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December 2021 Tarot Affirmation
My compassion is my fortitude and I use that trait to tame the wild beast of circumstance.
— “Strength,” Benebell Wen, Holistic Tarot
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I’m moving to @strangelibrarian.
I think I got too caught up in creating quantity, not quality. I started taking outside readings too soon. I wanted to be helpful. I just feel burnt out.
So I’m remaking the blog, with a focus towards studying and self-exploration of using cards for shadow work before I unleash myself on others. If you’re interested in learning alongside me, I welcome you.
Thanks, y’all.
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hi love! are free tarot readings available maybe? if yes, i would like to know how my person feels about me, he's one of my closest friends but he also has a girlfriend which is the reason why im not trying to pursue anything more than friendship with him. there's always some kind of tension between us though and it just really made me wonder how he feels. his initial is A and mine is M, tysm in advance!! :)
Dear Ghoulie —
Absolutely not.
Typically, I would redirect you to my guidelines. I designed them to encourage empowerment and self-exploration. We would consider how you could encourage love to blossom in general. Seek what steps you could take to foster happiness.
But I expect that you are only seeking confirmation. You have decided on the narrative and want the cards to tell you that you are correct. You want no growth. You desire no examination of your beliefs and actions up to this point.
If I read the cards with all honesty, someone would end up in pain. It could be you, it could be A, it could be A’s companion. Why wish that on others? Why wish that on yourself?
May the Sun, Moon, and Stars light your path. — Ettailla
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My daily tarot draw today [Ed. Note: Jan 20, 2021] is Key 5: The Hierophant, the card of tradition.
There are so many things I want to talk about here, thinking of symbolism. This card is asking us: What is your connection to the Divine?
Let's start with the crossroads; it's easier to hash. The crossed keys are traditionally taken to be the keys to the kingdom of heaven. But they make an explicit crossroads pattern. In folklore, U.S. witches have gone down to the crossroads to commune with spirits. Lee Morgan points out that “the location of the crossroads as a place at the center of things and therefore neither here nor there has an ancient power.” You can read more in A Deed Without A Name (in “The Crossroads Pact”). And yeah, I grew up Catholic. I know that the Papal emblem is two crossed keys like these. But that's also got a weird crossroads-like impact. “Behold [Peter] received the keys of the kingdom of heaven, the power of binding and loosing is committed to him...” Sounds like witchcraft to me, O Saint Peter!
But, in all seriousness, the keys as crossroads is still only a half-baked idea. There's something more to it for me but I haven't put my finger on it yet.
Historically, humans have turned to love, religion, and art to make life meaningful. (It was so taken for granted that G-d put us here that the question of why we were here wasn't as common as now.) Terry Eagleton talks about this in Chapter 1 of The Meaning of Life: A Very Short Introduction. And don't art, religion, and romance sound so Venusian? The planet handles love, beauty, and harmony — and thus all the hallmarks of civilization. Taurus is ruled by Venus. Bulls love their luxuries almost as much as they love their snacks. And guess who rules The Hierophant astrologically?
People get stuck in the institutionalism and structure of The Hierophant. They bring their baggage. (I grew up Catholic; I get it.) But maybe we should focus on the Venus connection. Maybe look at the meaningful things we all share in common, as a culture. As humans. How do love, faith, and art help us transcend? Can they bring us closer to the Divine and to each other?
The Hierophant specifically speaks to passing cultural meaning onwards. The card may use religious symbolism (thanks to history!), but it covers so much more than that.
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I wrote this in January 2021, as I first started my journey through the tarot. I really should go back and explore those Venusian connections, now that I think about it...
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I’ve been reading Ouspensky’s meditations on the Major Arcana via sacred-texts.com — I cannot recommend them enough.
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The Lovers. Art by Nicolas Bruno, from The Somnia Tarot.
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Doing true divination — contacting the gods — is one of the true pleasures in my life. If I could quit my job and do that for a living, I would. But it is a rigorous task. It is an arduous task. And I just can’t handle doing that for flash readings while maintaining a full-time job.
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As always, I do welcome readers to make use of my inbox.
Free flash readings are still open. I’ll be giving reading priority to people I know personally and people who have tipped. (Every cent goes towards investing in my education — both for tarot and for grad school. All money is currently going towards a leather tarot case to keep my deck safe during travels.) Please review the guidelines before stepping into the queue. As always, I reserve the right to ignore messages that make me uncomfortable.
I also love fielding questions! Ask me about tarot, shadow work, my personal path, or books. If I don’t know the answer, I’d love to find you someone who does! Questions get top priority in my inbox.
