yelexo · 4 years
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yelexo · 4 years
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yelexo · 4 years
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yelexo · 4 years
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yelexo · 4 years
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California by debodoes
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yelexo · 5 years
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From the poetry book “The Universe at Heartbeat” by Nicola An
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yelexo · 5 years
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yelexo · 5 years
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180K notes · View notes
yelexo · 5 years
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yelexo · 5 years
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yelexo · 5 years
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yelexo · 5 years
Thoughts x2
Being in such a world where’s there is so much hatred where do you run to who do you turn too? There’s so many people in this world do you turn to a male a female an alien? What do you do what calms you down? What breaks your silence..
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yelexo · 5 years
I like creepy I like weird I like that Tim burton is different and he feels what he feels I like that it’s this unusual feeling I like how you can express yourself as being different being who you truly are writing and feeling like you don’t need to be judged by others doing stuff that makes you happy he’s creepy it’s not like those Disney movies that are just normal I like different I like weird. I am different I am weird. If I was normal how boring would I be? 🤔
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yelexo · 5 years
Sometimes you just need to hear everything is going to be okay and that there’s someone there for you even when you feel alone the most.
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yelexo · 5 years
So I was having a conversation with someone very dear to me A loved one someone who has beautiful soul and is a great person has goals ambitions and really really cares about others we were talking today and we were talking about things like why don’t people ask what truly makes you happy or what do you value in your life? ; What are the things that you look for in a relationship what are the things that you look for in yourself? do you constantly try to fit into this image that this world has that you’re supposed to fit into the mold into something that nobody is no matter how perfect you are you’re unhappy with something on your body with something in yourself. no one is ever 100% perfect but let me ask you guys this what do you value?what do you look for in a relationship? what makes you feel 100% and makes you feel untouchable?what are the things that you want to live for most how do you see yourself in a few years,months etc there are so many things in life that make you feel so terrible or feel unworthy of yourself but I just want you all to know how worthy that you really are don’t try to mold yourself into the shape that somebody expects you to be don’t be this person that is so ugly on the inside to hurt others..Try to be the best version of you that you could ever be try to understand that you’re good enough try to understand that that relationship you were once in does not define who you are, try to understand that the person that was pointing and making fun of you and pointing out flaws on yourself that you still look at to this day they do not define you, that loss of a friend that you have or that loss of losing yourself when it happens; Life is like a canvas with paint you can always start over you can always paint right over that and feel something so much more meaningful paint right over your past make your future better you’re all meant for so much love that you all should have self-love self care never forget that you are your friend you can make that canvas with that paint such a beautiful place so please stop trying to mold yourself into something just because that’s what people say is right. I myself have been through all of these things that I’m talking about I havent always been the greatest person I’ve listen to people say things I’ve said things to hurt people but I truly know who I am Like I said before no one’s perfect but I wish you all so much self-love and self care and I hope that you see how worthy you are even if you do not feel like it. My words are scrambled I’m all over the place but it feels so right when I pick up the pace;my heart is big my heart is strong please don’t ever try to prove me wrong/I’m a fighter I’m a lover I know it’s true but do you believe in yourself like you’re supposed too? Xo
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yelexo · 5 years
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yelexo · 5 years
Pretend like something was once nothing
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