our visitor in the next room! No... I am not changing that gross sponge clinging to your waist until you've completely emptied your tummy, and after last time it’s safe to say you need plenty of time and lots of motion to accomplish that. Now stop stalling and turn around so I can get that seat securely fastened, and to keep that soggy muck contained, I have your XXL All in One cloth diaper to add!” 
“Hey... are you almost done in there? How long does it take to put Poopy-Pants into his widdle baby seat?” 
“Sorry, he’s just being extra fussy this morning because I’ve been telling him about all the fun we’re about to have while he dangles making uncontrollable "Pushies" for the rest of the morning. Do me a favor... head into his nursery and grab me a couple things please.  You should find a pair of thick mitts and a giant pacifier with some straps attached to it on his crib rail. I’m planning on leaving the playroom door open so he can hear all the fun we’re having, and I don’t feel like listening to his pathetic whimpers.” 
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tigidoggy · 11 days
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tigidoggy · 16 days
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tigidoggy · 17 days
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tigidoggy · 21 days
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You look good in your new butler uniform, boy. Tomorrow we're throwing all your old clothes away. You won't need them anymore.
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tigidoggy · 22 days
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tigidoggy · 23 days
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🧸😵Teddy Stuffing😶🧸 
“What's the matter big guy...worried you’ll end up just like your friends? Well, there's no reason to worry, think of this as an assembly line, and soon you’ll be nothing more than huggable stuffing! Since you're nervous, let's explain what's about to happen, shall we?  
“First, we force a specialized, obscenely large, feeding binky into that Potty Mouth of yours, secured by triple lock head harness to ensure that the binky stays put. Our specialized soother allows you to receive your daily nutrients without ever being removed, eliminating any chance of speaking or whimpering for help!” 
“Next, we’ve developed a brand new, super absorbent diaper that's guaranteed not to smell or leak, allowing the wearer to remain in the same garment for days without needing a change! Best yet, when the time comes for a change, a simple attachment in the Teddy Docking Bay not only feeds, but changes your dirty Teddy, using a special compartment in the suit to remove and replace any waste the Stuffing creates.” 
“Lockable Mitts and Booties are permanently secured to both the hands and feet, removing any ability to grab or walk... After all, Teddy’s only need to sit, lay and cuddle!” 
“So, after being properly prepared, the Stuffing... err I mean you... will be “gently” placed into one our permalock Teddy suits, followed by days of specialized reprogramming visuals to help stifle any previous memories, leaving just a “tiny” bit of fight in you! Really, every Teddy should have just a small glimmer of “Hope” left in them, right? Now let's get this zipper secured and then you can join the other Teddy to begin your reprogramming. Just think, in a few days your new owners will be here to take you all away to your forever homes! 😈” 
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tigidoggy · 23 days
😈🫳🏻🧎🏻🗣️👂😵‍💫🫳🏻🧎🏻👙🍆🕳️💦👨🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏼🔐 type shi ❤️
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A faggot knows true contentment and has a sense of purpose only when it is serving, being used and controlled by a Superior MAN.
“Life is what you make it”
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tigidoggy · 23 days
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Waking up, all Matt could do was laugh. He must still be dreaming. He giggled and turned, unable to completely turn over, he fell back, and realized his cock was moist, pressed against a velvet sheathed device. His eyes turned downward.
It’s a disc. As he was pondering, it begin to spin, and he felt his cock being battened. It instantly shot into a full blown erection, the hardness too tight. Matt grit his teeth as his cock filled the device, and shook with pleasure as the device slapped his cock again and again. He tore against the restraints, but in ectasy. The device went faster, and Matt pulled against the manacles holding him. The tethers holding his arms and legs pulled back, removing any chance of movement, and Matt cum’d furiously into the device. The manacles slackened, and Matt dozed off as the helmet began to operate.
Again Matt woke, no longer considering this a dream, or his wet Cock a nocturnal emission, or morning wood.
Pulling his attention away from the devices on his head and crotch, he looked around the room. He saw a few men in labcoats cluttered around the room. The men walked around him, took readings, conferred, and fiddled with the restraints and devices. The men talked over him as if he wasn’t even there.