Thanks to all the followers who have been so wonderful already! You make it worthwhile to keep this blog going. 💕
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Hello there! I would like to ask for a free reading? I wanted to ask if Apollo had a message for me? Thank you! My tarot signifier is the chariot and the tower- M.R(☀️♌)
Dear Mahanoorgrimm —
So there’s some good news and some bad news with this reading.
The bad news is that there is no guarantee I made any sort of contact with Apollo. I’m not a Hellenic/Hellenistic polytheist, so I don’t know the proper rites. I made no offerings. In the past, the gods make themselves known to me for important messages. Other religious ceremonies can aid the process. But fasting, doing research, making offerings — that’s more than I want to take on for a free reading right now. As of writing this, I haven’t received any confirmation that the message is from Apollo. There are, as I said, signs a deity has a strong message for a querent when I read. So far, zip.
I figure there is still a message in the cards that the spirits want you to hear. I don’t know if that’s Apollo, your ancestors, your guides, or the soul of the cards themselves. But I present their message to you below.
The good news? I am presenting it in as close to the form of the Oracle at Delphi I can muster!
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Actually, it’s as close as Donald Tyson, the author of 1-2-3! Tarot can muster. I’ve been studying his way of constructing three-card readings, which I like very much. Typically I use them to summarize the reading but here? We’ll just leave it as is.
So. From the spirits to you: “Change of the familiar state into the new and unknown fulfills the long-held ambition in every respect with possessiveness pleased by what is held but seeking more.”
I hope that brings some comfort! If you have further questions or need clarity, my personal DMs are always open to you.
May the Sun, Moon, and stars light your path. —Ettailla
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Free flash readings are currently open. Please review the guideline before submission. All tips are appreciated — currently going towards a leather tarot case to keep my Dark Wood Tarot safe during travels.
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Friday, 19 November 2021
Day Five: The Hierophant
Before: Where should you follow the rules? Ace of Wands • The Spark of Life Oh, this is delicious. We are told to follow the rules when it comes to heart-stopping, mind-numbing passion! This Ace is the flint-strike of desire — of lust, of passion, of zeal. It changes lives. For many, it stokes the warmth of the hearth. For others, it’s a fiery inferno that steals everything from them. You must stay away from that sort of excitement. Allow yourself only coziness. Exhilaration could cost you.
After: Where should you break free? Key Four: The Emperor • The Ultimate Secular Authority But the cards don’t stop there. You are not destined for a rigid, limited existence. Don’t mistake demurring the explosive lifestyle of the Ace of Wands for being bound to reason. Have the cheesecake for breakfast. Permit yourself pleasures — indulging a new hobby, for example. We are only human, after all. Life is too short not to enjoy it.
🎧: Penelope, Zak Winters
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At some point, you have to make a decision. Either intention matters more than impact, or impact matters over intention. And I, personally, believe it is impact over intention every fucking time. How is someone else going to know what I meant to do? Even if I meant something good but hurt someone, that’s a very bad thing. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. In the end, no one will remember my intentions. Everyone will remember my impact.
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Thursday, 17 November 2021
5 of Swords • 7 of Wands • Key 16: The Tower
Keeping up your spirits in a tight situation today (5⚔️) helps you endure (7🪄) until you reach that future breakthrough after long preparations (Tower).
🎧: Devil’s Worst Nightmare, FJØRA
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At this point, there are a lot of reading requests piled in my inbox. I’ll be giving priority to people I know and people who have tipped.
Thanks for your understanding!
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Hello again, I'm the Moon/Hermit ask. I've done a little bit of research and I've somewhat understood.
I would like to ask for advice if that's okay. What should I focus on at the moment to achieve my current goal (study the career I truly want despite being broke)?
Have a nice day, sorry for the inconvenience 🧡
Dear Moon-mit Anon —
When you are so polite and so thoughtful, it is never an inconvenience to read for you. Despite offering these as “flash” readings, I went ahead and did a full reading for your question. I am currently experimenting with reading the tarot in a similar way to Lenormand. Let’s see if the cards make sense to you and what their message may be.
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This is going to be a tad complicated, so I’ve labeled the cards for ease of understanding. Thus, if I refer to card A1, I mean the Four of Pentacles. C2, the Eight of Wands. B3, the Six of Pentacles. And so on and so forth.
Do you follow that? Good! Now, let’s begin.
Your main problem here is shown with A1 + C3 + A3 + C1. That’s the Four of Pentacles + Ten of Pentacles + Five of Swords + Ace of Pentacles, for all you keeping up at home. You expect that the job will fulfill your long-held ambitions in every respect. That includes money and authority. But the feeling of defeat before you’ve even begun is convincing you it’s better to avoid even starting.
