unprettyg1rl · 1 month
The documentary showed footage of Depardieu on a trip to North Korea in 2018 to mark the secretive state’s 70th anniversary. The actor, who had travelled to Pyongyang with a TV crew and knew he was being filmed, made obscene comments to women, and about women, repeatedly sexually harassed a female translator and made sexual comments about a child at an equestrian centre whom he saw riding a horse. On Friday, the footage was described by the leftwing member of the European parliament Manon Aubry as “vile”.
So to be more precise since I've seen the footage and I speak french, big trigger warning, Depardieu is looking at a 10 years old korean girl riding a horse and explains that "women love riding horses because they rub their clitoris on it, they cum a lot, the women who ride horses are big whores". Talking about the girl he says "if the horse starts running she'll cum" and the young girl turns towards him and he laughs "yeah, that's right my little girl, keep it up, see how she's rubbing it?". He tells another korean woman (I think she's his interpretor) 'why aren't you riding? It feels good!" before looking her up and down making grunting noises. He later tells her "I want to become a horse to rub against your pussy, you'll scream "my pussy!"". Obviously the north korean people around him can't understand what he's saying and the interpretor is very uncomfortable and confused. Then he's sitting to take pictures with some people, including a korean woman, and he says "go ahead, take the picture while I touch your ass, and your little mussel that must be very hairy and already smelling like a mare." At the hospital a nurse is next to him and he makes grunting noises again. He gives his weight to the interpretor before grabbing her shoulder, she steps back but he presses on and says "that's because I don't have an erection, I weigh more with an erection". Then he's at the airport with the interpretor and he tells her in french "you're gonna go take your shower and you'll be thinking of me", she doesn't understand so he mimicks taking a shower singing and she laughs. He looks at the documentary crew and starts laughing at her and says "her little pussy" before leaving and she's left confused as to what happened. Then his interpretor tries to explain to him the architecture and tells him in french that it's all made of wood, he responds "yes, wood, like my cock" but she doesn't understand, he adds "I've got a wooden plank in my boxers right now, but..." then he looks at the documentary crew and laughs at the fact that she didn't understand again. I mean it's endless, literally any time a woman is around he talks about her genitals and what he wants to do to her using absolutely revolting language that's hard to translate in english. And the poor interpretor, she's so sweet and polite, she took the time to learn french only to be confused by a litany of misogynistic slurs and degradation by a man who tries to humiliate her on purpose.
Depardieu is currently under investigations for multiple rapes, so he wrote an open letter stating that he had never abused a woman in his life, that it would be "like kicking my mother in the stomach", yes again the "I'm not sexist I love my mom" mantra. Yet we have here several instances of sexual harassement that took place in a matter of weeks and on camera without any shame.
Yann Moix, the author of the documentary was happy with it and wanted to do another one, but in the end the documentary never came out and the footage we're seeing has been published without his consent, which made him angry. But hey, you might remember Yann Moix because he made headlines too in 2019:
Moix, the author of several prize-winning novels, added that women in their 50s were “invisible” to him. “I prefer younger women’s bodies, that’s all. End of. The body of a 25-year-old woman is extraordinary. The body of a woman of 50 is not extraordinary at all,” he said, adding that he preferred to date Asian women, particularly Koreans, Chinese and Japanese. “It’s perhaps sad and reductive for the women I go out with but the Asian type is sufficiently rich, large and infinite for me not to be ashamed.”
So, a man who has a fetish on asian girls, probably a user of prostitution, went to an asian dictatorship with a fellow rapist where they sexually harassed women and girls. I also remember Yann Moix saying on TV that Michael Jackson could not possibly have raped a kid because he was a kid himself (in his head or something).
Back to Depardieu:
The documentary also interviewed the actress Charlotte Arnould, who went to the police five years ago, accusing Depardieu of rape and sexual assault on two occasions at his home in Paris in 2018, when she was 22 and Depardieu, a friend of her father, was 70. Depardieu was placed under formal investigation for alleged rape and sexual assault in the case in December 2020. Depardieu’s lawyers have denied all allegations against him. Arnould told the documentary that she had been anorexic at the time of the alleged attack and it had been “absolute horror”. In Thursday’s documentary, the actress Sarah Brooks, who appeared in a TV series with Depardieu in 2015, alleged that one day, while the actors were standing for a photo, he had repeatedly forced his hand into her shorts, despite her repeatedly pushing him off. When she protested to those TV crew around her that Depardieu had put his hands in her shorts, she claims the star replied: “I thought you wanted to succeed in cinema,” and everyone laughed.
