unlapinblanc · 9 years
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Shun was coming to Shiratorizawa? That means they can be co-managers together! “KEIICHI, SHUN IS COMING OVER TO SHIRATORIZAWA. ISN’T THAT GREAT?” 
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No. No it wasn’t great at all. Do you even know what that means? “Ssssuuuurreee.” Instantly speed dials Nekoma High to speak to the volleyball team’s captain because who would let her do this?????
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unlapinblanc · 9 years
vcracious gets a starter!
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Starting this whole week, the managers of the Boys Volleyball Club at Shiratorizawa would be subbing in for the manger of the girl’s club. It was only because of a dire family circumstances and considering there was no extra paperwork to be had, Masako and Keiichi couldn’t say no ( or rather Masako was the one that agreed first and foremost ). Hence why she was staying here to close up the gym, although in particular, she was staying behind to make sure the team’s setter didn’t overwork themselves. “C-captain-san!” She gives a shy wave of her hand to catch the other’s attention. “I-it’s getting late and you should c-call it a day!” Masako was hoping that Yua didn’t say no because there was no way the strawberry blond would be able to tell her to go home forcefully ( she’s not Keiichi ), but - !!!!! “I saved you a pork bun!” Maybe she can lure the other into setting the volleyball down with some food.
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unlapinblanc · 9 years
blxcking gets a starter!
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Training camp meant that there was a lot of work to be done! The coach was busy staring, observing and then yelling to be honest, and the advisor was busy trying to give good advice and keep him from chewing the team apart. While they were doing that, the managers were busy cooking. To be honest, that was her brother’s department. Keiichi was great at cooking and luckily for him, Semi-san was also rather good at it! Not that the blond needed the setter’s help, just like how Masako was great at baking, but didn’t need Reon to coach her through things. Although, it was nice to have a kitchen partner! Today, she didn’t need one because Keiichi was cooking and there was no need for her to bake. She did need to go to the nearby grocery market to do some shopping. Her brother needed some ingredients for tomorrow’s lunch and Keiichi was too busy to go out right now, so it was her job to go ahead and go!
With someone of course. Keiichi did not like the idea of her going alone, not just for her own safety, but for the safety of everyone else around her. The strawberry blond did tend to be... a bit troublesome in a way where she could trip over flat floors and scream bloody murder when it came to a bug. Yeah. Best if she didn’t go alone. “Tsukishima-kun?” She gently taps him on the back because his shoulder is too far up for her to reach sadly. “Do you wanna go to the grocery store with me?” Because the first year probably needed a break considering how much coach had been scolding him in particular. It's best to get out of his way when he is in that type of mood. "I'll tell coach you're with me so you don't get in trouble." She gives a reassuring smile.
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unlapinblanc · 9 years
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Keiichi returns the gaze with the same expression as though to challenge the other, to speak his mind and give him a reason to have this team kicked off the Academy grounds. However, he is much more professional than that and even if he dislikes it, he represents this club so he has to be on his top behavior ( this is questionable considering his third year’s antics ). “No. I have not.” Was this a field trip of some sorts to their school? He has no recollection of this whatsoever, but since the other was already here... “I would have assumed he came to the gym, but I have yet to see another someone unfamiliar.” He checks his cellphone just to make sure. There were still ten minutes left before Ushijima-san returns from his run and it would take longer for the rest to finish. 
“If he is somewhere on campus, it would be best to find him before he got caught.” He didn’t need Ushijima-san to get in trouble as he did last time by bringing a stranger on campus, but in reality, he should have been the one to stop the third year. “I am assuming your whole club is here, so it shouldn’t be too hard.” From what Masako had said, they had some pretty loud team members, both of which she found rather cute. “Shall we go?”
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                 “Neither. Our captain.”
| Kei replied shortly, looking down at the boy with an expression that reflected feelings just short of disdain and outright contempt. It seemed that Hinata and Kageyama were– of course– once again, the most recognized of their players despite the overwhelming amount of talent present in every member of the club. Kei didn’t mind being noticed less, for he didn’t care about the sport in the least. No, it wasn’t exactly that he was jealous, but something simply bothered him about the way the arrogance of the two was backed up by the attention and validation they received. After all, he didn’t think they were all that special. |                 “I take it that you haven’t seen him?”
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unlapinblanc · 9 years
Can you reblog this if you’d RP with someone over 30?
I’m 30 and face a lot of age discrimination in the tumblr rp comm so admitting my age sucks.
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unlapinblanc · 9 years
Okay, I feel like this needs to be addressed since it’s been happening a lot lately for no reason in particular. 
