wolfpaper · 4 hours
Lost Island of wolves.com
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wolfpaper · 4 days
Shadows in the Cave - The Four Apostles
Or, the once- and pseudo-human emissaries from Beyond who all, for their own reasons and in their own idioms, introduce bits and pieces of the Truth into the world and arrange things so that it might be properly used.
Or, the smiling faces the great horrible eldritch Other wears as it convinces particularly desperate and stupid humans to destroy themselves and everyone around them.
Or, the vectors of the infection that will, inevitably and irresistibly, one day end the world.
Preacher - who finds those who who need truth or justice or closure more than anything in the world, and offers them the tools to war against the lie which binds them.
Teacher - who allows the proud and curious to find him, and offers them all the tools and tomes they need to achieve something glorious, if they can manage it before being undone by their own creations.
Merchant - who has no affection or interest in the human, but finds herself dragged back to it regardless, and so bargains and trades for things which might ease her travels until, at last, humanity destroys itself.
Muse - who hunts for souls with true potential to see the truth of things, and inspires and encourages them in their revelations - the failure rate and the collateral damage are irrelevant, weighed against the potential of finding and uplifting a peer.
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wolfpaper · 11 days
watch time: 2 minutes
A teaser trailer for Fox's Head Productions' first video essay, comparing horror tropes of Native American burial grounds to real-life indigenous oppression, desecration of holy lands, and our modern fears of nuclear fallout. There is always something in the basement.
Song is from Signalis OST. Footage is from the US Government's Department of Energy recordings of Project Trinity and ATOMCENTRAL.COM. Writing, voice acting, and video editing done by Laika Dowitcher of Fox's Head Productions.
Full video coming soon. Subscribe to stay tuned.
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wolfpaper · 1 month
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Thank you for your contribution to the cause?
Quick: who are the post-situationist communists inspired by surrealism
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wolfpaper · 3 months
that does vaguely touch on something that's present in VesalBlood, which I've definitely rambled about before because it's important to understanding why people in the KHU are Like That
it's been a while, but lore rambles are below the break
there is no formal governmental acknowledgement of something like marriage without a child being produced. only the first such pairing is considered valid, and this partnership can only be dissolved if the children are either disowned or otherwise "non-factors" (read: dead, catatonic, or in military service*)
*: when military service is terminated, this can result in the child being disowned and removed from the family if they are not reclaimed. this is another (common) way out of a partnership
while there are things like marriages and partnerships, these are either business deals, social unions, or religious oaths. these are not acknowledged by the Seneschal government except insofar as they're kept track of for bookkeeping purposes
regardless of any personal sexuality or preferences, the default assumption is that a scion needs to have children for their family. the sway of a company (which is understood to be the same entity as a family) is equal to its political power (doubly so if its on the Seneschal Board) and the sway of a company comes down to its holdings, with the easiest way to perform business mergers being through literally merging the families
employees of a company are not actually part of it, but contracted to it. someone who works for OJSC Lu Corporation or OJSC Biltruf Group is, unless married into the families operating them, assumed not to be part of the legal entity
there's a euphemism that comes up a bit, thus far used textually by Meilin mostly, for referring to this sort of system and people who place stock in it: serious.
