8531nimkook · 1 month
im glad they're doing seperate jobs. that way, they have loads to tell each other at the end of the day :)
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8531nimkook · 3 months
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It’s an old tradition that during a leap year women could propose to men. This was usually depicted as old or ugly women trapping men, but some art focused more on the role reversal and could be quite cute.
I have a soft spot in my heart for the last one because it plays on the idea of “undesirable” people, a tall masculine woman and a shy effeminate man, finding each other but instead of mocking them depicts it as sweet that she could finally ask him because he was too shy and insecure to ask her.
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8531nimkook · 3 months
Jikook and Army's Shared Emotions.
Missing someone is a universal feeling. We’ve all experienced that loss or longing for something that is just out of our reach. Technology helps, we saw that during lockdown, but there’s such a big difference from seeing someone on screen and seeing them in person. There’s still that distance between you that cannot be crossed. No touch that can be felt. 
As I researched a fairly recent “Live Reactions” moment, I saw that the majority of Army was united in thinking one thing:
Jungkook REALLY missed Jimin.
We understand that feeling. Not necessarily in its fullest form. It’s one thing to miss a member as Army, but it’s another thing entirely to miss them as another member of BTS. They all have cherished memories, each one woven into a part of their history together. Some of which we will know nothing about. They haven’t been shared with us for whatever reason, but we’ve seen and know enough.
With Jimin and Jungkook, we first saw that glimpse of longing in 2019 when BTS went on vacation. Jimin posted a photo for Jungkook’s Birthday with the caption “It’s nice to see you again after not seeing you for a few days.” That was only a few days and they’ve experienced this even longer in the last few years. We witnessed it in front of our eyes every time Jungkook went Live or Jimin mentioned Jungkook. The same goes for when the joke began that Jungkook would go Live whenever Jimin left the country. It ended up not being a joke anymore and I saw more comments about it (that will be posted soon), where Army felt for them rather than adding humour to the situation. It changed how they viewed each time they saw a video from the airport. It wasn't about us as a fandom making predictions on social media, but how we saw two close members miss each other and their relief to be reuinted again. Something which is hard to ignore. This post was first written before I knew that Jimin and Jungkook would be enlisting together. Personally, I hope the best for them and that all the members return safely. That is my only wish right now. I will wait however long until then and when they feel okay enough to come back to us. It's not about me. It's about them.
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8531nimkook · 6 months
Joining the discussion on who decided to enlist through the buddy system for who's sake:
When people bring up the amount of black belts jimin has or whatever, they are missing the point because I don't think the expectation from jk here is to become a human shield in any type of physical altercation. Or lift weights on jimin's behalf. its companionship. The mental support that comes with knowing someone is on your side. If the Face album is any indication, with songs like Alone, we know he has struggled with being on his own. How much harder will it be in a completely alien setting with people who might dehumanise you and view you as some sort of celebrity unicorn?
(Not to mention the homophobia towards idols. And again, why do people think the homophobia will manifest itself as physical violence first? It always starts with psychological bullying. That's harder to handle than a fist fight imo. Its easier to single someone out if its an idol by himself. but if its 2 people, its a little harder. (aka, let them fucking try) )
The isolation will not be fun, at least at the beginning. Do I think jimin would be able to eventually get through it and make friends etc? Yeah, totally.
But here's the thing. I don't think jk is much better than jimin with these things. We always joke and nudge each other when he goes live everytime jimin goes overseas. Does that mean nothing? Emotional attachment is a thing and thinking its only jungkook who's been an emotional comfort to jimin is going a bit too far.
Edit: just remembered all the times jk is sad/in tears and beelines straight for jimin, like there's 3 occasions where that happens on camera. That's his emotional support park jimin, y'all.
I think they both thought it was better if they had someone on their side through this, so they don't get bored, feel lonely, become a target for any sort of toxicity etc. and decided it would be better and far less of a hassle if they could just do the whole thing together and get it over with. Jimin and jungkook are superb at teamwork. So they're playing to their strengths.
