uley--omega · 6 years
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                                           ❝ I mean. ❞                                                 ❝ … ❞                 ❝ It’s not like astrology is real or anything. ❞                                                 ❝ — ❞                                            ❝ At least. ❞                                    ❝ Leah says it’s not. ❞                                                 ❝ ... ❞                                     ❝ Jake says it’s not. ❞                                                 ❝ — ❞    ❝ But Sue says no matter if it’s real or not ... ❞       ❝ ... you can learn a lot about someone. ❞                                   ❝ Like. ❞ ❝ If they feel like a certain sign or whatever — ❞                   ❝  — if they relate to it. ❞     ❝ Then there’s gotta be something there. ❞                                ❝ Billy says some tribes even have their own zodiac. ❞   ❝ I’m a Taurus. ❞            ❝ ... ❞ ❝ Which means. ❞      ❝ I’m lazy. ❞            ❝ ... ❞          ❝ And. ❞            ❝ — ❞    ❝ Stubborn ...  ❞ ❝ ... ( sometimes. ) ❞     ❝ I like to eat a lot. ❞                                                                              ❝ — But ! ❞                                                            ❝ All the astrology things say —  ❞                                                                             ❝ I’m solid. ❞                                                                       ❝ And generous —  ❞                                                                        ❝ — and patient. ❞                                                                         ❝ Dependable. ❞                                                                 ❝ That’s all good stuff ... ❞                                                                            ❝ ... Yeah ? ❞          
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                            ❝ Do you think that’s true ? ❞                                               ❝ — ❞                                 ❝ What’s your sign ? ❞                 
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uley--omega · 6 years
                                    Despite his best efforts,                                 ( and certainly not for a lack of trying, )                                      Seth wasn't allowed to partake                                   in any of the day's fun or festivities. Sue said, ‘ You're too old for this sort of thing now, Seth. ‘         And Leah --- well. Leah simply scolded him.              ' You eat too much candy, anyways. ‘
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                                                                ❝ ... ❞
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                               ❝ Ness and Claire better save me an Easter egg. ❞
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uley--omega · 7 years
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personality tests + seth clearwater
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uley--omega · 7 years
❛ ------------------ you really should get some rest . when was the last time you slept ? ❜
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                                               ❝ Don’t worry, Carlisle. ❞                                                         ❝ I’m cool. ❞                                                         ❝ I’m good. ❞                                                     ❝ Totally good. ❞
       You ever think people are just born for something ? In the way that Carlisle was born to heal others, fix them up,  teach them something new ? That good doctor was born to  save lives. Without even knowing the measure, the extent,     or the magnitude of his own influence, Carlisle Cullen was                     born to give second chances.                                     Seth was born to make people happy. Brokering peace,                                                              imparting unconditional love and forgiveness, the                                  propensity for making everyone smile, and the proclivity                                           for making even the most unlikely of friends was                                          something that no ordinary person could handle.                                      Edward often referred to Seth’s unrelenting kindness                                              and positivity as a ‘ gift ‘ — a gift beyond any                                            perceptible skill or archaic view of intelligence.                                                 ❝ This ? ❞                                        ❝ This is kid stuff ! ❞      
The truth was, everyone was tired. Nobody had a chance to hunt. Bella was only getting sicker. Dying faster.Seth, Leah, and Jacob had been awakefor God knows how many hours.But boosting morale ? That’s what Seth was good at. When everybody’s eyeswere glazed over, when every person in the room had gotten irritable, Seth managed to make at leastone person chuckle.                                                                                  ❝ You know. ❞                                                                                  ❝ One time. ❞                                                   ❝ When there was a Dragon Ball Z marathon --- ❞                                                                                 ❝ --- going on.❞                                                                                    ❝ on T.V. ❞                                                      ❝ Me and Jake stayed up two whole days.❞                                                                 ❝ We finally crashed at seven. ❞                                                                                        ❝ But. ❞                                                                         ❝ It was totally worth it. ❞          
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uley--omega · 7 years
mary alice cullen. 
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     “ I only see possibilities. so even if I could see your future it may not be certain — besides, whats the fun in knowing who your going to fall in love with, isn’t it better to be surprised ?? ”
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                                                 ❝ I mean. ❞                                                 ❝ I guess. ❞                                                       ❝ ... ❞  
                                  It really doesn’t take long for that look of pure merriment                                                   and unrestrained interest to turn into a look                                                                 of sobriety and subtle concern.
