yourmotivationguru · 3 years
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There’s a lot of focus around physical health such as exercising and keeping your heart healthy, and there’s growing focus around mental health and how to keep your brain healthy, but there’s one aspect of health that’s commonly overlooked: digestive health.
Why is digestive health important?
Like all aspects of your physical health, looking after your digestive health is of utmost importance. This is because your gut is responsible for absorbing nutrients and breaking down food, allowing the rest of your body to functions normally and healthily.
When there’s an issue with your digestive system, you’re likely to feel very unwell and uncomfortable which can impact your day-to-day life. So, it’s important that you look after your digestive health not just because it keeps the rest of your organs in good working order, but because if you don’t, you’ll physically feel ill and this will impact other aspects of your everyday life.
How to aid digestive health through food
There are a number of ways you can improve your digestive health through your diet. The digestive system is complex and involves several organs, so there’s no single thing that can target every part of the process. This means you will need to implement several conscious steps to keep everything in good working order.
Step one is to eat plenty of fiber. Most people don’t eat enough fiber and this can result in inconsistent bowel movements and the slowing down of the digestion process, causing all sorts of issues and symptoms. If you don’t go to the toilet regularly, routinely experience bloating for extended periods of time, or if you have multiple bouts of stomach aches and cramps, it’s likely that you’re not eating enough fiber and things have slowed down in your gut.
Ideally, every adult should aim for 30g of fiber a day. There are multiple ways you can achieve this, with oats/cereal, wholemeal bread, beans and brown rice being excellent sources. Those who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome may find that eating fiber through the medium of oats and grains can irritate their symptoms, so instead they should opt to get their fiber through vegetables and fruit.
Water is the basis of life and digestion is no exception. People who are dehydrated may experience a range of symptoms such as headaches and feeling faint, but they also commonly suffer from constipation and hard stools. Water can help make you feel more awake and energetic, and it can greatly help with preventing constipation and softening stool, too. This should ease uncomfortable stomach cramps make bowel movements more regular, improving the function of your overall gut.
Those who partake in diets like intermittent fasting may struggle with this as their drinking is limited to select hours. Muslims may also struggle with this during Ramadan because part of the purpose of Ramadan is to demonstrate self-control, as with IF diets. The way to avoid dehydration and poor bowel movements is to drink plenty during the allotted times.
Your digestive system spans more than just your stomach. A common symptom of poor digestion is heartburn, and this is more often than not a result of too much fat and grease caused by junk food. Fried foods and those laced with grease are harder for your body to digest, so try to avoid too much of them.
Exercise and digestion
It’s not just food that has an impact on your digestive system; exercise does too. Regular exercise strengthens almost all the muscles in your body, including those in your digestive tract. The benefit? More efficient digestion and less risk of constipation and slow bowel movements, thus further improving your overall gut health.
If you suffer with heartburn, constipation or stomach ache, try implementing the tips above and see how a healthy gut can improve your quality of life.
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yourmotivationguru · 3 years
How to Shop For the Best Food Processor in India
Choosing the best food processor from the varieties available in the market is very tough because it’s one of the commonly used appliances at home. A good typical kitchen appliance has to deliver a sense of durability, functionality, and ease of use. However, before deciding on the best food processor in India, and shelling out your hard-earned cash, here are some things which you should take into consideration while shopping for a food processor for your kitchen. The price tag alone cannot determine a product’s quality and efficiency. So, it’s crucial to understand that quality and efficiency must go hand in hand.
Let’s check out the primary features that you should not ignore while buying a food processor.
Control Mechanism
The best food processors in India come with excellent control systems, including fully automated systems. These control systems have been developed by a brand after extensive research and development processes. Some of the best kitchen appliances are well equipped with advanced control systems, such as chopping blades, slicers, whisking, mincing blade, and so on. Such control systems ensure the smooth functioning of the appliances, as they allow the smooth chopping, grinding, and mixing of ingredients, irrespective of their sizes.
Different Types Of Blades
The best food processors come with blades that are designed to perform multiple tasks. Generally, blades are designed for slicing, grinding, shredding, and pureeing, as well as for peeling. So, the best ones are capable of performing all these tasks. For example, a shredder blade could easily be utilized to grind beans and nuts, a slicing blade could easily be made to slice various ingredients and a mincing blade could easily be made to grind and dice fruits and vegetables.
When buying any type of processor for your home, you should first check the types of blades. Basically, there are two kinds of blades available in the market, which include serrated and flat. The flat type of blades are more efficient in chopping and grinding, while the serrated one helps in creating uniform cuts in a veggie or fruit. Depending upon your intention of buying the food mixer, you should choose the appropriate type of blade. For example, if you intend to puree and blend several ingredients, you should choose a blade with large cutting edges that are wide enough to help you cut through all the ingredients.
Motor Quality
The quality of the motor is another important consideration, especially when you are purchasing a food processor for intensive cooking chores. You will find processors available in different kinds of motors. Do not buy lesser than 650 watts food processor. In general, the more powerful the motor, the better it is. The powerful spinning motor is good for blending and grinding. Meanwhile, the vibrating and rotating motors are better for pureeing and mincing.
Next comes the brand. When shopping for electrical appliances for your own home, you should primarily look for the best food processor brand in india that has been in the business for many years. These brands are usually known for providing quality products. However, there are some exceptions, who have gained a reputation in the market with their highly efficient and robust products. However, you should not base your choice solely on the brand. Instead, you should most importantly consider other features like the number of blades and the size of the container.
One of the most important aspects of any electrical product is the warranty offered. For food processors, India offers the best warranties. In fact, some manufacturers offer 5-year warranties, which is way beyond what you can get from other countries.
Other Accessories Required
Lastly, while shopping for a food processor in India, you should also look out for additional accessories. For instance, you may require a food processor with a dough maker for easy mixing and making of Roti, cookie dough, or pizza bread. Further, you may require a milk whisk for whipping the cream or milk. Other accessories include knives, spoons, spatulas, rakes, and various types of kitchen utensils.
To make sure that you get all the accessories required for your kitchen appliance, you should always buy them from an authorized offline or online store. This will ensure that the entire range of accessories is available, and you do not miss out on any part. You can check out AllKitchenGadgetfor detailed review on all kitchen and home appliances
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yourmotivationguru · 3 years
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Everyone wants a partner with an attractive physique when conducting the best dating sites review. But physical activity isn’t limited to muscle size or aerobic capacity. On top of boosting your sex life, controlling obesity, and curing cardiovascular diseases, physical activity impacts mental well-being. The best part is you don’t need to be a gym fanatic to enjoy the mental benefits of physical activity. Even moderate exercise can treat mental problems.