And let's remind ourselves that Depardieu admitted to raping girls during his youth. Yes he literally said so to a TIME reporter in 1978 "I had plenty of rapes, too many to count." Asked if he had participated in rapes, Depardieu said yes. "But it was absolutely normal in those circumstances," he added. Depardieu later denied making the statements and threatened a libel suit against TIME and any news organization that reprinted them. "It is perhaps accurate to say that I had sexual experiences at an early age," the actor said in a statement. "But rape -- never. I respect women too much." The statements were on tape so he definitely said that and that's why his threats were ignored. And in any case, he said the same thing to french men's magazine Lui: he said he participated in gang rapes: "we raped a lot of girls with my buddies, but I would always go last because I was the youngest. The girl would say "go on, let's end this I can't take this any longer."" This has all been known since the 70s. While in the USA they tried to boycott him after that, nothing happened in France. He was born in 1948 so he's been raping women and girls for around 60 years and is only now being investigated for a couple of them.
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unprettyg1rl · 1 month
I think buccal fat removal in a young person is a great way to create a returning customer. It’s like adding planned obsolescence into a face. Without the support of this fat, your face and jowls will sag and your face will (according to your plastic surgeon and your insta friends and your shitty woman hating boyfriend) NEED more surgeries.
Making an adjustment to someone’s face (for money) that will all but guarantee this person’s cascading self-esteem and “need” for more plastic surgeries (for money) is just doctors being hip to capitalism.
Elective plastic surgery will always be a tool of capitalism, because the most resellable commodity is always your dream self. They create more false standards of femininity, they charge you to meet them, then they change them, then they charge you to meet them again.
But don’t worry! Capitalism also teaches Market Segmentation. You know, how they figured out that aggressively gendering toys and selling separate fantasies to male and female children resulted in greater revenue?
Huh, I wonder how you create market segmentation when it comes to profiting off of bodies? Oh of course, you create new identities with new surgeries and new clothes and new makeup looks and new hair products and pins, and suddenly you have a whole new market.
You know ow what private medical practice is like, right? You have to drum up patients somehow! You can see them on TikTok, telling us which celebrities would look “better” with which products, telling us which random person in a video would look “better” with thousands of dollars worth of medical treatment.
And people die!! Under the knife or from infections, these are REAL surgeries. Can you imagine wiping out the rest of your life because some man said you had chubby cheeks? Because somebody told you your breasts were wrong? Because your thighs committed the sin of touching? You really want to meet your ancestors because the vibes were off on your boobs???
None of us are immune to propaganda. But we can try our hardest not to constantly consume it!! Find women you know and look for their histories in their faces. Romanticize everything that makes you unique. REJECT THE NOTION THAT FACES AND BODIES CAN GO OUT OF FASHION. That is just some male garbage made up to steal our fucking money, time, and energy.
Plastic surgery is about fear of life and of ourselves.
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unprettyg1rl · 1 month
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By EDITH M. LEDERER Updated 9:11 PM PST, March 8, 2024 UNITED NATIONS (AP) — Legal equality for women could take centuries as the fight for gender equality is becoming an uphill struggle against widespread discrimination and gross human human rights abuses, the United Nations chief said on International Women’s Day. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres told a packed U.N. commemoration Friday that “a global backlash against women’s rights is threatening, and in some cases reversing, progress in developing and developed countries alike.” The most egregious example is in Afghanistan, he said, where the ruling Taliban have barred girls from education beyond sixth grade, from employment outside the home, and from most public spaces, including parks and hair salons. At the current rate of change, legal equality for women could take 300 years to achieve and so could ending child marriage, he said. Guterres pointed to “a persistent epidemic of gender-based violence,” a gender pay gap of at least 20%, and the underrepresentation of women in politics. He cited September’s annual gathering of world leaders at the U.N. General Assembly, where just 12% of the speakers were women. “And the global crises we face are hitting women and girls hardest — from poverty and hunger to climate disasters, war and terror,” the secretary-general said. In the past year, Guterres said, there have been testimonies of rape and trafficking in Sudan, and in Gaza women women and children account for a majority of the more than 30,000 Palestinians reported killed in the Israeli-Hamas conflict, according to the Gaza Ministry of Health. He cited a report Monday by the U.N. envoy focusing on sexual violence in conflict that concluded there are “reasonable grounds” to believe Hamas committed rape, “sexualized torture” and other cruel and inhumane treatment of women during its surprise attack in southern Israel on Oct. 7. He also pointed to reports of sexual violence against Palestinians detained by Israel. International Women’s Day grew out of labor movements in North America and across Europe at the turn of the 20th century and was officially recognized by the United Nations in 1977. This year’s