  ❝ I wonder if she’ll have brown hair. ❞                               ❝ --- ❞                     ❝ Or blond hair. ❞      ❝ Maybe she’ll have blue eyes. ❞                    ❝ Or brown eyes. ❞                              ❝ Oh ! ❞                    ❝ Or green eyes. ❞                               ❝ --- ❞                ❝ ( I like green eyes. ) ❞               ❝ ( They’re real pretty. ) ❞                                                                                   ❝ ... ❞                                                                            ❝ Like you ! ❞                                                           ❝ --- ❞                                     ❝ Did you see Jasper coming ? ❞                                              ❝ Were you all like. ❞                                                 ❝ ‘ There he is ! ‘ ❞                                      ❝ ‘ The man of my dreams ! ‘ ❞     
He laughs to himself.  It never takes much.                                                                          ❝ I think it would be cool to know. ❞                                                                                             ❝ I could. ❞                                                                                                ❝ Like. ❞                                                                                                   ❝ ... ❞                                                                                           ❝ I dunno ‘ . ❞                                                                      ❝ Buy her chocolate, or something. ❞                           
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uley--omega · 7 years
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❛ If Sam comes after Bella, are you really prepared     to fight your own brothers ? Your sister ? ❜
                                                      ❝ If it’s the right thing to do.❞
                                                         independent rp blog for the twilight saga’s seth clearwater.                                                    character belongs to stephanie meyer and little brown company.
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uley--omega · 7 years
mary alice cullen. | @haspatiience
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                              ❝ You know. ❞            ❝ I wish you could see my future. ❞
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                                    ❝ Then. ❞         ❝ You could tell me who I’m gonna ‘ marry ! ❞       
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uley--omega · 7 years
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uley--omega · 7 years
??? | @nebullosity
                    A vast and untroubled silence hangs over the trees               like a mist that never really dissipates. The land itself, harboring         the lives of human and animal alike, maintained all sorts of promises.               It promised to always remain neutral in times of great conflict, in          times of utter chaos and volatile calamity. It promised that no matter     how many lives were taken on its soil, it would remain, always and forever,        an asylum for those of us brokering peace ; preserving the breath and     the foundation of life as we know it. That is what happens to a forest after  a fire, after all. After branches have been set ablaze, after the dens of rabbits          and bears have been filled to capacity with smoke, after ferns have           crumbled in the presence of all that irascible aridity, after streams      have been coated with ash --- the forest grows back thicker, more lush,     and more beautiful than it ever had been before. When Harry Clearwater                            died, Seth found solace in the whistling of does                                          and the rustling of pine needles.                          With the recent infestation of the cold - blooded,               these forests were still. They were so quiet, so lone and so cold                that the spirit of the rolling northern hills was not even that of        sadness ; it was more like a guiltless and unabashed acceptance for          what was to come --- whatever that might be. Seth, is his own way,          understood that feeling completely. He knew what it was like to not    particularly favor one side over the other, he knew the feeling of waking up every day without a specific goal or purpose in mind. Like the silence among           the trees and like the waves crashing into the hanging rocks of   La Push, he went where life took him --- he did his best at every opportunity.  
    Never did he fight very hard to keep his position        on any one thing. Never did he feel that doing  good by others, meant that you had to be stagnant,         observe some kind of objective. He was born           into the role of dutiful protector of the tribe,         a wolf with a history of honor and a bloodline        of sacrifice. Today, his mission was to listen       to the wind, and watch for sudden movements.           One step at a time --- he’d change the life                of just one person. Through that,                      he would change the world.
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                           Pointed ears rotate clockwise in an unhurried fashion,                               flaxen eyes fixate on a break in the Sol Duc pass.                     Those black whiskers twitch before tracking the reverberation                   in the forest floor, one misstep which translates to the faint crack                            of a fallen branch, which pushes a freshly fallen leaf                              into a bed of overgrown lichen --- the sound of it all                                        was akin to laying your head on old pillow                                              that hadn’t been fluffed in weeks.  
He wasn’t meant to be seen like this.  
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uley--omega · 7 years
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uley--omega · 7 years
??? | @saintlikc
       Even Forks has to change sometime, and even Forks has its set              of sunny days. The people of this town grew chaotic, excitable,                  and untamed when the sun came out to play. And it wasn’t               because of the warmth, or how much they missed the feeling                 of that Vitamin D soaking into their skin, but because it was                change, a change that altered the course of their days and             removed all habitual Forks and La Push inhabitants out of such                          destructive constancy. Out of permanence.                             A hint of something new, and a promise                                    of something brief, impermanent.  
It was on these sunny days that Seth liked hiking the most --- he never minded his hair sticking to his forehead or the way the thick, round droplets of rain almost made a marbled mosaic on his shoulders, how drenched his socks got and how he would have to hang up his shorts and his vest up by clothespins in the one shower they had. He liked the rain, really. It was just that the landscape looked so much more beautiful when the birds were out, and when the ocean was calm. When the trees stood still and when the mountains almost began to speak to him from a time long past. When the territory had only been called ‘ Chinook Nation ‘, and when the Quileute Tribe, in solidarity with the Yakama,  retained sovereignty over  the Olympic Peninsula.  
