mlearningai · 1 year
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bigolbiddys · 2 years
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dipsiz1kuyuu · 1 year
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nanotechnologyworld · 1 month
The secret to their success lay in their judicious selection of material. Because the bonds between adjacent layers are much weaker than in normal materials, ultrasonic waves generate magnetic waves known as spin waves in the material, allowing the researchers to probe its properties. Typically, much higher frequencies than those of ultrasound are needed to excite spin waves in antiferromagnets that are not made from Van der Waals materials.
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xpc-web-dev · 1 year
Updates: I was self-sabotaging and in the end I almost missed two good opportunities.
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How are you? I hope well.
I've had more instabilities in the last few days (if you follow me around here, you already know that this seems to be routine HEHUEHEH)
But things are improving and I've set some goals that have helped me feel more confident about where to go next.
Now I wanted to share news, what I learned in this process and what I will share from now on.
The prints above are from processes/scholarships that I was accepted.
The first is the Big data Engineer training proposed by a startup in the state where I live.
The second is training focused on the front-end (from Html to React.js and other soft skills)
The second one I applied for in February and I didn't even expect to be accepted, I took a simple question test and sent it on. This month I received acceptance and I was like "look how cool, I think I can learn well and the bank that sponsors it is famous in my country, so it will be nice to have it on my resume".
This is just a training, no possibility of hiring.
The first is precisely the point of self sabotage that I want to talk about.
Everything involving Data/AI is complex and a hell of a responsibility for me, so it's for everyone, but you have to put in a lot of effort. First I did the test there was SQL (I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW ANYTHING UHEUHEUE, Only with google searches and logic I got it) . And then there were issues with Matrix and Vectors AND I HAVE NEVER BEEN SO GRATEFUL TO NOVEMBER/DECEMBER BEA.
Thanks to all those exercises I managed to do (I just don't know how many I got right and how many I got wrong).
BUT here comes the self-sabotage I applied or signed up for this vacancy more than 3 times (the good and bad thing is that the platform kept the test, so it was only the first one I took) I was ALWAYS like: "I won't make it." "It's going to be too long for me", "I don't even have a background in math (they don't ask for math as a requirement, just a language and sql)", "I won't be approved", " I'm horrible at logic, even if I pass it will go wrong."
And so this week, before they reveal who passed, I wrote to myself again, with the feeling of "Whatever happens and that's it".
The result was yesterday but as nothing appeared in my email I thought,"I didn't pass and it's ok, let's continue with java"
-Yes, I started Java because I signed up for a Kotlin bootcamp sponsored by a good company. The best of this bootcamp could participate in their selection process. They don't pay well, but it would be enough to keep me going, so I just went.-
When I saw the notification in the email today I was in shock for many minutes, before and after HUEUEHUUE. "Did I really pass?"
In this program you can also have access to participate in the company's selection process. But no guarantee 100% work at the end.
I will try to focus more on the issue of doing my best in training and having it on my curriculum. (Strategy to regulate my anxiety). I want to work there, but I don't control the future, so I'll just focus on doing my best.
And this is where I wanted to encourage anyone reading this to try even if they don't think they can.
If I hadn't written myself again for the 4th time this week I wouldn't be in this training that will be good for my CV since I want to go to Artificial Intelligence.
Is afraid? Go scared! You can cross good doors and achieve things you never imagined. So for your future and also past versions, always try to believe or pretend to believe in yourself.I'm still trying, believe me
I will post my routine with each of the classes.
First I'll need to level up my Python and SQL. So even though the big data training starts this week (it will be every day) the first week along with that I'm finishing that python course and practicing SQL.
While Big data will be every day from 19:00 2 hours each class, but I don't know how many classes a day yet. The Front-end are recorded classes and only 1 day a week we have live meetings and I'll probably have to reconcile both, but that's a problem for the future UHEHUEUE.
Maybe I'll separate it into 2 posts so I don't get so confused since they are different things.
I'm excited and wish those of you who are reading and trying to learn code to get good learning opportunities or jobs in the midst of everything that's going on.
Drink water and have a great weekend.
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cbirt · 2 years
CLIMB – A New Statistical Method for Improved Large-scale Genomic Data Analysis
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Researchers from Penn State University present CLIMB (Composite Likelihood eMpirical Bayes), a statistical tool that discovers patterns of condition specificity in a given genomic data. It also provides a generic framework for a variety of investigations, such as aggregating genomic features with comparable condition-specific patterns. CLIMB outperforms the existing options in statistical precision while capturing interpretable and biologically important clusters in the data. 
