turnmyselfdown · 11 years
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  The change of pace is refreshing.
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        Perhaps in your own eyes; which never fail to be described as golden and luminous. Why bother complimenting you at all when you do it all too well by your lonesome?
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turnmyselfdown · 11 years
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turnmyselfdown · 11 years
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turnmyselfdown · 11 years
my dog is whistle-snoring. wat.
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turnmyselfdown · 11 years
   Such a simple act, hand-holding. He had seen others participate in this simple pleasure, but in truth, had abstained from it. At least, until he became caught up in the whirlwind that was Clary Fray. As tragically cliche as it sounded, his life quite literally turned upside down in terms of his heart; his prior relationships, if one could call them that, were nothing but moments in time, easily forgotten.
   Jace's head inclines faintly, a hum escaping with her words, committing them to memory. They made his heart swell, a sense of peace and belonging that he only felt with the Lightwoods-- only, there was the added enticement of love that had consumed him before he could even recognize it. Height difference aside, he needed only to adjust his stride slightly to match her own pace. "Yes, there is." Seldom used, but it was present, if only somewhat out of sight.  
    With a faint hug, he begun to lead the way, simply enjoying the feeling of having her close, in his company. Her presence soothed the anger that dwelled within his veins, able to make him lightheaded and and wanted; it was truly addicting. Though, perhaps not as addicting as kissing her had been; of course those thoughts were, for the moment chased away, his palm flattening out to push the door to the roof open.
    Stepping aside, he made way for her to go first, as a gentlemen would. While a far cry from a tuxedo wearing one, he had his moments, when proper motivation and inspiration was near, that is. "It's not much, but the view is-- nice."
            With a small snort, Clary rolled her eyes at his ‘Clary the saviour’ comment. And with his hand now clasped around her own, she let her fingers intertwine with his own, rough and calloused to the touch. A sign of years of training and fighting. Though far from unpleasant against her own.           Geez, he’s got that charm of his switched on big time today. Despite the charm, there was no denying the meaning implicated behind those spoken words; the unspoken ones. “I could say the same to you,” was all she said in response, hoping he caught too, caught the spark. With another glance up at him, flashing something of a smirk his way, she gave his hand a small squeeze. It did little to distract from the flush of her cheeks.            She walked in unison with him now. Him at her side, she at his, fingers linked together as they made their way under one of the many archways that supported the ceiling. “Is there a way up onto the roof? I’ve always wondered what the view would be like from up there.” For up there, they could be alone, free of the confines of the Institute, without technically leaving the grounds. 
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turnmyselfdown · 11 years
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          --Then what do you need, Clary?
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Not particularly.
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turnmyselfdown · 11 years
oncearat replied to your post: my name is sophie and i like toast and tea jace will u be my forever lover??
my plan is working. #rubs hands together good….
yeah i c u over there. { squints }
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turnmyselfdown · 11 years
are you in the mood to roleplay with a Clary? (:
probably! though i may fall asleep without notice.
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turnmyselfdown · 11 years
my name is sophie and i like toast and tea jace will u be my forever lover??
gasps yes, yes i will
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turnmyselfdown · 11 years
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   "--You have no idea what manner of war I've seen, old man."
Who the hell was this guy, anyway?
  "A bit young for war paint aren’t you?"
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Loki scoffed, eyeing the lithe figure.
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turnmyselfdown · 11 years
16. Green eyes. Red hair. I love to make music, sing, and act. A picnic on the beach, watching the sunset and counting the stars.
    "Well, I do have a bit of a thing for redheads."
0 notes
turnmyselfdown · 11 years
17, hazel eyes, dark brown/blackish hair; i play piano and flute, read, and write. i'll do pretty much anything as long as it's a date ahaha
    "Such a bold declaration-- perhaps there is hope for you yet."
0 notes
turnmyselfdown · 11 years
18, agender, 5'3", blue eyes, brown hair. I play piano, sing, and write. Take me to a park and watch the stars with me until the sun rises.
   "--Think you could handle me?"
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turnmyselfdown · 11 years
Describe yourself on anon and I'll say if I'd date you.
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turnmyselfdown · 11 years
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  "Please, don't mock my talents." Even so, the man is grinning, if only faintly; he's more than aware of his look at me tendencies, after all. "Mm, very true. I'd hate be on the other end of that. I really have no desire to be whipped into submission tonight."
  — ” Showoff. “
He muttered simply, sheathing Leliel as well, and looking up and down the alley in which they stood. Azure hues moved back to his blonde brother, and he smiled. 
— ” Alright, drama queen. Let’s head back before Isabelle gets a conniption. “
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turnmyselfdown · 11 years
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  It was difficult to pretend like her words didn't wound him. He's aware of his light promiscuity, though also knows while she may have an inkling of it, the full details remain a mystery. Something he would like to keep the same, given that none of it mattered; it had been a simple, brief indulgence, nothing more. Never was any true attachment formed, if only because he left before such a thing could occur. But, not with her, Clary-- the brave little mundane girl who wasn't a mundane at all. Jace never stood a chance against her pretty eyes and courageous nature; he was doomed, from the very start. If she destroyed him, then so be it. "You must believe me when I say, no, I have not. I have not kissed anyone else like that, for I have never cared for anyone the way that I care for you." A prick of nervousness curls in his gut, rejection hardly his strong suit, but also hope and optimism.
The corner of his mouth twitches upward faintly, coupled with a light sigh, before the Shadowhunter leans forward, eyes at half mast. "I'll show you." His words are a gentle murmur, before his lips press against her own tentatively at first, then more firmly, all of his emotion poured into the kiss.
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         He had a point; a reason to lie to anyone, even if one of them were really his child. Which she was beginning to doubt. “How could you know that. He may not have spent a lot of time with me, or you, but that doesn’t mean that he could be doing it for his own need.” Honestly, she had no idea why she was defending the person that had poisoned their friendship and made her weary. “You can’t always believe what you think.” And she knew that because of Hodge; she trusted him, but he gave the cup to Valentine anyway. Everything was going the way he wanted it to go. “Well how am I supposed to know that? For all I know you could’ve kissed anyone like that. Isabelle, any girl off the streets that could actually see you.” Maybe even Alec; just thinking about who he might’ve kissed made her uncomfortable. Because she couldn’t picture it at all; all she could picture was them kissing. Which in her part, wasn’t doing any good.
                      “And what if we kissed now? Would it have any significant meaning for you?” Because it would for me.
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turnmyselfdown · 11 years
I dare you to flirt with my muse.
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