serious can be taken to mean "traditional" in most contexts, with a serious relationship being one that produces an heir and a serious person being someone who pursues this sort of relationship without pursuing others
a couple (or any number of partnered individuals, for that matter) that does not have a legally-recognised heir in the form of a child is not serious
the exact degree to which people elevate the importance of a serious relationship varies. some places, like Callisto, place great importance on seriousness, but only frown upon pursuing additional non-serious relationships afterwards in more traditional families
in places where the average person isn't really considered part of a company per se, these norms tend to exist despite being divorced from their original legal context. even in grey contractor stations, some people hold the pursuit of a serious relationship as a moral value
the most common middle-progressive stance observed outside of the KHU imperial core (read: where Seneschal-headed companies have meaningful presence) is that at least one child should act as a scion in pursuit of a serious relationship, usually the firstborn, for purposes of ensuring the family's assets don't default to territorial government ownership due to an unprovable bloodline
also worth mentioning, a youth ward of the Deterrence Legions is considered to have been removed from their family and must be welcomed back in (by having their contract settled) upon returning from their tenure as a scholar cadet. if they are not welcomed back into their family, they are, in descending order,
if they are too young to be considered an adult and have been disabled in their service or are otherwise unable to serve in a meaningful capacity outside of their military education, they are turned over to a state orphanage. orphans in this scenario are often used as labourers until such a time as they either age out of the system, have their contract purchased by a colony looking for young citizens, or are adopted into a corporation by a scion unable to produce an heir of their own (non-blood heirs are considered less valuable, due to social deprioritisation in order of inheritance)
if they are too young to be considered an adult or unable to pay off the tuition for their education with their earnings from their military education, they are returned to military service until both of these conditions are resolved
if they are old enough to be considered an adult and did not enlist for additional years of service, they are given new government papers identifying them as a sole-individual (read: family of one). they do not officially retain their original family names, although many choose to do so for convenience until they either marry into a family or form one of their own with another sole-individual
and of course, this is all, for the most part, literally only applicable to the KHU and its primary territories. grey stations often have differing norms, and there is almost no overlap between this system and how these things are handled in, say, the Empyrean Courts
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wolfpaper · 3 months
[Preview] Armored Blade Jetkaiser: Archetype
While Jetkaisers don't slot cleanly into a normal class system, the exact nature of one's interface with their holy frame can be sorted into several martial schools, which are known as Archetypes.
An Archetype is more like an ideology, a way of thinking, than it is a true set of rules. An Archetype is, in the truest sense, a choice of path towards heaven: the vein one follows to the burning heart of divine peerlessness.
While an Archetype might inform the way a Jetkaiser fights, its effects are most strongly felt outside of combat, represented in flourish and theatrics. Even still, there are certain circumstances where one's Archetype might decide the outcome of a duel.
Additionally, each Archetype selects a Path Symbol to carry with them, representative of the way they have chosen to follow. Examples are included, but not necessarily the only options.
Included in Bootleg Angel, the first pre-release edition of Jetkaiser, are three Archetypes. More may come in the future, along with instructions on creating homebrew Archetypes.
🦗十重の変身幻想 〜 Ten Illusionary Shifts
Ten Illusionary Shifts is the path of change, justice, and chivalry. Those of this Archetype interface with their holy frames as extensions of themself, an object worn tightly against their body that can be ready at a moment's notice if only given the cue.
Holy frames used by these Jetkaisers tend to take on a semi-organic appearance, layers of chitin-like material resulting from the blend of their being with the divine engine on their backs. A Jetkaiser who follows this path is never truly disarmed unless they are truly dismembered.
Path Symbols
A recognisable article of clothing left to you by the one who saved your life, the thread of their memory laced deep along the seams
A physical photograph of someone you can never forget, stained and mistreated, but never truly lost
A borrowed name, a stolen face, often worn in place of your own
🗡️精作悲嘆の坐禅 〜 Meditations on Perfected Misery
Meditations on Perfected Misery is the path of duality, loss, and endless improvement. Those of this Archetype interface with their holy frames as semi-autonomous companions, lending some of their Azariel's power to the armour itself, splitting their will into two.
Holy frames used by these Jetkaisers take the form of animal familiars when inactive, shifting into traditionally-styled suits of armour when activated. A Jetkaiser who follows this path sacrifices themself—for their own sake.
Path Symbols
A tattoo marking a regrettable past affiliation you just can't shake off, the seal of a soul with terrible deeds undone
A burning scar, an aching memory, and an irreplaceable lesson left to you by someone for whom you'd rather not find respect
A scent of blood that cannot be washed away, the subject and consequence of many an unfortunate misunderstanding
🌹使徒の輝ける殉教 〜 Visionary's Shining Calvary
Visionary's Shining Calvary is the path of resistance, beauty, and martyrdom. Those of this Archetype interface with their holy frames as beautiful weapons, love made manifest, irremovable from their very nature as a being.