It is not okay to send anon hate to ANYONE EVER. Especially if they’re already feeling insecure about their writing and how people feel about them. 
There’s constructive criticism, and then there’s just straight up fucking hate and it makes me so upset that people actually think this is an okay to do. If you’re in a shitty mood, don’t go fucking taking it out on other people. Talk to someone about your feelings instead of sending someone hurtful messages about their writing. 
Not everyone has to be fucking fancy rpers, and not everyone has to be straight up canon. People can perceive and play the characters as they like, and it is not your place to say that they’re shit at doing it. 
Shit like this is what causes people to delete their blogs, and if that was your goal in the first place then you’re a terrible person for trying. If someone I know is doing this, or if your following me unfollow me right now because if I find out it was you that pushed my friend to feel bad about themselves and made them delete their blogs then there will be hell to be paid. 
That’s all I really have to say on the matter. It isn’t hard at all to be nice and not send people hate. Like literally, all you have to do is keep your shitty ass opinion to yourself. 
thank you.
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unlapinblanc · 9 years
gentlexwl asked for a starter!
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With whatever fight was going on between her club and Fukurodani’s, Masako took it upon herself to make an apology on their behalf. After telling Keiichi that talk shit, get hit was not a way to make friends, she went ahead and made a huge batch of cookies. Everyone liked cookies. Who could say no to cookies? There were three tins of cookies. That’s how much she liked making them and that’s how much she felt would at least mend the relationship between both schools. The only problem was... well... she had no idea where she was ( oops ). In her defense, it was a pretty big school. Glancing around she looked left and right, but this was probably the third time she’s passed by this one tree with the squiggly branch ( landmarks are helpful in these situations ). “Uh oh...” There was no way Masako was going to go home without seeing to these cookies being delivered into the rightful hands. At least let her meet Bokuto Koutarou. He’s very funny! At least, she thought he was funny ( Tendou-san would probably think so otherwise ).
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unlapinblanc · 9 years
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He couldn’t believe this. All because of an argument. Really. Really? Was this necessary? Apparently so because a certain school that was affiliated with a bunch of owls was asking for a smack down. No one messes with Shiratorizawa and certainly not the Boys Volleyball Club. As the manager who was in charge of the more business side of the club, it only made sense for him to handle the matter in a more refined way. Ahem. He straightens himself and presents the official form that would be an agreement by both parties to settle this matter. “As one of the managers of Shiratorizawa’s Boys Volleyball Club, I humbly welcome all challengers who come to the door. We extend a very warm welcome to Fukurodani as we are excited and honored to have such rivals. We propose that in order to further deepen our bond of friendship, a practice match is in order.” Man, this official business was getting rather dull, but he has a reputation to uphold. “Please name the location, at home or away, as well as the time that would work best for you.” Once the papers were all signed and squared away, Keiichi pauses. “However, I would like to issue a warning.” Oh. Oh no. Keiichi don’t. DON’T DO IT. “Talk shit, get hit. You’re getting wrecked.” He even says this with a smile. Tendou’s personality is starting to rub off on him. However, don't threaten his team ( or their pride ) and think you can get away with it.
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unlapinblanc · 9 years
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Spring legs and catch it? She wished it were so. “D-don’t be ridiculous!” And this is coming from the manager who just called a bucket a highly functioning bug catcherer. Oh my gosh, Kazu-kun, how could you do this to her? Putting the poor second year manager on the spot like this. She gripped the bucket even tighter. “Yeah! K-keichii can classify it f-for you!” At least she was sure her brother could. He could even tell you all the weird diseases they carried or something! Masako gave a squeak when she’s given a nudge forward and at the mention of being eaten alive, she was utterly petrified. Did cockroaches eat people? Were there... carnivorous creepy crawlies???? Oh no. What on earth had she done to deserve such a fate as to encounter one? Masako did not work well under pressure. She didn’t do well at all, especially when bugs were involved. So she did what her flight or fight instincts told her to do when cornered by a bug and a bucket is in hand. She threw it. “RUN KAZU-KUN!” She shrieked, grabbing onto his hand to pull him out of the club room and slam the door behind them.
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“Eh? Bug catcherer?” It was almost hard to believe that the manager was older than he was despite her childish demeanor. But he decided to play along with her for the fun of it, he had nothing better to do anyways. Making his way over to the girl’s side. “Highly functional bug catcherer… So what does it do Masako! Is it going to spring legs and catch it?” He looked down at the corner getting a closer look at the cockroach. “WHOA THAT THING IS HUGE!!! ARE YOU SURE THAT’S A COCKROACH?!?” using an exaggerated voice as he stood behind the girl holding onto her shoulders. “Cmon use the high-tech bug catcherer bucket thing before that thing decides to evolve and eat us here!!” Giving the girl a slight nudge forward which startled the crawly making to move a few steps. “UWAH CATCH IT!!”