Continue Reading
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aringoyblog · 2 months
Lego Bricks of Data and Personal Information: Facebook
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One of the tech giants in the modern world was explicitly tackled during a discussion, Facebook. It was all about how the company collects data, and how they earn their revenue even though the services they offer are free. It was a take me back trip to the phrase "If it is free, then you are the product". Facebook is a company that revolves around data. The data they collect from their users will be used for personalized ads from third-parties such as partners and service providers. Meaning, they share our data towards companies who may benefit it. However, they insist that they never sell it. Still, the term "third parties" is broad and can range from pharmaceutical brands to even political figures. There are different categories on how Facebook collects your data; first we have explicit data, these are data which the user themselves voluntarily gave to Facebook. Next are metadata, also known as behind the scenes data like time, date, IP address, and device information. Then we have off-Facebook activity, wherein data are collected from plugins like Facebook pixel or Instagram and WhatsApp. Lastly, are third-party data, which are collected through other sources outside of Facebook and its partners which relates with you. In an objective perspective, the way on how they can track you easily is scary. One small tweak and Facebook could become the greatest threat on a national scale. With all that risks out in the open, what can I do to be safe? Just stop using Facebook? I cannot do that since it is the tool I am using to stay in touch with society and its current events. Is there any other way? Of course there is, that is limiting on how much you expose. Always remember that Facebook is getting profit from your data, and they may claim that your data is safe, but there is never a 100% security in this world. To conclude, Facebook is an amalgamation of data and it has the potential to become a pandora's box. So, in the case that it really becomes that, even on a small scale, let us protect our own data through these ways: 1. The Facebook app can collect more data about you than just using it on the browser. Delete and uninstall it. 2. Use a Facebook container extension when browsing Facebook on a browser like Brave or Firefox. 3. Manage your off-Facebook activity in ways like clearing history to break connections 4. Be mindful of what your profile exposes in the public, be private and limit what personal information you provide publicly. 5. Always and always think twice before posting something, especially photos. 6. In general, be stingy on the information or data that you provide. This is not only applicable on Facebook but, to all cyber activities you participate in. It is a sad fact that Facebook is profiting on so many people that do not know they are the product. I will spread the awareness of data privacy in my own way. It may be small, but every drop will count. "Privacy only comes to those who work for" - All Things Secured, 2022
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openprogrammer · 1 year
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It happens 💬 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Follow @openprogrammer Data +Science +ML +Python / R+Deep Learning + Neutral Network + AI #data #science #datascienceforindia #datascientist #datascience #machinelearning #ml #python #sql #ai #artificialintelligenceai #deeplearning #neuralnetworks #maths #bigdata #techno #technology #dataanalysis #hadoop #java #coderforlife #codinglife #coding#ruby #javascript #scala #perl #go #swift #java https://www.instagram.com/p/Cnlygopv-4l/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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discountcoupon548 · 8 months
Google Cloud Professional Cloud Architect Certification. Become a GCP Cloud Architect, Latest GCP Exam and Case Studies.
Google Cloud Platform is one of the fastest-growing cloud service platforms offered today that lets you run your applications and data workflows at a 'Google-sized' scale.
Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud Architect certification is one of the most highly desired IT certifications out today. It is also one of the most challenging exams offered by any cloud vendor today. Passing this exam will take many hours of study, hands-on experience, and an understanding of a very wide range of GCP topics.
Luckily, we're here to help you out! This course is designed to be your best single resource to prepare for and pass the exam to become a certified Google Cloud Architect.
Why should do a Google Cloud Certification?
Here are few results from Google's 2020 Survey:
89% of Google Cloud certified individuals are more confident about their cloud skills
GCP Cloud Architect was the highest paying certification of 2020 (2) and 2019 (3)
More than 1 in 4 of Google Cloud certified individuals took on more responsibility or leadership roles at work
Why should you aim for Google Cloud - GCP Cloud Architect Certification?
Google Cloud Professional Cloud Architect certification helps you gain an understanding of cloud architecture and Google Cloud Platform.
As a Cloud Architect, you will learn to design, develop, and manage robust, secure, scalable, highly available, and dynamic solutions to drive business objectives.
The��Google Cloud Certified - Professional Cloud Architect exam assesses your ability to:
Design and architect a GCP solution architecture
Manage and provision the GCP solution infrastructure
Design for security and compliance
Analyze and optimize technical and business processes
Manage implementations of Google Cloud architecture
Ensure solution and operations reliability
Are you ready to get started on this amazing journey to becoming a Google Cloud Architect?
So let's get started!