theme is investing in women and girls to accelerate progress toward equality. Roza Otunbayeva, the head of the U.N. political mission in Afghanistan, told the Security Council on Wednesday that what is happening in that country “is precisely the opposite” of investing in women and girls. There is “a deliberate disinvestment that is both harsh and unsustainable,” she said, saying the Taliban’s crackdown on women and girls has caused “immense harm to mental and physical health, and livelihoods.” Recent detentions of women and girls for alleged violations of the Islamic dress code “were a further violation of human rights, and carry enormous stigma for women and girls,” she said. It has had “a chilling effect among the wider female population, many of whom are now afraid to move in public,” she said. Otunbayeva again called on the Taliban to reverse the restrictions, warning that the longer they remain, “the more damage will be done.” Sima Bahous, the head of UN Women, the agency promoting gender equality and women’s rights, told the commemoration that International Women’s Day “sees a world hobbled by confrontation, fragmentation, fear and most of all inequality.” “Poverty has a female face,” she said. “One in every 10 women in the world lives in extreme poverty.” Men not only dominate the halls of power but they “own $105 trillion more wealth than women,” she said. Bahous said well-resourced and powerful opponents of gender equality are pushing back against progress. The opposition is being fueled by anti-gender movements, foes of democracy, restricted civic space and “a breakdown of trust between people and state, and regressive policies and legislation,” she said. [Click on the link to continue reading]
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unprettyg1rl · 3 months
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Holy fucking hell. 
This explains so much about me.  And I never knew.
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unprettyg1rl · 3 months
"I did/read/watched/etc. so you don't have to" has done irreparable damage to society. Getting someone else's opinion before you've had a chance to form your own is not quirky. It wouldn't be such a big deal if people did not genuinely listen to someone speak about a topic and adopt those opinions as their own without even reading/watching the damn thing itself. People do not see things as they are; they see things as they are. Every single opinion on this planet is filtered by bias. If it wasn't then it would be a fact. Please consume media before having a belief about it. You'll be smarter for it, I promise.
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unprettyg1rl · 3 months
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unprettyg1rl · 3 months
Det har varit plågsamt att se det svenska svaret på kriget. Liberalen Johan Pehrson som ville att Sverige skulle exportera vapen till ockupationsmakten Israel, utrikesminister Tobias Billström som länge menade att svaret i Gaza var ”proportionerlig”. Den selektiva blindhet som verkar göra det omöjligt för många att se Netanyahu för den extremist han är.
Den svenska regeringen verkar helt oförmögen att göra en egen analys, att ha en egen hållning. Det senaste exemplet är att de säger sig vilja dra in stödet till FN-organet UNRWA. Detta utan att bevis presenterats för de anklagelser som förts fram om medarbetares samröre med Hamas. Därmed riskerar Sverige att inte bara passivt bevittna - utan aktivt bidra till en redan förtvivlad humanitär situation.
”När det gäller kriget i Gaza finns inget rätt och inget fel”, skrev Dagens Nyheters ledarsida i helgen. En grotesk formulering mot bakgrund av allt vi nu vet. Människorna i Gaza äter gräs och barn är undernärda, på eller över gränsen till svält. Jo, det finns rätt och fel. Och detta är fel.
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unprettyg1rl · 3 months
Men behave worse when they outnumber women. Put a woman alone in a meeting with four men, and 70 per cent of the interruptions she receives from men are negative. Turn it round so that you have four women and one man in the room: just 20 per cent of the interruptions women receive from men are negative. As the study says, when women predominate, 'Men undergo a drastic change. They become far less aggressive.'
Even very small boys - aged between three and a half and five - interrupt girls twice as often as the little girls interrupt them. Parents also interrupt daughters more often than sons, creating a pattern of behaviour in their children: the boys see that it is legitimate to interrupt girls and girls learnt to expect it. This is setting children the example of the authority gap at such an impressionable age. It is iniquitous, but parents probably don't even realize they are doing it.
– Mary Anna Sieghart (2021) The Authority Gap: Why Women are Still Taken Less Seriously Than Men and What We Can Do About It, p. 63.
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unprettyg1rl · 3 months
Palestinian women and girls are actively being denied uterine and gynecological care. they have to use tent remnants as tampons and pads. they’re also getting infections as well. israel is actively denying them humanity. they have 0 access to care they need.
The Pious Projects is raising funds to distribute feminine hygiene kits in Gaza! They have on ground teams serving their own communities and their programs are always 100% admin free. Click the link to learn more & donate a hygiene kit. They have different tiers of donation so anything from a 5 dollar donation to a 1000 dollar donation can be done
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unprettyg1rl · 4 months
I’m trying to find that feminist article/essay I read that talked about how males become worse (sicker and more sadistic and violent) once females are removed from their lives, I think it was focused on separatism and why it’s so resisted and how women are a buffer for male violence
can anyone help me find it?