The buddy system was introduced to avoid soldiers taking their life. I don't think someone is pushed to that extent just because of the physicality of it all. Its slow, toxic torture. So idk how a black belt would help. Just saying.
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8531nimkook · 6 months
Jk probably, when he saw that grainy ass video
This is not my beautiful house. Deez are not my beautiful nuts.
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8531nimkook · 6 months
i hope you write (i hope we both write)
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8531nimkook · 6 months
I think the funniest dynamic for arranged-marriage royalty would be a queen who came here 100% prepared to murder her future husband and rule as a widow queen in her own right, only to discover that the king is autistic as hell and responds to her wish to rule with "oh thank god please do, I don't want to be bothered by these people. I can just tell them to go bother you instead, if you really want that. I've got beetles I wanted to study."
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8531nimkook · 6 months
I recall late November
Holdin' my breath, slowly I said
"You don't need to save me
But would you run away with me?"
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8531nimkook · 7 months
you know i don’t think we often talk about how difficult it actually is to suddenly realize that a belief you thought was good and moral and correct was actually really fucking toxic. how you have to look at something and go ‘oh shit, oh i fucked up. oh this is going to take probably years at minimum to deprogram from my brain because of all the little ways this shit pervaded the rest of my beliefs’
so. to all the people picking up all the pieces of a recently shattered world-view and trying to figure out what is safe to keep and what has to be thrown away and started over
to all the people having to relearn how to even listen to other people
to all the people putting in the work to do better while struggling with the guilt that comes from finding out you were the asshole
i’m proud of y’all.
it’s hard to admit being wrong and even harder to change in the aftermath. just keep doing the best you can and just know that the effort is appreciated. everyone can change. everyone can do better. keep fighting.
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8531nimkook · 7 months
Y’ever read something and have understanding that has eluded you interminably suddenly stop, curl up, and snuggle neatly into a fold in your brain because a new way way opened to it?
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8531nimkook · 8 months
as someone who has never tried to label what jikook have as anything more than "hella sus", none of the recent events *ahem* have made me want to jump ship yet.
as long as *the pattern* doesn't break, they're still hella sus to me.
*the pattern* is something ive observed for the last 2 years almost unfailingly.
its just this:
when jk has a schedule, jm is usually either 1. out and about with his friends or 2. also on a schedule.
when jm has a schedule, jk is either 1. at home doing a live/active on socmed or 2. seen out and about with his friends or 3. also on schedule.
when neither of them have a schedule, they disappear off the face of the planet. its crickets. you don't even notice until one of them appears at the airport and the other one is out with friends 2 days later.
as far as im concerned, that is still *the pattern* of their behavior so.
still hella sus
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8531nimkook · 11 months
Hi! Your jikook request is pretty interesting. Though both Jimin and Jungkook have many sus moments the two that broke the internet were definitely the hickey gate and their NY trip. What's your opinion about both of these events?
Hello anon,
I've given my explanations (or at least tried to) about the hickegate in another ask.
As for the new york trip, my non-delulu explanation depends on what type of content we get from their time there. If it is a music video, then yeah, jimin went to nyc for work and a (much awaited) collaboration with his band mate. They probably filmed the process and behind the scenes, thats why they had go pros and everything. Work. And some fun with an old friend.
If we get a vlog from their time there, then uh, jimin went to support his band mate just like he crossed countries to support the other members. And probably they were asked to film vlogs by the company anyway, they decided to do a vlog together. Good friends support each other yk.
If we get nothing from that weekend, then uhhhh..... 👀 jimin a nice friend!! My God, look at those bffs!!
The restaurant dinner is just a dinner you guys, just two super famous bros who want to eat outside without 500 people ogling at them from all directions, thank you very much.
But honestly, I would have dismissed jm's nyc trip as a work/support youngest band member thing that jm does if I didn't know much about what came before. Especially during jm's face album making and promo era.
Jk's weverse lives when jm was abroad and then my final straw: jimin's "I miss you 😊" on weverse.