Holy frames used by these Jetkaisers take the form of "enchanted" (or cursed) weapons, taking form as an exteriorisation of their inner world and wrapping their bodies in protective arms. A Jetkaiser who follows this path sharpens their heart against the rocky shore of reality.
Path Symbols
A pin, brooch, signet, or other trinket that carries a floral crest, wreathed in the distant reek of a past lover's perfume
An amulet held to the heart, ringed in glass and metal, summoning memories of home when squeezed tight in bloodied palm
A hazy memory of the one you sought to become, idolatry sinking through the mirror's cracks
TL Note: all of the Archetype names were written in Japanese first and worked backwards to English in homage to questionable fan translations of the late 90s and early 2000s. they are intentionally indirect translations that make some weird choices on purpose
TL Note 2: because I used a japanese bible I had around for help with the translation on a lot of these, you can't say "none of these words appear in the bible" because most of them do
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wolfpaper · 4 months
This may be the worst thing I've put in this setting. I hate it. I'm never going to call them that.
Britain may have been destroyed ~60 years before the start of the story, but at the end of the day they got the last laugh when the generic term for mecha in Stauros, Lorica Akritai, was near-universally shortened to "lorries"
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wolfpaper · 4 months
Britain may have been destroyed ~60 years before the start of the story, but at the end of the day they got the last laugh when the generic term for mecha in Stauros, Lorica Akritai, was near-universally shortened to "lorries"
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wolfpaper · 4 months
Update: Watch Party has been delayed until 2/11 @ 8pm EST
Accord Discord Watch Party TONIGHT @ 8PM EST
Mechanical Violater Hakaider and the Five Star Stories OVA
Watch fun, cheesy toku and wild science fantasy mecha with us over at the Accord discord!
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wolfpaper · 4 months
Accord Discord Watch Party TONIGHT @ 8PM EST
Mechanical Violater Hakaider and the Five Star Stories OVA
Watch fun, cheesy toku and wild science fantasy mecha with us over at the Accord discord!
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wolfpaper · 4 months
Fanwork for @ri47's VesalBlood, focusing on Sitre's relationship with her pygmalion
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wolfpaper · 4 months
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chasing clouds over rubicon
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wolfpaper · 4 months
Subject: Archon Program Candidates
From: ██████
To: Flora Pearson <[email protected]>
Timestamp: 2088.09.24.6138
Dir. Pearson:
It took some time to process the data we've received from the Dept/Statistics request, and your patience in that matter is deeply appreciated. Our diligence has paid off, and we have narrowed to 54 potential candidates across the Republic. I've attached the full portfolio--note that among the 54, 7 in particular stand out. I've flagged these subjects accordingly. While a thorough examination of *all* prospective candidates is paramount for expedience and risk mitigation, the attached dossiers will surely speak for themselves with regards to their fit for the program.
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Raithe Desmont
b.2057.12.30 / 193cm / 66kg / B+
int-SYN/TRA compatibility: 83.25%
d-SYN/TRA compatibility: 57.29%
Minor irreversible microgravitational osteoporosis from offworld childhood
History of childhood asthma, no noted persistent chronic obstructive pulmonary disorders in adulthood
Existing psychiatric profile suggests an intense need for approval, acknowledgement
Medical records became publicly available when he was processed following the dismantling of Synesia
Immediate family:
- Estranged father, younger sister
- deceased mother
Census records indicate no other family or partner
Criminal records indicate a history of activism that ended following an arrest with no conviction
Church records confirm status as hylikos
Currently works an administrative role within the Automation Division of the Dept/Research
Desmont's department shows fantastic efficiency and produces incredible results at the expense of high turnover rates. Exit interviews indicate that his aggressive and controlling management style is to blame, however the growth in his department was undeniable to his superiors. Were he not a hylikos, he would surely be head of the division by now.