             He had a Gatorade bottle in his hand, but the liquid inside           was clear. Just water. The plastic label was peeling, and part              of that iconic orange lightning bolt was faded and missing.              Almost like it had been run through the washing machine                              a few times. Reused for days like this.
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                                            ❝Oh.❞                                            ❝Sorry.❞             ❝Didn’t think anybody knew about these trails.❞                                        ❝Or at least.❞                  ❝Didn’t think people used ‘ em much ... ❞                                             ❝ --- ❞                        ❝ ... ‘ cause of the mountain lions.❞                                             ❝Say ! ❞                                              ❝You.❞       ❝You don’t really look like you’re from around here ❞ 
                           And by, ‘ from around here, ‘ he meant the reservation.                                                        Not Forks. Small town affairs.
           ❝ What’s your name ? ❞   
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uley--omega · 7 years
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[ out of howls. ] i want to address something very quickly. if you go back for some time on my blog, or if you pay any attention at all to my near endless ramblings in the tags, you’ll see that i have the utmost respect for indigenous communities in north america. considering everything that has been happening lately --- if you live in the united states --- you may know exactly what i mean. the dakota access pipeline, the sheer and utter dehumanizing treatment of native people in north america, police brutality, and illegal activity regarding tribal & ancestral lands, is something that i cannot even begin to imagine having to go through myself. it’s no secret. the treatment of native people in this country is absolutely despicable. and there are few allusions to this in the twilight series.  jacob’s house is not in the best condition. there are tarps hanging over portions of the roof where the wood has rotten through. many parts of rural washington are economically depressed, and it’s no joke. i had a friend in the past, ( we have since parted ways, ) who was half pawnee, half yakama, and whose grandfather was a native rights attorney. he represented indigenous communities against state governments and individuals breaking ordinances and tribal laws. i take this very seriously. it is part of the reason that i refuse to role play with people who role play any quileute character with a white fc. every single character belonging to the quileute tribe had a native actor --- ( though you could argue about taylor lautner’s distant native ancestry, ) stephanie meyer found it very important to have native actors at the forefront of the twilight franchise.  in my headcanons page, there is a headcanon discussing the size of the quileute reservation. the land it occupies. prior to the release of the twilight books and films, the quileute reservation was on one square mile in a near - uninhabitable tsunami zone. yeah. say what you want about twilight, but the popularization of the books and movies led to huge influxes in tourism --- native run hotels, whale watching, the marina. some of the proceeds from the films went straight to the reservation, and they were compensated for the fact that the studio filmed on their land. after twilight, the real quileute people had enough money to sue washington state for their land, and they are now no longer situated at the top of a cliff, in a tsunami zone, restricted to just one square mile.  i just want to shed light on the fact that these topics will in fact be highlighted in my writing. they always have been. i do not ever want to take away from native voices, and i want people to understand that this is not an experience i can claim as my own. if i ever overstep boundaries, and if i ever offend anybody that is native or has lived on reservation, please let me know. literally feel free to drag me. because native people are fucking important. their stories need to be shared, showcased, and damn well understood. 
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uley--omega · 7 years
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[ x ] Basket with wolf design; early 20th century; bear grass, sweet grass, cedar bark; Quileute or Makah; Collected by Leo J. Frachtenberg; acquired in 1917; National Museum of the American Indian 060415
Baskets were initially made to accommodate food gathering and preparation, and to store precious family heirlooms. With the advent of tourism in the late 19th century, Quileute weavers produced colorful baskets with an array of pictorial designs, using traditional materials and techniques but adding aniline dyes and raffia. The importance of the wolf in the Quileute world view is reflected in this expertly rendered design.
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uley--omega · 7 years
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The Washington coast
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uley--omega · 7 years
rosalie hale. | @coldbarbie
           Seth hadn’t anticipated this. Never in a million years,            did he think for one second, that he would be sitting in      the living room of the Cullen’s multifaceted glass castle alone   with Rosalie Hale. Leah, of course, had refused to participate in        whatever discussion had been taking place upstairs --- she      preferred patrol. Carlisle, Esme, and Jacob were addressing        the lengths of which Sam was willing to go to get to Bella, the             measures he would take to remove the hybrid child                     before it was born. The boys were hunting.                  Alice ? The fact that she was on the roof, was                 made only evident by the intermittent pattering                 of delicate, tentative footsteps. If it were not for     Seth’s excellent hearing, he probably wouldn’t even notice.                          Adjusting himself carefully on this grey, modern - style sofa,                        Seth held his glass high, making sure not to spill the cranberry                               juice he’d been sipping on for the past twenty minutes.                           Esme always kept refreshments in the house --- for Bella,                            and now, for the wolves. The couch itself really wasn’t very                                                comfortable ; he guessed it was more                                                     for show than for anything else.     In all honesty, the absence of communication was more unsettling than the couch, which might as well have been crafted from plywood and suede.   The idea that people pay thousands of dollars for unique, custom - made                   furniture was nothing short of baffling in Seth’s mind.