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unlapinblanc · 9 years
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Aaahhhhh, please like this thread for a starter because I’ll be running between here, Oikawa, and making this dumb swan baby.
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unlapinblanc · 9 years
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“A-are they getting along?” Who knew. Semi-san just said he was going to shove a volleyball up poor Oikawa-san’s rear. Was that... was that supposed to be what friends do???? In her moment of distress, she turned to peer at her brother. “K-keichii!” At the call of his name, the blond only glanced over at the three third years. He only looks at them for a second before going back to his studies. “It’s perfectly normal.” Although, he does pull out his phone to text Ohira-san. 
[To: Ohira-san] [Msg 11:23]; Ohira-san, Semi-san requires assistance. [Msg 11:23]; I'm afraid for Tendou-san and Oikawa-san's wellbeing [Msg 11:24]; Please come as soon as possible. [Msg 11:25]; Semi-san has a volleyball and is prepared to use it.
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unlapinblanc · 9 years
✓ - How do they react to praise?
Keiichi accepts it in a way where it’s just water off a duck’s swan’s back. Praise is something he sees as unnecessary because what he does is part of his job, it’s to let him know he’s on the right course of doing things. Good grades are expected. Being diligent and meticulous, getting things done efficiently is necessary for his job as manager. So such compliments from his teachers and peers are something he says thanks you before shrugging them off. However, praise from those he cares for ( he tries not to show it ) make him the happiest. Really, if you catch him off guard with praise, he’ll actually smile and he might do it more often, smiling and whatever it is in general. If Tendou says his food tasted good, Keiichi would most likely either pack more in his bento for him to take from or ask if he wants a bento. That way he won’t have to steal from poor Semi-san.
Masako is your happy puppy regardless of how small or big the praise is. She practically glows and thrives underneath it. It’s essentially positive reinforcement with her, but honestly, Masako has some very low self esteem and self confidence, despite her energy and overall cheer ( she hides behind that sunny exterior ). Praise for her from anyone is welcoming and she accepts them with grace and lots of thank you’s. Of course, if it’s from someone she admires and they praise her for something she worked very hard on, she’ll be very flustered. Stuttering words a mile per minute, she’ll just try and totter away penguin style while she tries to recollect herself. 
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unlapinblanc · 9 years
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Studies third years from a safe distance. From his observations and notes, Keiichi can draw several conclusions, but the bigest one was simply this. "They’re all weird."
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unlapinblanc · 9 years
smooches masako on both cheeks &. keiichi on his forehead u v u " happy kiss day ! "
There were quite a lot of people who would have wanted a kiss from someone like Oikawa Tooru and Masako was no exception. She was very fond of the setter, finding his company enjoyable and his personality as sweet as any cake she could bake. You can imagine just how happy she was when she found out it was National Kiss Day. So when she got kissed on the cheek, she was ecstatic, but to her surprise she didn’t get just one kiss. She got two and on both cheeks! “Happy Kiss Day, Oikawa-senpai!” The strawberry blonde glowed, cheeks dusted a pale pink as she gives a laugh, but she motions for the brunette to lean down to whisper into his ear. “Keiichi wants one too!” No, she wasn’t plotting against her brother or anything. Keiichi is too shy to ask is all.
Keichii isn’t expecting one, mostly because it’s Masako who was the eager twin to get a kiss from their senpai. He stays a few feet away with his arms crossed over his chest ( no, it’s not a defensive position or anything ). He certainly does not want one from Oikawa-san. That would be preposterous. Why would he even - Oh wait. Why was he coming this way? The blond’s eyes widens in surprise when the setter towards him and he starts backing away. “Oika - ” But it’s too late. Lips press against his forehead and the simple display of affection short circuits his brain and functional capabilities. It’s safe to say that Oikawa Tooru had stunned him into silence. His cheeks flare a bright shade of red ( who knew it was even possible ) and he starts falling backwards, much to his sister’s distress.
