turtle-servant · 6 months
[ Everything is fuzzy, any visuals and audio are almost impossible to make out.
Among the static, you can recognize Vera, being held back by the recognizable sillouette of Ghetsis as he tries his damned best to reach a figure on the ground.
You can't see their face... But a sword is clearly seen in their chest.
Veracity kicks and screams but is unable to overpower the tyrant. He gets dragged into a wormhole and everything goes black. ]
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turtle-servant · 6 months
It is still young
I literally left Houndour with a recent catch for five minutes why is it dead.
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turtle-servant · 6 months
Houndour is an apex predator. You need to explain what is prey and what is not.
I literally left Houndour with a recent catch for five minutes why is it dead.
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turtle-servant · 6 months
Swanna enjoy even ice cold waters. -Thorn
... you....
Okay. Okay, thank you.
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turtle-servant · 6 months
That thing, it was wrong. It took everything I had... But...
That poor pokemon, or what was once a pokemon.
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turtle-servant · 7 months
[ Video embedded.
"Fuck— Fuck— FUCK—"
There is more rustling of leaves and the camera is still focusing on the device on Swanna's neck. Veracity managed to get the cover off from it exposing part of the mechanisms but, judging by how much the camera shakes, he's having a hard time being able to get a grip for long enough to get it off.
"Shit, shit— Swanna! Left!"
Swan a chirps and moves to the left, the camera barely catches the sight of one of Sylveon's feelers shooting out from the corner, missing Vera and Swanna by centimeters and making it roar in frustration.
Veracity quickly gets his bearing back and starts messing with the device and the screwdriver. Swanna chirps nervously as they run off; they both know it's only a matter of time.
"Swanna— Surf!"
The water type quickly spins around, and the device lights up, severely limiting the strenght of the move and making it look like a watergun instead. It does help in making the fairy(?) Type lose it's balance.
"I think I got it! Must be this right—"
He gets interrupted as a log gets thrown their way, tossing both of them to the ground and interrupting their momentum.
Veracity curses out loud and scrambles back over Swanna, but before they can get back on feet the bird pokemon gets pinned down by the Sylveon feelers as it looms over them.
Vera grabs Swanna's neck and pulls her closer, the shadow of the strange pokemon covers what he's doing but in the span of a few seconds, he jabs the head of the screwdriver into a crevice of the inhibitor, manages to make it pop off from Swanna's neck, and manages to spin around and grab the demon's leg, janking it closer and locking the device on it.
The inhibitor lights up and the creature immediately recoils, feelers vibrating as they struggle to keep their form and elasticity. The camera doesn't linger on it for too long as Veracity dashes behind Swanna.
"Swanna! Surf!"
Swanna puffs up and manages to summon a big wave of water, crashing onto the Sylveon and sending it back a few meters.
"Ha! Take THAT you little fairy FREAK—"
His victory gets interrupted as Swanna yanks him onto her back and starts to quickly sprint away.
"Hey, wait! Swanna! What are you doing?!"
A roar rings through the forest.
"—nevermind, faster!"
The video cuts. ]
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turtle-servant · 7 months
I need to rest.
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turtle-servant · 7 months
That would be helpful, but I am unsure. I do not think that. That I will be able to hold it off much longer. Or that it would react to steel like a normal fairy type.
I have barely been able to avoid it but I thinl it knows. It might fucking know otherwise why else would it fucking camp the base of the mountain? I need to weaken it somehow.
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turtle-servant · 7 months
All who follow that path know the danger once they set foot on it. And they are also busy evacuating people. I can confound it long enough.
This thing is fast and somehow knows where I am, I have only been able to avoid it by following where the wild pokemon run off to and even on Swanna she can't quite outpace it for long periods of time. I need to get rid of this limitator or whatever I could make it with Fly.
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turtle-servant · 7 months
Try to find a Warrior's waystation. They'll have weapons. If you truly mean to lead it away.
I am sorry about the inhibitor, that will take longer to remove.
This thing is fast and somehow knows where I am, I have only been able to avoid it by following where the wild pokemon run off to and even on Swanna she can't quite outpace it for long periods of time. I need to get rid of this limitator or whatever I could make it with Fly.
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turtle-servant · 7 months
I am trying to confuse it and lead it astary. What the FUCK is that thing. It is wrong. So very wrong.
This thing is fast and somehow knows where I am, I have only been able to avoid it by following where the wild pokemon run off to and even on Swanna she can't quite outpace it for long periods of time. I need to get rid of this limitator or whatever I could make it with Fly.
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turtle-servant · 7 months
Head up the mountains to The Cat's territory.
If anyone can keep you safe.
Ugh... something knocked me out, mentally wise.
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turtle-servant · 7 months
Yes, aside from the splitting headache. Dag's here with me.
Did you get out.
Terramara and I are trying to pinpoint it, but it's Infinity Energy is just off.
Ugh... something knocked me out, mentally wise.
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turtle-servant · 7 months
... you should be able to get out now. that, creature knocked me out.
Ugh... something knocked me out, mentally wise.
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turtle-servant · 7 months
Ugh... something knocked me out, mentally wise.
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turtle-servant · 7 months
That is odd. I will have someone go and check on it.
Huh. Well, that was ominous.
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turtle-servant · 7 months
Huh. Well, that was ominous.
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