Read on for physical activity mental benefits, age, and fitness levels notwithstanding.
1. Lower Anxiety
Per ADAA, 40 million American adults have anxiety. In addition to excessive worrying, anxiety presents symptoms like restlessness and fatigue. It also invites mental disorders like depression and exposes you to diabetes and heart problems. Besides soothing muscle tension, physical activity stimulates the frontal lobe, which is responsible for executive functioning. That way, workouts control the amygdala, the response mechanism for actual and imagined threats. By altering brain chemistry and raising pulse rates, physical activity triggers neurochemicals like serotonin and BDNF to fight anxiety.
Furthermore, physical activity diverts your attention from your worries, so you don’t overthink situations. You can combine physical activity for mental focus with mindfulness. Supposing you’re running, you can focus on the movement of your feet, the wind, and your breathing rhythm. Remember, the more the physical activity, the higher the chances of fighting anxiety. You can build resilience by exercising regularly. Working out close to nature further lowers your anxiety.
2. Minimizing Stress
From insomnia and headaches to muscle cramps and low libido, stress affects not only your mental but also physical well-being. Fretting about these symptoms further increases your stress. The good news is physical activity, and mental health go hand in hand. As such, you don’t always need medication to manage this condition.
For starters, physical activity stimulates endorphins to relax the muscles and relieve tension. This is especially true for team sports. Playing basketball or softball with friends subdues loneliness while improving physical health. Moreover, physical activity regulates the stress hormone cortisol and adrenaline. Again, exercise increases mental well-being by promoting restful sleep.
3. Curing ADHD
The condition makes it difficult to concentrate, finish assignments, and control emotions. Ordinarily, you need to see a therapist or take drugs to manage this condition. But therapy sessions can be costly. On the other hand, ADHD medication has side effects like dizziness, irritability, nausea, skin rash, and headaches. That’s where physical activity comes in. Physical activity promotes cognitive function even during light workouts.
First off, exercise clears your mind by activating neurochemicals like dopamine. Another benefit of physical activity on mental health is triggering neurotrophins associated with memory and learning. For maximum effect, ensure the physical activity is moderately intense. This means your workout should make you sweat and increase your breathing and heart rate. You can consult your doctor for the best workouts for your condition.
4. Self-Esteem Boost
Whether you’ve completed your daily reps or beat a personal record, training provides a sense of achievement and raises your self-worth. Likewise, exercise elevates your mood and puts you in a positive mental state. By losing weight and achieving a killer body, exercise restores confidence in your abilities.
You also feel good about your physique. This goes together with improving your relationships. If you find it hard to connect with people, shared physical activity offers companionship and feelings of belonging. By eliminating social pressure, exercise makes you confident enough to speak in front of crowds.
5. Controlling PTSD
In addition to flashbacks and mood swings, this condition’s symptoms include startle responses and personality changes. PTSD also increases the risk of falling into depression. Instead of using drugs to escape trauma, consider physical activity mental well-being. For starters, workouts make you tired, so you can sleep better at night. Physical activity also increases respiratory sinus arrhythmia, a heart rate variability connected to respiration. You’re more likely to suffer from PTSD when you have a low RSA.
Several factors come into play when treating PTSD with physical activity. First off, choose activities you enjoy to increase your motivation. For instance, you can hit the gym if you love weight training. You could also go hiking or biking if you enjoy the outdoors. What’s more, choose workouts like yoga that promote body awareness. By acknowledging your feelings during workouts, you evade the stagnation that comes with trauma.
Workouts don’t need to be tiring for you to reap physical activity mental ability benefits. You can still merge exercise with daily tasks. Take the case of dancing. On top of lifting your mood, dancing is perfect for meeting new people in social settings. It’s also an excuse to listen to your favorite songs while working out.
Moreover, you can walk more to promote your mental well-being. Besides burning calories, walking is an opportunity to burn calories. You can leave your vehicle several blocks from your office and walk the rest of the way. Another option is taking the stairs rather than the elevator. Do you know other physical activity mental health facts? Let us know in the comments.
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yourmotivationguru · 3 years
Five Ways to Budget Effectively
If there’s one thing we can all agree on, it’s that budgeting is an essential life skill. Sure, there are lots of things you might want to buy, and if you have little to no monetary responsibility, you can shop ‘til you drop – guilt-free. However, there will come a time in everyone’s life when responsibility comes knocking, be it in the form of buying a house, having a family or starting a business.
If you’re used to spending freely, learning to budget can be a harsh dose of reality, and if it’s not done properly, you could be setting yourself up to fail. So, to help you avoid this and to make your budgeting a soaring success, here are five tips to help you be more money savvy in the long term.
Five Ways to Budget Effectively
Set a goal
The first step to budgeting is to figure out why you’re doing it. This will help you work out how much you need to budget. Different goals will require a different amount of saving, for example, buying a house will require more budgeting and over a longer period of time when compared to saving for a holiday. Common reasons people start budgeting and saving money include:
Clearing debt
Investing in property
Starting a business
For their future family
Security buffer
Even if you just want to learn to be more frugal, there’s always a reason to learn to budget, although doing it for the sake of it might not not work because there’s no sense of urgency.
Set a realistic timeframe
When you establish why you’re saving, you will need to set a realistic timeline for it. Odds are you won’t be able to save for a house in six months, and you equally won’t be able to shift tens of thousands of debt in six months, either. Set a timeline you’ll be able to feasibly achieve, otherwise you risk falling short which could leave you feeling deflated – despite your best efforts.
Don’t over-budget
Saving money is all about cutting back in areas you don’t need to be spending, but if you squirrel away all of your money and leave none for recreational activities, you will find life unenjoyable. Make sure that when you’re allocating money, you leave a small amount for going out with friends or buying essentials like clothing. The last thing you want is to have to routinely decline offers from your friends to go out because all your money is locked away in a savings account. For your mental wellbeing, it’s vital that you socialise which is why you need to account for it when coming up with a spending plan. Of course, you don’t need to go out every week and spend a fortune, but leave just enough for a friendly lunch or dinner.
