ulfhrafnxa · 6 years
Therapist: what's your healthiest coping mechanism?
Me: ??????isolation?????
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ulfhrafnxa · 6 years
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ulfhrafnxa · 6 years
pick your battles. pick… pick fewer battles than that. put some battles back. that’s too many 
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ulfhrafnxa · 6 years
I can only connect deeply or not at all.
Anaïs Nin, Fire (via wethinkwedream)
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ulfhrafnxa · 6 years
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    a growl escapes from deep within her throat, guttural and full of displeasure, she flashes crimson stained teeth as she holds her ground. it’s a warning, ‘ do not come any closer or you will regret it. ‘ despite the blood trailing from thick fur onto the snow beneath massive paws, she has enough fight in her to defend her domain from one more intruder.
   they had come into the woods with the intent to take, hunters with no respect for the land or those that dwelled within. she’d disposed of them, but somehow they had anticipated her presence, and left her with a parting gift, the silver bolt lodged into her shoulder blade. 
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ulfhrafnxa · 6 years
All the gods, all the heavens, all the hells, are within you.
Joseph Campbell (via badgerlips)
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ulfhrafnxa · 6 years
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       Dubious dismay clots his expression then, the false pinch of his brows furthering as he mocks a baffled air. 
      ❝ I? An intentional scoundrel? Well, color me shocked. I’ve been cuttin’ about, disbelievin’ any notion of such. Whatever will I tell my maw? She’ll have a right fit, the old bat, ❞ he folded his arms over his torso, lips pursing momentarily.       Back pressed flat against brick, he continued nonchalantly, ❝ Personal is all a matter of perspective. I don’t chit chat with the man. Had I the care, I’d toss a squeaker his way, but no, I’ve nothin’ personal against him. I simply posted a wee add in a certain area at the right time that he so happened to take a glance at. Was I targeting him? Nah. Did I take pleasure knowin’ he fell for somethin’ so elementary? Aye, I always do. Suppose that’s why I’m the best———Shame your lad can’t say the same. ❞  
      Only the ‘best’ would go as far as to burglar the young man’s phone, abuse its lack of a lock, collect the necessary information, then deposit it back proper in the oblivious toad’s pocket before he started to fret. One might argue that, to some degree, he’d invested in the ruse far beyond the rest, if only because he had purchased a ‘Paw Patrol’ Toddler Tricycle bike brand new directly. Not even a third-party retailer would interrupt the jab, it seemed. 
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    ❝ —-Now you’re just being an asshole. ❞ 
  With a growl she grabs a rag from a nearby basket and begins to wipe down the bar top, busying her hands with something, anything, to keep her mind clear. It only proved a good distraction for about five minutes. The manner in which he was acting so indifferent about the  situation was rubbing her the wrong way.
         ❝  I would never do anything like this to you. I have enough common decency to be respectful of you and those who work alongside you. Coincidence or not, you could have easily put an end to this the moment you realized who it was, but you chose to drag it out as long as possible, for what? Money you could have easily made in an evening at any of your other usual haunts. You knew the position this would put me in, and you did it anyway. ❞ 
    Around this part of town it was no secret that she was in a trade no more honorable than his own, a gun for hire didn’t exactly have the right to hold themselves in higher regard than a con artist, and she never had, she may even give him the benefit of believing that this was not intended to be as personal as it felt, but she would not tolerate such a clear violation of her trust. Not for him, or anyone else. ❝ Or is this your way of getting back at me for something you’re too childish to say to my face ? If you can’t sack up and talk to me then leave. I don’t have time to deal with this bullshit. ❞  Not when she was busy putting out the fires he’d created.
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ulfhrafnxa · 6 years
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#my spirit animal
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ulfhrafnxa · 6 years
♡ + religiosity/spirituality hc?
   At first glance, or even in simple conversation, you wouldn’t really know that Lira’s all that religious, but she is. It’s a private part of her life that she only shares with people she knows well ( like Skeitan, who understands devotion to a higher power ) , not out of shame or anything like that, but because she’s not in the habit of sharing personal details ( beliefs included ) with strangers or acquaintances, and her relationship with her gods is exactly that. Personal. 