Who this course is for:
You want to start your Cloud Journey with Google Cloud Platform
You want to become a Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud Architect
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Quiz Time
Visit: https://innovativeacademy.in Call us: +91 8447712333
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mlearningai · 2 months
The idea of designing with AI is both fascinating and inspiring.
A must-read!
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petcaretech · 11 months
Week 3 Post
Big data and algorithms are powerful tools used by large companies. They have the power to filter, track, identify patterns and predict future behavior of consumers. This can help companies directly market and tailor their products to their customers. This can be a good thing, or a bad thing depending on how you look at it. They know the best ways to make you buy things. Meaning they are essentially controlling you without you even knowing it.
This can be damaging to consumers. There are many risks involved including fraud, Identity theft, explicit content, causing children low self esteem. I think on a personal level its on parents to filter their children's use. On a professional level I think having a company wide system that filters searches, apps, and screen time. And on a societal level its on each and every person to filter themselves and what they post. Knowing that your data is being collected and monitored should make one think twice about each and everything they post.
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dipsiz1kuyuu · 1 year
Şu an beni sadece sahilde oturup 5 saat denize bakmak rahatlatır
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magneticovitalblog · 4 months
"Inteligencia Artificial: Navegando el Futuro con Previsión y Ética"
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En un mundo cada vez más dominado por asistentes robóticos, vehículos autónomos y lentes inteligentes, surge una pregunta inquietante: ¿estamos preparados para abrazar completamente la inteligencia artificial (IA)? ¿Será esta revolución tecnológica una bendición o una maldición para nuestra sociedad?
La IA, según la venerable Real Academia Española, es "la disciplina científica que se ocupa de crear programas informáticos que ejecutan operaciones comparables a las que realiza la mente humana, como el aprendizaje o el razonamiento lógico." En esencia, busca dotar a las máquinas de la capacidad de imitar o superar ciertas facultades cognitivas humanas, desde el reconocimiento de imágenes hasta el procesamiento del lenguaje natural.
Los cimientos de la inteligencia artificial se establecieron en la década de 1950, cuando el brillante matemático británico Alan Turing propuso el famoso Test de Turing, una prueba para determinar si una máquina puede exhibir un comportamiento inteligente equiparable al humano. Desde entonces, la IA ha experimentado avances y retrocesos, alimentados por el desarrollo de la informática, las telecomunicaciones y las ciencias de la computación.
En la actualidad, nos encontramos inmersos en una nueva revolución de la IA, impulsada por el auge del big data, la computación en la nube y el machine learning. Estas tecnologías han dado vida a aplicaciones y servicios que forman parte integral de nuestra rutina diaria, desde buscadores web hasta asistentes virtuales y plataformas de streaming.
Sin embargo, este avance también despierta nuevos desafíos y oportunidades en sectores como la educación, la salud, la industria, el transporte y el medio ambiente. La IA puede ser la clave para mejorar la calidad educativa, impulsar la innovación en la industria, y contribuir a una movilidad más segura y sostenible.
No obstante, no podemos ignorar los riesgos y desafíos éticos, sociales y legales que plantea la IA. ¿Cómo garantizamos decisiones justas y transparentes? ¿Evitamos sesgos y discriminaciones en algoritmos y datos? ¿Protegemos derechos fundamentales como la privacidad y la libertad de expresión? Estas son cuestiones cruciales que requieren respuestas colectivas.
Para aprovechar plenamente el potencial de la IA, es imperativo establecer un marco ético y normativo que guíe su desarrollo, involucrando a todos los actores: investigadores, desarrolladores, reguladores, empresas y ciudadanía. Solo así podremos integrar la IA de manera responsable y humana en nuestra sociedad, preservando nuestros principios y valores.
¿Y tú, qué piensas sobre la inteligencia artificial? ¿Te sientes preparado para el futuro que nos aguarda? Comparte tu opinión, porque en la era de la IA, la conversación colectiva es el motor que impulsa la dirección de nuestro progreso.
Autor: @magneticovitalblog
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renditecloud · 4 months
Buchtipp: The Second Machine Age ist ein 2014 erschienenes Sachbuch, dass die Chancen und Herausforderungen eines neuen Zeitalters intelligenter Maschinen beschreibt.
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alphatree · 6 months
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The Atlas of Human Settlements (AHS) v4.0 is just out!
AHS is built-up basemap of global extent, delivered at 10m spatial resolution and updated annually, with legacy layers going back to 2016. Version 4.0 features many quality improvements and additional raster and vector layers. Check it out in the official Atlas AI website at https://www.atlasai.co/ .
The images show the Built-up Index layer of major cities across the world.
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