This one may seem obvious, but when budgeting, many people prioritise their goal and forget about all the other things they need to pay for as well. First and foremost, your living expenses and bills should be accounted for. Try and budget as close to the actual figure as you can. This means looking at all your statements to see how much your utilities, travel and rent cost, and then using online tools like a zakat calculator (if applicable) to get a more realistic idea of how much your other yearly obligations might cost. This includes things like servicing your car and accounting for household emergencies like a broken appliance.
Like most things in life, organisation is key. If you fail to prepare, be prepared to fail. Once you’ve established your goal, your timeline and how much you’re going to budget, you need to keep track of it all on a spreadsheet. This will help you see where – if anywhere – you’ve gone wrong and if you’re on track to meet your goal. Using a spreadsheet will allow you to adjust your budget plan if your circumstances change, be it through a new job or new commitments that require more or less of your money. Over time, logging your expenses on a spreadsheet will become second nature, and it could even turn into a lifelong habit.
Implementing these five tips should help you budget more effectively. Of course, there’s more to saving than what we’ve spoken about here, but this is a good place to start when attempting to set in stone practices that will last.
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yourmotivationguru · 3 years
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Everyone is different and it is our differences that make us unique. The world wouldn’t be as diverse and enjoyable as it is if it wasn’t for these differences, but there are some traits that everyone should have and that everyone should work on.
This isn’t to say that you need to change who you are to match everyone else, but working on yourself and growing is a key part of developing as a person. Working on the traits listed below will improve who you are and strengthen your bonds with other people, as well as benefit you in other areas of your life, like work and socially.
Personality Traits You Need to be Working on
One of the most important traits that you should continually be working on is your ability to listen. Having the capacity to listen to other people instead of just talking over them will bode well in pretty much every aspect of your day to day life – be it at work or in romantic relationships. Being able to effectively listen will enable you to communicate with people better and have constructive and meaningful conversations, giving you greater depth and the ability to foster healthier relationships in every capacity. This means sitting back and avoiding talking over someone. This can be hard for a lot of people, especially those who are headstrong, but it is possible to be both determined and a good listener.
Integrity and honesty go hand in hand and are essential when it comes to building trusting bonds with other people, but they’re especially important for people who are in leadership roles. Being true to your beliefs and telling the truth – no matter how shoddy or unpleasant it is – is always better than flitting between values and hiding the truth. Many people struggle with integrity because of the repercussions that can come with it, but in the end, having integrity is never a bad thing and should always be something people aim to work on. It can take some time to develop enough confidence to stand by your values and not bow to other’s people’s will, but staying true to yourself is one of the greatest personality traits you can have.
As the saying goes, patience is a virtue. It often goes hand in hand with listening, and like listening, having patience is useful in every aspect of life. Whether you’re a parent with a young child, a teacher with a struggling student, or if you’re a mill of the run worker and your job is tense, having the ability to keep your cool and remain calm is one of the best traits you can have. There are many ways you can work on increasing your patience; for some, it’s practised as part of their religion – like Islam. Patience in Islam is widely taught, as it is in other religions like Christianity. For others, learning temper management techniques like counting to 10 and avoiding making decisions whilst angry can better their patience.
Being too empathetic can be detrimental, but most people could do with working on their empathy. Often confused with sympathy, empathy is when you put yourself in someone else’s position and try to emulate how they might be feeling. The end result is being able to offer more compassion and kindness, and the world could always use more kindness. Before you jump to conclusions, learn to take a step back and imagine how you might feel if you were in someone else’s position. Empathy typically comes with good listening skills and high levels of patience, but some people are naturally more empathic than others. When you’re empathetic, you’re more likely to make fairer decisions which can foster better romantic and platonic relationships, as well as a more pleasant working environment.
If everyone in the world worked on the personality traits above, society would be a much calmer and respectful place. For now, try and foster these traits in yourself and see how much of a difference it makes not only to your life but to others in your life, too.
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yourmotivationguru · 3 years
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The unprecedented upheavals of 2020 caused many of us to re-evaluate the way we live and work
With an increasing emphasis on remote or blended working patterns, it no longer seems essential to be based close to our employer’s base to avoid lengthy and stressful daily commutes.
Many people, realizing that it’s possible to work from home full-time, are starting to consider whether they could relocate to an area that is more conducive to their ideal lifestyle.
We’ve looked at a variety of factors, and selected locations that are attractive for several reasons. including connectivity, which is vital if you’re going to work efficiently and keep in touch with HO; accessibility so that if you need to travel you won’t be too far from airports and a good road network; safety, as no-one wants to find themselves living in a crime hot-spot; and overall quality of life and proximity to some wide-open spaces.
Here are 6 of our favourite places to work remotely:
1.   Des Moines, Iowa
The first of Des Moines attractions is that it’s one of the most connected cities in the USA, so it won’t be difficult to stay online. However, this growing city is also known for its lively nightlife and arts scene. If you’re looking for an outdoor lifestyle with plenty of opportunities to move away from the screen and enjoy the wonders of nature, Central Iowa boasts over 800 miles of hiking trails to explore.  It’s also more affordable than the coastal cities. The median home sold for just $160,000 (2020) and as the city is growing, that value is likely to increase over the next few years.
2.   Grand Rapids, Michigan
Another affordable way to combine your love of the arts, a lively music scene, and delicious craft beers is to relocate to Grand Rapids, Michigan. With a growing reputation for a lively cultural scene, it remains affordable – a two-bedroom apartment will cost around half the price of a studio in a city such as San Diego or Houston. It also boasts hundreds of miles of hiking and cycling trails, as well as a wealth of opportunities for other outdoor pursuits such as fishing and climbing.  Places Rated Almanac rated Grand Rapids as the number 3 city in the nation for fun and recreation, so if that’s what you’re craving when the working day is done, this could be the place for you!
South Jordan, Utah
Utah is well-known as one of the best states to raise a family. While it has plenty to challenge outdoor adventurers, there’s a multitude of fascinating places to explore with kids. South Jordan, a growing suburb of Salt Lake City is one of the best places to live in Utah and is attracting a growing number of young professionals and families looking for a safe place to raise kids and work remotely.   Public schools in South Jordan are above average. Most residents are homeowners, and in South Jordan, Utah, homes for sale go for a median price of around $405k, while monthly rents average around $1450.