As you can see, the subject is docile now. Each cycle it takes him longer to become alarmed, resistant. When this happens, the process is restarted. The subliminals in the helmet calm the subject reinforcing sufficient levels of obedience. It’s cock is stimulated until the subject responds in the correct way which is agreement with the programming. The subject is brought to orgasm and is given another hour of programming until it is brought out of trance.
Matt listened, horrified at what they intended for him. He pulled at the restraints, and tried to grab at the chest attachments with his teeth but couldn reach.
The doctor looked down at him. Excellent, let’s begin the final phase.
Two men entered, carry a dress bag. Both were clad from neck to toe with rubber. Their faces emotionless, conformed to be as obedient as all the others. They had gone through the same process as Matt, and would now finish the job, and make him like them, an obedient, mindless drone.
It was too late, the two drones approached, and removed the device from his cock. Matt winced as the cool air caressed the tender skin of his shaft.
The men began removing strips of shiny black rubber from the bag, and wrapped them around Matt’s legs.
The rubber sealed itself to Matt’s legs, each piece seamlessly connecting to the other. There weren’t many strips, just enough for his legs, but seconds later, the rubber on his legs began to absorb his body heat, bristle, and spread.
The doctor was standing by a switch. When he flipped it, the helmet on his head began to him and tighten.
The patches attached to his chest and cock were immediately ablaze with electric aphrodisia, and the pressure only increased.  Matt;s cock began to precum constantly, and he couldn’t stop himself from moaning.  The little slack his restraints allowed him, Matt used to thrust his cock, and turn with his arousal, increase it, go with it, obey.  
As the helmet hummed, Matt;s horniness increased, and as it did, the rubber began covering him faster, eating the extra body heat Matt’s cum and obedience produced.  His entire body was almost covered, and Matt didn’t care, he only listened and leaked.  
The helmet fell silent, but lowered itself over his ears, pressing tightly against his stupefied face and ears.  Matt;s eyes opened a little wider as his programming began.  
Your name is nolonger Matt, you will answer to Drone or Unit.  You will obey without question.  
Matt;s mouth weakly fell open as his brainwashing took hold.  He listened He repeated.  He obeyed.
I am nolonger Matt.  I am a drone, a slave, and must obey without question.  
Matt’s cock squirted harder.
I am a mindless drone, brainwashing is almost complete.  When I am fully reprogrammed i will be an obedient, mindless drone.  
Matt continued to cum.
Matt closed his eyes, listened, and leaked. Licking his lips as he was told to obey over and over. Matt opened his mouth, and said he would obey. He took a deep breath, turning side by side in the heat of the moment, crying out, but, instead of saying more, he said obey.
The rubber formed itself over his legs, leaving his feet exposed. The two drones went to them, and began massaging, sucking on his toes.
The rubber continued covering him, over his hard cock, and up his chest.
Matt;s face was now frozen and blank, his eyes lost and glazed, but the rest of him……
Shuddered and buckled under the weight of the energy shooting through him, and the programming coming through the brainwashing cap into his head.  His head tingled with commands to obey, submit, and to cum. 
Matt began thrusting his body, his cock into the air.  If he could still think, he would be begging the doctor to grab it, and jerk him off because to cum means you submit, and each step of his programming was cemented by each ejaculation.
The Doctor would wait until Matt was at his weakest before allowing him to cum for the final time, sealing his fate as a mindless slave, but Matt was close. 
Under a casual eye, it would appear Matt was fighting his restraints trying to break free, but that was a thought for the foolish, for those who have yet to give in to the pleasure. 
For those who grab their cock, those were the men who understood what was happening.  To be carried away by thoughts of obedience and submission, those were the ones who were hard now. 
Matt’s hands weren’t free, but yours…………
The Doctor grabs Matt’s cock, but is unable to silence his whimper.  He is ready, a little too quickly it seems, but that is progress, the faster, the better, the harder always submit first.
The waves of cum shoot out as Matt cries one last time.  The Doctor catches it in his mouth, drinking his new slave in, and lets Matt’s cock go.  Trails of spent cum follow as he pulls his hand back to lick the last few bits off. 
Matt, on the other hand, is still Blank and Obedient.  His face never changing expression, frozen, beautiful, and obedient. 
