Columbia Private High School CHAPTER 1: -Alex-
Our story begins, with an acceptance letter:
"You, Alexander Hamilton and Philip Hamilton, have been accepted to Columbia private school. School begins in 3 weeks, upon your arrival you will be shown to the dormitories and assigned a room with a roommate that you are unfamiliar with.
Your new principal."
I beamed at the letter and ran to show my brother. "Philip!" I shouted as I stepped into my brothers' doorway.
Philip rolled over obviously having just woken up. "What do you want Alex?" he groaned groggily.
"We got accepted!" I jumped up and down excitedly. Philip sat bolt upright in bed. He jumped out of his sheets half naked and stumbled over to me. He grabbed the letter out of my hand and scanned the page thoroughly. He grabbed me and hugged me tightly.
"We get to get out of this hell hole!" Philip squealed in pure bliss.
Fast forward to 3 weeks later.
Philip and I step out of the train. Me in my stubborn ways, decided it best to bring non wheeled luggage, regrettable to say the least. The train station was about a mile away from the school and there were no taxis or good samaritans who would take us. So while Philip pulled his luggage along fairly effortlessly, I was pained with the labor of carrying all my luggage.
When we arrived at the gate, a man in a fancy suit looked us up and down. I'm sure he wasn't used to seeing young, poor boys at the gates of the boarding school, or maybe he was, in a beggar sort of way, but here we were, regular students. I watched as he easily let a young man dressed in a pinkish purple suit walk right on by and as we approached him he stopped us. I was confused to say the least.
"Acceptance letter please." He grumbled in a british voice. He clearly expected us to go running off because when I pulled the letter out of my back pocket his eyes widened with surprise. Yes, two poor orphan boys had been accepted to Columbia Private School. "That way Mr. Hamilton." He gestured us toward a large 2 story building.
Philip and I headed that way, and were greeted with looks of extreme pity. As we entered the dormitory a large list was posted on the wall. I had been put in room 3 with an upperclassmen, James Madison. Philip was in room 5 with a freshman, Richard Price.
"I know Richard!" Philip grinned. "We were in middle school together, he's a cool guy. You know I'll be safe bub." He gently punched me in the shoulder. Philip hugged me goodbye and went on his way to his dormitory.
I lugged my heavy suitcases up the stairs and stopped at the door to room 3. When I entered the young man in the pink purple suit was standing right inside the doorway. I ran smack into him and he screamed.
"Excuse you!" He demanded an apology from me.
"I'm sorry, but standing in the doorway wasn't such a good decision if you didn't want to get run over by your roommate." I mumbled.
The boy laughed. "Me? Your roommate?" He cackled like it was the funniest thing he'd ever heard. "No. James is your roommate." A younger looking man stepped out from the bathroom wearing nothing but sweatpants. "My boyfriend. I'm Thomas. Pleasure to meet you. I've heard some rumors and you've only just set foot onto campus!"
"Pleasure to meet you too Thomas, I'm Alexander. Rumors only grow." I smirked.
"You may have made a name for yourself back in New York, but you are at the bottom of the totem pole here." He put his finger in my face. "You will not come in here and act like you are all high and mighty and have no one to answer to." He turned on the balls of his feet and walked to James. "And you will not even think, about touching him." Thomas kissed James very possessively and stormed out. I rolled my eyes.
"Alrighty then." I set my suitcase down on the vacant bed.
James sat on the bed opposite of mine. "I'm s-sorry about Thomas, he has a bit of an attitude problem, but he's really nice once you get to know him." He stammered.
I chuckled. "Yeah, I'm sure. Real nice guy by the looks of it."
James huffed defensively. "He is, you just have to give him a chance, and you can't threaten his spot as most popular. He's very sensitive about it."
I did not respond and began unpacking my things into the dresser next to my bed. I wondered what Philip was doing. He was always kind of lost without me, or so it seemed. He'd never been without me and so when we got separated, he was kind of distant with everyone he was with. I prayed he wouldn't be that way here.
When I finished unpacking, which took me almost 30 minutes, I stepped out into the hallway. I pattered down to room 5 and knocked on the door. "Philip are you in there?" No response, but I heard someone shuffling around. It was probably just Richard, Philip might have already gone off to wander somewhere. Probably to find the nearest coffee supply, he was addicts to say the least.
I trudged downstairs to check out the common room. There were various people sitting in there. More than I had anticipated. This was a very small private school, less than 50 students were allowed in a year, and you had to have an excellent gpa to get in. So, this school, naturally, was filled with the brightest, or richest kids who had their parents pay their way in.
As I entered the room, I took note that there were 3 computers carefully placed in a row near the far window. There was a couch facing the door but slightly off to the right. When I turned to look at what it was facing, it was a TV screen with some game stations sitting underneath it, it was nicely arranged. Whoever had set this up must have had OCD because everything in here was flawless and pristine. A bookshelf dominated the corner of the room. Old books, new books, thick books, thin books, and all different varieties lined the shelves, once again perfectly organized so that no unlike book touches the other. This place was a master piece and whoever organized this was brilliant and methodical.
A young man about my age skips over to me, his face is littered with freckles and his shoulder lengthed hair is pulled tightly into a ponytail. He unlike all the other boys I have seen today, is not dressed up over the top. He is wearing a button up, but it is wrinkled and plain, it is not tucked in and is laid over denim skinny jeans. As he reaches out to shake my hand I notice a large, old ring on his right ring finger, and assume it is a family ring.
"I'm John, John Laurens, it's nice to meet you." He says very cheerily. His voice is smooth and washes over me like gentle waves.
"Good afternoon Mr. Laurens , pleasure to meet you too, I'm Alexander." I say in a quiet voice.
"None of that now. Call me John." He grinned. He turned around to the bookshelf and started scanning it looking for something in particular.
His teeth were as white as snow and his smile consumed his entire face. He was very..."cute". I accidentally whisper.
"What did you say?" He glanced over his shoulder.
"I said," I cleared my throat "What are you looking for?"
"Oh, uhm, I'm just looking for a book I accidentally misplaced when I was putting the place together." He muttered.
"You organized the room?" I said in complete disbelief. This goofy, attractive young man had the time, effort and patience that organizing a place to this level required?
"Yes, I got here early so I thought I'd use the time wisely." He smiled again, breath taking.
"Wow, you wouldn't spend it with your girlfriend?" I said jokingly, it was a joke, but I was trying to get a response out of him.
He laughed. "Me? No, I'm not good with women." He winked and I feigned ignorance.
"Oh well surely, you must have someone, a handsome young man like yourself surely couldn't be single." I assert.
"Well, you would indeed be wrong. All the cute ones are straight."  John chuckled and ran off. He stopped at the door. "It was nice meeting you Alex! There's an assembly at 9:30, see you there."
I was left dumb staring into space. He really just said that. I headed to the board in front of the stairs. I traced my finger down the line. "John Laurens, room 2 with..." I dragged my finger across the board. "Thomas Jefferson." I rolled my eyes. I groaned. Well, that was that, I'd be avoiding his room. I hoped I'd see him during the assembly. I prayed.
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