4. Eau Claire, Wisconsin
If you can handle a colder climate Eau Claire, Wisconsin, might be a good choice to work remotely. The town can freeze for months each year, but boasts (if you can call it that) around 62 days of gorgeous weather. The small-town atmosphere is ideally suited to the cozy taprooms and coffee shops, which serve delicious comfort food through the chilly winter months.  Sounds rough? Well, the residents of Eau Claire are incentivized with an extremely low cost of living and even cheaper market rent. Expect to pay only $825 for a 2-bedroom apartment, compared to a US average of  $1148.  Whether you just want to stay indoors and work in the warm, or get out and enjoy the rugged natural conditions, Eau Claire is an affordable choice
5.   Tulsa, Oklahoma
Tulsa is being proactive in providing incentives, up to $10,000 for remote workers to relocate to the city. Yes, you read that right! The Tulsa Remote program aims city a hub for those who can work from anywhere. It offers financial assistance for relocation, a monthly stipend, and even a desk at one of the city’s coworking centers. So if you don’t want to be completely isolated during your working hours, this is a great place to keep an office vibe going.
The city also boasts a vibrant nightlife and cultural scene, cafes and entertainment venues, as well as an attractive riverfront park, so there’s plenty of opportunities to make new friends and socialize. With an attractive cost of living, what’s not to like?
6.   El Paso, Texas
If you’re looking for great weather with blue skies and sun for most of the year, heading to Texas is a great idea.  In terms of employment opportunities, these are more likely to be found in Houston or Dallas, but if you’re working remotely, then El Paso starts to seem like a great choice.  The cost of living is far lower than that of the great metropolitan centers. The cost of a median home in the city is around $130,000, vs $195000 in Texas as a whole. There’s also the beauty of the desert to explore, and yet the Ruidoso area of New Mexico is within a drive so if you can’t bear the thought of life without skiing or snowboarding opportunities, you don’t have to give them up.
7.   Seattle, Washington State
Seattle is one of the most livable cities in the United States. Its strong economy and big-name employers attract a huge range of diverse and creative talents, who flock to the city’s famous Pike Place Market at weekends or gather in the vast range of bars and cafes to socialize. The amazing natural beauty within a short drive of the city makes it a paradise for those wanting to reconnect with the American outdoors while they work remotely. The downside of relocating to a major city is of course the cost of living, but if you’re making enough, Seattle’s fantastic and varied weather, fascinating and friendly people, as well as a buzzing art and music scene make it worth the extra expense.
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yourmotivationguru · 3 years
Self Care for Your Body During Pregnancy
Having a baby changes your life in ways that can’t quite be explained. Often women become so preoccupied with preparing for the new baby, they forget to care for themselves. Working these simple self-care tips into your routine will create a joyful experience as you embark on this journey.
Yoga for Early Pregnancy
A woman’s body rapidly changes during the early stages of pregnancy. This time is crucial to prepare yourself as your body adjusts to make room for your growing baby. Yoga is a fantastic way to strengthen your spine, improve flexibility in your pelvis, and release tension. Routines should be kept simple, remembering to always listen to your body’s needs. Focus on movements such as:
Triangle Pose (strengthening the spine)
Seated Angle Pose (opening the hips)
Downward Dog (releasing tension)
As with any exercise routine during pregnancy, one should never feel discomfort while performing yoga stretches. When learning yoga, it is important to learn proper alignment of the postures and the modified versions of each stretch.
Osteopathic Care for Late Pregnancy
As a pregnancy comes closer and closer to term, many women complain of various bodily pains. Pressure on the spine and pelvic region from a growing baby can become unbearable. Grimsby Health & Wellness treat the poor postural alignment and sciatica problems that is commonplace in late pregnancy. With a gentle, holistic approach, they will offer each expectant mother with a safe program to give a comfortable experience.
Postnatal Care
Pregnancy and childbirth can cause a wide array of changes to a woman’s body. Muscles and ligaments are stretched to their limits, and even your hip bones widen in preparation for childbirth. The team at Intrinsi provides postnatal physical therapy for pelvic care. They will work with your body to strengthen the joints, soft tissue, and muscle groups to rebuild your pelvic floor. With proper treatment you can expect less back pain, and lower your risk of issues such as incontinence and uterine prolapse.
Without a priority on self-care, we have very little to give to others. By taking care of yourself, you will enable yourself to take care of your growing family.
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yourmotivationguru · 3 years
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A beautiful smile works wonders. It lights up your face and can be contagious. Whether going out for a date or meeting up with family and friends, you should dazzle them with your smile. Unfortunately, for one reason or another, this is not the case all the time. Issues like missing teeth, cracks, chips, misalignment, or discoloration may be hampering your smile. If that is the case, don’t worry, because there are many ways to help you get that beautiful smile back.
Below are some tips to help you achieve a more beautiful smile:
Practice Good Oral Hygiene
A contagious smile starts with clean teeth. The best way to keep your teeth looking beautiful is to practice good oral hygiene. You should ensure you brush at least two times a day and also remember to floss every day. On top of that, use dentist-recommended mouthwash since it helps remove germs that cause bad breath.
Consult Your Dentist About Whitening
If your teeth look yellowish, stained, or discolored, it’s best to consult your dentist before trying out any over the counter products. Most of the store-bought strips and other teeth whitening products barely work. It’s best to consult a professional dentist from Dr. Mansbridge, who will advise you on various effective treatment options that will brighten your smile.
Replace Missing Teeth
Replace missing teeth with implants. Leaving those gaps may lead to decay, gum damage, or periodontal disease. And apart from being unsightly, they also affect how you speak and chew food. That’s why dental implants are a good option. They require less maintenance, come with dentures, plus function and look like normal teeth. So, it’s about time you stop covering that beautiful smile of yours because of a missing tooth. Replace it!
Go for Regular Dental Cleaning and Checkups
If you really want a beautiful smile, this is something you should often do. Visiting a dental hygienist for routine cleanings helps remove stains that cause teeth discoloration. Apart from that, you can reach out to trusted clinics like Dentistry at Consilium for bi-annual dental checkups. This kind of visit helps detect any signs of oral diseases, which dentists can treat before becoming severe.
Smiling brightens your face, makes you look cheerful and lifts your mood even when feeling down. But when you are uncomfortable with your smile, it becomes hard to put up a happy face. However, there is still hope of rectifying the situation. Whether it’s a form of cosmetic or functional issue, professional dental clinics are ready to help you achieve a more beautiful smile.