   All the blessings bestowed upon her thus far are their doing and she gives thanks and asks for guidance wherever possible. In the Skyrim universe, she’s an avid worshiper of Hircine, Lira’s probably as close to a Champion of Hircine as you can get. She leaves him sacrifices every blood moon and hunts in his name each time she shifts, there’s nothing that makes her feel more alive than the thrill of a hunt, so it’s no surprise that she’s among the few who looks forward to life after death in his Hunting Grounds. I don’t doubt that her devotion and natural drive will make her one of his best hunters when he finally comes to claim her. It’s because of this that she’s not afraid of dying, what awaits her will be just as glorious as the life she’s carved out for herself, the only thing she fears is disappointing those she holds in high regards.
  She also pays her respects to Ysgramor, Talos and Mara anytime she passes by one of their shrines but Hircine holds the biggest portion of her faith.
  Outside of Skyrim, and because pretty much everything about the Nord’s in game is modeled after the Norse people in reality, her faith lies in the Norse Pantheon. She’ll pray to whichever god she needs assistance from the most. As a werewolf, she tends to *talk to Máni the most, mostly out of habit because she is nocturnal after all, but also because the moon is obviously her biggest source of power. ( *I say ‘ talk to’ in the sense that she’ll sit outside under the stars and speak at  him. Magni is the only god she’s ever physically spoken to in the flesh, the others just show their listening in subtle ways on occasion. It’s more the feeling of a presence than an actual response. )
  Everything that gives her strength, not just the gods, however, she pays tribute to, Lira’s very self aware, she knows her gifts weren’t an accident and that fate plays as much a hand in her past, present, and future, as the choices she makes.
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ulfhrafnxa · 6 years
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------Goodbye, Dad.
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ulfhrafnxa · 6 years
“I’ve never been a sellsword… never traded my skills for pay. I’ve always adventured on my own terms.”
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   “ —My brother used to say if you are exceptionally skilled in a certain trade you should never perform your services for free, but there is no shame in following a path of your own making. Coin or otherwise.” The greatest benefit of a life such as this one was the freedom to choose after all. “ He was also known to take what did not belong to him, so perhaps he is not the best example.“ Yet she smirks, regardless of her brother’s questionable morality, fondly reminiscing of days seemingly longer and far simpler. What mischief was the Captain of The Requiem getting himself into now ? There was nothing she would not sacrifice to know. To hear of his adventures from his own mouth.
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ulfhrafnxa · 6 years
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Aela the Huntress
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ulfhrafnxa · 6 years
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Finished up the Companions print It is available as a print here!
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ulfhrafnxa · 6 years
“I consider this conversation over.”
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   “ ---No.”  Her jaw clenches and something within her snaps in response to his dismissal of not only her, but her concerns. He was free to gamble with his life as much as he wanted, get eaten by frost trolls, she didn’t give a damn, but Brynjolf in his current state was an entirely different story. “ Why does everything have to be so one sided with you ?! ” It was infuriating, and she was having a hell of a time controlling the volume of her voice, and the rising urge to spill blood, his temper matched only by her own. “ What you think of me is of little consequence, “ She didn’t need his respect nor his approval, “—….but I will not let you take it out on him. “  
    Towering above him like a saber ready to pounce she snatches the papers strewn atop his desk, that apparently, were infinitely more interesting to him than making eye contact with her. Shoddy bastard. How could he be so god damned heartless? 
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ulfhrafnxa · 6 years
ooc. when you go to type shoddy and it corrects to soggy, lmfao i’m crying send help. mercer’s a soggy bastard pass it on.
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ulfhrafnxa · 6 years
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Katie and Oisin on Krys Marshall’s Instagram Stories 2.9.18
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ulfhrafnxa · 6 years
' that’s why it’s best to not mistake foolhardiness for bravery. '
     The line dividing the two was thin, and Lira was embarrassed to admit that was the very reason she now stood before the Arch-Mage. She was in desperate need of control, the fiery hold impulse and resentment had on her heart had caused more harm than young Nord knew how to manage. The next time irrational anger set off the only magic her mother had passed on it might be more than her mentor’s home that went up in flames.
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             “ —–Could you…I mean, would you… help me harness this properly ? “
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