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unlapinblanc · 9 years
♥ - What does ‘love’ mean to them? ♠ - What are they afraid of? ♦ - What is one thing about them that they are most proud of? ♣ - What is one thing that they find embarrassing? (About them, others, things in general) ★ - Do they prefer daytime or nighttime and why? ☾- Are they prone to nightmares or dreamless sleep? ☼ - Something that/Someone who makes them happy. ☁ - If they’re caught out in the rain how do they react? ♪ - Are they musically inclined? ♫ - What kind of music do they enjoy? ✓ - How do they react to praise? ✕ - How do they handle rejection? ☺ - Do they prefer sour or sweet treats? ❄ -  Favorite season and why? ☮ - Do they have an idol or someone they look up to? ❤ - Do they have a love interest? ✖ - Who is someone they just cannot stand? ♔ - Do they value loyalty? ♕ - Do they trust easily?
questions about your character.
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unlapinblanc · 9 years
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Send me anons pretty please, I’m so bored. Ask me anything!
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unlapinblanc · 9 years
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There’s no helping with Keiichi’s lack of expression. He remains taciturn and serious, calm and collected, so unlike his twin sister who is much more boisterous and excited, emotional and expressive. It’s much easier to read Masako because she wears her heart on her sleeve ( it makes her vulnerable though ). Whereas Keiichi has always been the opposite, not because he’s forced to, but because he prefers it ( it means letting his sister shine ). Although this lack of expression may be unnerving to some, those who didn’t know him on a personal level would have trouble deciphering what exactly the blonde was feeling or his intentions to be honest. Hence why, Keiichi is very careful when it comes to handling Oikawa Toori.
She isn’t exactly a real life princess, but she is a queen ( just like how Ushijima is an emperor ). So when she stiffens, muscles tensing slightly, he pauses in his work. Did he do something wrong? “Sorry. Did I hurt you?” He doesn’t need a good scolding from her coach or Iwaizumi-san. Nor does he need for her to complain how he was bandaging her knee wrong ( or treating her wrong in the first place ). He surveys his handiwork one last time before standing up. “Good.” In the meantime, he’ll go get some ice for her knee. If he remembered right, and he most certainly did, there was an ice machine somewhere in the hall for athletes to use. “Then I will be back soon with an ice pack.” And he’ll stay until she’s done icing it before sending her home. “The match should be over soon and Masako would be happy to see you.” Technically, his sister was happy to see everyone and anyone on a sports team. This only made it rather difficult to determine who’s side she was on when matches came around. She cheered for both teams and there were times where she got looks from either side of the court. With that said, he turned away to get that icepack.
There are loud footsteps coming down the hallway and a strawberry blonde brunette almost misses the right doorway in her hurry, but she manages to catch herself. “OIKAWA-SAN!” Her hair was a mess, jacket and skirt skewed, and her glasses - Well, she readjusts them because how else is she supposed to see? “Are you okay? Keiichi said you got hurt and that’s why he’s getting ice and are you okay? I’ll make you get well milk bread!” Because that requires baking, not cooking, and she was good at that! “You’re okay, right?” She finally takes in a breath of air after speaking so quickly, settling down onto the floor across from the captain. There is nothing but concern and worry written across her face. Masako is and always will be, an open book for everyone and all to see.
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Oikawa couldn’t help but helplessly stare at him, realizing he was hard to read due to the lack of expressions he showed. She actually hated people like that– a pokerface? Was that what they called it? Not being able to see what was going on through the other person’s head was frustrating, and she disliked not being able to control someone. Even if she knew that having control over the boy should have been the last thing on her mind at that moment. If anything, he was the one who could control her; seeing her in such a state, he could blackmail her. The thought made her slightly stiffen up. He wouldn’t do that, right?
The words that followed left her with mixed emotions. On one side, he was complimenting her, but on the other– he was pitying her. She definitely didn’t want that. Oikawa, Aobajousai’s ace setter and captain could take care of herself. She didn’t need anyone else’s help. Or so that’s what she thought until the incident happened. Thinking what Iwaizumi would say left a bitter taste in her mouth and she quickly tried to shove the thought away. She would have time to confront him, not yet, but soon. It was a situation she wished she could run away from, despite knowing it would be inevitable.
A quiet chuckle echoed throughout the room at his obvious compliment and she almost reached out to him. She really wanted human contact at that point– someone to tell her that it would be alright no matter what happened. No matter the countless defeats. But she knew she couldn’t just stand up and hug the manager, that would be awkward and out of character and he’d most likely shove her away. Instead of getting sad over the parasitic thoughts, she focused on her knees. Cautiously taking a pill from the bottle, she stared at it for a second before slowly drinking it with more water than what her stomach would have liked because it was still in knots, but it was the least she could do for her own body. “Okay.” she quietly spoke, looking down at her feet again. She would stay as long as she could, considering the chance of meeting someone from her team would lessen with each minute that passed. “You don’t have to wait. I won’t go anywhere.”
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