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yourmotivationguru · 3 years
How to Stay Motivated When Dealing With Chronic Pain
Chronic pain can often leave you fighting overwhelming fatigue and pain just to get yourself out of bed and dressed in the morning. When basic tasks take so much energy it can be hard to stay motivated.
If you’re battling chronic pain, there are some key things to remember when it comes to keeping your motivation for doing your basic self-care and healthcare needs (not to mention daily tasks).
How to stay motivated when dealing with chronic pain
Maintenance is Key
It’s no secret that once something is a habit, it becomes easier to do. Whether that’s starting an exercise regime or just planning basic maintenance appointments with your healthcare professionals – maintenance is key.
Aside from your regular check-ups with your doctor or specialist, regular appointments with a chiropractor, physiotherapist, or massage therapist like the ones at Tread Well can help you effectively manage your pain and in turn, keep you motivated.
Make Your Healthcare Work For You
Let’s face it, no matter how hard you try to motivate yourself, some days that’s just not in the cards – and that’s okay! A great way to stay motivated and on top of your healthcare needs and goals as someone with chronic pain is to learn how you can adapt your healthcare to work for you – even on your bad days.
One of the best things to come out of recent events is the way in which healthcare has learned to adapt and incorporate more telehealth and alternative methods for administering certain therapies. This is a huge win for people dealing with chronic pain, now more than ever you can take advantage of virtual appointments or even in-home therapy like Okotoks Physical Therapy offers to structure your healthcare to suit your needs.
These options make it easy for those living with chronic pain to still receive the beneficial therapies and education they need to manage their health while removing the pressure of having to travel to a clinic or office (especially on a bad day).
Be Kind to Yourself
Most importantly, be kind to yourself. Know your limits and respect them just as you would anyone else. Go slow, break your tasks and goals into small manageable chunks and give yourself a break when things don’t go to plan, take longer than they should or need to be scrapped altogether. Coping with chronic pain is hard work, but learning how to maintain your motivation to take care of yourself and prioritize your health can make all the difference.
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yourmotivationguru · 3 years
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As much as we try to avoid them, injuries are a part of life. They remind us that life is precious and so are we. That’s why proper healing from an injury is critical. With these tips from common injuries, you’ll start yourself on a path to healing.
Job-Related Injuries
Workplace injuries happen, even with precautions and regulations. When they do, it is important to heal well so you can continue to work effectively. For people who have suffered a workplace injury, Don Valley Health and Wellness Centre offers a WSIB Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Program. Not only will you receive your workers’ compensation rights, but they will provide the healing benefits you need. Based on your needs, the centre will create a program with movements and exercises designed to relieve pain, strengthen your body, and offer lasting results.
Treatment for Concussion
Any blow to the head brings with it the risk of concussion. The impact shakes the brain, causing the potential for severe damage. The doctors at Body Science Therapy recommend Concussion Rehabilitation if you experience these symptoms after a head injury:
Loss of consciousness
Pressure in the head
Neck pain
Dizziness/Balance problems
Memory problems
Sleep disturbances
They will provide a nurturing program to help you monitor your symptoms and progress. Their goal is to see you through the entire healing process.
Chronic Pain
Some injuries heal only to cause problems again down the road. When this happens, one of the best options is massage therapy. You will see the benefits in your muscular, circulatory, and nervous systems through manipulation of your body’s soft tissue. Not only can it eliminate pain, but massage therapy will help to improve the mobility of your joints and your blood circulation as well. Often patients find immediate relief after one thorough session, while others may benefit from ongoing treatment.
If you are suffering from pain or injury, your priority should always be healing. Far too often people take the route of pain management because it offers instant, short-term results. Yet, in the long run, they only find they are worse off than when they started. Choosing the path of wellness will always yield better results.
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yourmotivationguru · 3 years
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Concussions happen when you experience any type of blow or bump to the head or anything that jars the brain. Experiencing this type of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury can cause a wide range of symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, brain fog, sensitivity to light, irritability, and more. Once you’ve been assessed by a professional to ensure that your injury is mild enough to be managed from home, it’s time to create a recovery plan.
One of the often-overlooked aspects of concussion recovery is your support network. Building a support network can aid in recovery in a physical and mental sense and can include support from your social network, and professionals.
Building a support network during concussion recovery
Social Supports
Any injury, especially concussions can result in feelings of isolation and difficulty with everyday tasks. In addition, concussion recovery often requires time off from regular social activities like sports, school or work and even taking time away from screens (limited texting, social networks, etc). This can make you feel disconnected from your friends and typical social supports.
While you may need to change your schedule for a bit, you can plan ways to incorporate your social support into your recovery in ways that you can manage.
Ask friends and family to check in with you regularly – calls to catch up on what you missed at school, etc.
Ask your friends and family for help with tasks you find difficult during recovery (driving you to appointments, making dinner, cleaning, etc).
Be a non-active participant in your usual sports and group activities (taking score, bringing snacks).
Professional Supports
Recovery from something like a concussion can feel overwhelming or confusing. That’s when the support of a professional can help. If you’re struggling with a lengthy recovery or symptoms that are particularly detrimental seek out the education and support of a professional that specializes in concussion treatment such as the practitioners at Mimico Physiotherapy.
If your child or teen has suffered from a concussion you may want to consider looking into specialized treatment from a kid’s physical therapist like the one at Movement First Physio for child-focused solutions and prevention education.
Concussion recovery doesn’t have to be isolating or overwhelming, by building a support network of friends, family and professionals you will be back to feeling like yourself in no time!
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yourmotivationguru · 3 years
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CBD hemp oil has soared in popularity in recent years; derived from the cannabis plant and best known for its healing properties, manufactures have seen considerable increases in sales, driving new producers into the marketplace. The CBD hemp industry is now saturated and offers consumers numerous options to choose from—buyers have to pay close attention to ensure the product they purchase is high quality.
With so many options out there, how can you be sure the product you are purchasing is safe and effective?
1.The first thing to look for when considering whether to buy a CBD hemp oil product is a third-party certificate of analysis. Having a reputable third party examine the CBD hemp oil and certify its contents is industry standard. Any reputable CBD hemp oil manufacture will include a seal on the product certifying its quality. You may already know that CBD comes from the same plant as marijuana which is still illegal in many regions. Having the THC content of a CBD product tested ensures it falls under the threshold needed to qualify as a hemp product 0.02%.
