wiishescametrue · 5 hours
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"You think?" She looks over at her. She had never wanted to be the one who did all the worrying. She knew Kie had her moments too. But there's something about the boys, they don't seem to think about the results, only the immediate plan. "You worrying is so valid though, Sarah. Some of the stuff that has happened? It's completely insane and I'd be worried about you if you didn't worry even a little bit." She insists. "But, you're right. I don't know where to start to mend things or if anyone would want to even do that."
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Honey has a good question. Sarah's thought about that many times, asked John B and everything and there's never a clear answer. "I don't know." She replies. "I wish it didn't have to be this way either, but I think that even our parents kind of solidify the rivalry or, whatever it is you want to call it." Sarah bites her lip and looks to her friend. "John B doesn't worry enough, Honey." She laughs. "I worry, but I try to keep it quiet most of the time because I don't want to be told that it's for nothing." Because she had a right to worry. "I wouldn't even know where to start, to try and heal the divide."
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wiishescametrue · 7 hours
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"Yeah they are pretty awesome. I'm glad that I have them though. Especially since they can be there for you guys when you need it too, you know?" She smiles softly. "I can't help but love him. It's kind of like breathing at this point. Before we got together, I thought there was no way he'd ever be into me. I'm not exactly a badass or anything and you guys go on so many adventures." 90? hm. She thought about it for a few moments. "I think you guys will make it for sure. I have a really good feeling."
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"Your parents are awesome, Honey. They love you so much." And she could never see either one of them doing anything to hurt her. Which is really refreshing. "Thanks. Maybe in my next life, right?" She chuckles along with Honey. "Maybe a little bit, it's pretty apparent how much you two adore each other." Sarah gives a soft smile. "You think we'll be cute when we're 90?" If they make it to that age together. . .
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wiishescametrue · 1 day
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"It's not a very good song." He admitted. He would prefer if the world would remain stationary for at least a little while. Stationary in the sense that it would be stable and not ending. Not in the actual sense since not moving would be bad. "I'm sorry, Davina." He can't imagine having to had seen so much in a lifetime. He's already seen enough and would prefer not to see more. But here he was.
"Why does this feel like---like there's a huge but coming soon. It seems too easy so far." Nothing is ever easy in this world, this life, or this place. If it's easy? It usually won't work out or it's a huge trap and someone's dying in the process.
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                            she  wouldn't  even  attempt  to  pressure  him  into  helping  her  retrieve  the  grimoire.  davina  wasn't  that  type.  considering  her  whole  life  ,  she'd  been  forced  to  do  things  she  didn't  want  to  do.   but  hell  ,  if  he  wanted  to  help  --  she  wasn't  going  to  turn  it  down.  a  small  laugh  came  from  her  –  a  rather  dry  one  at  that.  "  again  .  .  .  and  again  .  it's  like  a  song  on  repeat.  "  the  witch  replied.  "  but  for  me  ,  it's  just  another  day.  my  world  ended  a  long  time  ago.  " 
   she  walked  over  towards  the  bookshelf  ,  stepping  onto  the  small  ladder  and  going  up  a  few  of  it's  steps.  "    that's  ---  the  hard  part.  "  she  reached  for  another  spell  book  ,  pulling  it  from  the  shelf  before  jumping  down  from  the  ladder.  "  it  won't  be  easy  but  .  .  .  i  think  with  the  right  spell  ,  we  can  remain  hidden.   as  for  tracking  ,  i  got  it  covered  simple.  i'm  good  at  location  spells.  " 
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wiishescametrue · 2 days