Desmont's ego is thoroughly immodest, and his focus solely on the Material. He refuses to accept that he cannot rise above his position without aid from the Church.
His methodical yet aggressive nature and relatively high d-SYN/TRA compatibility score suggest that he would be an ideal candidate for the archon of kings.
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Zoe Katab
b.2070.07.19 / 170cm / 70kg / A-
int-SYN/TRA compatibility: 95.66%
d-SYN/TRA compatibility: 71.90%
Several childhood hospitalizations for frequent upper and lower extremity fractures
History of self harm attributed to survivor's guilt/PTSD
Existing psychiatric profile indicates a need for control that stems from severe anxiety
Medical records became publicly available following her adoption as a ward of the state
Immediate family:
- deceased mother, father, sister
Census records indicate no other family or partner
Criminal records indicate that she was arrested for the murder of her parents, but ultimately found innocent
Church records confirm status as hylikos
Currently unemployed
Katab's past indicates that she is capable of bloodshed yet more interested in the stability of total control. Behavioral reports from her childhood describe a deeply protective personality with recurring accusations of attempting to manipulate others.
Katab's exceptional d-SYN/TRA compatibility alongside her complex psychiatric profile indicate that she is an ideal archon candidate, with the most synergy with the archon of lordship.
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Sera ████
b.2060.10.30 / 180cm / 102kg / AB+
int-SYN/TRA compatibility: 98.92%
d-SYN/TRA compatibility: 89.01%
Significant medical records were removed from public record following her involvement in the destruction of the Caesarea
Existing psychiatric profile indicates a deeply emotionally disturbed individual
Immediate family:
- estranged mother, father
- aunt, living apart
Census records indicate no other family or partner
Criminal records indicate that she is currently convicted for criminal negligence, manslaughter, and practicing medicine without a license
Church records confirm status as hylikos
Currently imprisoned
████ 's involvement has been previously confirmed, as she was sponsored by █████.
Nonetheless, ████ 's unprecedentedly high SYN/TRA compatibility, unique physiology, and damaged psyche suggest that she is an ideal archon candidate, such that she may be a possible match with the archon of deity.
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Ash Ward
b.2074.08.16 / 175cm / 58kg / B-
int-SYN/TRA compatibility: 84.11%
d-SYN/TRA compatibility: 74.39%
Childhood history of malnourishment
Reports of several scars from infections secondary to insufficient wound care
Existing psychiatric profile indicate difficulty controlling anger
Medical records became publicly available upon becoming a ward of the state
Immediate family:
- deceased mother, father, uncle
Census records indicate no other family or partner
Criminal records indicate a predisposition to violence
Church records confirm status as hylikos
Currently a ward of the state
Ward's behavioral reports indicate a tendency to lash out against authorities and classmates alike. He is quick to violence and has little patience for others.
His exceptional SYN/TRA compatibilities and temperament suggest a strong compatibility for the tyrant archon.
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Adrien Hein
b.2059.03.03 / 187cm / 40kg / O+
int-SYN/TRA compatibility: 74.29%
d-SYN/TRA compatibility: 52.63%
Bilateral below-knee amputation secondary to explosion during an attempted live-munitions terrorist attack
Existing psychiatric profile indicates severe anxiety bordering on paranoia
Medical records became public record upon arrest
Immediate family:
- deceased husband, son
- mother, father live apart
Census records indicate no other family or partner
Criminal records indicate that he has been convicted for terrorism, conspiracy, possession of illegal explosives, destruction of property
Church records confirm status as hylikos
Currently imprisoned
Hein lost his husband and son in a riot started by immigrants protesting the stride of Stauros. He was radicalized by the experience and subsequently became involved with a group of nationalists. During an attempt to bomb a train station the explosives were improperly timed, resulting in the loss of both of Hein's legs.
His willingness to shed blood, loyalty to Stauros, and obsessive mental state make him an ideal candidate for the archon of jealousy.