2. When purchasing CBD hemp oil, consider where the product originated. CBD is not strictly regulated, so you will want to make sure you are buying from a reputable company, if possible, one that grows their product in the United States. The environment where CBD is cultivated is very important to the quality of the product because the cannabis plant absorbs everything from its environment, including ingredients in the soil in which it matures.
3. Consider the price point when purchasing CBD hemp oil. What may seem at first glance like a steal may actually be a bad deal. It is not cheap to grow and cultivate good CBD products, and most products that are well made will reflect it in their price. So, if the price of a CBD hemp oil product makes it seem too good to be true, it likely is too good to be true.
4.The quality of your CBD hemp oil may often depend on what has gone into making it. For example, a CBD isolate will contain only 100% pure CBD, while a full-spectrum product may include low THC levels (the active ingredient in marijuana). To make sure you are getting the quality you seek, read all labels very carefully.
5. Finally, the type of extraction process used to create the CBD hemp oil can be a good indication of the purity of the product. The cleanest method is Co2 extraction. Other approaches to extracting CBD hemp oil can include chemicals that are known to be hazardous.
To ensure your CBD hemp oil’s purity, make sure to examine the labels and research the reputation of the company producing the product. As CBD hemp oil continues to increase in popularity, more producers will likely join the market. The only way to stay safe and protected is to be careful about the products you ingest.
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yourmotivationguru · 3 years
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Perhaps you thought that remote work was going to be temporary, but as time goes on, it seems that most of us won’t be returning to the office anytime soon. Therefore, it is time to get serious about remote working arrangements and take steps to be more comfortable and productive. Check out these four strategies below to help you become a more savvy remote professional.
Tips to work from home and boost productivity
Evaluate Your Current Space
 Having a dedicated home office is a must to help eliminate distractions and stay focused. If you have been working out of a makeshift space, do your best to set up a dedicated spot just for work. A separate office is ideal, but if this is not possible, try to establish a specific place for your workstation. However, with all this extra time spent at your apartment or home, you may have realized that you have outgrown your space and need more room. Not to mention, remote work also provides the flexibility to relocate. If you feel that you need a bigger home to accommodate for this, then you might want to consider looking at your finances and educate yourself on the mortgage preapproval process. This way, you’re able to see how much you can afford and get a property that will give you ample room for a home office.
  Embrace an Ergonomic Setup
 Once you have determined your needs and established the best office location for you, it is important that you take ergonomics into consideration. If you do not have your chair, desk, and other equipment at a proper height, it could negatively impact your health and work performance. Therefore, make sure your office setup is comfortable and promotes good posture.
  Get Organized
 Having an ergonomic office setup is only a part of what it takes to work from home effectively. It is also critical that your office stays organized. Keeping important supplies and documents neat and tidy will help you work more quickly and reduce stress. When all your supplies have a place, you can locate what you need without having to worry about losing anything in the process. You can organize your space with filing cabinets, containers, or even try a new system such as color coding.
  Practice Mindfulness
 Once you’re able to work more comfortably from home, it is important to prevent burnout and take care of your mental health. As a remote worker, you can easily begin to work outside your scheduled hours, and stress and anxiety can start to overwhelm you. One way to lower stress and anxiety is to practice mindfulness. Take breaks during the day, think positively, and remind yourself that you are doing a good job. Mindfulness is rejuvenating and can help to boost your motivation.
  Remote work is here to stay. Make sure that you have the space and techniques to help you live a healthy lifestyle as a remote worker. With the right organization and strategies, you can find yourself to be a happy, healthy, and productive professional.
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yourmotivationguru · 3 years
5 Things Every Mother Should Start Doing For HERSELF
You may not realize this, but our dear mothers get barely 17 minutes of ‘free time’ for themselves every day, yet with such a tight schedule they still take up 78% of the household chores and responsibilities. From cooking, cleaning, taking care of kids’ activities to giving your 100% at work moms do it ALL. Don’t be surprised when I tell you that 51% of working mom’s keep working at house and in office for weeksssss……..without taking even a minute of leisure time.
  Self-care is not about self-indulgence, it’s about self-preservation. – Audrey Lorde
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A study shows that nearly 3 quarters of 2,000 mothers under study feel that they have devoted their lives to other people. The study also established that nearly half felt that they don’t have time for their own hobbies or interests. Every 1 in 5 mothers resented the truth that their partners get more free time to unwind and relax.
All mothers are always giving giving and giving………..from time to time they should also do things for themselves. Being a mom is amazingly gratifying, but in the process of living the role of a mother day after day you tend to lose some of yourself. Dear moms you need to carve out a little time for yourself its nothing but “self regard.” start doing it now and make it a priority. Don’t be shy, you can ask for a break to rejuvenate……to revive.
We want you to employ yourself in self-regard activities that would foster and refurbish and actually nourish YOU! Remember self-regard if practiced on daily basis will empower and restore your energy, thus making you a more successful mom, friend and employee.
With that in mind, here are 5 steps you can take for self-regard.
Step 1# Learn to say “NO”
YOU and only YOU are answerable to yourself. Make your own choices, and saying No is an absolutely okay option. It’s OK to say no to life’s inexorable requirements, its important if not for any other motive than for the Sake of your Sanity.
“Half of the troubles of this life can be traced to saying yes too quickly and not saying no soon enough.” ~Josh Billings
  Step 2# Eat well
Mom’s feed their families but they are not into the habit of taking care of their own eating habits. In the interest of ‘self-regard’ be particular about eating three good meals every day.
You can take help from your spouse or your kids for planning and preparing your meals, but the key point is to be aware about the nutritional value that each meal is bringing you. You can easily search on-line for your body’s daily requirements in terms of fibre, protein, carbohydrates, calcium and fat, just prepare a chart for yourself and plan your meals accordingly.
Step 3# Ask for help
You don’t have to do everything by yourself, don’t be timid and ask your family, friends and colleagues for help.
It could be a small favour like babysitting or a ride to the mall.
I am not suggesting that you get into the habit of using people, I am asking you to employ “you scratch my back I scratch yours” strategy see all mom’s need help so if you are being helped you need to offer help as well.
Step 4# Get connected to your spirituality
There’s no rule for connecting to spirituality. Its, to each his own kind of thing. Be it nature, music, temple, church, gardening, cooking, meditation just do something once a week that would make you feel whole, that would make you feel complete.