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tigidoggy · 24 days
“Awh, what’s wrong, honey? Workout left you all tired and achey?” Your partner asked, leaning in the doorframe as you lay, exhausted on your bed. You had been meaning to change having gotten back from the gym, but you just needed a couple of minutes.
You nodded up at them, your head on the edge of the bed. “I- yeah. Full body today, and I- moving is a lot right now.” You said.
They laughed, walking into the room. “That’s fair, my love. You don’t need to move right now. You can just listen to my voice, can’t you?”
Their tone had changed. As they spoke, you felt your well trained mind focussing on their words, your thoughts fogging over instinctively. You nodded again, wordlessly, looking up at them as they approached. “And I bet there’s a few muscles that you haven’t used at the gym.”
They leant down over you, planting a kiss on your lips. “But I’m only interested in one. Just let your mind go blank for me. You don’t need it, or most of your body, for that matter. Just relax, and sink for a while.” They looked down at you, taking in your form.
“Ugh, it’s a crime how gorgeous you are. Even right now, in your gym clothes, slightly dishevelled from having worked out. I fucking want you. Activate, toy.” They snapped their fingers. Your body went limp, your mind went blank, and your mouth opened.
Their laughter sounded so sweet, and you could see them, through the peripheral vision of your glassy eyes, them removing their shorts and underwear. “That’s it. You don’t need to think about anything right now, other than my pleasure.” They said, straddling your face.
As their sex approached your mouth, your programming took over, pleasuring them with your lips, your tongue. Their moans sank deep into your brain, making you feel so very satisfied. You were their good toy. Helpless before them. A strong body, but a weak mind.
* * *
This was released yesterday on patreon (patreon.com/hypnopum) and subscribestar (https://www.subscribestar.adult/hypnopum)! Support me there to get early access to all future microfictions, from just £1/month! Or, from £5/month, you get access to my monthly longer pieces!
You can also buy my book, Mesmorium, now, on Amazon, and Smashwords. It's an anthology of twelve tales of deliciously hot hypnosis and mind control. It's queer, and sexy as hell!
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tigidoggy · 25 days
Hey wish master, I have a bit of a problem. I’m a verse guy who loves playing the part of a cock obsessed slut one moment, and the part of an Alpha Male Jock the next. I find both roles exciting and fun to play, but… I feel like I can’t really commit to either of them because then I couldn’t be the other. I wish there was some sort of way for me to just… switch between them at will. Be an alpha jock on minute and a sissy cock sucker the next. I hope that’s not to weird.
Embrace your Truth
You awake to a new sensation as you head into the bathroom, a total alpha jock stranger stares back at you in the mirror.
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You admire your new beard and the intricate ink you now sport. You find the new you is obsessed with leather. As you drop your leather pants to get a look at your new goods the massive cock you now have seems to trigger something deep in you, your inner cock slut likes what he sees, suddenly you watch as your body changes to become the sissy cock sucker you hide from the world.
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You become a younger, skinnier, Twink version of you alpha self. Covered in head to toe leather, collared and ready to serve a master.
Your bathroom door opened, your best friend and roommate appeared behind you, without thinking you dropped to your knees ready to serve your master
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You thought you could hide your truth from me, huh, boy? He said as your eyes stayed focus on the huge bulge in his pants. my surprise when I learned my best friend loved to be a cock obsessed slutty twink, naturally when you made your wish I offered the wishmaster a bit more to bend you to my dream. Sexy in both your new forms, I think most of your time will be as this form, my submissive little whore, look at you so hungry for my cock you're not even hearing my words. He opens his pants unleashing his juicy looking cock, with out thinking your lips take in his big dick. You gag as you try to take it all, he reaches down and locks your collar sealing you in your twink form for as long as he wishes. Your days are mostly spent suck on dildos when you can't get the real thing. Your thought are filled with wanting to taste your masters member, the thoughts of his creamy man juice coating your throat was all that filled your mind now. Someday in the back of your mind you think you will become your Alpha jock form and you'll have your revenge on him make him you slutty little cock whore. But for now you were stuck in your one form., It may have been hard for you to choose a form to commit to but your friend, he had no trouble choosing for you.