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unprettyg1rl · 4 months
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This is VILE. Should be treated as rape
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unprettyg1rl · 4 months
Look this is a feminism 105 topic and not a feminism 101 topic but we need to talk about. Self rape. The thing women do when we give a man we are in a relationship with sex when we don’t want to. Also known as maintenance sex. We need to call it what it is. Which is self rape. And it’s an interesting phenomenon because it shows the internalised misogyny we also have in believing we are sex objects that can provide this to men ‘unharmed’. And then years down the track. Our own bodies protest before our minds understand it. Our own bodies shut down the ability to self rape even without any feminist awareness or consciousness raising. It just happens and then women go … I don’t understand. It’s misogyny. It’s sexism. It’s harm to women.
Ofcourse rape by men is the most pressing topic. But I want to be able to talk about this phenomenon as well. It’s the infiltration of male values into female minds. It’s the absorbtion of patriarchal thought inflicting the idea of objectification so deep into our minds as women that we objectify ourselves into having sex we don’t want to have. And it’s hard to accept we might be offering ourselves up for rape but that is what this is. The rapist in our own minds.
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unprettyg1rl · 4 months
Beira’s Place: Thousands helped by Edinburgh rape centre set up by JK Rowling
A year on from the opening of JK Rowling’s women-only rape centre, thousands of victims have reached out for help.
A veteran of more than four ­decades protecting and sheltering women suffering sexual violence and domestic abuse, Isabelle Kerr was so passionate about supporting JK Rowling’s decision to fund a women-only centre that she came out of retirement to help set it up.
Speaking for the first time since Beira’s Place opened, Isabelle, 67, said: “The whole ethos of the place took me back to the grassroots of the women’s movement in Scotland, when women helped other women stay safe in an act of basic feminism.
“It was how women dealt with the practicalities brought about by the age-old problem of domestic abuse and sexual violence. I’m saddened to say very little has changed through the decades, which is why Beira’s Place has been busy from the moment we opened our doors.”
Isabelle said: “Men’s violence towards women continues unabated around the world. Justice systems continue to fail women with sentencing that rarely reflects the damage and trauma inflicted, despite these crimes carrying the possibility of a life sentence.
“We still have a culture where ­victims are blamed because of what they wear, where they went or what they did rather than holding the perpetrator to blame. It’s soul destroying.”
“Our phones started ringing the day we opened. They haven’t stopped. We’ve helped almost 2,000 callers looking for support. Over 250 survivors have used our safe space. Many told us they would not want to use the service if men were on the premises, either because they have been so traumatised or for cultural reasons.
Isabelle warns that much more needs to be done about identifying the escalating cycle of violence towards women. She said: “We don’t live in the kind of society where women and girls are safe from predators, stalkers, rapists and men who use coercive control to trap the vulnerable. We live in a society where women and girls have lost so much trust and hope in our criminal justice system that only 10% of violence and sex crimes are ever reported.
“Until we take these crimes more seriously, very little will change.”
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unprettyg1rl · 5 months
Last month, the Daily Mail reported on the shocking case of 15-year-old Olivia Maunder, who was told by Frimley Park Hospital to try a mindfulness app to deal with her ‘indescribable agony’. It turned out she had a tumour in her pelvis. On one of the many occasions she was taken to A&E, she was told to ‘calm down’. On another, she was told that she was just ‘mirroring [her] mum’s pain as she had had back problems’. She and her mum were told it was all down to stress. By the time the tumour was discovered, it was so extensive that surgery was no longer an option. Olivia now has a few months to live. I had a personal experience of this some years ago, when a friend lost the use of her legs and was offered mindfulness classes rather than a mobility scooter. No doubt she was expected to use the power of her mind to teleport. I wonder if men are told to go away and be mindful as much as women are? I very much doubt it. We didn’t need the arrival of terms like ‘cervix-havers’ and ‘menstruators’ – but never ‘prostate-havers’ and ‘ejaculators’ – to know that the medical profession has always treated women differently. Women are 50 per cent less likely to be diagnosed after having a heart attack, are given less CPR than men, and are more likely to be given sedatives – rather than painkillers – for pain than men. While the NHS has been busy erasing such hate-speech terms as ‘mother’ and ‘breastfeeding’ from their public-information bulletins, NHS maternity negligence claims have doubled in the past decade. Last year, it was revealed that more than 200 babies and nine mothers had died due to bad care at the Shrewsbury and Telford NHS Trust alone. Sadistic doctors no longer perform lobotomies on