Step 5# Lower down your expectations (with yourself)
Cut yourself some slack, you don’t have to be perfect all the time. The idea of being a super-mom will only leave you unsatisfied. For once make yourself the PRIORITY; you don’t need to have a perfect house every time a little mess is OK sometimes. Don’t be fussy instead of fussing over small things you’d rather take a 10 minutes nap (you know you want it).
You may also like: Mothers Day Inspirational Quotes
Some ‘self-regard’ tips for the road: –
Read your favourite book
Have a cup of tea
Watch your most loved soaps
Take a nap (not kidding, minutes is enough)
Get back on social networking circuit
Indulge in some on-line shopping (I mean common…..retail therapy is the best therapy sweetheart)
A bubble bath can heal your soul
Go for a walk/run
Listen to music, it is relaxing
Have a girls day out (no kids, arrange for a sitter)
Glam up….Paint your nails, dress up and praise yourself
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yourmotivationguru · 3 years
How Parents Can Help Their Kids Go Through Exam Stress
Exams are a stressful and challenging time for every person. The thought that your entire future depends on your grade may knock off balance even the most diligent ones. Committed to the idea to perform as best as they can, students often sacrifice regular meals, sleep, and simple joys that only hinder their productivity and may lead to heavier problems such as low self-esteem, anxiety, and even depression.
During this hard period, least of all they need to be cold-shouldered and put on edge by their parents. Blinded by the desire to afford a brighter future for their kids, parents often push them to work harder encouraging unhealthy choices and negligence to other important parts of their life. And while it may seem helpful at that exact moment, oftentimes, it doesn’t prove worthy in the long run.
In this article, we are offering the opposite attitude. With these eight tips, parents can help their kids stay healthy and stress-free without sacrificing their productivity.
How Parents Can Help Their Kids Go Through Exam Stress
Don’t Compare
Sometimes, parents start comparing their kids to their fellow-students or someone they know out of good faith and motivation. And while competitive spirit can often do us a huge favor, experience shows that it doesn’t work for exam-stressed students already buried under a lack of confidence, fear, and lots of doubts.
Instead of judging and assessing their children from the perspective of academic performance, parents should be empathic and supportive. Offer your help once in a while and better explain to your child that a lower than expected grade is not the end of the world: there are many other ways to achieve success. Your child will get the confidence he lacks and become more enthusiastic about studying.
Encourage Healthy Eating
Squeezed into tight deadlines before the coming exam, young students can easily forget about regular healthy eating and start making do with random snacks and junk food. Not only is it empty calories for their body but overindulgence can also bring serious health problems in the future.
It’s the parents’ responsibility to provide a healthy eating routine for their kids and encourage them to consume food rich in macronutrients, vitamins, and minerals. Setting regular meal times and preventing your child from skipping them is important both for a young student and for the family in general. This way, exam-takers will fuel their body properly, as well as have meaningful distraction time among their dearest ones.
Foster Healthy Sleeping Habits
It always starts with frequent all-nighters and sleep deprivation. And this is where the catch lies: lack of sleep only brings loss of efficiency and productivity, even though you expect the opposite outcome. It has been proven by many researchers that regularly sleep-deprived students show worse cognitive and memorization results and need longer to restore their previous level.
Therefore, it’s crucial that parents watched over their kids and never fostered at-night studies in exchange for sound sleep. They should help their young students to create conditions where they have 7-8 hours of at-night rest. This brings us to the next tip:
Arrange a Schedule
Having a schedule helps to be in control of your daily tasks, plan your activity, and track progress. It is the first thing students should take care of when exams start looming on the horizon.
From the perspective of their experience, however, parents can help their kids to arrange their daily routine the way that would include some free time in addition to studying sessions.
Remove Distractions
Distractions are the worst enemy of productive studying. It has become especially critical in the era of smartphones and the internet when students are constantly tempted by endless messages from friends and social media notifications. Thinking of scrolling the feed to relax a bit when it gets hard, students in fact gobble a great amount of their time and lose their focus.
It is in parents’ best interests too to remove distractions and help their kids study well. It may be a good idea to discuss leaving gadgets out of the room for a certain period or even take stricter measures like using app blocks or forbidding internet access completely. However, often it is enough to explain that the more efficient they study, the more free time and stress-free life they can have.
Encourage Physical Activity
There is science behind it: regular physical activity facilitates good mood and academic progress. And parents should make sure that their preparing for exams kids get enough of it.
Sitting for the exam is a stress both for body and mind, and having an extra source of endorphins and something to be proud of won’t be odd. The best idea is when parents and kids train together. Thus, students will have their daily portion of the movement, as well as social communication and support. Sometimes, such moments can be a lynchpin in their academic progress.
Allow Meeting with Friend or Enjoying Hobbies
One of the worst things parents can do is forbid their children to have small daily joys like hanging out with friends or enjoying their hobbies. Even though students have significantly less free time before the exams, it is crucial to encourage them to have a life outside their room. Meaningful distractions prove to be really helpful in reducing stress and boosting energy levels. Besides, meeting with friends can be a great opportunity to discuss difficult issues or support each other.
Show Your Care
At the end of the day, however, it is all about parental support. Students who are not afraid to disappoint their parents and know they are loved no matter what usually perform better at life, like our reader Macy Conrad.
“I failed my high school exams. It annoyed me so much that the next year I was the best in the class. Now I am offering college essay writing help and receiving the second degree abroad”
Explain to your kids that there are numerous outcomes and one single failure doesn’t define them as a person.
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yourmotivationguru · 3 years
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When you finally get divorced from a person, you cannot stand anymore, because of a strong feeling of offence, anger, disappointment and many more, you are free to start over a new life and leave online divorce forms far behind. But what if you have mutual children, who you love so much, but even thought of co-parenting brings you pain. There is a perfect way out for you – parallel co-parenting.
Parallel co-parenting is a type of co-parenting, in which each parent is able to perform parental duties at their best, but interparental communication or interaction is minimized and usually not needed at least a real-life one. This is the best way out for couples going through high conflict divorces so that they can switch off their arguments and focus on upbringing children. More to this, children are no longer dragged into parents’ conflicts and feel cared about and loved. And this should be your primary aim.
Organized Co-Parenting without Live Contact
Previously researchers stated out that seeing their parents filing for divorce made children suffer a lot. And the only key to a child’s happiness was to pretend that everything is good and relationships between parents are amicable no matter what.