❛  why did you have to leave me?  ❜ ❛  how could you do this to me?  ❜ ❛  i trusted you!  ❜ ❛  i'm sorry, but i can't do this anymore.  ❜ ❛  do you even care how much you hurt me?  ❜ ❛  i'll never stop fighting for us, no matter what.  ❜ ❛  i don't know if i can forgive you.  ❜ ❛  i never thought i'd feel so alone, even when you're right here.  ❜ ❛  please don't go, i can't handle losing you too.  ❜ ❛  you were the one person i thought i could always count on. why did you have to let me down?  ❜ ❛  did you ever even care about us? about me?  ❜ ❛  i wish i could hate you for what you've done, but i can't.  ❜ ❛  why do you always have to play games with my feelings?  ❜ ❛  i never thought saying goodbye would hurt this much.  ❜ ❛  every time i close my eyes, all i see is the pain you've caused.  ❜ ❛  why do you insist on tearing us apart when we could be so happy together?  ❜ ❛  i'm tired of pretending everything's okay when it's clearly not.  ❜ ❛  i don't even know who you are anymore.  ❜ ❛  i need you to understand how much you mean to me.  ❜ ❛  i'm scared of losing you, but i'm even more scared of losing myself.  ❜ ❛  why won't you let me in? what are you so afraid of?  ❜ ❛  you were my world, and now everything is falling apart.  ❜ ❛  how am i supposed to trust anyone after what you've done?  ❜ ❛  i can't go through this heartache again.  ❜ ❛  why did you leave without saying goodbye?  ❜ ❛  how could you say something like that to me?  ❜ ❛  you've always had a way of making me feel worthless.  ❜ ❛  don't you dare walk away from me when i'm talking to you.  ❜ ❛  please, just tell me the truth, even if it hurts. i can handle it.  ❜ ❛  i don't know how to fix what's broken between us anymore.  ❜ ❛  you're not the person i fell in love with anymore.  ❜ ❛  just hold me and tell me everything will be okay, even if it's a lie.  ❜ ❛  i trusted you, and you betrayed me.  ❜ ❛  i never meant to hurt you, it was never my intention.  ❜ ❛  i've given you everything, and it's still not enough.  ❜ ❛  why do you always have to make everything about you?  ❜ ❛  why did you do it? why did you betray me like that?  ❜ ❛  i miss you ... more than words can say.  ❜ ❛  you're the best thing that ever happened to me, and i'm scared of losing you.  ❜ ❛  i'll always be here for you, no matter what. just please don't shut me out.  ❜
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wiishescametrue · 2 days
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"Well, I think I know what I want." She definitely would be avoiding fish. She wasn't a huge fan. But everything else sounded really good and she was going to take advantage of it.
"I'm a bit glad I admit that I haven't put you off. It's nice to see you work for it." She knew he had likely always had it easy when it came to getting who and what he wanted.
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" Not even a little bit actually it's just fuel to the fire at this point. I'm very adaptive. " He puts her hand on her arm and leads her to the beach where the chef is. he smiles at them and Tony waves there gestures to the grill. " We've got fish options, ribs and tri tip, there's pasta salad and baked potatoes among other things. grilled pineapple and corn too. I didn't know what you'd want so we're doing it all and the staff will have a share too but I know what I want. "
" Any and all meat sir? " Tony nods with a playful smile. " mhmmmmmm "
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wiishescametrue · 2 days
"Maybe one of these days, we can just escape from here." It was a nice thought. They could just leave everything behind them. Start over somewhere where people didn't expect them to be carbon copies of their parents. She did love the beach though. So maybe the west coast could be a nice place to start over. "What do you think about that?"
The look on her face told him what he needed to know she really does understand and it made him sad to think about why and which family member caused it since they act like their only job is to make money. she gets him laughing with that last comment just a little. " I guess I do and hey if you ever need someone to talk to I'm here. Figure I owe you since you're always listening to me drunk rant about my shit dad and everything. us broken toys gotta stick together. " he said bitterly.
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wiishescametrue · 3 days
*pops up* hello its me.
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wiishescametrue · 3 days
He was glad that she was happy to see him. He hadn't been sure who would be. Eli wasn't exactly as popular as Elena was. Not that he had ever tried to be. He'd been too wrapped up in school and books until things had started to get strange in Mystic Falls.
"I came back a little early. I missed the chaos of this place, I guess." That was a strange statement to make. He sensed that she wasn't sure if she should hug him or not. So he moved to hug her instead. "How are you doing? Everything good here?"