Who is he missing, exactly? Not army, he literally spent all day with army and the next day was gonna be with army too so what? bts? If it is bts he misses then he can just say so. "ah... I really miss my members... its hard doing all this alone. Pogoshibda." We would all awww and sympathize with him. But he just says those three words.
then just a few minutes later, JK REPLIES. "Me too."
They miss each other. Which means they see each other when jm isn't this busy, right? In any case they single each other out. Its one of the most blatant examples I can think of in recent times. Then jk goes live, jm goes live the next day and jk is there too. That boi is ready to get out of his house and be at one of jm's shows because jm said that he misses him. Bless jk.
So now with all that in mind, jm's nyc trip is so so so much more special because they both know jk is going to be away for quite some time.
So delulu conlusion: they cannot be without each other for too long. Such good friends indeed.
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8531nimkook · 11 months
Ok give me delulu and non delulu explanations for 1) jk sneakily taking jm's used Kleenex 2) jikook going to jk's room together and looking shook when they noticed a camera recording them 3) "but I still want you" at Seoul concerts
Hello anon!
Let's goo!
1.) Non delulu explanation: Jk likes cleanliness. They are all on camera and jm threw the kleenex aside on the table in a very carefree manner. Jk notices and decides to defend the honor of jm and the team as a whole and slowly hides it away, thus proving that bts clean up after themselves. Phew. Honor defended.
2.) Non delulu: their manager/producer/whoever's in charge TOLD them to go straight to bed that day because they had a long day tomorrow. no dilly dallying. no gossiping after hours or playing games etc. they ESPECIALLY tell jikook, the infamous late-night duo to go straight to bed. Jikook being the rebels that they are decide, fuck that, lets hang for an hour at least because sleep is for the weak. But uh oh, there are cameras in the room too? Ffs now they will have to hear from the staff about staying up late :/
delulu explanation: they fucking.
3.) Non delulu: When harmonizing with each other, don't singers normally make eye contact? Maybe thats what they were going for!
Delulu explanation: textbook example of two dramatic gays in love.
Its no fun here inside my brain sometimes, im afraid. Hehehdb but fr what I love about the first moment is, I can be delulu about it and my explanation would be the same. A lot of times ive noticed that jk considers jm and himself to be in their own personal two-person team. So when jm fails in a run episode for example, jk takes it //personally//. Similarly if jm does really well, on stage for example, jk acts like its a personal win. Even with the face album release, jk celebrated that shit. They are one team always, within or outside bts.
Thanks for the ask 💜
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8531nimkook · 11 months
Would love to hear you non delulu take on the small moments actually that made me go ding ding ding about them. Like when hobi asked jimin why he was doing his bday live in Jk's studio and why jimin couldn't answer and the reaction of all 3. Or the "Jk is in charge of clothes too" and Jimin's reaction. Or the thirstrap and the hicky. (I still think they had/have something going I just love to hear more opinions on it).
ok disclaimer before I start, this is all just for fun!
Non delulu explanations:
bday live in jk's studio: that room looks like a super plain room with no personalisation tbh (when compared to rapline studios), so when hobi said that it was jk's studio, it could be that thats the room jk uses to record when he's in the office building, not like a "plaque on the door" type of jungkook studio. He is a homebody and probably has a more sophisticated setup in his own home, who knows. so it could be that there are like 3-4 rooms like that for vocal line members and jk just happens to use this one a lot?? then jimin too uses one of these rooms and today he happens to pick the one jk uses a lot.
(To be fair, now that ive seen jk's apartment, it looks like he's a minimalist. so that might as well be his actual studio.)
With the clothes comment, (tbvh I dont really remember this moment clearly) i have to reach harder and think about things that two platonic superstar bros would do. 🤔 They both are from the same world of fame and the way they look matters so I assume they talk about clothes sometimes? Especially during public schedules like airport appearances. Maybe they get into disagreements about what is "cool" and "in" and maybe in those instances, jk wins the argument? Or jm ends up listening to jk's opinions, kinda like admitting he's got the better sense if style. Maybe hobi is alluding to some kind of inside joke like that.
now anon, i have to remind you that no matter which way we look at it, giving an explanation for any isolated thing they do will involve some serious filling in the blanks on my part because they give us what they give us hehe.