The latest research and many divorce websites prove that it doesn’t really matter if the parents get along or not until kids don’t witness it. What is significant to them is enough qualitative attention and interaction with both parents.
So, parallel co-parenting offers multiple tools to minimize communication between partners and maximize concentration on parental duties. This can be performed through parental applications, such as OurFamilyWizard, Cozi, Coparently, which allows you to organize co-parenting together, avoiding live communication. Commonly the applications are based on a shared calendar, which can be edited by both parents, it may include tasks, schedules, events, visitation hours and so on. You are also able to add vital information about your kids, communicate in the secured messenger, track shared expenses and many other tools, depending on the application, to help you organize co-parenting as perfect as possible
Unpersonalized Communication
The main principle of parallel co-parenting is to decrease communication and live interaction between conflicting partners. You may use co-parental applications since they offer secure messaging with tone meter, which doesn’t allow you to use offensive language or an over-emotional tone. You can also use e-mail to communicate not more than once a month to state out the most important things. If you have any information to update sooner you may still use the application and upload it there. Keep your communication business-like, just predetermined for information exchange but not commenting on parental skills of each other definitely. Mind, that in case of emergency, you should forget about principles and reach your partner as soon as possible, if needed. The kids should be your primary concern.
Cooperation with Specialists
Good specialists are needed not only for filling out divorce forms and proceeding through the case but to cope with co-parental challenges as well. Avoiding each other you still may have issues to discuss in the flesh, especially concerning your kids and co-parental procedure in general. So, visiting a mediator or specialist once a month is also a nice idea to share your opinion and comments and feel relieved for a month ahead.
Many couples also cooperate with specialists to help them organize and plan parallel co-parenting and check up their progress for the first time.
Don’t be ashamed or too self-confident, get the necessary help to succeed. Since the happiness of your children depends on your success.
Independent Households
It is also vital to have completely separate households, manage only yours and not interfere with your partner’s one. You set rules in your house and make children obey them to improve their maintenance. You should never comment on your partner’s parenting style or share disapproval with your kids or any other people until your children are safe. Also, don’t let your children compare houses, share their feedback about parenting styles and try to transfer rules from one house to another. There should be Mom’s and Dad’s house with separate rules, styles and parents. Until you follow the programmes and do your best for qualitative parenting.
Shared Duties and Events
When it comes to live presence of the parent such as attending dentist or school events, you should organize it that way so you don’t have to meet your ex. You have your shared calendar where you can take turns attending important events and take part in kid’s life equally. More to this, you’d better clarify the situation to the doctors and teachers, so that each parent will receive the same amount of information about their kids and develop separate relationships with the specialist. As to school, sports events, and other things, going separately but to the same event may confuse your children, but taking turns in attending will show children that both parents care and love them equally. That is what you should aim for.
Focused Parenting
Parallel co-parenting is organized in the way so that you can focus on performing your parental duties at your best. This way you can concentrate your enthusiasm and efforts on children but not waste your energy on fights and arguments with your ex.
As time passes and mediator helps you, you can gradually switch to simple co-parenting, if you can get along with your ex-spouse and things will go even better.
Yet, there are cases when parents are performing parallel co-parenting for many years and feel comfortable about it. Still, the main aim is not the relationships between ex-partners but the ability and desire to provide kids with love and care from both sides equally.
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yourmotivationguru · 3 years
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Sometimes, working from home every day can make you lose motivation. It can be difficult to keep the same spark lit from one day to the next. The following are some tips for keeping yourself excited when you perform all of your work from home:
Take Time to Appreciate the Benefits
The first step is more of a mental and psychological step than it is a physical one. You should take out some time each day to appreciate the benefits you receive from working from home. Working from home allows you to earn a pay rate that you’re happy with as opposed to a pay rate that someone else sets. It allows you to set your own schedule and take care of your other obligations whenever you like. It gives you the freedom to perform various jobs if you so desire. Stop for a few minutes every day and be thankful for the gift you have. Remembering the positives will help you to keep your motivation intact.
Beautify Your Surroundings
Another way you could stay motivated is to ensure that you always keep your surroundings beautiful. For example, you can purchase inspirational wall art for the office. That way, you’ll be inspired every time you look at any one of the four walls around you. Paint the walls in motivational colors, as well. Red and yellow are both stimulating colors that can help you maintain energy and motivation.
Take Frequent Breaks
Take frequent breaks while you’re working from home. The breaks will give you a mental escape from the serious tasks you have to complete while you’re doing your job. A good rule-of-thumb practice is to take a break after every 90 minutes of work. The amount of time you decide to take a break is up to you. You could do as little as 15 minutes, or you could do an entire hour-long break if you like. It’s your world and your schedule. Thus, you have the right to create it in a way that makes you happy.
Try Switching Rooms
Another trick you can try to keep you motivated about your job is to switch rooms every now and again. Don’t sit in the same room all day long while you work. Work for a few hours in one room and move your computer and desk to another room. Choose a completely different area for your breaks. That will give your brain the break it needs from the hard labor. A change in scenery is a great mental health hack that can help you stay vibrant and positive during your workday.
Get Fresh Air
Don’t forget to go outside and get some fresh air from time to time. For example, you may want to go for a walk when you’re half-finished with your shift. Take the children on a nice, long walk to the park or stroll around the neighborhood and get some exercise. The exercise will keep your body fit, and it will stimulate some crucial brain chemicals. The sunlight will give you the dose of vitamin D you need. Many people are vitamin D deficient. Taking the time to absorb some sunlight for at least 20 minutes will ensure that you do not become one of those people who lack the nutrient.
Exercise for Happiness
We mentioned before that exercise is an important component when it comes to motivation, inspiration, and overall happiness. The most important part of exercising is ensuring that you do it long enough to change your brain chemicals. We suggest doing cardiovascular work for at least 20 to 30 minutes. That will get your heart pumping enough to release endorphins and change the serotonin level in your brain. You’ll start to feel happy and pain-free once you do activities that boost those chemicals.
 Once you experiment with these tips and suggestions, you’ll think of additional ways to stay motivated. Working from home can be a highly lucrative experience that you might want to indulge in for a lifetime.
Work From Home Today
The above-mentioned tips will help you to keep your working spirit alive. Try some of the suggestions and see if they make you feel better during your entrepreneurial efforts. The chances are high that they will.
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