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tigidoggy · 1 month
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Creamerie (2021)
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tigidoggy · 1 month
Nick & Liam
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Nick, a gay man who embraces a relaxed lifestyle, is a freelance graphic designer who enjoys the flexibility of working from home. His nocturnal tendencies often see him staying up until the early hours of the morning, surrounded by his creative projects. As the clock strikes noon, he finally stirs from his slumber, his tousled hair and sleepy eyes betraying his late awakening. With a yawn, he shuffles into the kitchen, craving the caffeine boost of his morning coffee to kickstart his day.
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Later that evening, Nick decides to hit the local club for some fun. There, he meets Liam, and sparks fly instantly. They share laughs, drinks, and a passionate kiss on the dance floor. Nick feels a rush of excitement and possibility.
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Liam and Nick begin dating, exploring the city's restaurants hand in hand. They share intimate conversations over candlelit dinners, discovering each other's likes and dislikes.
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Movie nights become a regular occurrence for Liam and Nick as they cuddle up in the cozy seats of the theater, sharing popcorn and stolen kisses in the darkness.
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As their love deepens, Liam and Nick decide to take the next step and move in together. They spend days packing and unpacking boxes, turning their new place into a home filled with love and laughter.
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On a special occasion, Liam surprises Nick with a beautifully wrapped present, his eyes twinkling with excitement.
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Nick eagerly unwraps the gift to find a crisp white business shirt inside. Though surprised by the unexpected choice, he smiles gratefully and slips it on, wanting to show his appreciation for Liam's thoughtful gesture.
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ne evening, Liam invites a friend over for dinner, and Nick, wearing the white shirt, is tasked with bringing the wine. The friend chuckles at Nick's obedient demeanor, teasing Liam playfully.
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Curiosity piqued, Nick discovers another present in the kitchen, this time containing a chastity device. He feels a mix of confusion and discomfort, unsure of Liam's intentions.
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Liam patiently guides Nick through the process of putting on the chastity device, finding amusement in Nick's hesitant reactions. Despite his initial reservations, Nick complies, eager to please Liam.
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Upon stumbling into the kitchen in the morning, Nick's eyes widen in surprise as they land on a neatly folded black waiter's vest, accompanied by a bow tie and a pair of white gloves. A note from Liam sits atop the ensemble, instructing Nick to don the uniform.
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Nick hesitates before reluctantly deciding to comply with Liam's request. As he slips into the vest and ties the bow tie with uncertain fingers, he can't shake off the strange mix of discomfort and curiosity swirling within him. Yet, as he adjusts the white gloves, there's an undeniable sense of belonging that begins to settle over him, despite the oddity of the situation.
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When Liam returns home, he is delighted to find Nick dressed in the uniform, his eyes lighting up with approval. They share a passionate evening together, their bond growing stronger with each passing moment.
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In the quiet of the morning, Nick discovers a pamphlet titled "New House Rules" resting on the kitchen counter, alongside a box of hygienic masks. With a furrowed brow, he picks up the pamphlet and begins to read, his eyes scanning over the carefully outlined regulations. As he delves deeper into the document, he feels a strange sensation wash over him, as if he's being drawn into a hypnotic trance. Each word seems to imprint itself into his mind, shaping his understanding of his role within the household. With a sense of inevitability, Nick realizes that these rules are meant for him, dictating his actions and behaviors in service to Liam. Despite the initial disconcertment, a newfound clarity settles within him, and he accepts his fate with a quiet resignation, knowing that this is his path now.
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Upon Liam's return, Nick greets him with a casual "Hey," but Liam's expression darkens as he observes Nick's demeanor. "Think about what I've said," Liam says firmly, his voice brooking no argument. Nick's eyes widen in realization, and he quickly corrects himself, "Good evening, Sir," he says, his tone now respectful and obedient. Liam then hands Nick a grocery bag, adding, "From now on, this will be your duty."
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At 6:00 am, the soft glow of dawn filters through the curtains as Nick meticulously irons Liam's clothes, a task he's been at since 5 am. The kitchen is already spotless, and the aroma of freshly brewed coffee fills the air. With a sense of purpose and dedication, Nick prepares and serves Liam's breakfast, his heart brimming with happiness at fulfilling his new responsibilities. It's a stark contrast to his previous habits of sleeping in until noon, a testament to the profound changes that love and devotion have brought into his life.
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