women as a cure for promiscuity, or diagnose any female behaviour unpleasing to men as ‘hysteria’, but as Caroline Criado-Perez’s 2019 book, Invisible Women, pointed out, the medical system is ‘from root to tip, systematically discriminating against women, leaving them chronically misunderstood, mistreated and misdiagnosed’. Women are still being told that extreme illnesses are all in their minds. Nicolette Baker, a woman from Cornwall, shrunk to three stone because her doctors insisted that she was anorexic, repeatedly sectioning her. She is dying of Superior Mesenteric Artery Syndrome. Kirsty Maxwell, from Perthshire, was repeatedly told she had an eating disorder and was given everything from Gaviscon to antidepressants. She had terminal cancer. Doctors certainly seem to know what a woman is when it suits them – someone you tell to ‘calm down, dear’. This is the most lethal kind of gaslighting. It needs to be tackled, not zhuzhed up with twaddle like mindfulness. It’s thought to be worth around $4 billion, taking in everything from meditation apps to the 60,000 books on Amazon including the word ‘mindfulness’ in their titles, including Mindful Finance, Mindful Leadership and Mindful Dog Owners. This is all despite the increasing evidence that too much navel-gazing can increase depression and decrease your ability to withstand pain – even though dealing with pain is precisely what mindfulness is often prescribed for.
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unprettyg1rl · 5 months
you are not immune from propaganda and brain rot just because you're not on tiktok and you reblog essay posts from radfems on tumblr. the sociopolitical consequences might not be the same on a global scale but there is no difference between someone who just parrots what trans activists say online and someone who just parrots what radical feminists say online. you need to read actual books and articles and make up your own mind
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unprettyg1rl · 5 months
Italy is inciting hatred against Romani women
This month, both online far-right trolls and ‘post-fascist’ legislators in Italy have Romani women in their crosshairs, as the government moves ahead with its blatantly racist ‘Security decree’, and social media ‘vigilantes’ wage a hate campaign stigmatising all Romani women as thieves. This is what racism looks like at the intersection of ethnicity and gender, when the most vulnerable are targeted and hate becomes normalised. The government has just voted for yet another 'security decree' directed against Romani women accused of theft, that allows for the detention of mothers with children under the age of three. Judges will decide on the advisability of detention, and whether it is better for the detainees’ minor children to be placed in a ‘more suitable family’.
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unprettyg1rl · 5 months
Did you boyfriend ever try to push your head down on his cock during a BJ? Did he ever try to make you do anal? Did he coerce you into sex by saying he had blue balls? Did he ever put his hand around your throat because he saw it once in porn? Did he jerk off to women who didn’t look like you? Did you go along with it because you felt this was the only way in which sex could proceed? Because you felt empowered?
I think feminists who decry the anti porn movement need to get their heads out of the sand. Maybe 20 yrs ago when the hardest shit you could find on the internet was a grainy bootlegged copy of The Italian Stalion, porn use may have been a vice but not egregious. Not like it is today. Young women of today are facing a generation of men who grew up on ultra HD porn of every possible tag they could hope for. They’ve been watching REAL women be slapped, kicked, abused, and degraded on screen for upwards of a decade by the time they lose their virginity and pass the trauma onto another woman.
Personally, this has affected me in every relationship I have had since high school, even the last one which was almost perfect; where I almost married him. He was a caring boyfriend, he did everything and was everything to me. But— when I asked him what he wanted for his birthday, and he confessed, it’s like I wasn’t even in the 20th century as far as human rights abuse goes. He confessed he wanted to choke me, fuck me in the ass, to spit on me, ALL WHILE broadcasting porn on three screens he was going to drag into the bedroom. He wanted to hurt me while he watched other women get hurt.
I searched his phone later and found that he’d been on several subreddits dedicated to a new fetish, a fetish of porn itself. I won’t link them here but know that these men LIKE that porn hurts women, that they are hurting their partners, themselves, and perpetuating the actresses’ suffering. It is part of the appeal of porn to these men. The captions encouraged users to waste their lives looking at porn, to marry it, leave their wives and children over it, and commenters imagined a dystopian world where women of ALL ages are meant to be used. Where porn and violence is the everyday.
I ask any pro-porn feminist to reconcile the above information with their perspective. How can you? Don’t you know that in the 21st century, as women seek equal footing to men, that they will continue to supposedly “put us in our places” by reminding us that this is what they think of us? There is no engaging with a recovering addict at this end because they show their hand which is misogyny.
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