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@wiishescametrue asked: “ Back by unpopular demand… ME! ” ( Elias to Caroline)
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Caroline turned quickly as she heard him, instantly recognising his voice.
She beamed brightly "Elias..." She called "I didn't know you were coming back yet." She smiled as she walked towards him.
"What are you doing here?" She asked, her eyes scanning over him to make sure he was ok.
She wasn't sure if she should hug him, or just shake his hand, or leave him be. Its not that it was awkward, she just hadn't seen him in a little while, and things had changed.
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wiishescametrue · 3 days
"Well you know she's gotta give Yogi bear a run for his money." He offered, with a laugh. Yogi claimed to be smarter than the average bear. But he was pretty sure their kid was smarter than all the other bears including that one.
He was glad that she enjoyed him cooking breakfast so much. It felt like something that he did well since she cooked nearly everything else. She was even making Bucky and Hazel's wedding cake which he knew would be beautiful and delicious at the same time. "I hope she loves the water. But I also don't want to force her if she doesn't like it."
He shrugged for a moment in thought. "I mean, think about it? You're a little baby and its just this big wet blue thing that someone's lowering you into. What if she's not into it? I guess we'd still have winter things. I'm pretty sure she will definitely love snow and she's your daughter, so fall is a given." He laughed.
"You're such a sap," she teased with a little giggle. She loved how much Andy doted on her and took care of her when she needed and asked for it. She loved even more that he took care of her in ways that surprised her and made her feel appreciated and loved. He was just a ridiculously and uncommonly good man, and she was never letting him go.
"She's knocking out so many of the milestones so quickly lately... like she's been saving them up like a little bear coming out of winter hibernation," she laughed. "She really is our little cub."
Breakfast was delicious, as always. At this point, she rarely ever made breakfast. That was Dad's specialty and with Emma being old enough to start trying soft solid foods with them, Eira had a feeling she'd only ever be making breakfast again if Andy was sick.
"I can't wait for it to be warm enough outside to teach her to swim, babe. As much as she moves her teeny limbs now when she's excited... if she loves the water, she's gonna live in it like we do."
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wiishescametrue · 4 days
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"Like what?" She asked, curiously. She didn't know him well enough to want to go out on a date yet. Although, if he had asked she would probably say yes. Ayla believed in taking chances on things in life. Even if they could be uncertain in even the best of times. "Do people usually want things from you? Because, I was just giving you a compliment to give one."
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"eh...that's a pretty questionable statement." milo was joking around. he was used to people being nice to him because they wanted something. and he was, admittedly, doing the same thing sometimes. "yeah." it was like paying a price for the compliment. "that's it? nothing else?"
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wiishescametrue · 4 days
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"Well I think that we should let Bucky and Hazel have her for a week since Sam and Steve are getting her while we go to Salem." He reminded, moving to clean up a little bit after they'd had coffee. "But I think he would really like that. I know school was definitely a lot for him this year. Not necessarily in a bad way. Just a lot because it was his first year and he felt like he had to do well." That was just his son though. No matter what Andy told him? His son wanted to do well and pushed himself to the limit.
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"I cannot wait to be the Cool Mom that has the house all her friends want to hang out at." She remembered the Cool Mom she knew from elementary school, and the few slumber parties she'd been allow to. There was always something fun to do, some game to play, something to tie-dye. She remembered, too, how sad she was when Cool Mom and her friend had to move to another state because of Cool Dad's job. "Cool Mom and Cool Auntie- I got a pool, I can make the best homemade pizza... I can also afford to say yes, you can have Pizza Hut instead, how many pizzas do you want." She loved that Emma was still so tiny and so not at all ready for discovering anything other than her own toes and her own nose, but she was excited to see their baby grow into a tiny person and start having all the little fun adventures. "So we got the math and math sciences, and writing, covered. PE technically too- we are a baseball family, she'll be calling pitches before her hands are even big enough to hold a ball," she said confidently. "But, speaking of Jake and getting to do cool things... I do want to make a point to take him on a trio-family vacation at some point this summer. Let Steve and Sam, or Bucky and Hazel, have Emma for a week. We treat Jake to a week of fun, as like a... present for nailing his first year of college. What do you think, babe?"