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Surya Marit
b.2068.09.25 / 175cm / 68kg / B+
int-SYN/TRA compatibility: 88.04%
d-SYN/TRA compatibility: 73.43%
Minor broken bones in youth, negative growth plate abnormalities noted
Possible TBI secondary to concussion received during routine training though MRI/CT inconclusive
Existing psychiatric profile indicates an antisocial personality disorder diagnosis as well as a need for connection
Medical records became publicly available upon joining the ExoCorps
Immediate family:
- estranged brother, mother
- deceased mother
Census records indicate no other family or partner
Criminal records return no charges
Church records confirm status as hylikos
Currently unemployed
Marit is an unusual individual. She was initially chosen to be a Cataphract though her surgery regimen was cut short by a traumatic head injury during a routine training exercise. This purportedly spawned a change in her behavior, at which point she was ejected from the ExoCorps.
Marit's fantastic SYN/TRA compatibility, her experience as a pilot, and her alienation from others make her a strong candidate for the archon of wealth.
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Elena Casaubon
b.2069.09.09 / 158cm / 53kg / O-
int-SYN/TRA compatibility: 63.14%
d-SYN/TRA compatibility: 47.69%
Irreversible microgravitational osteoporosis from offworld childhood
Existing psychiatric profile indicates obsessive tendencies and a thirst for the forbidden
Medical records not publicly available
Immediate family:
- absentee mother
- deceased father
Census records indicate no other family or partner
Criminal records return no charges
Church records confirm status as hylikos
Currently employed by the Dept/Research as a part of the Archon program
Casaubon's participation was, of course, previously confirmed due to her connection to the Rite.
Casaubon's SYN/TRA compatibilities barely meet program minimums, and though her psychiatric profile does not indicate any particular affinity, the archon of wisdom will likely be the most fitting for her potential as a pilot.
Thank you for your patience,
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wolfpaper · 4 months
protoViolence: Definitive Edition is coming to Steam and Itch.io on February 16th, 2024! (You can wishlist it!)
Here's what's new:
New scenes that further flesh out protoViolence's story.
Polished writing and animations.
QOL updates.
Like malViolence's Definitive Edition, there will be a couple of extra goodies announced closer to release... but I'm still keeping that under wraps for now. 
Please look forward to this new version of protoViolence!
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wolfpaper · 4 months
Captain! the enemy mech appears to be doing some Artorias the Abysswalker shit, Sir!
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wolfpaper · 4 months
Can you please explain what the pleroma is? Is it like where all the aeons live, an extension of the monad, or something else?
You know how at weddings, they'll have a big tower of champagne glasses? And they'll pour champagne into the top somit fills the whole pyramid below it?
The wine is the Godhead, each glass is an Aeon, and the whole tower is the Pleroma. They are the vessels through which divinity flows into the world.
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wolfpaper · 4 months
With the discussion of queer norms in SFF, I feel like I should specify the state of queer rights in Accord:
The Sophic Church (and therefore most lucrative or influential positions within the Republic of Stauros) effectively looks like an assimilationist endgame: homosexuality is accepted, so long as they conform to societal expectations, particularly regarding raising children. Bi or pansexuality is assumed to be an exhibition of immorality, and any failure to conform to gender norms is treated as transexuality, and therefore attachment to the material to a sinful degree.
That's not to say that transitioning is illegal, but it is punished socially fairly severely. Being openly trans in a place under Stauros government is an isolating experience. Queer people, like other classes downtrodden by Sophism, instead tend to find their way offplanet, where there is less Sophic influence.
Outside of Stauros, things are significantly less bleak— while other nation-states are hardly gender-free utopias, queerness has generally been normalized. Polyamory has legal protections in many places, and transitioning is both accepted without question and facilitated by readily accessible healthcare.
All in all, homophobia and transphobia have far from disappeared, but they've taken on different forms, and are mostly relegated to vestigial structures and behind closed doors.
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