Everything Seth heard about Rosalie, came from Edward, through Bella, and and eventually made it through the mouth of Jacob. Almost as if people were afraid to talk about her, even utter her name, every piece of information he gathered about this beautiful blonde vampire was like some sort of rumor.  ‘ You know, she’s probably killed more people than Edward. ‘ Or,  ‘ She really doesn’t love anyone you know. She’s too cold to love. ‘ Jacob never really used the word, ‘ bitch ‘, but Seth could tell in the way that Jacob curled his lip, it’s what he meant. People would call his sister that all the time. They would say that she was frigid, impersonal, shrewd, bitter, and any number of other disrespectful names. They hung her pain over her head, forgetting that she, too, was very much a person --- a person capable of compassion, love, and sacrifice. In a way, he could relate to that --- at least through his experience observing Leah in a way that others could not. He lived with her.
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                                                                                        ❝ Hey. ❞                                                                                        ❝ Look. ❞                                                                             ❝ I know I smell bad. ❞                                                                        ❝ I even took two showers. ❞                                                                   ❝ Put on some of Jake’s cologne. ❞                                                        ❝ And wore a t - shirt right out of the laundry. ❞        Seth was never interested in the business   of passing judgment onto others without reason.         Rosalie, however, with her flared nostrils   and yellow eyes like daggers, wasn’t making it                  very easy to get comfortable.                                                        ❝ ... ❞                                                       ❝ But. ❞                                                 ❝ You know. ❞                       ❝ Vampires don’t smell too awesome, either. ❞            
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uley--omega · 7 years
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[ out of howls. ] i’ve been slightly overwhelmed by the amount of new followers i’ve been getting ! if you’d like a starter, go ahead and like this post and i’ll try and get one up to you here soon. 
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uley--omega · 7 years
??? | @sucroseborn
                         Wolves and women are relational by nature.                             Inquiring, dictated entirely by great endurance,                               and great strength. They are both creatures                        of deep and infallible intuition, intensely concerned                                with their young, their mate, and their pack.                             Both seem to have been hounded, bothered,                        badgered and harassed by preconceived notions                             involving their wit and their self preservation.                            Falsely imputed, to be harrowing and devious,                                     overtly aggressive, of inherently less                                value than those who are their detractors.
Every day for Seth, is an opportunity             to prove someone wrong.  Abolish conventions, and wrong ideas.
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                                                                                   ❝ … ❞                                                                                   ❝ Oh. ❞                                                                                 ❝ Sorry. ❞                                                                       ❝ Am I in your way ? ❞                                                                                     ❝ --- ❞                                                                                ❝ My bad. ❞                                                                            ❝ It’s just that. ❞    ❝ I think I dropped my pocket knife over here. ❞                                ❝ Last night. ❞                                        ❝ … ❞                         ❝ It was dark, and all. ❞                                        ❝ --- ❞                     ❝ I didn’t mean for that to sound creepy, or nothing ! ❞                                                 ❝ I wasn’t using it. ❞                                                              ❝ It. ❞                                                        ❝ It sort of. ❞                                                           ❝ Just. ❞                                                         ❝ Fell out. ❞                                                              ❝ … ❞                                                       ❝ You know. ❞                            ❝ I like to take walks at night sometimes. ❞                                                              ❝ ---  ❞                                                      ❝ Not ... in like. ❞                                                    ❝ A creepy way. ❞
                                                            Turning swiftly, he began to notice                                                    fairly quickly that he had not yet met this girl                                                        with the blonde hair and the blue eyes.                                                          She most certainly didn’t go to school                                                            on reservation ; usually Forks kids                                                        never went any further than First Beach.                                                          Stuffing his hands into his pockets, he                                                            made his way off the bark chip path                                                           he’d been standing on, stepping over                                                               to the left and onto a rock, so that                                                        the girl could cut through --- if she wanted.                                                                  It took him a moment to muster                                                                         up the courage to ask. 
                            ❝ --- ❞          ❝ Are you a cheerleader ? ❞                           ❝ Like. ❞             ❝ With all the tricks ... ❞                   ❝ ... and stuff ? ❞          
                                                            Unfortunately, he was capable                                                  of perpetuating stereotypes such as these,                                                           himself. The important thing was,                                                                  he meant no harm by it.    
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