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wiishescametrue · 5 days
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"Face him after what?" He asked, looking back at her for a long moment. "I think whatever happens, you just have to be honest, and hope for the best." He shrugged. He wasn't the best with emotions. But then again no one in his family seemed to be.
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"no, not that! and no, i'm fine." nancy didn't want to worry. but it was bothering her. she could face life or death situations during her cases. but hurting someone's feelings sounded worse than that. "i just don't know how to face him after that."
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wiishescametrue · 5 days
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"I mean, I would if there was a name to be guessed, Lacey." He really wasn't interested in anyone at the moment. He wasn't sure that he would ever be interested in anyone. He just hadn't felt that spark that Conrad and Jeremiah talked about. "Lacey." He had to laugh a little at how excited she was to guess a non existent name. "Can we just go get food or something?"
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"what? yes!" lacey was giggling back. she loved love. "if i took a guess, like i guessed the name, would you tell me?" she wasn't going to let it go. once she set her mind to something, she wasn't going to let it go. "i so can be! i just sometimes...choose not to." especially when it came to couples and getting together. she was twirling her necklace around as she kept smiling. "why?"
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wiishescametrue · 6 days
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"Sure, I'd love to see." She smiled. Some might be leery about spending the night with someone. But Honey saw the good in everyone and everything. Plus, she believed that she was going to be alright, because she had put good into the world. So that meant that good was going to come back her way. "I'm very excited to get to explore more. I've always wanted to see more of the world, you know?" She couldn't help but smile brightly.
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         oh  so  she  was  into  museums  and  history.  he  could  dig  that.  it  was  attractive  and  the  fact  that  she  enjoyed  learning  about  things  ,  just  meant  she  was  so  much  more  than  he  thought.   his  grin  grew  and  he  nodded.  "  ja.  there's  lots  of  them  around  here.   but  some  of  the  best  are  back  home  in  munich.  "  oliver  replied.   "  alright,  well  .  .  .  do  you  wanna  stay  with  me  tonight  and  we  leave  in  the  morning  ?  i  can  even  take  you  to  the  allianz  arena.  " 
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wiishescametrue · 6 days
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"Why that question?" She was thinking about the answer to that herself. "I think that some people only want to do like a dollar donation at the register and then forget there are animals who need help out there. Sometimes, they don't even realize how badly they need the help, or how many species are becoming endangered every year. So I think I'd ask about it for that very reason. It'd be nice to get the word further out there."
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he thought he was being pretty discreet, low key, he would say. but char really did want to help. "i think he does. i'm pretty sure there are lots of animals at the palace." char knew there was. "i think i can do it. out of any question, why that?" it wasn't meant to be insulting. he was curious. people have asked him for anything from help with their farms to someone needing money for college application fees. he usually happy to help or, at least, show people they care.
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wiishescametrue · 7 days
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"I'm not a fan of many." Jasper replied, looking over at her fiddling with the clothing. "You seem a bit nervous. Are you sure you want to hang round with this lot? You could just stay here with me. I'm much better to look at and I come with free food."
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"knowing them, they'll figure it out eventually." annie knew that this wouldn't be hidden for long. "i'm guessing you're not a fan of theirs either." they said he was okay, they liked him enough. they just told her to be careful, which was scarier to her.
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wiishescametrue · 7 days
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"She and her boyfriend broke up again." Not that it didn't happen often. But this time it felt final, somehow. No one was immediately apologizing or making an effort to reunite. "And so she's a little depressed. I can run in and ask if she wants to come though. I'd like to see her leave the house for a bit."
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"if you're so worried, invite her along." aurora would never turn down more company. besides, elena always seemed nice. "is she alright?" she assumed that was why he wanted to check.
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