womenofuniverse · 3 years
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womenofuniverse · 3 years
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womenofuniverse · 3 years
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womenofuniverse · 3 years
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womenofuniverse · 4 years
September 6, 2020 (Part 2) - Your first memory of one friend
September 6, 2020 (Part 2) - Your first memory of one friend
Actually, in my 22 year old existence, appreciation will always be my part of memory even i have old or new friends, because it basically means that they appreciate me for who i am or what kind of person i am to be. It doesn’t matter if i don’t have many friends in real life but i know that whenever they need me, i will try my best to be there for them, i don’t need any money or things just to give me a reward. I just want their simple “thank you” and that’s it. 
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womenofuniverse · 4 years
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September 6, 2020 (Part 2) - Your first memory of one friend 
(Photo not mine, Ctto) 
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womenofuniverse · 4 years
September 6, 2020 (Part 1) - This week’s success
September 6, 2020 (Part 1)  
Actually body positivity will be my a week’s success because whether you are thin or fat, it will always be admired and because of that, one of God’s creation that will always be cherish, Anyways i always eat a lot, but since it’s my dad’s birthday it’s fine. Anyway’s here is my message to dad, Well he doesn’t know this but i’ll type it anyway, “Happy Birthday Dad!, I know that i’m not that kind of person who is expressive to her feelings but, I will always appreciate you no matter what, i may be irritated to you most of the times but i’m blessed because you and mom raise me, feed me everyday, understanding our needs in the house more, I just wish that you are more active just little bit of moving your legs or walk inside the house more, because life is too short for you, especially now that you are old and stop smoking cigarettes ( i wish it would happen one day), dami ko pang gusto itanong sayo pero kung ayaw niyo po sagutin then that’s okay i guess, siguro may mga bagay na kailangan din na di nalang masabi para di kami malungkot or masaktan, I wish just i could help you more, anyway’s i’m doing my best to be myself more especially that my birthday is near and adulting can be hard as a rock, i know that you will be there to guide me both you and mom. Happy Birthday. I love you.” 
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womenofuniverse · 4 years
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September 6, 2020 (part 1) - This week’s success  - Body Positivity 
(Photo not mine, Ctto) 
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womenofuniverse · 4 years
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womenofuniverse · 4 years
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womenofuniverse · 4 years
September 4, 2020 - Something I want to try
This segment of my journal expresses what should i try next? or curiosity that makes me try more. Hehe a bit whirlwind e?. Anyway’s there’s too many hobbies that i want to try from most to least, but i will start with hobby that i did most of the time: 
Most of the time hobbies: 
1. Exercise in general more specifically weightlifting (25%) and cardiovascular (5%) - you’re wondering why i’m including percentage here in my first list, actually studies shows that weightlifting can show progression more than cardiovascular exercise, weightlifting for women that does not make your body bulky. Even though that you exercise we always remember the role of dieting or calorie deficit/intake monitoring, because dieting is one of the things that you can manage the most- on how much do you eat, too much calorie or not, but in terms of my body physique, i have no problem except for abdominal region since i ate a lot of food especially junk foods sometimes he he. For me, exercise is for everyone whether you are fat, chubby, thin, sad, happy etc. it will always comes with great benefits. I remember one time, when i was a college student, i went to FAMAS gym to become actively participate in exercise (well i wish but lack of consistency was a struggle), As i was about to running on the treadmill, there is one middle aged woman who ask me and said “Is your workout necessary to you, even though that you are thin already?” In my mind, i think that there is no basis or requirement that someone must exercise. But then i said “no ma’am, it’s for my overall well being that i should take care of” she nodded and say “oh”. So in short i want to make this as a habit of consistency rather than mentality to lose weight. 
2. Self journaling - I prefer typing journals on tumblr since i don’t have any coloring materials or notebook aesthetic things, here in tumblr i can express freely what i want to type, and i don’t care what people thinks, as long as i don’t harm people around me. 
3. Reading - It depends on my mood on what genre of book i want to read. But i hope that soon i will find time to read again. 
Incoming hobbies: 
4. Coloring - To be honest, i am no expert when it comes to drawing nor coloring also but, i want to learn coloring in more aesthetic and pleasing to my eyes and also for relaxation. 
5. Learning Language - especially english but since i can type, chat or write english, i want to learn english more of a second most language that i want to master it the most. Aside from english, i want to learn also how to speak spanish and italian just conversational language only not as a whole since i don’t live there.
6. Watching documentaries - this is new for me but i watch documentaries base on my interest, but i want to watch more so i hope that i find time to watch depends on my mood. 
Least 2nd Incoming Hobbies:
7. Cooking - mostly step by step learning since i don’t always cook. 
8. Sign language - conversational but not as a whole so i can show that i can also communicate people who are deaf. 
That’s it I know that it’s not too much, but at least I am trying to be more active person, but i promise to take care and some hobby time more with myself step by step. 
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womenofuniverse · 4 years
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September 4, 2020 - Something I want to try? 
(Photo not mine, Ctto) 
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womenofuniverse · 4 years
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womenofuniverse · 4 years
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womenofuniverse · 4 years
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womenofuniverse · 4 years
September 3, 2020 - What does content look like?
I believe that content looks like simplicity, whether in our lifestyle, our choices or our decisions that we make, but in my opinion, simplicity and serene will always be my content up to recent and future years of existence. Ever since i was a teenager or a college student, since i live in a city, my mind wonders what is the best definition of serene and simplicity, the answer that got into my mind is uncomplicated and understand easy, because i tried to be a people-pleaser, to gain more attention, to be a person who has a narcissistic attitude, well not too much narcissistic. But i realize that, it is not who i am. I am person with a quote of “simplicity at its finest & simplicity is beauty”.
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womenofuniverse · 4 years
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September 3, 2020 - What does content look like? 
Simplicity will always be a content. 
(Photo not mine) 
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