75hard-katiesstory · 25 days
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Weigh: 373 (almost the highest I’ve ever been)
I’m so sick of being this weight, of not being able to do the things I want to do. I want back my old life. I want to be able to be proud of myself. I want to not have fear when I go into public spaces. I don’t want my kids to get made fun of because I’m roughly the size of full grown healthy adults. I want to be able to wear what I want and not just stuff that kinda fits…. I’m just done.
So here I am yet again doing 75 Hard. Day one complete.
Cheers to 74 🥂
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75hard-katiesstory · 4 months
5 simple exercises to awaken dormant muscles
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75hard-katiesstory · 1 year
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CW: 346. GW: 326.
Trying to lose weight out of love instead of spite and hatred, is hard.
Trying to remember that I’m battling two medications that promote weight gain, is hard.
Trying to find the motivation to work out with a set of twins, is hard.
Trying to remember that being morbidly obese is harder. Constantly worrying about breaking chairs, not giving my children adequate space in the car, and struggling to physically get off the couch; it’s insane I let myself get this far, let myself go so much.
I miss my pre pregnancy body so much. I miss the hard work and effort I had put into her. I miss the drive to be better. I miss being an average size. I miss being able to shop at my favorite stores. I miss people’s praise when they hadn’t seen me in a while and I was thinner than before.
The new standard to be followed daily:
- follow diet; you bite it, you write it
- workout for 30 minutes
- drink a half gallon of water
- take a progress picture
- read 10 pages of a self help book
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75hard-katiesstory · 2 years
Like/reblog if you’re a fitness/motivation blog that posts food and self love :) I need more blogs to follow!
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75hard-katiesstory · 2 years
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297 never looked so good!
3/7/22- Day one of 75 hard
Take a picture ✔️
Read 10 pages ✔️
Drink a gallon of water ✔️
Stick to diet (paleo with calorie restriction)✔️
Two 45 minute workouts ✔️
indoor (heavy cleaning) ✔️
outdoor (walk) ✔️
I’ve been going through it lately, yo-yo’ing the last 15 pounds. It’s been hard not to lose hope about it but I know I’ve done it before so I can do it again. Here’s to seeing myself lighter again!
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75hard-katiesstory · 3 years
🎶 guess who’s back, back again🎶
TW: weight mention, weight loss
September 11, 2021
a little life update, post 75 Hard:
- got pregnant
- had twins
- gained all of my weight back
the pregnancy was extremely hard on me from start to finish, not only physical but mental as well. by the second trimester i had basically given up and fallen back into my bad eating habits and sedentary lifestyle.
i gave myself excuses for the slack but there was honestly no reason for me to relapse the way i had. i started this journey to be my best self and i honestly had just given up on that.
it sucks so much to restart, further from my first beginning point, but i know it’s worth it. im worth it. i also know that i’ve done it once so i can do it again.
with that being said, i know myself and my situation at the moment and im not where i can do the full 75 Hard routine so i am giving myself some grace in that regard. i am however keeping my name the same since that’s what i’m basing my new routine after.
new sw: 321
october gw: 305
here’s my new challenge:
- 100 days
- following paleo diet with calorie restrictions
- 1, 30 minute workout a day
- drink 1/2 gallon of water
- read 10 pages of a non fiction improvement book
- progress picture weekly, saturday
if i fail to comply to my rules, i start over.
even though it sucks to start over, im excited to have expectations for myself again- to be working for something worth while. to invest in myself is a ten fold reward that im looking forward to reaping.
let’s go 🤗
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75hard-katiesstory · 3 years
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75hard-katiesstory · 4 years
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so after some consideration i’ve decided to go again. i feel like during this time i need more structure and a feeling of accomplishing goals; so i’m going for round 2 of 75 hard.
the first picture is the set of rules to follow. the second is my first progress picture from my first round. the third is from today! i plan to put side by side each progress picture for personal motivation purposes.
I feel like i may have gone a little too strict with my diet before so my new diet is a simple calorie limit.
im excited to start moving the scale again!
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75hard-katiesstory · 4 years
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three months, same leggings- a loss of over 55 pounds. ya girl is on fire
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75hard-katiesstory · 4 years
man losing a ton of weight is great and all until i see a before picture and start missing my boobs. can i have my fat tiddies back?
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75hard-katiesstory · 4 years
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I FINISHED THE CHALLENGE! in four months i’ve lost 87 pounds! im still in shock.
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75hard-katiesstory · 4 years
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this week i hit 100 pounds down! a huge accomplishment for me! i still have a long ways to go but it’s nice to know that i’ve come so far already!
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75hard-katiesstory · 4 years
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day 46: august 19, 2020
weight: 246 (-90)
Having a really good day today. i decided to post some quotes from the book i’m reading (“chasing cupcakes”) that are really speaking to me. if you’re doing this challenge or not, i highly recommend it.
i’m so proud to make it past the point that i had to restart at (44 days) and that i’m still going strong. they are so right when they say that this isn’t a weight loss challenge but a challenge of mental toughness. every day i’m seeing myself in a new, more positive light. i see that i truly can do anything if i really want to.
i hope you guys are having an amazing week and a great hump day!
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75hard-katiesstory · 4 years
just a little check in:
i’m still following the challenge. i’ve officially lost 90 pounds! which is absolutely crazy.
due to a couple of deaths in my family- i have been taking a break from posting but i’ll be back soon.
thank you guys so much for your kind words and support. it means more than you know <3
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75hard-katiesstory · 4 years
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day 13: i promise i’m still here and i’m working hard. i’m just behind on posting.
this week i’ve dropped another EIGHT FREAKING POUNDS! i’m currently sitting at 262, a total loss of 73 pounds from my highest weight.
proud doesn’t even cover it.
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75hard-katiesstory · 4 years
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75hard-katiesstory · 4 years
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day 6: july 9, 2020
CW: 273 (-38)
2 45 minute workouts✅
read 10 pages✅
drink a gallon of water✅
post progress picture ✅
eat paleo with calorie restrictions✅
ho-ly cow. i am pooped. i ran my butt off today. worth it though, i shaved some time off my miles.
only 69 more days to go!
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