uhhtyler 1 month
per my last post: i just recently moved to a new place too and like im in an apartment in the city for the first time ever and im realizing like i have no idea how much cats are supposed to eat in a day?? bc my family cat at home just hunts outside and we keep his bowl topped off for whenever he comes in, half the time we're not even there and everyone fills it up so no one actually knows how much he eats like that's something that feels so simple and common knowledge but i just have no clue tbh
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uhhtyler 1 month
thinking about getting a cat but i have so much anxiety about big decisions that im scared too and ruining it for myself
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uhhtyler 1 month
wikihow to find new friends in your 20s and also coworkers arent an option
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uhhtyler 1 month
i literally haven't spoken in any of my group chats or to any of the people in them in two weeks and they're all dead bc i was literally the only one keeping them alive and no one has even messaged me to ask if im okay or even tried to keep them alive like why do i even try if no one wants to put in the effort too
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uhhtyler 1 month
im so tired of being the one there for my friends all the time like what about ME
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uhhtyler 1 month
youre my..... best friend...... now i...... have no one to tell...... how i..... lost my....... best friend........
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