So for the birthday thirsttrap... jk was feeling himself that day, his hair had grown to a length that was just right and he'd gotten a new pair of glasses that looked just *chefs kiss* on him and wanted to show it off?? Then he remembered that it was his bro's birthday. What better opportunity to make armys happy and do his due diligence to a fellow member on his birthday! (Just make sure to call jm bro so everyone knows that its armys he is thirst trapping.)
Damn hickeygate right off the bat huh?
This one... honestly this one stumps me. Because normally, if one ends up with such an incriminating mark on their neck, there are fifty other options that would work better and be considered wiser than the one jikook chose. To actually point out and address it to their coworkers like that, with cameras around? Even the staff were stumped. Use makeup, call it an insect bite, or just ask the staff to not air the footage, anything. But instead, we get full coverage on the fucking hickey. Once from jm and then again from jk. And they air it. I know this is supposed to be a non delulu explanation, but the best I can come up with is that, jikook were fucking with us. They were fucking with us and laughing about it behind the scenes. They know that we like to find shippable moments and decided, we'll give them a moment that's so fucking bizarre, that they won't know what to think. Its genius because they know that our brains will definitely go there when we see the hickcey but there's NOTHING we can do about it. Bet they enjoyed every second, absolute menaces.
PHEW!! that was proper brain excersise lol! I agree with you about the small moments. My delulu feelings about any of these individual moments are not that dramatic tbh. (except hickegate. They are insane for that one.) But evvverything compounded just becomes too much to ignore. Its always them at the crime scene yk? And they are WILD sometimes hehe.
Thanks for the ask!! This was fun 💜
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8531nimkook · 11 months
ok SO,
ive been army since 2015 and a jikooker since 2019. the reason i was able to keep away for so long is because in my head, i had a non-delulu (and delulu) explanation for every sus thing jikook did.
so just for funsies, if yall give me a jikook moment (from any era), i'll give you my non-delulu (and delulu) explanations for it :)
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8531nimkook · 11 months
hi, i am the anon from the lyrics change ask. thank you for your reply. i think you are right, i am really too invested in jikook and their relationship. thing is i have tried so many times to distance myself but it just isn't working. am i too weak? what do you suggest i should do to become less invested? i am asking genuinely, really. i have noticed myself being sad about so many irrational things that deep down I KNOW are irrational. i'm sorry if i upset you with that ask.
You didn't upset me. And I say this kindly and without malice or anything else. I promise. But honestly? My advice is to get another hobby, focus on your own IRL people and remember why you got into BTS in the first place. That's really all it is.
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Jikook are not my everything, I don't really care if they are real or not in the end because I have my own relationships to focus on (romantic and platonic) and theirs isn't mine. It's none of my business. It would be like if a random stranger came up to me and interjected their opinion on my relationship. (And as someone in an interracial marriage, that HAS happened to me before lol it was NOT welcome.)
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Also I ship a lot of fictional ships too. That give me that serotonin and romantic fun and enjoyment that jikook give me, but then im not imposing anything on real life humans who don't know me and whose relationship isn't any of my business. Canon, non canon, there is enough fun content out there in tons of fandom spaces to keep you highly entertained.
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I'm here for BTS and their music and who they are as people first snd foremost before anything else they do or who they date or anything else. In the end, I just want their happiness. And that's all that should matter for people who you love. And I'm here for them as artists, so their music is what excites me most. Remember why you found and got into BTS and keep ahold of that too.
I hope this helps. I'm here if you need to talk 💜
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8531nimkook · 11 months
The way I want to SHOVE this video is SO MAMY people's faces because I've said this about different people's boundaries in different relationships FOREVER. I know it won't really matter because those who don't want to hear it won't. But take this and apply it to EVERYONE. PLEASE. LOL jikook, some other celebrity couple, Tae and Jennie or another bts member or whoever. And LEAVE EVERYONE ALONE. MY GOD. So sorry you all don't have trust in your relationships, I hope you find that one day!
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