Card B2 is the heart of the matter and here we see your Shadow card, Key 18: The Moon. And indeed, The Moon is often a general sign of the shadow self. In our Dark Wood, a witch writhes in primal, watery dance to the song of two wolves. A bat flies overhead, a symbol of higher thought. This is a card often of intuitive urges, deeper meanings, and voluntary changes. It can also show a situation where the facts are not all on the table, where things are in a constant state of flux. In relation to your question, I can see this indicating one of two things. First of all, this could be linked to the type of work you wish to do. It may mean that you want to be a detective, a psychologist, or some type of psychic or symbolic artist. It could also mean that the job you’re looking for would involve facing your Shadow in some way. Do you need to overcome your fears? Or do you need to feel more comfortable letting your light shine in the world?
Speak of the shadow and it will appear, by the way. Cards A2 + B1 + B3 + C2 highlight the internal dynamic and hidden aspects of the issue. All this self-doubting absolutely exhausts you emotionally. It makes it feel frustrating to keep slogging toward the goal. (Nine of Wands + Seven of Swords.) Part of the problem is that you withhold self-praise based on what you think you need to hear. (Six of Pentacles.) Part of it is that you think you should be farther along than you currently are or even should be. (Eight of Wands.)
Card A1 is the instigator card. The Four of Pentacles shows that you already have a little financial stability. You want to improve your material security. This often takes long-term savings planning. But being tight-fisted is a scary prospect when it often takes money to make money. Besides, how are you going to survive in the meantime?
Your past (A1 + B1 + C1) shows that as soon as you got a little financial stability (4P), you started preparing yourself (9W) to be let down by your dreams (5S). Whatever circumstances you found yourself in, they were exhausting. Now (A2 + B2 + C2), you’re at an especially low point. You just assume that defeat is inevitable (7S) and it’s eating away at you (Moon) as you put all your effort into what you believe you “need to” (6P). But, believe it or not, your future (A3 + B3 + C3) looks bright. Your physical and physical health will become strong enough (1P) to quickly make your dream a reality (8W), fulfilling your every material need (10P).
So, as you originally asked: how do you get there?
Here I pulled a line of three for concrete advice. I got the Five of Cups, King of Pentacles, and Three of Swords. You may not have noticed but the original spread spelling out your situation lacked any cups. Right now, though, your emotions are highly engaged. You feel disappointed (5C) because you feel like the more you engage with what you have now (KC), the further you move away from your goal (3S). Whether or not that is truly the case does not matter. You have to feel empowered to move towards what you truly want. So let’s think together. What would inspire you to start working for your dream? Some people use vision boards to great success. Visualization — writing down what life is like, as if you had already achieved your dream — can help, too. Where can you set aside some time to practice doing what you love? Are there classes online for free that relate to it? Can you hang a reminder — some work you’re particularly proud of — on your fridge? Take a look, too, at what you can cut out of your schedule. Yes, that may disappoint some people. But you don’t have to live until your dying day with those people. You only have to live with yourself. Dreams are difficult enough to achieve; you don’t need someone trying to drag you back because it’s what’s comfortable for them. So please prioritize your desires in manageable ways!
I sincerely hope you get to study (and then work in) whatever career you wish!
May the Sun, Moon, and stars light your path. —Seeker
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Free flash readings are currently open. Please review the guideline before submission. All tips are appreciated — currently going towards a leather tarot case to keep my Dark Wood Tarot safe during travels.
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Six of Cups. Art by Alba Ballesta González, from White Numen: A Sacred Animal Tarot.
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Birthday Trip
13.Nov.2021 | So I know there’s a ton of letters in my inbox. I promise there will be answers soon. But Thugboi, my SO, and I decided last month for this weekend to be full of whirlwind trips. So on Saturday, we made our annual pilgrimage to Salem. We started off for my very first visit at the Peabody-Essex Museum. There is a current exhibit called “The Salem Witch Trials: Reckoning and Reclaiming.” For the first time in decades, they have artifacts from the trials available for public display. They also have Frances F Denny’s Major Arcana portraits (above). Those pictures made a splash here on tumblr back in 2016 — it was lovely to see them in person. As always, lunch at Flying Saucer Pizza Co. Then we stopped at the Witch Board Museum for the first time. The owner was there so we got a lot of interesting facts and history. A perfect time in Salem! I can’t wait for the second leg of our journey today. 💕
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Something important has landed.
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