vesselswife · 12 days
Thinking of how Soap MacTavish is a soft lover.
Johnny is not like the others. At least to you.
You see when you became a member of Task Force 141 everyone thought of you like an unreliable member. You were young and just getting started, but according to Captain Price, your sniping skills were phenomenal. And Soap would always agree to that and keep reminding you even when Ghost would scold you. Johnny usually was on your side barking at them for being harsh towards you.
Maybe it’s the fact that he was the youngest in the group, maybe it’s because he was the most pleasant to be around with his dumb humor and stupid jokes, maybe because he was so protective of you, you are not sure.
But something made your relationship special since day one.
His love language being physical touch without a doubt:
He is soft with you no matter what. He loves playing with strands of your hair and run his hands through them just to feel them detangle.Speaking of hair, he loves brushing your hair away from your face and tucking it behind your ear to reveal your eyes which he finds mesmerizing. A dumb grin always on his lips when he does so.Every time
Whenever you two are having a serious conversation he always gives you his undivided attention, looking straight into your eyes and just nodding without interrupting you. His big warm hands always holding one of yours ,sometimes playing with one of your rings and stroking it encouraging you to keep going and let out anything that troubles you.
Don’t get me started on the long talks at 3 am while you both have the night watch. No matter the season or how many nights in a row, you both look forward to them because it’s one of the few moments that you two are actually alone.
Sitting under the stars and talking about any trivial thing you guys can think of, only for the conversation to spiral to something deep that has you both questioning your life decisions. During these watches, the soft pecks and hand-holding are never missing. Of course, you take turns napping, you usually lean on his shoulder.He on the other hand prefers the softness of your thighs.
You both are so in love with each other.
Platonically and Romantically.
Two soulmates found each other one random day out of pure coincidence and are thriving during the war. He is your best friend and your lover.
And it goes both ways…
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vesselswife · 15 days
Getting closer to Simon was not easy.
From the first time your eyes met, you just knew he had been through a lot. The gleam in his eyes and the way they were moving all across the room. The way he looked at you up and down scanning you for any potential threats. You just knew it wasn’t just out of habit, it was a bit more than that. He was really suspicious of you and how soft-spoken you were towards everyone in the task force. 
His suspicions of you would only grow stronger whenever you’d try to get closer to him, his usually dead and tired-looking eyes would shift and glare at you not understanding your intentions. Every time you would ask him something a bit deeper and more personal he would glare at you and cut you off. 
“You are here for work. Not to make friends, now focus”
“This is none of your business sergeant.” 
“Don’t shove your nose in other people’s business”
The first time he looked at you differently was one night after dinner. You walked into him smoking at the back training field. 
He pretended to not notice you but you knew better, walking up to him you said nothing and just stood next to him looking at the night sky. He didn’t say anything either and you just stood there in the comfort of the silence. Silence was a rare thing in special forces but in that moment both of you found some sort of peace. 
You looked up at him only to find him already looking at you. Not with a glare and suspicion. He was just calm. It was the first time you felt close to him after all your attempts. Finding the courage you gave him a soft smile. It almost felt like you were reassuring him of something none of you could understand but it did make his heart skip some beats and his eyes to look away, you smiled again feeling the change.
From that night on your relationship changed. Sure you would still get the usual glare here and there but it was rather rare. He suddenly preferred to keep you close during missions and he was the first one to be by your side when you’d get injured, usually scolding you for being careless and not following his orders properly…
“Are you alright? Is your head okay?” 
“Can you walk? Need me to carry you?”
“Where does it hurt?”
“Don’t worry it’s just a scratch.”
“Stubborn aren’t you? Now look at the consequences.”
“Maybe if you actually followed my orders..”
 …And you would just smile at him and joke around making him sigh and chuckle. 
“Nothing about this is funny sergeant.”
Soon he found himself missing you more and more when you were not around. Especially during long missions when he had to be away from you for multiple days. He had caught feelings for you and he hated it. He hated how your soft smile was the first thing he would think of every morning and the last thing he would think of if he had the chance to sleep. He hated how he was becoming vulnerable to another person. But he could not help himself, the distance between you two only making his feelings stronger. Until he finally gave in to them.
Not that this made it easier for you two. He was very strict about you two not being obvious at the beginning. He would barely talk to you in meetings and briefings. He would rarely pay any attention to you when you were around other soldiers. He would sometimes pass you by without even looking at you even if you two were alone in the corridor. He was that strict with himself. 
But oh God, when you were alone with him.
He’d be all over you in every way. Kissing you every chance he got, holding your hand and stroking it with his calloused thumbs, grabbing you by the waist and kissing the back of your neck softly. Hugging you tightly on his chest and petting your hair.Stroking your cheek as you spoke breaths away from each other. Smiling in the kisses he so lovingly gave you, you know.. the ones he would miss every time he was away from you. 
“You smell divine my love.”
“Come lay with me for a little.”
“Want me to brush your hair?”
“Give me your hand darling.”
Simon was all over you during sex too. This man worshiped you. Every inch of your body was loved by him and every imperfection you saw in yourself was adored by him, almost like loving it for the both of you. Slow and steady moves filled with passionate kisses and soft groans from him that would slowly turn into loud moaning from you, your eyes watering with the pick up of the speed making you hold onto him. In moments like these where he would become rough he would give you that special look. The look where he was reassuring you. Reassuring you that you were still loved even though it hurt in the best way possible. Even though he was pulling your hair or choking you till you saw stars. That special look would make you completely trust him, feel safe, and give in to whatever he was going to do next. Anything that was. 
“That’s it, my love, relax and just take me like the good girl you are”
“Look at me in the eyes when I’m taking you like this” 
“Hand off your mouth before I cut it off. I wanna hear you” 
“There we go, let go completely, baby. I’ve got it under control.” 
And after all that he would kiss every place he slapped, caress the hair he pulled, stroke the places that had bite marks. Whispering softly in your eat until you fell asleep. Not that he would let go then, he would hold you all night long and stare at your sleeping face. Wondering how things got to that point.
“You did so good for me.” 
“Close those beautiful eyes and relax now, I’ll be here when you wake up in the morning, I promise” 
“Look at you, looking like an angel in my arms.”
Getting close to Simon was not easy. But it was worth it.
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vesselswife · 16 days
I just cannot stop thinking of how König would manhandle an inexperienced mate you know?
Like grabbing them from the hips to keep them still.
Force their legs open during an orgasm with ease.
Hold them down by the neck.
Grab them by their hair while hitting it from the back.
Hold them down and keep going even after they have orgasmed multiple times.
Even after they made poor attempts to pull away due to overstimulation, even if their body is twitching and they are a sweaty mess pleading for a break.
“I know it feels strange but you can take it liebling”
“Come on , you can take another one for me.”
“No no. Don’t run away from it love, just take it like you always do.”
I just can’t stop thinking of König.
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