wordsofanoutcast · 4 months
For what does it mean to be a woman, I wonder,
A question that curves, twists and turns a sonder.
To traverse the paths of femininity,
A symphony of submission and independence.
Like Esther, who rose to power
With bravery and grace intertwined,
Or Deborah, the prophetess, wise and fierce in her command
Leading armies to victory, divine
In shadows of doubt, she takes a final stand.
In the life of Ruth, loyalty prevailed,
Her devotion, an unwavering thread,
And so it is with the women we know,
Our sisters in solidarity, with battles fought,
Our mothers' fortitude, lessons dearly bought
and aunts, true and bred.
These women of old, their narratives intertwine,
A web of wisdom, guiding us through every time.
In search of meaning, I seek through the dusk,
What defines this essence, this aura of us,
When virginity fades, a new chapter, seeing?
Or the arrival of a crimson tide, signaling fertility?
Our innocence to mark,
For it's not one singular moment, nor some cosmic decree,
But a conjunction of experiences, forging our destiny.
It's a tapestry woven with vigor and grace,
An ode to resilience, in this human race.
For womanhood resides in the depth of our soul,
In the symphony of emotions, merging to make us whole.
To be a woman is to be gentle, like a morning breeze,
Caressing petals with delicate expertise.
Yet strength flows within, a mighty river's course,
Weathering storms, displaying its force.
Being a woman is a journey of self-discovery,
A transformation of body, mind, and spirit.
Rooted deep within, an unyielding strength,
Unafraid to face demons and go to any length.
To be a woman is one whose virtue shines like a polished gem,
Effortlessly clothed in strength and dignity,
Walking amidst the ebbs and flows of life.
Her hands are skilled in the arts of nurturing,
Her heart a haven of compassion and grace.
It's in our whispers, igniting passions once dormant,
We forge our path, unyielding and resplendent.
We are voices, loud and clear,
Fearlessly challenging oppression,
Together, we rise, empowered and wise,
Claiming our place beneath the sunlit skies.
For it is not the labels or the past,
But the essence of spirit and soul,
The unwavering passion within,
That defines us as a whole.
Our bodies a vessel of life,
Our voices echoing through the ages,
A symphony amidst the strife.
So let us celebrate the woman,
In all her complexities and might,
For she is a force to be reckoned with,
A beacon of strength, love, and light.
From the depths of my being, this truth is spoken,
A testament to the woman I have become, unbroken.
So, as I pen these words, I celebrate womanhood,
Marveling at the kaleidoscope of experiences we bear.
To be a woman is an ever-unfolding mystery.
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wordsofanoutcast · 9 months
I saw death, his presence hauntingly near,
Standing afar in the distance, cold and austere.
His gaze, piercing and steady, undressed my being,
Leaving me vulnerable, naked, my essence freeing.
No garments or armor could shield me from his might,
For he cared not for appearance, nor external fight.
His eyes saw beyond the surface, into the core,
Where dreams and fears collided, forevermore.
In his presence, all masks were stripped away,
Leaving behind only truths, there to stay.
No earthly possessions, no titles or fame,
Just my naked soul, bared without shame.
But as fear consumed me, his touch turned tender,
Gently reminding me of life's mysterious splendor.
For in his embrace, a clarity did I find,
An awakening within, a solace of a kind.
He whispered of impermanence, of cycles that flow,
Of life and death intertwined, a dance to bestow.
And though the shadow of mortality may loom,
There's beauty in the unknown, a sacred tomb.
So I met death, standing afar, unafraid,
Knowing that he is but a part of life's grand parade.
With every breath, I carry his presence deep within,
A reminder to live fully, for we all shall meet him.
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wordsofanoutcast · 9 months
In the depths of our souls, we yearn for sanctuary,
A place where true acceptance can set us free.
But in this world so full of want and desire,
Where agendas and motives fuel the fire,
There exists a haven where solace is found,
In the loving embrace of nature all around.
Oh, nature! You are the sweetest serenade,
A refuge where my weary soul is gently swayed.
From the towering trees with branches outstretched,
To the golden sun that in the sky is etched,
I find solace in your arms, so vast and pure,
A love that's unconditional, unwavering, sure.
For nature knows not of selfish greed or gain,
It sees, it hears, it feels, without disdain.
In your presence, I feel the essence of each being,
And discover the creator's love, so freeing.
From the subtle whispers of the whispering wind,
To the rhythmic waves that upon the shore do bend,
Nature sings a song of boundless affection,
A symphony of love, a divine connection.
For in your embrace, I'm never alone,
No crushing weight of loneliness to condone.
But instead, I'm held tight in love's warm embrace,
Guided by a force that cannot be erased.
Nature, you are the balm that heals my wounds,
A sanctuary where my spirit perfectly tunes.
In your presence, I find solace and peace,
Where my soul's truest yearnings find release.
No fears confine me or hold me within,
For in nature's arms, I'm accepted, akin.
So, let me dwell in this haven divine,
Where the creator's love through each creation shines.
Oh, nature, you are my sweet serene solace,
A refuge where I find the purest grace.
In your boundless beauty, I am reborn,
Liberated from the burdens I've worn.
For in your loving embrace, I am complete,
A testament to the creator's love, so sweet.
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wordsofanoutcast · 9 months
In the depths of darkness, I once did roam,
Lost and weary, with a heart unknown.
The path before me, shrouded in despair,
I questioned if I'd ever breathe fresh air.
But deep within, a flicker still remained,
A tiny flame, against the pain sustained.
With trembling steps, I ventured through the night,
Hoping to see glimpses of guiding light.
And oh, the struggles that I had to face,
Each trial and tribulation, leaving a trace.
But through it all, a resilience emerged,
A determination to conquer, to be surged.
For as I traversed the valleys so deep,
A glimmer of hope began to seep.
A whispered melody, tender and true,
Eased the burden, warmed my heart anew.
Into the shadows, my fears did fade,
Replaced by newfound strength, no longer afraid.
The light grew brighter, illuminating my way,
Unveiling the beauty of each passing day.
Oh, the joy of rediscovering life's embrace,
A gentle reminder to cherish every trace,
Of warmth, of love, of laughter so alive,
A gift so precious, for each soul to thrive.
And now, I treasure each moment that I find,
In the kaleidoscope of moments intertwined.
With gratitude in my heart, ever so vast,
I've learned to live and love life again, at last.
So when you find yourself in the darkest night,
When hope seems lost, and it's hard to fight,
Remember this tale, my dear kindred soul,
There's a light waiting, ready to console.
With unwavering strength and a heart so true,
You'll emerge victorious, the darkness you'll subdue.
For in the depths of despair, hope will rise,
And you'll find the courage to reach for the skies.
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wordsofanoutcast · 10 months
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wordsofanoutcast · 11 months
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wordsofanoutcast · 11 months
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wordsofanoutcast · 1 year
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wordsofanoutcast · 1 year
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wordsofanoutcast · 1 year
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wordsofanoutcast · 1 year
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wordsofanoutcast · 1 year
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wordsofanoutcast · 1 year
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wordsofanoutcast · 1 year
Our reality is completely dependent on our threshold for accepting what is true
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wordsofanoutcast · 1 year
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wordsofanoutcast · 1 year
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wordsofanoutcast · 1 year
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